Ascaris in the urinary tract: A case report and review of the literature


  • CTcomputerized tomography;
  • U/Sultrasound;
  • EDemergency department;
  • CVAcostovertebral angle;
  • GIgastrointestinal

1. Introduction

The sites of physical migration of adult Ascaris include a biliary duct, liver parenchyma, pancreas, peritoneum, thoracic cavity, lacrimal duct, Eustachian tube, fallopian tube, brain, and even a pulmonary artery.1 Areas that are not organically part of the Ascaris migration pattern are accessed through fistulization from sites that are normally infested with Ascaris.

Only a limited number of reports are available describing the location of adult Ascaris forms in the urinary system. This report is the first description of urinary ascariasis that has caused upper tract obstruction and the first case to describe ureteroscopic manipulation of Ascaris lumbricoides.

2. Case presentation

A 30 year old female was admitted from the emergency department (ED) with complaints of severe sharp pain in the left lumbar region. She reported dull pain for two weeks prior to admission to the hospital. She had an acute worsening of symptoms which evolved to sharp and severe pain necessitating her to come to the ED. She had no previous history of urinary stone disease or urinary tract infections. On the time of admission to the ED she had normal vital signs and normal physical findings except tenderness in the left groin and positive left costovertebral angle tenderness.

Abdominal and retroperitoneal U/S, complete blood count, and urinalysis were performed in the ED. U/S revealed left proximal hydroureter and moderate left hydronephrosis. Laboratory analysis showed mild leukocytosis of 12000/mm3, normal creatinine, and urinalysis demonstrated calcium oxylate crystals but no evidence of microscopic hematuria.

She was hospitalized in the urology department for presumptive left upper tract obstruction from unknown source. Conservative treatment was initially pursued and a non-contrast CT scan was done one day after admission; however, it did not show a source of obstruction (Fig. 1 ;  Fig. 2). Exploratory ureteroscopy was then performed on hospital day six due to continuing renal colic.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1.

CT of pelvis shows no obstructing source in the pelvis that was identifiable.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2.

Coronal images of the CT of the abdomen show no obstructing source.

During ureteroscopy, a six to seven mm wax-like structure was found in the distal third of the left ureter. This presumed foreign body was relocated with a Dormia N.Stone basket (Coloplast Minneapolis, MN) into the bladder, where it was then extracted cystoscopically with rigid forceps. The removed object was 11cm in length, 6–7mm wide, dark-brown, and of tight elastic consistency. The specimen underwent pathologic review and was determined to be Ascaris lumbracoides (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
Fig. 3.

Adult form of Ascaris lumbricoides after ureteroscopic extraction.

The patient had an uneventful recovery. Stool for ova and parasites was negative for Ascaris eggs, larvae, or worms. The patient had no other source of Ascaris that was identified during her hospital stay, and she was discharged home in satisfactory condition.

3. Discussion

Prior studies have shown that maturation of the Ascaris larva into the adult worm form is only possible in the GI system. Currently there are only two theories on how Ascaris lumbricoides can be introduced into the urinary system. This includes fistula formation between the GI and urinary system or by retrograde migration of the adult worm through the urethra. Urethral migration is generally precipitated by stressful conditions such as fever, illness, anesthesia, or prior anthelmintic medications. 1,2

The most commonly reported site of urinary ascariasis is the bladder. There are only two other case reports which describe Ascaris localizing to other parts of the urinary system. Quick et al. reported a case of 39 year old male who expelled the worm form through urination and had no symptoms other than tingling sensation in the penis and painless gross hematuria.3 Further investigation showed no connection between the gastrointestinal tract and the urinary system, but revealed a right renal stone. Examinations for ova and parasites were negative for Ascaris.

Gupta et al. described a case of a 55 year old male with generalized edema and anuria. After catheterization two worms were entrapped into urine collection bag.4 Singh at al. reported a case of a 35 year old female with acute urinary retention that started two days after mebendazole treatment.5Ascaris lumbricoides was excreted through the urinary catheter in this case. She also had Ascaris noted in a stool analysis and passed two Ascaris forms through the anus in next 24 hours.

Bustamante-Sarabia described a case of a 25 year old female with a history of three adult Ascaris worms released from a subcutaneous abscess.2 On postmortem examination, a fistula that connected the transverse colon, proximal third of left ureter, and subcutaneous tissue was found. There were also six live adult Ascaris forms occupying the renal pelvis and major calyces. The middle third of the ipsilateral ureter was blocked with a one cm stone, and was presumptively the reason why only retrograde migration and fistulization possible.

Taylor gave us an example of a 6 year old boy who was hospitalized a few days after anti-helminthic treatment was started. He was originally admitted with abdominal pain, cough, loss of appetite, fever, and passage of two adult Ascaris worms from the urethra.1 Isotope renal scan showed that the right kidney was non-functional and it was then surgically removed. On pathologic analysis, Ascaris lumbricoides ova in the kidney specimen were discovered.

Given the current data, we believe that our patient experienced retrograde invasion of Ascaris through urethra. No signs of fistulization were present either radiographically or by direct visual inspection. The patient also did not have any illness recently or receive prior anthelmintic treatment that could precipitate urinary migration of Ascaris forms.

4. Conclusion

This case was different and unique from the prior cases reported in the literature. This is the first case of urinary ascariasis presenting with upper tract obstruction and renal colic. This was also the first ureteroscopic extraction of Ascaris lumbracoides that was presented in the literature. This case reinforces the concept that diagnostic ureteroscopy has a role in patients with signs of obstruction but no true identifiable source.


    • 1
    • K.L. Taylor
    • Ascariasis of the kidney
    • Pediatr Pathol Lab Med, 15 (1995), pp. 609–615
    • 2
    • J. Bustemente-Sarabia, A. Martuscelli, J. Tay
    • Ectopic ascariasis
    • Am J Trop Med, 26 (1977), pp. 568–569
    • 3
    • G. Quick, S.H. Sheikho, J.S. Walker
    • Urinary ascariasis in a man with hematuria
    • South Med J, 94 (2001), pp. 454–455
    • 4
    • P. Gupta, V. Sundaram, G. Abraham, G.P. Shantha, M. Mathew
    • Obstructive uropathy from Ascaris lumbricoides
    • Kidney Int, 75 (2009), p. 1242
    • 5
    • D. Singh, P. Vasudeve, D. Dalela, S.N. Sankhwar
    • Ascaris lumbrisoides: a stranger in the urinary bladder causing urinary retention
    • J Postgrad Med, 56 (2010), pp. 222–223


Cranberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, A, and beta carotene. They are packed with antioxidants and rate very high on the ORAC scale making it an ideal anti-aging and memory enhancing food. Cranberries have amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and are a vital food and supplement for anyone struggling with any chronic illness or disease. They are known to significantly boost the immune system and have a natural antibiotic effect in the body. Cranberries contain one of nature’s most potent vasodilators which opens up congested bronchial tubes and pathways making it essential for healing any respiratory condition. Cranberries are very high in tannic acids which gives them there powerful ability to protect and heal urinary tract, bladder, and kidney infections. These tannic acids are made up of compounds called proanthocyanidins which essentially coats the infection forming bacteria, such as E.coli and H.Pylori, with a slick cover and prevents them from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and digestive tract. Since the bacteria are unable to attach themselves to anything they are flushed out of the system and unable to cause any infection or harm. This anti-adhesion ability also help to prevent stomach ulcers, gum disease, and cavities. This ability also helps to prevent cardiovascular disease by stopping cholesterol plaque formation in the heart and blood vessels and by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the blood. Cranberry juice has also been shown to increase the desirable “friendly” bacteria in the digestive tract which benefits digestive disorders such as IBS, colitis, gastritis, indigestion, gas, bloating, and constipation. Cranberry juice has also been known to help treat diaper rash by reducing pH levels in the diaper and thereby reducing irritation. Native Americans commonly ate their cranberries simmered in honey or maple syrup or sun-dried and mixed with nuts to last them through the winter months. Fresh cranberries can be added to salads, smoothies, fresh juices, and fruit and nut salads or cooked down into the classic cranberry sauce. Sun-dried cranberries are an excellent addition to trail mixes, hot or cold breakfast cereals, grain & vegetables dishes, and wholesome baked goods. Sun-dried cranberries can also be made into a medicinal tea by soaking in water overnight. Pure cranberry juice can be taken straight or mixed with spring water, coconut water, or apple or grape juice to receive its healing benefits. Cranberry extracts can also be found in capsule and tincture form online and in your local health food store for year-round use. 

Medical Medium's photo.

Seeds Of Watermelon Hide A Bunch Of Secrets For Our Health.

Most of you are throwing watermelon’s seeds while eating a watermelon. If you eat them, you probably don’t know that they benefit your digestion, but the digestive tract ejects them untouched. Therefore their usefulness is almost not used.

Seeds Of Watermelon Hide A Bunch Of Secrets For Our Health

If you like to use the benefits of the seeds, you must to boil, crush or bake them to get to the content. The fibers included in the seeds are vital for normal functioning of the digestive tract. They will help against intestinal parasites, also for patients that are suffering from jaundice, guided diseases and inflammatory issues.

The citrulline substance included in the seeds affects as an antioxidant, which helps to augment blood vessels, arteriosclerosis, with high blood pressure and angina pectoris. According to the American scientists from the early 20th century, the watermelon’s seeds are very helpful for the kidney and the urinary tract. They said that you can use a tea from the fresh seeds, which is helpful diuretic and is good for cleansing stones and sand from the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is considered that the seeds are boosting the heart and the body’s muscle structure. Watermelon’s seeds are useful for memory and concentration, and the blaze and tightness of the skin. You can use them in the form or tea or snacks. Tea seeds are very efficient in treating diabetes type 2 and are highly recommended for diabetics. The men can use the seeds to bolster their libido and potency.

Magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, iron, antioxidants, manganese, calcium, polyunsaturated and mono saturated fats, are all included in the watermelon’s seeds.

Preparation of the tea:

Take 4 tablespoons of fresh and crumbled watermelon seeds. Boil them in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes. You should consume this amount of tea for two days and pause in the third day. Continue this process for several weeks.