What Will It Take to End Tuberculosis?

A boundary-pushing global collaboration is betting on the power of science

A woman in a t-shirt opens a door to talk with a woman in medical mask and protective robe.

This home visit in Peru was part of an international clinical trial that brought new combinations of the latest drugs to participants with drug-resistant tuberculosis. Image: Joanna Arcos/Partners In Health

This is a story about how science can fuel hope to drive away despair.

It’s about an ambitious project that, over the past decade, has brought new, patient-friendly treatments to some of the places hardest hit by the deadly global epidemic of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

It’s about how the project, called endTB, has improved tuberculosis care through a series of scientific studies while pushing the boundaries of what’s thought possible: in clinical trials, in epidemiology, and in the thinking about where you can do the science required to deliver world-class health care where it’s needed most.

Patients who have participated in these studies told doctors and researchers that when they received their TB diagnosis, they were afraid.

They spoke of having recently lost family members to the disease, of the terrible prospect of being isolated from their children for a two-year treatment plan that might not work, of being unable to care for their families, earn a living, or pursue their studies because of the rigors of the disease and of the readily available treatments.

And they spoke of how those fears turned to hope when they learned that there were new, alternative treatments available thanks to endTB, with fewer pills to take and no painful injections.

Even with a cure for TB available, the crisis continues

“TB is one of our oldest and deadliest infectious foes,” said Carole Mitnick, professor of global health and social medicine in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School, research director of endTB, and co-principal investigator of its two clinical trials.

Each year approximately 500,000 new cases occur worldwide of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) — a form of TB that is resistant to rifampicin (also known as rifampin), one of the most important frontline drugs for curing TB.

Although effective treatments for MDR-TB do exist, over the past five years, fewer than 31 percent of people diagnosed with the disease received any treatment. Fewer than 15 percent of those who fell sick were cured.

Carole Mitnick on the power of science to help vulnerable populations beat TB.

Even among the few who do get treatment, most do not have access to regimens developed in the past decade that shorten the overall length of treatment, avoid injections, and have fewer side effects than earlier regimens. Instead, they go through a grueling course of treatment over 18 to 24 months, with thousands of pills and painful daily shots with severe side effects.

Some of the medications in these shortened regimens aren’t appropriate for all patient populations, such as children and people who are pregnant or have certain other diseases. Some of the drugs in existing regimens are in short supply. Some just don’t work in some people with TB. As a result, many patients are left without a viable treatment option.

The team at endTB is working to change this.

The project represents a partnership of Médecins Sans FrontièresPartners In Health, and Interactive Research and Development, with help from researchers and clinicians at HMS and other academic medical centers and research hubs around the world.

As part of their work with endTB, Mitnick and other HMS researchers and clinicians have played crucial roles in creating and testing new treatment regimens, developing implementation plans, building local know-how to deliver the therapies in challenging settings, and collecting and analyzing data from their studies and clinical trials.

“Our work at endTB is part of a huge transformational moment, helping us fulfill the promise of the therapeutic breakthroughs of the 21st century,” said Mitnick. “Science is one of the most powerful tools we have to end human suffering.”

Picking up where pharma leaves off

Key to endTB’s program are two phase 3 randomized clinical trials — studies conducted in many populations in different countries, often the last step before a new treatment is approved. The first tests five new MDR-TB regimens.

The treatments under study take nine months to complete instead of two years. They are all administered orally with pills, no injections needed. And they use one or two of the three new drugs developed to treat TB in the past 60 years: bedaquiline, which, in 2012, became the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved drug for TB since rifampicin was approved in 1971, and delamanid, approved by the European Union in 2014.

The third drug, pretomanid, received emergency authorization from the FDA for specific use within a regimen against highly drug-resistant TB in 2019, after the endTB clinical trial was underway, and is not included in the regimens used in these trials.

The trial launched in 2017, eventually enrolling 754 patients across seven countries: Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Pakistan, Peru, and South Africa.

The endTB trial fills a crucial research gap. New drugs are usually tested by the pharmaceutical companies that developed them in an effort to receive approvals so the drugs can be brought to market. Once a drug is approved, there is little incentive to conduct complex treatment programs that use combinations of new drugs developed by different companies or repurposed drugs that may be available as generic versions and can be produced by many different companies.

There is also a common misconception that it’s not possible to deliver complex care in the kinds of settings and populations where MDR-TB is most common. The endTB program was designed to address these additional challenges, including how to:

  • Maximize treatment success and access while minimizing side effects and cost.
  • Implement complicated research in health systems struggling to meet the clinical needs of the people they serve.
  • Generate enough data about the kinds of people who are sick with the disease to understand the nuances of how the treatment works in real-world situations.

Promising progress

After completing data collection in late 2023, the endTB team reported at the Union World Conference on Lung Health that three of the five new regimens were found to be safe and effective across a population that included important subgroups: children, pregnant women, and people who were also infected with other illnesses, such as HIV and hepatitis C, common in populations with high rates of TB.

Title card for a video showing two women in a medical clinic wearing masks, with text that reads Landmark Trial Redefines MDR-TB Treatment.

Clinical trial offers multiple new shortened drug regimens to treat adults and children with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Video: endTB

The team also reported that a fourth regimen, which did not perform as well as the current standard of care, might still be a valuable alternative for those patients who can’t take two key drugs found in the World Health Organization-recommended regimens for MDR-TB and in the other endTB regimens. The endTB team recommends further research on this regimen in a population that cannot take these drugs to see if it might be the first all-oral, shorter regimen treatment alternative for people with serious side effects or drug interactions that prevent them from taking the standard regimens.

The researchers noted that the regimens tested in the endTB trial could provide a much-needed complement to the shortened regimens that the WHO currently recommends. All of the individual drugs used in the endTB trial are already approved and widely available, meaning they could quickly translate into new alternatives for care in countless people with MDR-TB if the WHO recommends the regimens.

The trial data haven’t been peer-reviewed or published, so some of the details of the recommendations may change before they are finalized. The researchers said that while they are looking forward to completing the review, they felt it was important to share their initial data analysis as quickly as possible because of the potential to save lives and reduce suffering.

The best evidence possible

Over the past decade, endTB has been an important part of a new wave of scientific collaborations transforming TB treatment and research, said Molly Franke, HMS associate professor of global health and social medicine.

Investing in research in the communities that have the highest burden of TB has great potential to improve health systems and train new researchers, Franke said. Many of endTB’s research sites had never hosted any kind of study before. The endTB researchers and colleagues at other groups are running more studies that maximize the amount that can be learned from observational studies, which are often more feasible — and sometimes more ethical — to conduct than trials.

Franke was a leader of one such study: a large-scale prospective observational study with endTB that laid the groundwork for the regimens tested in the endTB clinical trial.

The study, conducted from 2015 to 2019, enrolled 2,804 participants in 17 countries on four continents, making it the largest closely followed cohort of patients receiving bedaquiline or delamanid in the world.

One of the goals of endTB is to show that it’s possible to do high-quality research in places that are struggling to control TB, Franke said.

“If you want to beat TB, you need to take the fight — and the best scientific tools in our arsenal — to where the disease is strongest,” Franke said. “Where the science leads, the cure can follow.”

Franke and colleagues continue to mine the data collected in the observational study to find evidence that can be used to improve treatment and research methods. Recently, they have optimized the length of treatment regimens that use bedaquiline and improved the methods used to estimate relapse after TB treatment. By including rigorous protocols to examine and analyze the combined side effects of all the drugs in the various regimens employed in the endTB observational study, endTB was able to demonstrate definitively that regimens containing bedaquiline, delamanid, or both are safe and well-tolerated and that the older drugs in the regimens pose greater concerns for toxicity than the new drugs.

Not the end of the story

There are no eureka moments in this story, no solitary geniuses at work alone in the lab. Instead, there are generations of researchers, clinicians, students, patients, and families working tirelessly across years to tackle a tenacious, ever-evolving microbe.

The endTB community includes veterans of many campaigns against TB.

Among them is Michael Rich, HMS assistant professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who serves as senior medical officer of PIVOT, an NGO that works to strengthen health systems in rural Madagascar, and is primary author of multiple WHO guidelines on managing MDR-TB.

Another is K.J. Seung, HMS assistant professor of medicine the Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s. Seung has worked closely with government ministries, the WHO, and community health organizations to develop programs in communities around the world, including in North Korea, that are often fighting dual epidemics of HIV and TB.

The endTB team has also welcomed newcomers to TB research, including Harvard trainees and local health officials and caregivers, among them physicians and community health workers, post-doctoral fellows, master’s students, and other early-career researchers.

This new generation of researchers and care providers will help write the story of TB’s next chapter.

Already, endTB leaders and others are working toward making key TB drugs and diagnostics more affordable.

Work is also well underway on a new trial, endTB-Q, which seeks to improve treatment for a strain of tuberculosis known as pre-extensively resistant (pre-XDR) TB that is resistant to the most important standard medications.

“The work we’ve done at endTB is an important reminder that TB is curable, even when it’s drug-resistant, and that it is possible to deliver person-centered care all around the world,” Mitnick said. “Science, service, and compassion are powerful allies.”

Repurposed Cancer Drugs May Improve Tuberculosis Treatment.

Drug combination enhanced delivery of antibacterial medications in rabbits

an image of long blue pill-shaped objects on a black background

Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria.

At a glance:

  • A combination of approved cancer drugs may improve tuberculosis treatment.
  • In a rabbit model of tuberculosis, the repurposed drugs enhanced delivery of antibacterial medications.
  • The drugs also promoted antibacterial responses and improved health outcomes in the animals.
  • Next, the combination would need to be tested in patients with tuberculosis.

Researchers have identified a combination of existing cancer drugs that may improve treatment for tuberculosis.

In a study conducted in rabbits and led by Harvard Medical School researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, the repurposed drugs enhanced delivery of antibacterial medications that target tuberculosis-causing bacteria. Findings published March 27 in PNAS.

Although it is often overlooked in industrialized countries such as the United States, tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases globally, causing millions of deaths every year.

Sometimes, patients die even after being treated, either because tuberculosis bacteria develop resistance to antibacterial drugs or because the ability to deliver medications to infected lung tissue is poor.

To address the latter challenge, researchers repurposed a pair of cancer drugs already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The drugs were originally designed to enhance drug delivery to cancer cells by improving the structure and function of blood vessels around tumors, which can be compromised in cancer.

Blood vessel integrity is also an issue in tuberculosis: Often, the disease results in poorly functioning vessels and an overabundant extracellular matrix — the network of proteins and other molecules that surround and give structure to tissues. As a result, blood flow and drug delivery can be reduced in the abnormal lung masses where tuberculosis bacteria reside, allowing the bacteria to evade the body’s immune system.

“Our team is interested in understanding and overcoming physiological barriers to drug delivery” in tuberculosis lung masses, said senior author Rakesh Jain, the Andrew Werk Cook Professor of Radiation Oncology at HMS. “Even the most potent antibacterial drug will fail if it cannot reach the bacteria fueling the disease.”

A multidisciplinary team of engineers, cancer biologists, immunologists, microbiologists, and data analysts used a rabbit model of tuberculosis to test two drugs known as host-directed therapies, or HDTs. One, bevacizumab, acts on blood vessels, and the other, losartan, targets the extracellular matrix.

Previously, Jain and colleagues showed that bevacizumab could improve antibacterial drug delivery to tuberculosis lung masses. Now, they’ve shown that combining bevacizumab with losartan enhances this drug delivery, promotes antibacterial responses, and improves health outcomes. Surprisingly, the HTDs reduced bacteria numbers in lung masses even without antibacterial agents.

To identify the mechanisms involved, the investigators analyzed tuberculosis lung masses and other lung tissue. They found that the HDTs promoted inflammatory responses to tuberculosis bacteria in immune and nonimmune cells.

Also important, bevacizumab and losartan are approved, safe, and affordable, Jain said, so the study lays the groundwork for directly translating the results into the clinic.

A next step, he added, would be “to test these HDTs in patients with tuberculosis for the drugs’ ability to improve outcomes of antibacterial therapy.”

Tracking down tuberculosis

Improvements in screening and diagnosis could help to eradicate this curable disease.

Kamariza uses a pipette in her laboratory
Mireille Kamariza is working on an affordable test for tuberculosis.

Growing up in Burundi, a country of 13 million people in East Africa, Mireille Kamariza was familiar with the devastating effects of tuberculosis (TB). “It’s a long and torturous disease,” she says. “You have relatives and loved ones that are sick, and you see them suffer through it. It’s not a quick death.”Part of Nature Outlook: Medical diagnostics

When she moved to the United States at 17, she was struck by how different the situation was there. “The question that I had when I arrived here was, how come this is not a problem here?” That question led Kamariza, now a chemical biologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, on a quest to find ways to eradicate the disease in areas where it is widespread. A key challenge is determining who is infected, so that they can be treated and the disease stopped from spreading. But current diagnostic methods are slow, often expensive, sometimes difficult to administer and not easily accessible in the low-income regions where TB is most prevalent.

TB researchers are pushing to develop faster, more accurate and more accessible tests. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) set the goal of reducing the number of new cases worldwide by 80% between 2015 and 2030; it considers widespread screening and rapid diagnosis as crucial to achieving this. Replacing older testing methods with newer diagnostic and screening techniques could help individuals with the disease to be identified quicker and start treatment before their symptoms worsen — potentially before they can spread the disease. “It’s the people who have TB and don’t know they have it, they’re the ones who are spreading the disease,” says Jerry Cangelosi, an environmental-health scientist at the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle.

TB has been infecting people for at least 9,000 years, and it has often been the leading cause of infectious-disease deaths globally. It was eclipsed in the past few years by COVID-19, but, as the pandemic wanes, TB could retake the top spot. According to the WHO, an estimated 10.6 million people caught TB globally in 2022 and 1.3 million died1.

The disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a microorganism that is spread through coughing, sneezing and spitting. It thrives in crowded conditions where there is poverty, poor nutrition and a lack of accessible health care. Fortunately, the disease is treatable with antibiotics, and the drugs used now are less toxic and taken for a shorter time than those used in the past — a few months, rather than a couple of years — even for drug-resistant strains. Around 4% of new cases are resistant to multiple drugs, and that rises to 19% among people who have previously received treatment.

But treatment and prevention require the identification of people who have and could spread the disease. “There’s a huge gap in the number of TB cases that we know are out there and what we’re actually diagnosing,” says Adithya Cattamanchi, a pulmonologist and epidemiologist at the University of California, Irvine. At least 3 million people of the WHO’s 10.6 million estimate are undiagnosed, he says.

Part of the problem, Cattamanchi says, is that the most prevalent test for TB is the sputum smear test, for which health-care workers collect a mix of saliva and mucus coughed up from the lungs; stain it with auramine, a dye that attaches to a large family of bacteria; and examine it under a microscope. The technique behind the test was developed in the 1880s by the German microbiologist and Nobel prizewinner Robert Koch. “It’s still, 150 years later, the test that we most commonly use,” Cattamanchi says.

But it has limitations. Some people have trouble coughing up sputum; people with HIV and children under five are less likely to produce much of the substance. Health-care workers collecting the sample could be exposed to the pathogen while the person is coughing. The thick sputum has to be thinned to be placed on a microscope slide. Finding the bacteria can take a day or two, and even then, it is unknown whether the strain is drug resistant. To work this out, physicians can culture the bacteria against various drugs — but that takes several weeks, which can delay administration of the right treatment. Often, physicians simply start people on the most common treatment and see whether they improve.

Molecular tests can be faster than microscopy and more accurate than cultures, because they can amplify DNA and identify resistant strains directly. But the uptake of such tests has been slow. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have been available for almost three decades, but the earliest ones were labour intensive and required specialized skills to administer. More recent NAATs, such as the semi-automated polymerase chain reaction tests, can identify the bacteria and whether they are resistant to the first-choice antibiotic, rifampicin, in about three hours. These tests still have limitations, Cattamanchi says, because the equipment is expensive and needs to be kept in a facility that can reliably supply power and maintain an appropriate temperature — putting the machines out of reach of many local health-care facilities, where people usually seek care first. The WHO recommended a molecular test, branded Xpert, in 2010, but the cost of the individual test cartridges is prohibitive to the communities that need them. Danaher in Washington DC, the company that sells Xpert, announced last September that it was lowering the price from US$10 per cartridge to $8. But health advocates want that to go down to $5, which they say would make the test more accessible while still allowing the company to make a profit.

Bodily fluids

Kamariza is working on a cheaper diagnostic test, a fluorescent tag that binds to a product of living TB bacteria and makes them quickly identifiable under a microscope. Although fluorescent probes are common in biology, there are surprisingly few for TB, she says. In fact, auramine is the only other one.

Green fluorescent microscope image showing bright rod shaped bacteria
The microorganism Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis and is spread through coughing and sneezing.

Kamariza developed a dye molecule that binds to a sugar, trehalose, on the surface of the bacterial cell. Staining a sputum sample with the dye does not require much preparation, Kamariza says, and the bacteria light up in minutes. While still a PhD student at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, she co-founded a company — OliLux Biosciences, based in Los Angeles — to commercialize the probe. Since then, she has learnt that although her dye was easy to spot with the high-end microscope in her laboratory, it was too dim for the cheaper equipment used in a typical clinic in Uganda, where the company is testing the assay. So she is developing a brighter dye that those microscopes can detect1.

For now, Kamariza’s method still requires sputum and a microscope. That could change, however; she has collected some data (not yet published) suggesting that it will work on bacteria in blood samples as well. Although this is not the molecular approach that the WHO is pushing for, Kamariza feels that her test could be an intermediate step — many countries do not have the infrastructure to use molecular tests widely. She hopes that her test can speed up the identification of resistant strains during culturing as well. Getting results in a day or two will lead to people receiving the correct treatment more quickly, she says.

Other researchers are looking beyond sputum. Biochemist Tony Hu, who directs the Center for Cellular and Molecular Diagnostics at Tulane University’s School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana, is developing several tests to detect products of TB bacteria in blood samples, which could be collected by a finger prick. In one test, he introduces a nanoparticle engineered to bind to a particular protein produced by the bacteria, called CFP-10. The nanoparticle amplifies the protein in the sample, making it more detectable by a mass spectrometer. Hu tested the method on blood samples from children under five, who can be difficult to diagnose because their TB symptoms can be attributable to other diseases. He found TB in 100% of children who also had HIV and had had TB confirmed by another method, and in 84% of children with HIV who had tested negative with other methods but were later diagnosed2. People with HIV are more likely to have extrapulmonary TB, which leaves fewer bacteria in the lungs and makes it harder to diagnose.

Hu also uses nanoparticles to target the TB-associated proteins lipoarabinomannan (LAM) and lipoprotein LprG. Cells shed waste by releasing particles called extracellular vesicles, which, in people with TB, contain LAM and LprG. “The most important thing for us is the abundance,” Hu says. “One cell can secrete 10,000 vesicles every day.” And those vesicles persist in the blood for longer than the proteins alone would, making them available for detection.

Hu coats his nanoparticles with antibodies that bind to the vesicles, and then looks for them using a microscope3. He’s even designed and tested a small system that can replace the microscope. It includes a smartphone and an objective lens, and uses a mobile app — aided by a machine-learning algorithm that screens out background noise — to find the nanoparticles. The portable device showed results similar to those from a microscope. A third test that Hu has developed, which uses gene-editing technology to amplify TB DNA floating in the blood, is also simple. It uses a paper strip to hold the sample, a small amount of reagent and a smartphone-sized reader4.

Another easy-to-collect sample is urine, which also contains LAM. The first WHO-recommended version of a LAM urine test has low sensitivity, identifying only about 40% of people with TB if they are also infected with HIV, and 20% of people without HIV5. New generation urine tests are being developed that have a sensitivity of around 70%.

That’s not as high as physicians would like, but the tests are still useful for targeted populations, such as people with HIV, says Ruvandhi Nathavitharana, an infectious-disease specialist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. “If you can do a urine-based bedside test and it’s positive, then a clinician can get that person on TB treatment straight away,” she says.

Algorithm-aided screening

Whereas urine collection requires some privacy, swabbing people’s tongues is so straightforward that a nurse could walk around a classroom testing students while they sat at their desks, says Cangelosi. That sort of community screening will be necessary to get TB under control, he says. And “if we want to envision going into workplaces or schools or communities and actively screening people, sputum collection is a non-starter”.

Even when it’s not easy for someone to produce sputum, TB bacteria come up from the lungs when people cough, and land on the back of the tongue, where they can persist for hours6. So far, tongue swabs have not proved as sensitive as other tests, but that could be because they’re being used in conjunction with testing platforms that have been optimized for sputum, Cangelosi says. That could change, however. The COVID-19 pandemic led many diagnostic companies to develop platforms for testing nasal swabs, and those could be adapted for tongue swabs.

Whether it involves tongue swabs or another approach, community screening is important to stem the spread of TB. Chest X-ray has a venerable history as a screening tool. “We used it way back when in the United States to really reduce the prevalence of TB,” Cattamanchi says. Today’s portable, digital X-ray machines don’t require the expensive film and process of past machines, and they can be placed in local health centres or driven around in a van. The main barrier to X-ray screening is a lack of skilled radiologists to interpret the scans.

To address that shortage, several research groups are using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify TB in lung images. Google, for instance, has been training an AI system using X-rays of people who are known to have TB, so that the tool can learn how the various types of lung damage caused by the disease look in an image and can spot them in new X-rays7. People flagged by the AI tool could then take a more established type of test, such as a NAAT, to confirm whether they have TB, says Daniel Tse, a health researcher at Google Research in Mountain View, California. Such screening, which Google’s test7 found was comparable with that performed by radiologists, could reach more people and mean that diagnostic tests are targeted more specifically, keeping costs down. For now, Tse says, images are processed by Google’s cloud servers, but for areas that have unreliable Internet access, the diagnostic algorithm might be stored on a smartphone or a dongle. Google has licensed the technology to Right to Care, a non-profit health-care organization in Centurion, South Africa.

AI could be applied to other information as well. Researchers at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, for instance, are working on algorithms that can identify TB from coughing sounds, recorded by a smartphone8. Others have explored doing something similar with lung sounds recorded by digital stethoscopes9. Tse says that several researchers are exploring whether an AI tool that combines multiple data sources might boost TB identification further.

Screening and diagnostic tests are continuing to improve, but to really fulfil their potential, they need the kind of funding and political will that was directed against the COVID-19 pandemic, says Nathavitharana. “The technologies are advancing, but honestly, it’s too slow,” she says. “We saw how much could be achieved for COVID in a very short time with the resources and targeted attention.” TB is both preventable and curable, and a major push could end its devastation, she argues. “No one should be dying of a disease like TB when we can do better.”

Genomic revolution: Transforming tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment with the use of Whole Genome Sequencing – A consensus statement.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a preventable, treatable, and curable disease. However, in 2020, 9.9 million people were estimated to have developed tuberculosis, and 1.5 million people were estimated to have died from it. Whereas in India, 2.6 million were diagnosed with TB and 436,000 succumbed to TB in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially reduced access to services for the diagnosis and treatment of TB, resulting in an increase in deaths and a reversal in global progress. [1]

Presently, TB incidence is falling at a rate of 2% per year, hampered mainly by the rearing pandemic of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). Particularly concerning is multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB), defined as resistance towards isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF). [2] The World Health Organization (WHO) targeted to reduce worldwide TB incidence by 90% by 2035. [1] Early initiation of effective treatment,based on susceptibility patterns of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), is considered key to successful TB control in countries with a high incidence of DR-TB. Worldwide, MDR-TB treatment outcomes are poor, with cure rates of less than 60% (2), due to the lack of comprehensive drug susceptibility Testing (DST). This leads to the inadequate anti-TB activity of the provided regimens (3–5), unlike regimens advised based on DST results, to ensure optimal results. (6) In addition to resistance to the established regimens, resistance to the new DR-TB drugs is increasing.

On World TB Day, the Academy of Advanced Medical Education, Thyrocare Technologies Limited and HaystackAnalytics – IITB, along with expert pulmonologists and renowned physicians from India, convened for an advisory board meeting in Delhi to discuss the role of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in the diagnosis and management of TB. Objectives and specific topics relating to WGS in MDR-TB were discussed. Each expert shared their views, which led to a group discussion committed to putting the patient first and increasing their collective efforts, recognizing the possibility of accomplishing the goal. The organizations involved in the discussion declared their commitment to collaborate to tackle DR-TB detection efficiently. They advocate strengthening access to WGS TB services, controlling and preventing TB, improving surveillance and drug resistance management, and investing in research and development. This round table serves as a framework to build on and ensure that the goal of ending TB is achievable with WGS services wherever needed. Post-discussion, a uniform consensus was said to have been established if more than 80% of the board members agreed to the statement. Consensus statements :

  1. Patients with MDR-TB and XDR-TB will benefit from WGS.
  2. Patients with relapse or reinfection will benefit from WGS.
  3. WGS of MTBC may be beneficial when results of other molecular tests are inconclusive or indeterminate.
  4. WGS may be beneficial when phenotypic DST is not available for newer drugs like bedaquiline and delamanid).
  5. WGS is beneficial to detect disease transmission (identify cluster and strain).
  6. WGS in TB is an important part of epidemiological surveys.
  7. WGS provides additional information such as, drug susceptibility profile and MTBC mutation information.
  8. Research needs to be encouraged to definitely observe the benefits of WGS in TB patients.
  9. Due to lack of data from the Indian population, WGS is not recommended for routine use. Further, research and clinical outcome data in the Indian setting should be promoted.
  10. WGS is useful in certain patient profiles:
    1. Failure of MDR-TB or XDR-TB treatment
    2. Treatment of DR-TB is not effective
    3. Past history of DR-TB
    4. Inconclusive results with other molecular tests

Exposing How Tuberculosis Evades the Immune System

Biofilm of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, illustration.

Tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), kills upwards of 1.6 million people a year, making it one of the leading causes of death by an infectious agent worldwide. However, it is not fully understood how Mtb evades the immune system. Now, a team of researchers from the University of Massachusetts (UMass), Amherst, and Seattle Children’s Research Institute report that prior exposure to a genus of bacteria called Mycobacterium seems to remodel the first-line defenders in the body’s immune system. They also found that how those cells are remodeled depends on exactly how the body is exposed.

Their findings are published in PLOS Pathogens in an article titled, “Exposure to Mycobacterium remodels alveolar macrophages and the early innate response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.”

The study suggests that a more integrated treatment approach that targets all aspects of the immune response could be a more effective strategy against tuberculosis.

“We breathe in thousands of liters of air every day,” said Alissa Rothchild, assistant professor in the veterinary and animal sciences department at UMass Amherst and the paper’s senior author. “This essential process makes us incredibly vulnerable to inhalation of all sorts of potentially infectious pathogens that our immune systems have to respond to.”

Macrophages are the first-line defenders in the tissues that recognize and destroy pathogens and also call for backup. In the case of the lungs, these macrophages are called alveolar macrophages (AMs). They live in the lung’s alveoli, the tiny air sacs where oxygen passes into the bloodstream—but, as Rothchild has shown in a previous paper, AMs don’t mount a robust immune response when they’re initially infected by Mtb.

“Mtb takes advantage of the immune response,” added Rothchild, “and when they infect an AM, they can replicate inside of it for a week or longer. They effectively turn the AM into a Trojan Horse in which the bacteria can hide from the body’s defenses.”

“But what if we could change this first step in the chain of infection?” Rothchild continued. “What if the AMs responded more effectively to Mtb? How could we change the body’s innate immune response? Studies over the last 10 years or so have demonstrated that the innate immune system is capable of undergoing long-term changes, but we are only beginning to understand the underlying mechanisms behind them.”

Dat Mai, a research associate at Seattle Children’s Research Institute and the first author of the paper, Rothchild, and their colleagues designed an experiment using two different mouse models. The first model used the BCG vaccination, one of the world’s most widely distributed vaccines and the only vaccine used for tuberculosis. In the second model, the researchers induced a contained Mtb infection, which they previously showed protects against subsequent infections in a form of concomitant immunity.

The researchers then challenged the mice with aerosolized Mtb and infected macrophages were taken from each mouse model for RNA sequencing weeks after exposure.

While both sets of AMs showed a stronger pro-inflammatory response to Mtb than AMs from unexposed mice, the BCG-vaccinated AMs strongly turned on one type of inflammatory program, driven by interferons, while the AMs from the contained Mtb infection turned on a qualitatively different inflammatory program. Other experiments showed that the different exposure scenarios changed the AMs themselves, and that some of these changes seem to be dependent on the greater lung environment.

“What this tells us,” said Rothchild, “is that there’s a great deal of plasticity in the macrophage response, and that there’s potential to therapeutically harness this plasticity so that we can remodel the innate immune system to fight tuberculosis.”

Kevin Urdahl, PhD, professor of pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Research Institute, lead PI for this IMPAc-TB consortium, and one of the paper’s co-authors, added that, “The overall goal of the program is to elucidate how the immune system effectively controls or eradicates the bacteria that causes tuberculosis so that effective vaccines can be developed. This is an important part of the larger IMPAc-TB program because we will be assessing the responses of human alveolar macrophages recovered from individuals who have recently been exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a TB-endemic region. The findings of Rothchild’s team will help us interpret and understand the results we obtain from the human cells.”

Shortening Tuberculosis Treatment — A Strategic Retreat

Our current treatment regimen for tuberculosis, which goes by the somewhat ironic name of “directly observed therapy, short course,” is anything but short. Patients are treated, generally on a daily basis, for 6 months, which necessitates an infrastructure to deliver and observe therapy. This logistic burden has led to a push for shorter treatments. Although many initial attempts failed, a recent study suggested that a newer regimen could lead to a similar probability of cure in 4 months.1 This is certainly an advantage, and yet the newer regimen, if widely used, would still require a similarly burdensome infrastructure. Can we do even better and get to a point where the logistics would not be so limiting? The investigators of the TRUNCATE-TB (Two-Month Regimens Using Novel Combinations to Augment Treatment Effectiveness for Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis) trial,2 the results of which are now published in the Journal, attempted to do that. But rather than focusing on a regimen alone, they chose a treatment strategy.

The trial design is a bit complex and initially had five groups. Participants had to have a nucleic acid amplification test that was positive for tuberculosis with no genotypic evidence of rifampin resistance. The investigators excluded some higher-risk patients initially but then changed the entry criteria to include this population. Participants who were randomly assigned to the control group received standard tuberculosis treatment for 24 weeks (8 weeks of isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide, followed by 16 weeks of isoniazid and rifampin); this group served as a comparator for a planned noninferiority analysis. Participants in the four other groups received an intensified regimen that contained five drugs. The plan was to drop two of these groups on the basis of early stopping rules. In fact, none of these groups met those standards, so enrollment was stopped in two groups on the basis of logistic criteria (pill burden and regulatory concerns) in order to preserve statistical power. The two remaining groups received either high-dose rifampin plus linezolid or bedaquiline plus linezolid, each in combination with isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.

For the groups that received an intensified regimen, the strategy consisted of treatment for 8 weeks and then reassessment for persistent disease (symptoms and a positive sputum smear). If the reassessment was negative, treatment was stopped; if positive, participants continued treatment for another 4 weeks. Those who remained positive could be switched to standard treatment to complete 24 weeks. Those who had a relapse in any group were retreated with a standard regimen with adjustments made according to antibiotic susceptibility testing. Participants were followed closely for evidence of relapse through week 96. The primary outcome was a composite of death, ongoing treatment, or active disease at week 96. For the treatment strategy to be declared noninferior, the upper limit of the confidence interval for the difference between the strategy group and the standard-treatment group in the risk of the primary outcome had to be less than 12 percentage points. This is a somewhat low threshold; for example, a recent treatment-shortening trial used a noninferiority margin of 6.6 percentage points.1 As it turned out, one of the strategy groups failed to meet even that loose criterion, whereas the other would have succeeded at either margin.

The trial enrolled 675 participants at 18 sites in five countries. Impressively, almost all completed the trial and follow-up period. Altogether, 7 participants (3.9%) had a primary-outcome event in the control group, as compared with 21 (11.4%) in the rifampin–linezolid group (adjusted difference, 7.4 percentage points; 97.5% confidence interval [CI], −1.7 to 13.2) and with 11 (5.8%) in the bedaquiline–linezolid group (adjusted difference, 0.8 percentage points; 97.5% CI, −3.4 to 5.1). With these results, only the strategy involving treatment with the bedaquiline–linezolid regimen was declared noninferior to standard treatment. In the bedaquiline–linezolid group, 162 participants (85.7%) did not receive therapy beyond 8 weeks. According to the definitions used in the trial, extension of therapy was not a “failure” but was part of the treatment strategy. Altogether, the mean total length of treatment in the bedaquiline–linezolid group (84.8 days) was less than half that in the standard-treatment group (180.2 days).

One risk that is associated with a shorter course could be the development of antibiotic resistance. There were two cases of acquired drug resistance in the bedaquiline–linezolid group and none in the standard-treatment group. Bedaquiline has a long terminal half-life that generates lingering subtherapeutic concentrations for several months after the end of therapy, which results in de facto monotherapy and a prolonged window for the potential acquisition of drug resistance in cases of relapse. Although a much larger number of patients would need to be treated to detect any significant difference, the small number of cases of drug resistance in this trial does not pose substantial concerns.

In many ways, the results of this trial are not surprising. We have long known that most patients with tuberculosis who are treated even with standard regimens do not have a relapse after 4 months of treatment; in fact, several appear to be cured after only 2 months of treatment.3 And the inclusion of bedaquiline and linezolid in regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis has allowed for shorter regimens.4-6 What is striking is that each of these drugs has posed considerable concerns about toxic effects in the past. Bedaquiline still carries a black-box warning that resulted from very early trials showing increased mortality among treated patients. Linezolid can lead to dose-limiting toxic effects that have been a substantial issue in other trials. Because of these effects, whether these drugs could be used safely for the treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis has been unclear. In the TRUNCATE-TB trial, the toxic effects appeared to be quite limited. In fact, this is one of many trials that suggest that the original concerns about bedaquiline might be overstated, at least for patients who undergo prescreening with electrocardiography.

Will these data change practice? Two months of treatment might not be revolutionary but could be very helpful. However, some obstacles remain. There was a very high degree of adherence to treatment in this trial, far higher than the level likely to occur outside the context of a clinical trial. Lower adherence could mean increased treatment failure at 2 months. In addition, the treatment strategy involved careful assessments of patients to identify those who would receive extended courses of therapy. Although this approach is possible within the confines of a trial, it could require considerable resources that are not now available in many tuberculosis control programs.

Perhaps the biggest accomplishment of this trial is a step forward in the adaptive clinical trial design that may help to accelerate regimen development and to rapidly test many more 2-month therapies that are selected on the basis of recent treatment-shortening trial results.4-7 For shorter treatments, positive results that are similar to the results for standard treatment and are observed across various patient populations, including those with a high burden of cavitary tuberculosis, would garner the confidence needed to influence practice in lower-resource settings.

Treatment algorithms such as that used in the TRUNCATE-TB trial are fundamental to tuberculosis control. Although implementing them could be a challenge, any added burden might be offset by reduced costs, better adherence, and increased patient satisfaction. Thus, for tuberculosis, a strategy might be more than just a regimen.

Source: NEJM

Shortening Tuberculosis Treatment — A Strategic Retreat

Our current treatment regimen for tuberculosis, which goes by the somewhat ironic name of “directly observed therapy, short course,” is anything but short. Patients are treated, generally on a daily basis, for 6 months, which necessitates an infrastructure to deliver and observe therapy. This logistic burden has led to a push for shorter treatments. Although many initial attempts failed, a recent study suggested that a newer regimen could lead to a similar probability of cure in 4 months.1 This is certainly an advantage, and yet the newer regimen, if widely used, would still require a similarly burdensome infrastructure. Can we do even better and get to a point where the logistics would not be so limiting? The investigators of the TRUNCATE-TB (Two-Month Regimens Using Novel Combinations to Augment Treatment Effectiveness for Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis) trial,2 the results of which are now published in the Journal, attempted to do that. But rather than focusing on a regimen alone, they chose a treatment strategy.

The trial design is a bit complex and initially had five groups. Participants had to have a nucleic acid amplification test that was positive for tuberculosis with no genotypic evidence of rifampin resistance. The investigators excluded some higher-risk patients initially but then changed the entry criteria to include this population. Participants who were randomly assigned to the control group received standard tuberculosis treatment for 24 weeks (8 weeks of isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide, followed by 16 weeks of isoniazid and rifampin); this group served as a comparator for a planned noninferiority analysis. Participants in the four other groups received an intensified regimen that contained five drugs. The plan was to drop two of these groups on the basis of early stopping rules. In fact, none of these groups met those standards, so enrollment was stopped in two groups on the basis of logistic criteria (pill burden and regulatory concerns) in order to preserve statistical power. The two remaining groups received either high-dose rifampin plus linezolid or bedaquiline plus linezolid, each in combination with isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.

For the groups that received an intensified regimen, the strategy consisted of treatment for 8 weeks and then reassessment for persistent disease (symptoms and a positive sputum smear). If the reassessment was negative, treatment was stopped; if positive, participants continued treatment for another 4 weeks. Those who remained positive could be switched to standard treatment to complete 24 weeks. Those who had a relapse in any group were retreated with a standard regimen with adjustments made according to antibiotic susceptibility testing. Participants were followed closely for evidence of relapse through week 96. The primary outcome was a composite of death, ongoing treatment, or active disease at week 96. For the treatment strategy to be declared noninferior, the upper limit of the confidence interval for the difference between the strategy group and the standard-treatment group in the risk of the primary outcome had to be less than 12 percentage points. This is a somewhat low threshold; for example, a recent treatment-shortening trial used a noninferiority margin of 6.6 percentage points.1 As it turned out, one of the strategy groups failed to meet even that loose criterion, whereas the other would have succeeded at either margin.

The trial enrolled 675 participants at 18 sites in five countries. Impressively, almost all completed the trial and follow-up period. Altogether, 7 participants (3.9%) had a primary-outcome event in the control group, as compared with 21 (11.4%) in the rifampin–linezolid group (adjusted difference, 7.4 percentage points; 97.5% confidence interval [CI], −1.7 to 13.2) and with 11 (5.8%) in the bedaquiline–linezolid group (adjusted difference, 0.8 percentage points; 97.5% CI, −3.4 to 5.1). With these results, only the strategy involving treatment with the bedaquiline–linezolid regimen was declared noninferior to standard treatment. In the bedaquiline–linezolid group, 162 participants (85.7%) did not receive therapy beyond 8 weeks. According to the definitions used in the trial, extension of therapy was not a “failure” but was part of the treatment strategy. Altogether, the mean total length of treatment in the bedaquiline–linezolid group (84.8 days) was less than half that in the standard-treatment group (180.2 days).

One risk that is associated with a shorter course could be the development of antibiotic resistance. There were two cases of acquired drug resistance in the bedaquiline–linezolid group and none in the standard-treatment group. Bedaquiline has a long terminal half-life that generates lingering subtherapeutic concentrations for several months after the end of therapy, which results in de facto monotherapy and a prolonged window for the potential acquisition of drug resistance in cases of relapse. Although a much larger number of patients would need to be treated to detect any significant difference, the small number of cases of drug resistance in this trial does not pose substantial concerns.

In many ways, the results of this trial are not surprising. We have long known that most patients with tuberculosis who are treated even with standard regimens do not have a relapse after 4 months of treatment; in fact, several appear to be cured after only 2 months of treatment.3 And the inclusion of bedaquiline and linezolid in regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis has allowed for shorter regimens.4-6 What is striking is that each of these drugs has posed considerable concerns about toxic effects in the past. Bedaquiline still carries a black-box warning that resulted from very early trials showing increased mortality among treated patients. Linezolid can lead to dose-limiting toxic effects that have been a substantial issue in other trials. Because of these effects, whether these drugs could be used safely for the treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis has been unclear. In the TRUNCATE-TB trial, the toxic effects appeared to be quite limited. In fact, this is one of many trials that suggest that the original concerns about bedaquiline might be overstated, at least for patients who undergo prescreening with electrocardiography.

Will these data change practice? Two months of treatment might not be revolutionary but could be very helpful. However, some obstacles remain. There was a very high degree of adherence to treatment in this trial, far higher than the level likely to occur outside the context of a clinical trial. Lower adherence could mean increased treatment failure at 2 months. In addition, the treatment strategy involved careful assessments of patients to identify those who would receive extended courses of therapy. Although this approach is possible within the confines of a trial, it could require considerable resources that are not now available in many tuberculosis control programs.

Perhaps the biggest accomplishment of this trial is a step forward in the adaptive clinical trial design that may help to accelerate regimen development and to rapidly test many more 2-month therapies that are selected on the basis of recent treatment-shortening trial results.4-7 For shorter treatments, positive results that are similar to the results for standard treatment and are observed across various patient populations, including those with a high burden of cavitary tuberculosis, would garner the confidence needed to influence practice in lower-resource settings.

Treatment algorithms such as that used in the TRUNCATE-TB trial are fundamental to tuberculosis control. Although implementing them could be a challenge, any added burden might be offset by reduced costs, better adherence, and increased patient satisfaction. Thus, for tuberculosis, a strategy might be more than just a regimen.

Source; NEJM

Splenic Tuberculosis

A 29-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection presented to the emergency department with a 2-week history of abdominal pain on the left side. Six months before presentation, he had received a diagnosis of HIV infection and non–drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis, for which antiretroviral and four-drug antituberculous therapy had been initiated. Soon after the diagnosis, however, his antituberculous regimen was reduced to rifampin and isoniazid only. At the current presentation, the left upper quadrant of the abdomen was tender to palpation. The CD4 cell count was 119 per cubic millimeter, and the viral load was 1778 copies per milliliter (reference value, <20). Computed tomography of the abdomen showed an enlarged spleen with numerous hypodense lesions (Panel A). A splenectomy was performed to evaluate for cancer. Gross examination of the spleen showed numerous necrotic nodules with purulent discharge (Panel B). A histopathological examination showed granulomatous inflammation with caseous necrosis (Panel C) and acid-fast bacilli (Panel D, arrowheads). A tissue culture was negative. Real-time polymerase-chain-reaction testing of the tissue identified Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which confirmed a diagnosis of splenic tuberculosis. Pyrazinamide and ethambutol were added back to the patient’s antituberculous regimen, and the patient completed 9 months of four-drug therapy.


Can mRNA vaccine tech take on tuberculosis?


Dr. Adenov, Kazakhstan’s director of the National TB Program, with a patient. Researchers are pushing to capitalise on the success of mRNA technology against COVID-19 and are aiming to develop an mRNA vaccine to be used against TB.

Speed read

  • Clinical trials of an mRNA vaccine for TB are set to begin this year
  • TB kills around 1.5 million people a year, mostly in developing countries
  • Research funding remains a major obstacle to progress

A successful mRNA vaccine for tuberculosis could be rapidly developed and save more than 1 million lives every year, say hopeful global health advocates.

Researchers are pushing to capitalise on the success of mRNA technology against COVID-19 by exploring whether the platform could be effective against tuberculosis, the world’s second most deadly infectious disease.

TB is a disease of poverty, but it is curable and preventable. Caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB spreads from person to person through the air. TB bacteria can live for longer in rooms with no fresh air or sunlight, and poor living conditions and overcrowding increase the risk of becoming infected.

“The mRNA technology has progressed over the years and actually leap-frogged during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the right time now to use mRNA technology for developing a new and effective vaccine for TB.”

Suvanand Sahu, deputy executive director, Stop TB Partnership

The disease primarily affects people in developing countries, and there were an estimated 10 million new TB cases and 1.5 million deaths in 2020, according to the World Health Organization. Eight countries accounted for two-thirds of total TB cases, including India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria and South Africa.

The only licenced TB vaccine, Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG), is a century old. It is a live attenuated vaccine – a living but weakened version of the disease-causing organism is used – that protects young children, but provides inconsistent protection for adults and adolescents.

Scientists are pushing for greater funding and political commitment to back the research and development needed to create an effective mRNA TB vaccine.


TIP: Use the arrows to navigate through the years. This is a map of the world showing WHO regions and data showing TB mortality between 2000 and 2020. Data sourced from WHO Global Health Observatory data repository.

Clinical trials

The “unprecedented speed” by which COVID-19 vaccines were developed, licensed and introduced provides an example for tuberculosis vaccine research and development, members of the Tuberculosis Vaccine Roadmap Stakeholder Group said in a February review in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

“New platforms have been successfully deployed that might have useful applications for tuberculosis, in particular the mRNA technology,” the group said.

Exploration of mRNA technology for TB is not new. A 2004 study by researchers in the United Kingdom showed that an mRNA vaccine had “modest but significant protection” against Mycobacterium tuberculosis for mice.

In July, the German biotechnology company BioNTech announced that clinical trials of its mRNA vaccine for TB, developed with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will begin in 2022. BioNTech’s clinical trials will begin “just about two years after the programme was initiated”, according to the pharmaceutical developer.

Suvanand Sahu is the deputy executive director of the Stop TB Partnership, which has more than 2,000 partner organisations including governments, international organisations and patient groups. Sahu, a medical doctor and public health specialist with more than 18 years’ experience in TB, said other groups around the world were also working on mRNA vaccines against the disease.

He tells SciDev.Net that the scientific teams that developed the mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 are best placed to rapidly repurpose the technology for a TB vaccine.

mRNA vaccine viability 

The BCG vaccine was introduced in 1921 and, as yet, no other vaccine against tuberculosis has been licenced. “BCG is 100 years old and reliably protects only against severe forms of childhood TB,” Sahu tells SciDev.Net. “Clearly, [it is] not the tool that will interrupt TB transmission and help end TB.”

The importance of leveraging mRNA platforms for accelerated vaccine development has become “self-evident”, the Global Forum on TB Vaccines, held virtually in April 2021, heard. BioNTech’s Mustafa Diken told the forum how the mRNA vaccine technology used for COVID-19 could be tailored to fight TB.

As of October 2021, there were more than a dozen candidate vaccines undergoing clinical trials, according to the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiatives pipeline tracker, including five that are in phase III trials. None of the current candidates use the mRNA platform.

TB Vacc dev path

Patrick Tippoo, executive director of the South Africa-based African Vaccine Manufacturing Initiative, tells SciDev.Net that it is theoretically possible to develop an mRNA vaccine to prevent tuberculosis. But, he says, in practice it will depend on whether scientists can identify the most appropriate vaccine antigen targets. “The correct vaccine targets need to be identified and this has been elusive to date,” Tippoo says.

The WHO’s new mRNA technology transfer hubs have raised optimism that the time has come to find a new vaccine for TB. The WHO said that the mRNA technology transfer hubs would empower low- and middle-income countries to produce their own vaccines, medicines and diagnostics, and the technology could also be used to develop vaccines for other priority diseases such as TB, malaria and HIV.

“We strongly believe that the mRNA technology can be used for developing a TB vaccine,” says Sahu, who was part of the group that launched India’s polio eradication initiative in 1997.

He says that the 2004 mRNA vaccine trialled on mice did not progress to human trials due to lack of funding and a perception that “getting an mRNA vaccine will be too difficult”. However, Sahu says, “the mRNA technology has progressed over the years and actually leap-frogged during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the right time now to use mRNA technology for developing a new and effective vaccine for TB.”

Funding and access

Multidrug-resistant TB is a growing public health crisis and a global health security threat, increasing the urgent need for a safe and effective vaccine. With a sharper focus on the disease and speedier vaccine development times, TB advocates are calling for greater financial support to take on this killer disease.

Funding for research and development remains a serious obstacle: the total funding for tuberculosis research in 2019 was US$901 million, “far below” the WHO target of at least US$2 billion per year. The global health body has called for TB research and development funding to double.

Mel Spigelman, president and chief executive officer of the US and South Africa-based Global Alliance for TB Drug Development, says: “Tremendous scientific advances in TB testing, treatment, and prevention are possible. [However], the limiting factor to date has been a profound scarcity of research funding.”

TB advocates want to begin conversations about funding, access and affordability to avoid the inequality that has plagued the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines. With the possibility of an mRNA vaccine for TB, issues relating to patents and vaccine-production capacity in developing countries become prominent.

Sarah Fortune, however, wants to keep the focus squarely on research and development for the time being. “While I understand the urge to worry about whether a vaccine will be affordable…I think this diverts focus from the more immediate problem, which is whether a protective vaccine for TB is biologically possible,” says Fortune, professor and chair of the department of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

“We want everyone to lean into this problem because we fundamentally do not know how to build a better TB vaccine and it is killing a million people a year.”

mRNA vaccine for tuberculosis


Dr. Adenov, Kazakhstan’s director of the National TB Program, with a patient. Researchers are pushing to capitalise on the success of mRNA technology against COVID-19 and are aiming to develop an mRNA vaccine to be used against TB.

Speed read

  • Clinical trials of an mRNA vaccine for TB are set to begin this year
  • TB kills around 1.5 million people a year, mostly in developing countries
  • Research funding remains a major obstacle to progress


A successful mRNA vaccine for tuberculosis could be rapidly developed and save more than 1 million lives every year, say hopeful global health advocates.

Researchers are pushing to capitalise on the success of mRNA technology against COVID-19 by exploring whether the platform could be effective against tuberculosis, the world’s second most deadly infectious disease.

TB is a disease of poverty, but it is curable and preventable. Caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB spreads from person to person through the air. TB bacteria can live for longer in rooms with no fresh air or sunlight, and poor living conditions and overcrowding increase the risk of becoming infected.

“The mRNA technology has progressed over the years and actually leap-frogged during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the right time now to use mRNA technology for developing a new and effective vaccine for TB.”

Suvanand Sahu, deputy executive director, Stop TB Partnership

The disease primarily affects people in developing countries, and there were an estimated 10 million new TB cases and 1.5 million deaths in 2020, according to the World Health Organization. Eight countries accounted for two-thirds of total TB cases, including India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria and South Africa.

The only licenced TB vaccine, Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG), is a century old. It is a live attenuated vaccine – a living but weakened version of the disease-causing organism is used – that protects young children, but provides inconsistent protection for adults and adolescents.

Scientists are pushing for greater funding and political commitment to back the research and development needed to create an effective mRNA TB vaccine.

Clinical trials

The “unprecedented speed” by which COVID-19 vaccines were developed, licensed and introduced provides an example for tuberculosis vaccine research and development, members of the Tuberculosis Vaccine Roadmap Stakeholder Group said in a February review in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

“New platforms have been successfully deployed that might have useful applications for tuberculosis, in particular the mRNA technology,” the group said.

Exploration of mRNA technology for TB is not new. A 2004 study by researchers in the United Kingdom showed that an mRNA vaccine had “modest but significant protection” against Mycobacterium tuberculosis for mice.

In July, the German biotechnology company BioNTech announced that clinical trials of its mRNA vaccine for TB, developed with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will begin in 2022. BioNTech’s clinical trials will begin “just about two years after the programme was initiated”, according to the pharmaceutical developer.

Suvanand Sahu is the deputy executive director of the Stop TB Partnership, which has more than 2,000 partner organisations including governments, international organisations and patient groups. Sahu, a medical doctor and public health specialist with more than 18 years’ experience in TB, said other groups around the world were also working on mRNA vaccines against the disease.

He tells SciDev.Net that the scientific teams that developed the mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 are best placed to rapidly repurpose the technology for a TB vaccine.

mRNA vaccine viability 

The BCG vaccine was introduced in 1921 and, as yet, no other vaccine against tuberculosis has been licenced. “BCG is 100 years old and reliably protects only against severe forms of childhood TB,” Sahu tells SciDev.Net. “Clearly, [it is] not the tool that will interrupt TB transmission and help end TB.”

The importance of leveraging mRNA platforms for accelerated vaccine development has become “self-evident”, the Global Forum on TB Vaccines, held virtually in April 2021, heard. BioNTech’s Mustafa Diken told the forum how the mRNA vaccine technology used for COVID-19 could be tailored to fight TB.

As of October 2021, there were more than a dozen candidate vaccines undergoing clinical trials, according to the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiatives pipeline tracker, including five that are in phase III trials. None of the current candidates use the mRNA platform.

TB Vacc dev path

Patrick Tippoo, executive director of the South Africa-based African Vaccine Manufacturing Initiative, tells SciDev.Net that it is theoretically possible to develop an mRNA vaccine to prevent tuberculosis. But, he says, in practice it will depend on whether scientists can identify the most appropriate vaccine antigen targets. “The correct vaccine targets need to be identified and this has been elusive to date,” Tippoo says.

The WHO’s new mRNA technology transfer hubs have raised optimism that the time has come to find a new vaccine for TB. The WHO said that the mRNA technology transfer hubs would empower low- and middle-income countries to produce their own vaccines, medicines and diagnostics, and the technology could also be used to develop vaccines for other priority diseases such as TB, malaria and HIV.

“We strongly believe that the mRNA technology can be used for developing a TB vaccine,” says Sahu, who was part of the group that launched India’s polio eradication initiative in 1997.

He says that the 2004 mRNA vaccine trialled on mice did not progress to human trials due to lack of funding and a perception that “getting an mRNA vaccine will be too difficult”. However, Sahu says, “the mRNA technology has progressed over the years and actually leap-frogged during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the right time now to use mRNA technology for developing a new and effective vaccine for TB.”

Funding and access

Multidrug-resistant TB is a growing public health crisis and a global health security threat, increasing the urgent need for a safe and effective vaccine. With a sharper focus on the disease and speedier vaccine development times, TB advocates are calling for greater financial support to take on this killer disease.

Funding for research and development remains a serious obstacle: the total funding for tuberculosis research in 2019 was US$901 million, “far below” the WHO target of at least US$2 billion per year. The global health body has called for TB research and development funding to double.

Mel Spigelman, president and chief executive officer of the US and South Africa-based Global Alliance for TB Drug Development, says: “Tremendous scientific advances in TB testing, treatment, and prevention are possible. [However], the limiting factor to date has been a profound scarcity of research funding.”

TB advocates want to begin conversations about funding, access and affordability to avoid the inequality that has plagued the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines. With the possibility of an mRNA vaccine for TB, issues relating to patents and vaccine-production capacity in developing countries become prominent.

Sarah Fortune, however, wants to keep the focus squarely on research and development for the time being. “While I understand the urge to worry about whether a vaccine will be affordable…I think this diverts focus from the more immediate problem, which is whether a protective vaccine for TB is biologically possible,” says Fortune, professor and chair of the department of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

“We want everyone to lean into this problem because we fundamentally do not know how to build a better TB vaccine and it is killing a million people a year.”