Calling A Spade A Spade: Depo Provera THE Birth Control Vaccine.

Holy Hormones Journal:  Time to call a vaccine – a vaccine.  For years we have been calling Depo Provera an ‘injection’. But as, the author Ethan A. Huff so aptly states – Depo is a  birth control vaccine – perhaps the very vaccine Bill Gates has been touting to control population?

But how much do we know about this vaccine?  How much doe we know about the long-term effects? What we do know is the Depo is used as a castration tool for male sex offenders in prison. What we do know is that ‘Depo Provera – Withdrawal is a Woman’s Worst Nightmare‘.  What we do know is that we do not know anything about how Depo interacts with the HPV or flu vaccines because of a lack of studies.

What we do know about Depo … what is it we do know anyway?

Has Bill Gates birth control vaccine been right under our noises this whole time – diguised as an ‘injection’?
Putting girls on
 synthetic hormones before their neuro-endocrine-immune system is fully developed -AND without parental knowledge is unethical and immoral – not to mention dangerous to their reproductive health and long term health.

Depo injections without parental consent opens up the door for what – sex behind parent’s back?  Date rape? Running away from home and being sex trafficked? What is with our governments forcefully vaccinating our girls?  They are instilling that girls have no more value than what lies between their legs.

I say this: give the Depo VACCINE to the boys to castrate them if they cannot respect women and keep their zippers up. And men as well. Then the vile sex trafficking and porn industries will come to a halt.

Time to call a spade a spade… the health and future of our adolescent girl’s depend on it.

Just posted this article on Facebook – and my great activist colleague, Sandy Lunoe (Norway) – immediately came back with this article and warning from the Committee on Women, Population and the Environment, Beware of Depo-Provera – stop sterilization abuse

Thousands of teenage girls given birth control jabs at school, family planning clinics without parental consent or knowledge

Natural News
Thursday, August 15, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

First it was Gardasil. Then it was flu vaccines. Today, thousands of teenage girls as young as 13 years old living throughout the U.K. are reportedly being secretly injected with birth control vaccines at schools and family planning clinics, all without parental consent or even parental knowledge that such activity is taking place outside their watch.

The U.K.’s Daily Mail reports that school nurses have already administered birth control shots to at least 900 girls aged 13 to 16 without permission since 2010, while another 7,400 girls aged 15 and under have been given the jabs at local clinics without parental consent or notification. And in actuality, the numbers are likely far higher than even this, as most schools and clinics either do not record the full number of shots they administer, or they refuse to release these figures publicly citing confidentiality laws.

Apparently in the U.K., underage children have more rights than their own parents do to opt themselves for potentially harmful vaccines, so long as teachers, school nurses, or public health officials are able to successfully convince them that doing so is for their own benefit. And if a child wishes not to tell her parents that she was injected at school, she is free to keep this information a secret, thanks to national laws that actually prohibit school nurses from notifying students’ parents when students get vaccinated.

But 13-year-old girls are hardly mature enough to make an informed decision about whether or not to receive a birth control shot, especially since the jabs have the potential to cause some very serious side effects. The popular birth control vaccine Depo-Provera, for instance, can cause young girls to develop abnormal periods, excessive bleeding, chronic pain in the uterus, and other serious problems.


Thousands of teenage girls given birth control jabs at school, family planning clinics without parental consent or knowledge.

First it was Gardasil. Then it was flu vaccines. Today, thousands of teenage girls as young as 13 years old living throughout the U.K. are reportedly being secretly injected with birth control vaccines at schools and family planning clinics, all without parental consent or even parental knowledge that such activity is taking place outside their watch.


The U.K.’s Daily Mail reports that school nurses have already administered birth control shots to at least 900 girls aged 13 to 16 without permission since 2010, while another 7,400 girls aged 15 and under have been given the jabs at local clinics without parental consent or notification. And in actuality, the numbers are likely far higher than even this, as most schools and clinics either do not record the full number of shots they administer, or they refuse to release these figures publicly citing confidentiality laws.

Apparently in the U.K., underage children have more rights than their own parents do to opt themselves for potentially harmful vaccines, so long as teachers, school nurses, or public health officials are able to successfully convince them that doing so is for their own benefit. And if a child wishes not to tell her parents that she was injected at school, she is free to keep this information a secret, thanks to national laws that actually prohibit school nurses from notifying students’ parents when students get vaccinated.

But 13-year-old girls are hardly mature enough to make an informed decision about whether or not to receive a 
birth control shot, especially since the jabs have the potential to cause some very serious side effects. The popular birth control vaccine Depo-Provera, for instance, can cause young girls to develop abnormal periods, excessive bleeding, chronic pain in the uterus, and other serious problems.

Free birth control shots encourage children to have more sex

The shots also give young girls the green light to basically have as much sex as they want, since they are presumably being told that the vaccines will temporarily prevent them from becoming pregnant. According to some school officials and health experts, giving birth control shots to minors also cheapens the concept of sex, which in turn has the potential to destroy young girls’ ability to develop real relationships.

“Anything that trivializes or treats [sex] as something mundane or easy, particularly for young people, is damaging their ability to grow up and to properly form loving, lasting relationships,” said Anthony Seldon, headmaster of 
Wellington College in West Berkshire, to the Telegraph. “It devalues sex, it makes it like an ordinary, everyday thing like going to have McDonald’s.”

Similar birth 
control programs are now taking place in the U.S. as well, with reports indicating that some New York City schools are also beginning to make birth control medications and shots available to young girls without parental consent. According to Voice of America, girls as young as 14 throughout New York will now have free access to a variety of birth control options, and that most parents are unaware of this.

Sources for this article include:


Mediterranean Diet May Counter Genetic Risk of Stroke.

People who consumed plenty of nuts or olive oil fared better in study

Mediterranean diets heavy in two foods — olive oil and nuts — are linked to a lower rate of strokes in older people whose genetic makeup boosts their risk of diabetes, according to a new study.

The research suggests but doesn’t conclusively prove that the diet lowers or even eliminates the extra risk of stroke, perhaps by lowering the rate of diabetes. Still, “our work has placed a solid step on the ladder of personalized nutrition and successful health,” said study co-author Jose Ordovas, director of the nutrition and genomics laboratory at Tufts University‘s USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

The so-called Mediterranean diet is thought to help citizens of Greece, Spain and southern Italy lower their rates of heart disease and cancer. While the diet has received tremendous attention in recent years, there’s no firm definition of what it is because foods vary from region to region.

The Mediterranean diet is generally defined, however, as emphasizing olive oil, nuts, fresh produce and fish along with whole grains, seeds and healthier kinds of fat. There’s less focus on dairy products and meat, and — despite the Italian connection — not much consumption of pasta.

In the new study, researchers randomly assigned more than 7,000 people aged 55 to 80 in Spain to eat a low-fat diet, or a Mediterranean diet high in nuts, or a Mediterranean diet high in extra-virgin olive oil. The researchers then followed the participants for an average of five years through 2010.

Some of the participants had a genetic trait in common: a mutation in a gene that boosts the risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 50 percent compared to others with another form of the gene. Ordovas said that about 30 percent of whites have the riskiest form of the mutation.

Those with the mutation who went on the low-fat diet were nearly three times more likely than others to have a stroke, the investigators found. But those who went on the Mediterranean diets had about an equal level of risk as those without the genetic mutation.

The percentage of people in the various groups who suffered strokes ranged from 1.4 percent to 4.3 percent, Ordovas said.

“Switching to a Mediterranean diet is not going to hurt anybody, and it will help those people with risk factors or a family history of disease,” Ordovas said. “However, if switching is not totally possible, then incorporating elements of this diet such as extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, veggies, fruits, will get you somewhere. Or better yet, exchanging less healthy items with those in the diet.”

Dr. Robert Eckel, a professor of medicine and director of the Clinical and Translational Research Centers Network at the University of Colorado, who was not part of the study, said that the findings are useful. However, researchers still don’t know how the genetic variations are related to diabetes and stroke risk, he said.

In general, Eckel said, the variations — differences in DNA sequences between genes — “are common and may have no effect, adverse effect or favorable impact on cardiac health, the risk of complications from diabetes, or both.”

Source: The journal Diabetes Care.

9 Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About People’s Approval.

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.” Vernon Howard

Approval Seeking Behavior… If you ask me, this is where many of our challenges start. When you are too concerned with what other people think of you, you start sabotaging your life, and you try moving forward but with the breaks on.

“Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner”  Lao Tzu


If we want to live life the way WE want to and not the way others would want us to, we need to let go of our constant need to control what other people think of us, we need to learn to let go of our approval seeking behavior. I know that this is not always an easy task to do and that is exactly why I decided to write about the 9 reasons why you should no longer care about what others think or say of you, to point out some of the things we all know but we just need to be reminded of from time to time.

1. You simply can’t be liked by everybody

No matter how much you try and no matter how “nice” you are with people, you simply can’t have everybody like you for there will always be people who will continue talking about you and your “inappropriate” way of thinking, behaving, breathing, dressing, living, etc.

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”Winston Churchill

2. You can live a happy life without “their” approval

You are not less or more of a person based on how many people like and approve of you. While growing up we were told that in order to be liked by others we must be nice to people and we are, but somehow we keep encountering people that don’t seem to like us. So why is that? Is there something wrong with us? Not really. Just because some people don’t like us, does not imply that there is something wrong with us, for that is not true. You are already, whole and complete and you don’t need other people’s approval in order to feel this way. How freeing is that?

“Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.” Wayne Dyer

3. You can’t control what other people think of you

I came to the realization that we all live in different worlds, a different reality for each and every one of us, reality that was built based on our thoughts, beliefs, experiences, based on what we were taught while growing up. What I might see as being right, other people might see as being wrong, and what I might see as being beautiful other people might see as being ugly.

We all have a different perception on how life should be lived and how people should act, and instead of wasting your time thinking about what other people think and say of you, why not spend that time improving and growing yourself, knowing that: “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.” Einstein

4. Approval seeking behavior is time consuming

It takes a lot of your time, time that can be used to do the things that you really enjoy doing.

5. Approval seeking behavior drains your energy

Every time you spend time thinking and talking about what X or Y said about you, not only are you wasting your time, but you are also wasting your precious energy.

6. Freedom to be who you want to be

When you no longer care about what other people think of you, you start being yourself and you start behaving the way you always wanted but you couldn’t because of all the restrictions and limits you imposed on yourself. You have no idea how much freedom comes with letting go of your need to control what other people think of you. Just give it a chance and you will understand what I am talking about.

7. Inner peace

We all seek peace and we all want to be happy and the moment you stop caring about what “they” think, you will find just that.

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” Peace Pilgrim

8. You are the one in control of your life, not them

Mind your own business and live your life, the way you want to, the way it best suits you, and let go of your approval seeking behavior.

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you’ll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” Arthur Gordon

9. The only person you must get approval from is YOU

If you like and approve of yourself, believe me, it will no longer matter if people say nice things about you or not, for you will understand: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung

You get to a point where you know, them talking about you has little or nothing to do with how you think, act, live, etc., but a lot to do with how they think, and who they perceive reality. A lot of times, what we can’t accept in others are the things we haven’t accepted in ourselves, whether we are consciously aware of this truth or not.

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself as someone who needs to judge.” Wayne Dyer


Generation of erythroid cells from fibroblasts and cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.

►CoCl2 can induce formation of stem-like cells (PGCs or PGCCs) ► CoCl2 activates the expression of hemoglobins that may lead to formation of erythroid cells.► Fibroblasts and cancer cells may obtain O2 in response to hypoxia without angiogenesis. ► CoCl2 may be a useful agent in helping to generate unlimited red bllod cells in vitro.

Bone marrow is generally considered the main source of erythroid cells. Here we report that a single hypoxia-mimic chemical, CoCl2, can increase the size of fibroblasts and cancer cells and lead to formation of polyploidy giant cells (PGCs) or polyploidy giant cancer cells (PGCCs), activation of stem cell marker expression, increased growth of normal and cancer spheroid, and lead to differentiation of the fibroblasts and epithelial cells toward erythroid lineage expressing hemoglobins both in vitro and in vivo. Immunohistochemical examination demonstrated that these cells are predominantly made of embryonic hemoglobins, with various levels of fetal and adult hemoglobins. Ectopic expression of c-Myc induced the generation of nucleated erythoid cells expressing variable levels of embryonic and fetal hemoglobins. Generation of these erythroid cells can be also observed via histological examination of other cancer cell lines and human tumor samples. These data suggest that normal and solid cancer cells can directly generate erythroid cells to obtain oxygen in response to hypoxia and may explain the ineffectiveness of conventional anti-angiogenic therapies for cancer, which are directed at endothelium-dependent vessels, and offer new targets for intervention.





A Dolphin’s Tale: How Researchers Gave One Bottlenose a Prosthetic Tail .



In December 2005, when winter the bottlenose dolphin was just a few months old, she was swimming with her mother in Mosquito Lagoon, along central Florida’s Atlantic coast. Somehow she got herself tangled in a crab trap. An eagle-eyed fisherman spotted her struggling and called in a wildlife rescue team. The volunteers gently positioned the dolphin on a stretcher, carried her out of the water and drove her across the state to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

She was in bad shape when she arrived—exhausted, dehydrated, and sporting numerous cuts and abrasions. She could barely swim, and trainers stood in the tank with her, holding her little body up in the water. No one knew whether she would make it through the night. But she was a survivor, enduring that first night and the next one, too.

  • A bottlenose dolphin named Winter lost her tail after getting tangled up in a crab trap. She was forced to swim from side to side like a fish, which warped her spine.
  • Two prosthetists decided to build Winter a whole new tail, something that had never been done before. In the process, they invented a new kind of gel.
  • Today Winter’s false tail is helping to straighten her spine, and “dolphin gel” cushioning has proved useful for human athletes who have lost limbs.

Source: Scientific American.

Why greeting cards aren’t dead.



When guests visited the Hirschfeld family’s Manhattan home in the early nineties, Alexa Hirschfeld played gallery owner.

The towheaded elementary schooler would run upstairs to her younger brother James’s closet, then return with handfuls of his artwork. She’d dazzle guests with his latest paintings and sketches, pointing out aspects of each work she knew each visitor would find most compelling. Hirschfeld took care to remember who liked which piece best, and which styles of her brother’s art earned the most attention.

“I never knew what my role in art was,” she reflects. “Because I was such a deep appreciator, and such passionate appreciator. But every time I would try to sit down and be an illustrator or painter, it was just not my best use.”

Nearly two decades later, she is still helping others appreciate art, albeit in a much different medium. We’re sitting at a conference table at her and James’s online card company, Paperless Post, in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. Hirschfeld looks more than a little tired, slumped into a bright red chair in the otherwise white room. I’ve pulled her away from talks with her Web developer team over a new iPad app.

“Busy day?” I ask. “Every day is busy,” she sighs. It’s less a complaint than an acknowledgment of reality — she’s the 28-year-old cofounder of a startup that’s gained 2 million users over its three years of existence.

The Hirschfeld siblings launched Paperless Post in 2009 based on the idea that people actually want visually pleasing online content. James, then a college senior, felt the Internet lacked artful options for invitations and greeting cards. So he posed the concept of creating a digital card company to Alexa.

“The first thing I said was that people would use it, and I don’t know if they’d pay for it,” she remembers telling her brother. So the siblings researched the approaches of likely competitors, services such as Evite and Facebook Events.

“We looked so closely at all of them. And instead of being disturbed by what we saw, it really helped us narrow our entry point to the market,” Alexa tells me. She speaks slowly and deliberately, looking off at the side wall as she formulates her response. “We basically positioned ourselves as something super narrow and super new — a more design-focused company, which was seeking to bring the best of the old tradition to the new medium, and updating it to make it better where possible.”

The Hirschfelds took care to study what users wanted from online greetings and invitations. People seemed to view the current offerings as wanting in terms of style.

“I thought it was interesting that none of the competitors online really cared about the invitation itself, they all cared about the Web presence. It was like an afterthought. Whereas all the users in the real world really cared about the invitation itself. That was probably the most surprising thing, it was the most heartening thing too. What the consumer wants is, surprise surprise,” she smiles, “pretty things, easy things, responsive things.”

So, Alexa and her brother created a business plan that might seem archaically sensible in the current tech age. “We basically built a pricing model that surgically identified what people wanted to pay us for and what they didn’t want to pay us for,” she explains. “One of the things we figured out early on was that we could create value for people by creating a product that allowed them to design something that they couldn’t design without us.”

Paperless Post began as a fully premium service, with a set price for every card. But the Hirschfelds soon learned that users preferred to pay per card feature. The site now operates on a coin system, with each coin costing about 20 cents. Those coins buy customizable features for your card, such as envelope liners, stamps, additional notes, and different colored backgrounds. Paperless Post cards feature in-house illustrations, as well as graphics made through partnerships with designers like Kate Spade. Sending multiple cards multiplies the number of coins that a particular greeting costs. Some simple, non-customized cards can be sent for free, and new users begin with 25 coins in their digital purse.

Those small coin payments have added up for the startup. It reached a positive cash flow by its second year of business. Paperless Post also has managed to penetrate a market that has evaded its less design-conscious competitors — digital wedding invitations.

Hirschfeld credits the startup’s success to a practical harnessing of aesthetics. “I believe in form,” she tells me, looking off at the wall again, “and the manner of what you say being as important as the content of what you say. And what this company lets people do is in line with that. ”

As a classics major at Harvard University, Alexa wrote her thesis about the poet Constantine Cavafy, which provides some insight into her philosophy about design. “His entire poetics was about the importance of style. A lot of time the style is the substance.” And with Paperless Post, she says, appearance really is the product.

While the company originally found success offering the digital version of something physical, it recently began offering paper versions of its digital cards.

“So many people were asking for it,” Hirschfeld says of the printed product line, “it would have been a risk not to build it and try it.”

So Paperless Post launched its Paper line in October 2012, at a price point five to 10 times higher than its digital cards. Within five weeks of launch, the founders witnessed a day when Paper’s revenue outstripped that of the digital cards.

I ask Hirschfeld whether the success of paper cards spells failure for digital greetings. “No,” she answers with certainty. “It’s that,” she pauses, “basically print is more of a statement now. People still want to make those statements.” She says there are uniquely physical ways in which one uses paper greetings, such as the holiday cards you find displayed on the mantle or the name cards at a wedding reception table. “The physical world is not going away,” she adds, “just items take on different meaning. Paper takes on this archival, very important meaning now that it’s not the only way to communicate something.”

Hirschfeld sees this dual online-offline access as key to a modern content company’s success. She points to Netflix and Amazon (with its Kindle) as companies that have made a flexible medium the product itself — we pay them for the way they allow us to easily access content.

“Seamlessness makes a lot of sense for us,” she explains. “Because even hard paper invitations are a digital product. The physical item itself is not always the most important part, it’s the visual information and the actual data that’s important. A design is an intellectual product.”

Two decades after her years as a child curator, Hirschfeld has found her role in the creative world– connecting people with aesthetics for which they’re happy to pay.

Source: Smart Planet.

FDA Admits Chicken Meat Contains Arsenic.



Killing animals for mass consumption is inhumane and not harmonious with our hearts. We have been desensitized to inhumane practices within the food industry. It’s been over 6 years since The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) found that chicken contained Arsenic. With the risk of being exposed, the FDA has finally admitted to this fact and no longer can they continue with their desire to sweep this information under the rug.

Ingested inorganic arsenic is metabolized to mono and dimethylated compounds, these are predominantly found in urine. Big pharmaceutical companies produce and sell four arsenic compounds that are added to animal feed for turkey, chicken and swine production to increase weight and improve pigmentation of the meat. As far back as 2006, the IATP’s report Playing Chicken: Avoiding Arsenic in your meat estimated that more than 70 percent of all U.S. chickens raised for meat are fed arsenic. That report found detectable levels of arsenic in many  brand name poultry products form supermarkets and fast food restaurants. One way farmers add arsenic to chicken feed is through drugs like Pfizer’s Roxarsone.

Arsenic’s a poison that causes cancer, among other harm. The FDA can’t seriously uphold its public health mission while allowing residues of arsenic in the meat our children and families eat. – David Wallinga, M.D. IATP

It’s about time that the FDA took action, they have confirmed that chickens given the drug do test positive for inorganic arsenic which, as stated above was found as early as 2006. Despite finding this fact in 2006, the industry continued to ignore it and steadily maintained that arsenic could not and did not make it into the meat. While admitting to the arsenic, the FDA continues to maintain that there is no meaningful risk to those eating the chicken. It is no surprise that this point is emphasized by the pharmaceutical company and the National Chicken Council. How can the FDA claim that arsenic at a low level is still safe to eat? How can we be sure it is at a low level given how cancer rates are rising every year? Even though the FDA admits to arsenic being a carcinogen, meaning it increases the risk of cancer, they still justify its placement in the chicken we eat. Chicken littler containing arsenic is also fed to cows in factory beef operations. So the arsenic that’s pooped out by the chickens gets consumed and concentrated in the tissues of cows, which is then ground into hamburger to be consumed by the masses who don’t even know they’re eating it.

Human health affects of arsenic exposure, especially inorganic arsenic exposure, can vary depending on route of exposure. For ingestion, adverse effects are most often manifested as skin discolouration and lesions and in the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain). Ingestion has also been linked to cancer of the skin, bladder, liver and lung. Inhalation exposure has been linked to an increased incidence of irritation of mucous membranes and lung cancer. Inorganic arsenic is classified as a known human carcinogen.

The state of Maryland has recently passed a bill that bans arsenic in chicken feed. Pfizer’s roxarsone arsenic based drug has been in chicken feed since the 1940′s. The inorganic arsenic not only ends up in meat, it ends up in soil. The chickens in Maryland, for example, produce about a billion pounds of waste a year and that waste gets used as fertilizer. Maryland is the first state to pass such a bill, and it is logical to assume that this problem exists with chicken feed, the chicken meat and the fertilizer from chicken waste in all other states too. It’s good to know that this is becoming known, and I am sure this information will spread as we continue to wake up.



Warning Against Calcitonin Salmon for Osteoporosis — Cancer Risk Cited.


FDA advisors recommend against use of calcitonin salmon (a man-made version of the hormone found in salmon) for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis because the potential cancer risks outweigh the benefits, Reuters reports.

Briefing materials prepared by the FDA say that the potential for cancer risk “appears plausible” and that “significant questions” remain about whether therapy is effective in reducing fractures.

Currently available as a nasal spray (Miacalcin, Fortical) or injectable solution (Miacalcin), calcitonin products accounted for about 5% of sales of osteoporosis medications in 2011, according to the report.

The FDA will make a final determination after considering the advisory committee’s recommendations.


Outbreak of Shigellosis Showed Decreased Susceptibility to Azithromycin.


An outbreak of shigellosis that occurred in Los Angeles last year is the first known transmission in the U.S. of Shigella sonnei with resistance to azithromycin, according to MMWR.

Of 43 cases of shigellosis associated with a private bridge club, 14 were confirmed by culture. Four isolates had elevated azithromycin minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of >16 μg/mL and a plasmid-encoded macrolide resistance gene.

The authors write: “Guidelines for azithromycin susceptibility testing and criteria for interpretation of MICs for Shigella species have not been published. Clinicians are urged to report azithromycin treatment failure among shigellosis patients to public health authorities and to retain Shigella isolates from such cases for further analysis.”

Source: MMWR