Over-the-Counter Birth Control Safe for Teens, Research Finds.

Days could be coming when birth control is harder to get, with no-copay contraception potentially dropping off the map. Even though costs could increase, researchers say there’s no reason oral contraception should remain restricted by prescriptions. While some have been recommending over-the-counter birth control pills for years, some have worried about safety. But new research shows birth control pills are very safe and effective — especially for teens.

NPR reports that a review of birth control pill research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health makes the most comprehensive case yet for allowing over-the-counter birth control for teens. In fact, the research found birth control pills might be safer for young people, because your risk for negative side effects such as blood clots is greater if you’re older.

“There is a growing body of evidence that the safety risks are low and benefits are large,” Krishna Upadhya, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the lead author of the review, told NPR.

And when you’re young, Upadhya added, research shows you are less likely to experience some of the negative side effects of the Pill. While pills containing estrogen and progestin increase risk of a certain type of blood clot, Krishna said teens are less likely to develop that side effect and others, meaning the pill is “potentially safer the younger you are.”

 Research shows that good things happen when we reduce barriers to birth control. According to a 2016 research report from Urban Institute, about 63 percent of women reported that birth control reduces stress in their lives, about 54 percent said it had provided them health benefits, about 49 percent said it had helped them get their education, and about 49 percent reported more stable romantic relationships. On top of that, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists backs access to over-the-counter birth control, as do many doctors.

With this new research, Upadhya told NPR, everyone, regardless of age, should be able to get the Pill from her local pharmacy, no prescription needed.

“These pills are safe and effective and we should reduce barriers to using them,” she said. “And teens should benefit just as adult women do.”


ACOG Offers Updated Guidelines on Weight Gain During Pregnancy .

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports the Institute of Medicine’s guidelines on weight gain during pregnancy. The committee opinion appears in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

In brief:

  • Those with a pre-pregnancy BMI under 18.5 should gain 28–40 pounds.
  • Normal-weight women (BMI, 18.5–24.9) should aim for 25–35.
  • Overweight women (BMI, 25–29.9) should aim for 15–25.
  • Obese women (BMI, 30 or more) should gain only 11–20.

ACOG has also issued a separate committee opinion on obesity in pregnancy. That document, noting that more than half of pregnant women in the U.S. are overweight or obese, offers recommendations including anesthesiology consultation early in labor and possible thromboprophylaxis for those undergoing cesarean section.

Source: Obstetrics & Gynecology