Cannabis Compound Found to Remove Toxic Alzheimer’s Protein From the Brain.

Alzheimer’s is a major problem, and as Americans continue to age, it’s becoming an increasing one. But what if cannabis had the answer?

According to Real Farmacy, cannabis is the answer – as a compound (THC, more specifically) can remove toxic amyloid beta protein clumps, which some believe are responsible for Alzheimer’s disease, from the brain.
Marijuana enthusiasts the world over are already rejoicing, simply because they heard THC. Smoke ’em if you got ’em?
Researchers are suggesting that THC works to fight Alzheimer’s by clearing those protein clumps, thereby decreasing the likelihood of the lesions some researchers believe are responsible for Alzheimer’s.
In 2006, researchers at the Scripps Research Institute found that THC inhibits the formation of amyloid plaques by blocking the enzyme in the brain that produces them. Schubert and his team have found that THC is also able to eliminate a dangerous inflammatory response from the nerve cells, thus ensuring their survival.

So far, Schubert and his team have only tested THC on neurons in a lab. Their next step will be to observe the link between THC and reduced inflammation and plaque build-up in a clinical trial.

THC is a popular word among marijuana enthusiasts because it is responsible for the majority of marijuana’s psychological effects, including the high. THC has natural pain-relieving properties, and is effective in treating symptoms for everything from stroke and chemotherapy to chronic pain, post traumatic stress disorder, and HIV.

When consumed, THC passes from the lungs to the bloodstream, and attaches itself to two different types of receptors, cannabinoid receptor (CB) 1 and 2. These receptors are found on cell surfaces all over the body.

Receptors in the brain are most concentrated in neurons associated with pleasure, memory, thinking, coordination, and time perception. These receptors usually bind with a class of lipid molecules called endocannabinoids that are produced by the body during physical activity to promote cell-to-cell signaling in the brain.

THC can also bind to these lipid molecules in the same way. When THC does this, it begins to mess with the brain’s ability to communicate with itself. This can be both a good and a bad thing.

Research suggests that by binding to these receptors, THC could actually have a positive effect on aging brains because it can help the body clear out toxic accumulations of amyloid beta.

While no one is 100% sure of what causes Alzheimer’s disease, it is thought to be the result of a build-up of two types of lesions: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.

Amyloid plaques are dense clusters of beta-amyloid molecules that sit between neurons. Neurofibrillary tangles are caused by defective tau proteins that clump up into a thick, insoluble mass in the neurons.

It is still unclear why these lesions begin appearing in the brain, but studies have linked inflammation in the brain tissue to the build up of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. According to these studies, something that is capable of easing brain inflammation while simultaneously encouraging the body to clear out these lesions could become the first effective treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Lawsuit Alleges That NFL Teams Distributed Painkillers Recklessly

The National Football League (NFL) has been buffeted by the health controversies for the last few years. In 2014, the horrors of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) were first brought to the public’s attention in the form of a Boston University study. That athletes who suffered multiple concussions were at increased risk of cognitive impairment was known before this study, but the extent and pervasiveness of the problem was underestimated.

CNN reports that the NFL is now the focus of a lawsuit concerning their “reckless” use of opioid painkillers. These prescription drugs are extremely addictive and are a scourge that is killing thousands annually. The NFL lawsuit centers on informed consent and whether the players were cautioned about the dangers posed by these powerful pharmaceuticals.

The lawsuit against the NFL alleges incidents where unlabeled pills, Percocet and Motrin, were distributed to players in unmarked envelopes. The physical toll inflicted on footballs players and the influential role that team doctors play in their lives may make them uniquely susceptible to the dangers of opioids, but statistically they represent just the tip of the addiction iceberg.

It is not just NFL doctors passing out these pills like candy to injured players. In Alabama, which has the highest opioid prescription rate in the U.S., there are 143 prescriptions for every 100 people. Clearly, doctors bear a significant responsibility for creating this situation.

The extent of the addiction crisis is staggering. In 2015, there were more opioid users than smokers in America, a total of 27 million. Native Americans and Caucasians have the highest rate of death from opioids: 8.4 and 7.9 per 100,000 people. African Americans and Latinos have a death rate of 3.3 and 2.2 per 100,000. Addiction to opioids and heroin is costing the U.S. more than $193 billion each year.

It is inevitable that there is blowback for the overuse of opioid painkillers and it is no longer possible to ignore a calamity that has ruined and ended so many lives. Studies show that addiction ends up affecting over a quarter of those who use opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. Worse, 1 in 550 patients on opioid therapy dies from opioid-related causes within 2.5 years of their first prescription.

Perhaps this NFL lawsuit will help shed additional light on the dangers of powerful painkillers and the potential alternatives to these extremely dangerous drugs. That there is a huge problem has been acknowledged but to date the response has not been commensurate with the scope of the catastrophe. We need big pharma to acknowledge how dangerous their products are and make a point of minimizing their use. Natural and safer alternatives need to be promoted.

The most controversial and promising of these is medical cannabis. Medical marijuana has a long history as a natural analgesic. Its medicinal qualities are due to high amounts of cannabidiol (CBD), medicinal terpenes and flavonoids. Varieties of cannabis exist that are very low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes you feel “stoned” — and high in medicinal CBD.

How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

pass drug test hero How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

Sometimes it can be good to detox a bit and flush marijuana out of your system, and sometimes you have no choice because you really want that job you applied for and you know you’re going to be drug tested. Life’s rough, man. But although THC only stays in your system for a week, seven days exactly, passing a drug test can be more of a challenge for heavier smokers. However, there are ways to help you clean out your system, and it’s a good idea to brush up on the best ways to rid yourself of THC metabolites.

What are THC metabolites and what are drug screens looking for?

pass drug test lab analysis How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

Drug test screenings typically involve testing your urine for metabolites.

Now what are metabolites? I’m so glad you asked. Metabolites are a side effect of a substance after its already been processed by your body. In this case, the guys in the white coats are going to be looking out for the THC metabolites in your system, or in more scientific terms, THC-COOH.

In order to know if you are ready for a drug test, you need to be able to figure out the amount of THC metabolites in your system and also know what the testing levels are for your drug screen. I know this sounds complicated but I’ll explain a bit further.

How long does marijuana stay in your system?

pass drug test smoking skeleton How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

The half-life of THC metabolites is seven days. This means that every seven days, the amount of metabolites in your body will decrease by 50%. With this in mind, it can be assumed that your body will be rid of THC metabolites in about 3-4 weeks. However, it’s super important to note that these numbers can also depend on how much you smoke, how often you smoke, and how much you weigh.

Since THC is a fat soluble, which is why cannabis is great for deliciously fattening edibles, it can easily be stored in your fatty lipid tissue. As a result of this, your fat cells will release the THC metabolites into your bloodstream at a continuous rate, which is certainly not a good thing.

But guess what? You can still pass a drug test without being 100% free of THC metabolites. Since you still need your levels to be below the minimum amount of metabolites for the test, with a typical threshold being 50 mg/mL (whatever that means,) your test results will be negative and you’ll be home free!

Now I’m sure you’re probably thinking, “I don’t care about THC metabolites! I just want to know how to pass a drug test!” Chill out because I’m about lay down the facts.

How to pass a drug test

pass drug test thc molecule How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

The basic method for passing a drug test is to dilute your urine just enough where, as I mentioned before, your levels will fall below the 50ng/ML limit.

There’s only one problem with that, though. The men in the white coats are keeping an eye out for fully diluted urine. Seriously, they know what you’re up to… With this in mind, you need to not only dilute your urine but to also cover up the fact that your urine is diluted. Ugh, talk about a catch-22.

So now you’re kind of annoyed because this kind of seems impossible? However, there are ways to mask diluted urine.

How to cover up diluted urine

pass drug test water glass How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

There are several ways to dilute your urine. Hooray!

Let’s begin with water. Water is great for flushing out your system, but you shouldn’t feel the need to start chugging water weeks or days before your drug test. This only dilutes your urine for the time being so it’s pretty much a waste of time.

You’re better off drinking 3-4 liters of water throughout the day before you take your test, and then about 1.5-2 liters several hours before you leave to take your test. It’s important to know your limits, and really you should only be drinking a maximum of 2 liters. Note: drinking too much water can result in death, and that’s not the way you want to go out. Trust me.

After drinking a lot of water, your urine will be colorless and have low amounts of creatine. This is good, no? Eh, not so much.

By having colorless urine as well as low levels of creatine, the men in the white coats can easily see that you are trying waaay too hard to clean out your system, and we don’t want any of that.

How to do all of this and STILL pass your drug test

pass drug test pills How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

There are two important substances that can still help you pull off this whole shebang– Vitamin B and creatine.

Vitamin B is important to take because it makes your urine yellow, therefore the men in the white coats won’t become suspicious. The most effective form of Vitamin B is either Vitamin B-2 or Vitamin B-12. It is recommended that you take 50-100 mg several hours before taking your drug test.

In addition to Vitamin B, creatine supplements can also help. Creatine, which is a chemical waste product that is already naturally in your body, can help the men in the white coats determine whether your urine is diluted or not.

Since creatine only has a half-life of three hours, you should take an above-average dose several hours before your test. You can find creatine supplements from any health food store, and as soon as creatine is broken down by your body, it will be completely flushed out of your system. Sweet.

But that’s not all folks. There are more ways to further guarantee that your system will be flushed of THC metabolites.

More tips for passing your drug test

greendetox How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

Number one:  Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours before your test. For some of us, this isn’t too hard to accomplish since exercise and the word “avoid” often go hand in hand. But for all you gym rats out there, it’s best to avoid exercising because working out will only cause your THC metabolite levels to shoot up, and again, we don’t want any of that.

Number two: When you’re peeing into the cup, you should only provide the urine from the ‘middle’ of your urine stream. This is important to note because the first and last parts of your urine stream have the highest amounts of those evil metabolites.

Number three: Get your hands on some detox drinks. Detox drinks can be helpful but they only help to dilute your urine, which as we know, isn’t enough to pass your test. However, detox drinks also contain Vitamin B, as well as creatine, which also helps to hide the fact that your urine is diluted. Detox drinks, while convenient, can be a bit pricy, so keep that in mind as well.

I will leave you with a few notes. If you are a regular smoker or have a high level of fat, dilution may not be as effective and it may take longer to flush out your system. If this is the case, you can use the urine of a non-smoker but that’s on you if you choose to go down that road. Just know your facts and you should be just fine. Good luck!

How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

system featured How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

The amount of time that weed stays in your system depends on the user and how frequently they smoke. There are other factors involved, too, such as how it is being tested. THC binds the longest to the hair follicle and to saliva for the least amount of time. 

THC has a cumulative effect in the body and includes other factors such as the metabolic rate. However, as a general rule of thumb, this is how long cannabis stays in the system.

THC in urine

system times How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

The most common way to test for THC is in the urine because it is the cheapest method and has a long detection period. However, the length of time will vary depending on the frequency of use because of the cumulative effect of THC.

  • Someone who has smoked for the first time can test positive for THC for up to 8 days in urine.
  • Someone who smokes frequently can test positive for THC for up to 15 days in urine.
  • Someone who smokes heavily can test positive for THC for up to 30 days in urine.
  • Some heavy marijuana smokers have been tested positive for up to 45-90 days in urine after stopping smoking cannabis.

As a guide, if you´re a heavy smoker, chances are THC will remain in your urine for up to a month after stopping. This is also the most likely way you’ll be tested for weed in your system.

THC in saliva

system saliva How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

THC lasts the shortest time in the saliva. This is the method most often used by road police in checking for drugged drivers. It starts to test positive about 1 hour after smoking and can remain positive in saliva for up to 12 hours.

THC in hair

system hair How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

In the case of hair follicles, THC binds for the longest period of time. A single use of cannabis can test positive in the hair for up to 7 days, and most hair follicle tests are for a 90 day period. However, it is not always certain that cannabis actually binds to the hair follicle, so this method is hardly ever used.

THC in blood

system blood How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

THC is hardly ever measured from the blood because the metabolite of THC doesn´t bind to the blood for very long. As a result, testing cannabis in the blood only detects recent use.

How to pass a urine test

system urine test How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

Unfortunately, there´s no certain way to pass a urine test if you´re a heavy smoker. There are products that can be purchased solely for the purpose of cleansing urine, but their reliability is questionable.

The most scientific way to pass a urine test is to drink a lot of cranberry juice or a lot of fluids. Adding more water to the system will naturally dilute whatever is in your urine.

But the surest way to pass a urine test is to stick safely and generously to the time guidelines!

How long other chemicals stay in the system

While on the topic, it´s interesting to note how long other chemicals remain in the system after use.

  • Heroin can be detected in blood and saliva for up to 12 hours, and in urine for up to three days.
  • Amphetamines can be detected in blood and saliva for 12 hours after use and in the urine for 1-2 days after use.
  • A standard drink of alcohol can be detected in the body for only about 5 hours after use (the more that is consumed, the longer the it takes to metabolize, but is the shortest detection time of them all).


So many employers these days are testing their employees for drugs. However, it is easier to get away with having a problem with amphetamines than it is to be a cannabis smoker. Given the technology that is available, shouldn’t there be some leniency towards frequency of use with cannabis? It is legal now, after all. In fact, after legalization, the risk to the workforce if drug testing is not altered is extreme. It could result in a giant loss for the workforce in the USA.

Cannabis stays in the system longer than almost all other chemicals in the body because of it´s cumulative effect. However, everyone knows that you´re not necessarily high 12 hours after use. The best advice to smokers out there afraid of the ever prevalent urine test, stick to jobs that don´t require it!

Study shows THC removes Alzheimer plaque from the brain

Though just the beginning, these exploratory laboratory experiments have suggested that THC, one of the main chemical compounds in marijuana, can help prevent alzheimers by breaking down the memory-reducing plaque that would, otherwise, form in the brain.

The plaque is comprised of proteins, including beta-amyloid, and was reproduced at the Salk Institute for testing.

The researchers grew human neurons it the laboratory.  From there, they introduced the proteins, including beta-amyloid, and created the plaque build-up.

After this, they introduced THC and the results were astounding.

Not only did the THC break down the protein, but it caused the neurons to reduce in swelling.  It’s the swelling that can lead to additional protein build-up, so it seems that THC is working as a cleaner and a preventative.

“Although other studies have offered evidence that cannabinoids might be neuroprotective against the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, we believe our study is the first to demonstrate that cannabinoids affect both inflammation and amyloid beta accumulation in nerve cells,” says Salk Professor David Schubert, the senior author of the paper said in a statement.

Indeed, we have cannabinoid receptors all throughout our body.  Has the last 100 years of marijuana prohibition actually caused the development of alzheimers in humanity?  Are we that connected to the plant?  Obviously, if our body has built-in receptors for it; it has quite likely been a huge part of our evolution.  To have stripped it away may have done unjust damage.

Another study actually directly shows alzheimers is caused by a loss of cannabinoids, in which they explain the importance of cannabinoids in memory and learning.

More studies are welcome (and necessary) to identify a causal link between the THC and beta-amyloid reduction, including human trials.

How CBD, a component in marijuana, works within cells

A team of Stony Brook University researchers have identified fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) as intracellular transporters for two ingredients in marijuana, THC and CBD (cannabidiol). The finding, published early online in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, is significant because it helps explain how CBD works within the cells. Recent clinical findings have shown that CBD may help reduce seizures and could be a potential new medicine to treat pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy.

3D ball and stick molecular model of cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD differs from THC in that it is not psychoactive and does not bind to cannabinoid receptors. Some children who are resistant to conventional antiepileptic drugs have been reported to show improvement with oral CBD treatment. The Stony Brook research team found that three brain FABPs carry THC and CBD from the cell membrane to the interior of the cell. This action enabled them to conduct experiments inhibiting FABPs and thereby reducing anandamide breakdown inside the cells.

“Anandamide, an endocannabinoid, has been shown to have neuroprotective effects against seizures in basic research studies and this may turn out to be a key mechanism of seizure control,” explained Dale Deutsch, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and a faculty member of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery at Stony Brook University. “Therefore by CBD inhibiting FABPs, we could potentially raise the levels of anandamide in the brain’s synapses.”

The findings in the paper, titled “Fatty Acid Binding Proteins are Intracellular Carriers for THC and CBD,” stem from the team’s research that spans five years and includes their discoveries that showed anandamide levels were raised in rodent brains using novel drugs targeted to FABPs. In 2013, they received a $3.8 million grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to target endocannabinoid transporters to develop drugs for pain and inflammation.

The current research involving FABPs as transporters of CBD involves the work of faculty and students from several Stony Brook Departments. The team includes four Professors — Dr. Deutsch, Martin Kaczocha (Anesthesiology), Iwao Ojima (Chemistry and the Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery), and Stella Tsirka (Pharmacological Sciences). The team also features a post-doctoral fellow (Jeremy Miyauchi in Pharmacological Sciences), a researcher who recently received his PhD (William Berger in Chemistry), a graduate student Matthew Elmes, a research technician Liqun Wang, and undergraduate students Brian Ralph, Kwan-Knok Leung, and Joseph Sweeney, all from the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology.

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells.

Not long ago, we published an article examining a case study recently published where doctors used cannabis to treat Leukemia, you can read more about that here. To read more articles and view studies about how cannabis is an effective treatment and cure for cancer, click here.

Cannabinoids refer to any group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces  compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. I think it’s also important to note that cannabis has been shown to treat cancer without any psychoactive effects.

Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. Although not every strain of cannabis has the same effect, more and more patients are seeing success in cancer reduction in a short period of time by using cannabis. Contrary to popular  belief, smoking cannabis does not assist a great deal in treating disease within the body as therapeutic levels cannot be reached through smoking. Creating oil from the plant or eating the plant is the best way to go about getting the necessary ingredients, the cannabinoids.

The world has come a long way with regards to accepting this plant as a medicine rather than a harmful substance. It’s a plant that could benefit the planet in more ways than one. Cannabis is not something offered in the same regard as chemotherapy, but more people are becoming aware if it, which is why it’s so important to continue to spread information like this. Nobody can really deny the tremendous healing power of this plant.

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Completely.


From Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, Dr. Christina Sanchez has been studying the anti-tumor effects of THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, for over a decade. She delivers sound information that explains exactly how THC kills cancer cells entirely – without adverse effects to healthy cells.

 Her research is an addition to other’s work, such as British scientist, Wai Liu, an oncologist at the University of London’s St. George’s medical school. Liu’s research also reveals how THC has ‘potent anti-cancer activity,’ and can significantly ‘target and switch off’ pathways that allow cancers to grow.

Liu points out that pharmaceutical companies spend billions on drugs that do the very same thing, while the cannabis plant does it naturally. In the following video, Dr. Sanchez explains exactly how THC does the dirty work of eliminating cancer cells by activating the body’s own cannabinoid receptors, creating endocannabinoids. What’s more, is cannabis can do this without any psychoactive effects.


This comes at an important time when states are legalizing medical marijuana and the federal government is receiving pressure to de-list cannabis as an illegal drug – an archaic and erroneous definition of a plant which the Feds say ‘has no medicinal value’, even though they hold numerous patents on the plant. The feds are still fighting marijuana, despite havingnumerous patents on the plant.

Patent No. 6,630,507, for example, is for cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. Could this be why they are dragging their feet on declassifying this valuable plant?

In fact, three scientists from the Department of Health and Human Services said in the abstract — or summary — of their findings submitted with the patent application:


Surely they knew it could treat cancer too.

In Hindu texts cannabis was known as ‘sacred grass.’ It has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Cannabis can replace toxic medications, and drastically reduce pain. Dr. Sanchez’s studies just add to the age-old wisdom surrounding the medicinal use of this phenomenal plant.


Low-dose THC extinguishes brain inflammation and halts cognitive decline without the high .

Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel recently published a cannabis study in the Journal of Neuroscience Research. Their findings indicate that low doses of cannabinoids, in particular ultra-low-dose tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), exerts a protective effect against cognitive deficits from brain inflammation.


A prior study from Brazil reported that cannabidiol (CBD) “could help ward off neuronal cell death in the face of neurodegradation,” according to Medical Jane. Previous research demonstrated that an “ultra-low dose of THC (0.002 mg/kg)” protects the brain against cognitive deficits from a variety of insults that would ordinarily cause brain inflammation. [1]

The goal of the Israeli researchers, led by Miriam Fishbein-Kaminietsky, PhD, was to discover if low-dose THC could protect the brain from cognitive deficits after lab-induced brain inflammation. The researchers decided to do an in vivo lab study with mice that they injected with “10 mg/kg of lipopolysccharide (LPS),” which is known to cause brain inflammation.

Additionally, the mice were injected with “0.002 mg/kg of THC either 48 hours before LPS treatment or 1-7 days after LPS treatment.” The rationale behind the protocol was to determine whether the timing of the THC dose could protect the mice brains from induced brain inflammation. Three weeks after the injections, the mice were tested.

Fishbein-Kaminietsky said of the study’s results, “An ultralow dose of THC that lacks any psychotropic activity protects the brain from neuroinflammation-induced cognitive damage.” [1]

The study clearly demonstrated that, although LPS causes brain inflammation, which results in chronic cognitive debilitation, the introduction of THC either before or after injection with LPS prevented inflammation-induced cognitive deficits. In other words, THC acted as both a preventive as well as a remedy against brain inflammation.

Further investigation revealed that, in order for the THC to be effective, CB1 receptors found mainly in the brain (endocannabinoid signaling system) needed to be activated.

The study suggests that minuscule doses of THC can prevent and heal cognitive deficits resulting from brain inflammation and other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The good news for older patients, who often fear the “high” associated with THC yet desire protection from brain inflammation, is that the neuroprotective benefits of THC are abundantly available at ultra-low doses that effectively mitigate the “high.”

The remarkable Debbie Wilson story

Twenty-two years ago, Debbie Wilson was struck down in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant by a driver in a pick-up truck. Upon impact, she was knocked to the ground head first and then the driver inadvertently backed up over her. [2]

This accident was the beginning of her 22-year journey into unbearable darkness, despair and disability. Initially she struggled with common traumatic brain injury symptoms including forgetfulness, migraines, nightmares, time distortion, depression, paranoia, anxiety and balance problems. [3]

Several years later, Debbie was diagnosed with epilepsy and suffered from seizures, PTSD, Alzheimer’s, chronic depression, anxiety and type 2 diabetes. A cocktail of pharmaceuticals proved ineffective and caused numerous deleterious side effects including damage to her intestines.

In 2010, Debbie was desperate enough to give cannabis a try, a last-ditch effort to find some relief. Within weeks of smoking cannabis, Debbie noticed a significant improvement in her symptoms.

Yet, it wasn’t until Debbie began to orally ingest a non-psychoactive cannabis medicine or “NeuroEnhancer” (22% CBD 1% THC oil) along with a high-THC strain for her epilepsy that she experienced the miraculous healing benefits of cannabis. Watch Debbie’s video.

Debbie asserts, “I know for a fact that I’m now accessing file drawers in my memory bank that were shut for more than 20 years.”

Sources for this article include:




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Hemp could literally save mankind – so why is it illegal?

Hemp is a tall, beautiful and gracious looking annual plant that can reach heights over twelve feet. Although hemp (cannabis sativa) and marijuana (cannabis sativa var. indica) come from a similar species of plant, they are very different and confusion has been caused by deliberate misinformation with far reaching effects on socioeconomics as well as on environmental matters. The reason hemp is illegal is not because of any negative impact to the environment or human health, but exactly the opposite. It is so environmentally friendly, nutritionally and medicinally beneficial, that it provides too many abundant resources which would make it impossible for powerful corporations to compete.

Historical Use

Hemp is the most universally useful plant we have at our disposal. The history of mankind’s use of hemp can be traced way back in time to between about 5000 – 7000 BC. Remains of seed husks have been found at Neolithic burial sites in central Europe, which indicate that they were used in funeral rites and shamanic ceremonies. It is probable that at that time the distinctions between various strains were not as pronounced as they are today.

Up until and even during WWII, hemp was a widely grown crop, which provided the world with an excellent and most durable source of fibre. Since it is an annual with a growing cycle of only 120 days it can be harvested several times a year, depending on local weather conditions. Its biomass is considerable, which means that it absorbs large quantities of the greenhouse gas CO2. It is resistant to bugs and requires little agrochemical treatment. It is extremely undemanding and can be grown in very poor conditions and depleted soils and will actually improve the soil structure over a period of years. For many centuries hemp was one of the most important industrial crops which provided the fibres for rope and tough, durable canvass without which the age of exploration could never have set sail.

In the US too, there have long been numerous rules and regulation in place regarding the cultivation of hemp. But unlike today’s regulations that strongly prohibit any cultivation of hemp, less than a century ago hemp cultivation was not just encouraged, but mandatory, with hefty fines being levied against farmers who refused. ‘Hemp for Victory’ was the government coined slogan that fuelled the last big bout of legal hemp cultivation during WWII, promoting hemp cultivation as a patriotic cause.

Delierate Misinformation About THC


Hemp is a variety of cannabis sativa that has a long history of use in the United States. However, since the 1950s it has been lumped into the same category of marijuana, and thus the extremely versatile crop was doomed in the United States. Hemp is technically from the same species of plant that psychoactive marijuana comes from. However, it is from a different variety, or subspecies that contains many important differences.
Industrial hemp has very low Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels, which is the principal psychoactive constituent. Compared to marijuana which is specifically cultivated for personal psychoactive use, it is nearly impossible to “get high” on hemp. Marijuana that can be smoked usually contains between 5-10%t THC, industrial hemp contains about one-tenth of that. In order to get a psychoactive effect, one would need to smoke more than a dozen hemp cigarettes over a very short period of time to achieve any kind of psychoactive effect. The reason for the low THC content in hemp is that most THC is formed in resin glands on the buds and flowers of the female cannabis plant. Industrial hemp is not cultivated to produce buds, and therefore lacks the primary component that forms the marijuana high. Furthermore, industrial hemp has higher concentrations of a chemical called Cannabidiol (CBD) that has a negative effect on THC and lessens its psychoactive effects when smoked in conjunction.

Industrial hemp also grows differently than THC-containing cannabis. Hemp is typically grown up, not out, because the focus is not on producing buds but on producing length of stalk. In this way, hemp is a very similar crop to bamboo. The stalk contains the fiber and hard, woody core material that can be used for a variety of purposes, even carpentry.

The two also differ in the areas that they can be effectively grown. THC-producing Marijuana must be grown in generally warm and humid environments in order to produce the desired quantity and quality of THC-containing buds. However, since industrial hemp does not contain these buds, and the hardy parts of the plant are the more desired, it can be grown in a wider range of areas. Generally, industrial hemp grows best on fields that provide high yields for corn crops, which includes most of the Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast United States. Furthermore, since industrial hemp can use male plants as well as female plants (since the object is not THC production), higher crop yields can result.

While there is virtually no THC in the varieties grown for industrial uses such as oil and fibre, governments have cooperated with powerful corporate lobbyists the ensure that hemp is lumped into the same category as marijuana. The primary reason is that hemp has too many abundant resources for fuel, housing, food, medicine that corporations cannot exploit. Think about how many polluting conglomerates would go down if hemp was permitted as a resource. The oil, pharmaceutical, supplement and constructions industry would need to radically shift their business model to survive.

Abundant Resources

Hemp provides the fibre to make a durable paper – a far more sensible solution than the wasteful method of clear cutting old growth forests, or even the cultivation pine plantations that are ecologically speaking dead zones that take 20 years to mature before they can be harvested. Cannabis produces 4 times more fibre per acre and can be harvested several times per year. The first dollar bills were printed on hemp paper, your old family bible is probably printed on hemp paper and even the constitution itself was drafted on hemp paper.
Hemp has the strongest natural fibres, which can be used not just to produce rough cloth, such as sails or canvass, but also durable work clothes, like the original jeans. When the plants are grown closer together the fibre becomes shorter and finer, which allows for finer textiles. Today, there are some fashion designers that are experimenting with a wide range of textiles made from hemp for their stylish, trendy hemp lines, shirts, suits, bags, jeans and more. And, no- you can’t smoke them to get high!

Hemp fibres are also finding application as a modern building material, an application that has been spearheaded and exploited successfully in France. Hemp fibres can be blended with water and limestone to create an extremely tough, light-weight, natural cement that has not only excellent insulating properties, but also shows more flexibility than conventional concrete, which makes it particularly useful as a building material in earthquake prone areas.

Back in 1941, Henry Ford built a car that was not only entirely built from ‘hemp plastic’, but also ran on hemp fuel. Hemp oil, pressed from the seeds is also extremely versatile. It can be polymerized to create a solid plastic-like material, which is extremely durable, yet nevertheless is completely natural and biodegradable, which could replace plastics in numerous industrial processes.

Car manufacturers are again turning to hemp as a resource to provide light-weight, yet shock absorbent and environmentally friendly material for their cars. Due to the high biomass hemp would also make an ideal source of ethanol, the best bio-fuel alternative to gasoline, which is capable of fuelling engines without producing all those evil gases that are destroying our atmosphere and poisoning the air. At long last, some of the top car manufacturers are beginning to follow in Ford’s steps.

Some Facts on Hemp

– Farming 6% of the continental U.S. acreage with biomass crops would provide all of America’s energy needs.
– Hemp is Earth’s number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months.
– Biomass can be converted to methane, methanol, or gasoline at a cost comparable to petroleum, and hemp is much better for the environment. Pyrolysis (charcoalizing), or biochemical composting are two methods of turning hemp into fuel.
– Hemp can produce 10 times more methanol than corn.
– Hemp fuel burns clean. Petroleum causes acid rain due to sulfur pollution.

Hemp oil is of a very high quality and industry is using it in paints, inks and varnishes. In recent years the food
industry is also discovering its virtues. Hempseed oil is one of the richest sources of essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, providing an excellent balance between omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids. All of these substances are currently being discussed, not only in the alternative health scene, but also by the food industry, which is searching for suitable ingredients to create so called ‘functional foods’. Essential fatty acids are extremely important to the proper functioning of cells. They play a role in reducing bad cholesterol and plaque, which is responsible for arteriosclerosis. Healthfood companies are beginning to experiment with hemp as a basis for a large range of products- from hemp seed bars, to gummi bears, to beer, to hemp cheese and many more.

Studies have been released that show people suffering from cancer have low levels of melatonin in their bodies. Also studies have shown that just smoking hemp can raise the melatonin levels in our bodies. So one can only imagine what hemp oil that is in a concentrated state can do to increase melatonin levels. Hemp oil promotes full body healing and raises melatonin levels thousands of times higher than normal. When the pineal gland produces vast amounts of melatonin, it causes no harm to the body but it is very hard on the condition you are suffering from and indeed can eliminate it. For almost a decade, Rick Simpson has been showing people how to cure cancer with hemp oil.

Both the commercial legal type of hemp oil and the illegal THC laden hemp oil are one of the most power-packed protein sources available in the plant kingdom. Its oil can be used in many nutritional and transdermal applications. In other chapters in my Winning the War on Cancer book we will discuss in-depth about GLA and cancer and also the interesting work of Dr. Johanna Budwig. She uses flax seed oil instead of hemp oil to cure cancer — through effecting changes in cell walls — using these omega3 and omega6 laden medicinal oils.

Hemp Oil Uses 

Every application that uses petroleum for it’s skin and hair products can use hemp oil as it is more beneficial and herbal. It can be used in many health issues as either a pain reducer or even as the cure for it.

– Since hemp oil is natural, it is used as a moisturizing oil which can be applied after a shower or a bath. When you massage your body with it, it nourishes the skin and increases the blood circulation. More on facial skin care.
– Hemp oil is used in cooking as well, though it is not suitable for high heat cooking. Along with giving a slightly nutty and crispy taste to food, it can be the perfect salad oil just in case you’re out of olive oil.
– Another application of hemp oil is it’s use as biodiesel in the same manner like other vegetable oils. It is a safe replacement for petroleum as it is non-toxic and doesn’t harm the environment.
– Almost all the forms of plastics can be made by using hemp oil instead of using petroleum as a base. As those made from petroleum, release harmful chemicals while decomposition, but those from hemp oil, don’t.
– Hemp oil can also be used in the production of paints as it doesn’t cause any armful releases when washed down from the drain and has very low emissions than the petroleum paints which are currently being used.
– Hemp oil prevents skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, acne and dry skin. It is highly nutritious for the skin and makes a wonderful addition to homemade moisturizing blends and rejuvenating creams. (Read Andrew Weil’s article on hemp oil

The list of beneficial uses of hemp goes on and on.

So why is non-psychoactive Hemp illegal?
There is an old saying: if you want to get to the root of a problem, follow the money. This holds true for hemp. In this case we have to ask the question ‘who benefits from hemp being illegal?’ The logical answer is: the oil companies- and their share holders, of course. Hemp became illegalized at the time when oil was beginning to make an impact on the economy as a base material for many things that hemp could also be used for, including textiles and fibres (plastics), cosmetics and fuel. Obviously, a resource is more profitable if access to it is restricted and not every farmer can grow it himself. In an exceedingly clever PR move psychoactive marijuana and hemp have been ‘thrown in the same pot’ as it were, and a massive campaign has been launched to convince people of the dangers of marijuana alias hemp – a highly questionable assertion.

Although technically hemp is not illegal to grow in some states, it requires obtaining a special permit from the drug enforcement agency (DEA) to restrict mass production. These permits are rarely given out and require that the crop be surrounded by security measures such as fences, razor wire, security guards, or dogs. For a crop that has little-to-no potential to get people high, the current attitude is both irresponsible and draconian.
Hemp is the most useful plant ally we have – a sustainable resource par excellence, as some might like to call it. Instead of cursing it we should be grateful to its deva and use all its ample gifts to turn the ecological demise of our planet around.

It is not hard to see how immensely valuable hemp is and how it has the potential of solving many of our environmental problems, not to mention our health problems. Yet, we are continuously deprived of its benefits because farmers are prohibited from cultivating this crop. Obviously importing it or products made from it is very expensive and the high expense is a prohibitive factor to choosing hemp as an environmentally friendly alternative even where it is available. It makes no sense to import a crop like hemp, when it can be, should be and used to be grown in all temperate and hot regions of the world.

Industrial hemp could transform the economy of the world States in a positive and beneficial way, and therefore should be exploited to its full potential.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

Article source: Raw For Beauty
