Meet the Fearsome New Tool in Airport Security.

If an Israeli company has its way, mice will be the new frontier in airport security. BioExplorers has trained its little critters to sniff out telltale signs of explosives and narcotics, reports AFP. Under its system, travelers would pass through a small booth, and mice in a nearby chamber would be able to sniff the air to detect possible trouble. Preliminary experiments have had good results, and the program will be tested in a larger pilot program next year. “They have a very developed sense of smell, more than that of dogs,” says the company founder.




Israeli Athlete’s Donated Organs Save Six Lives.

Sixteen year old Gilad Veturi collapsed during running practice and died two days later. He had just completed a 60-meter sprint. Gilad was an excellent athlete in perfect health. Doctors are unsure if he died from a brain aneurysm or an irregular heartbeat.

Gilad’s parents decided to donate his organs to save the lives of others. His heart was given to a 56-year-old man, his lungs were transplanted into two men ages 63 and 67, his liver was given to a 64-year-old woman, one kidney and his pancreas were given to a 36-year-old woman, and the other kidney went to a 24-year-old woman. The surgeries took place at the Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikva and Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center.

Israel Transplant director Dr. Tamar Ashkenazi said: “Gilad’s parents represent the beautiful Israel. They are people who give, who are ready to help others and who, at a time of
