DEA Approves Synthetic Cannabis for Pharma Co. That Paid $500K to Keep REAL Weed Illegal

After it waged a veritable war against cannabis legalization in Arizona, coughing up half a million dollars for the campaign, pharmaceutical company Insys Therapeutics recently announced its ultimate victory has finally come to fruition: the DEA has approved one of the company’s groundbreaking pharmaceuticals — synthetic marijuana — to be listed as a Schedule II substance.

“Insys gave $500,000 last summer to Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy, the group opposing marijuana legalization in Arizona,” the Washington Post reported. “The donation amounted to roughly 10 percent of all money raised by the group in an ultimately successful campaign against legalization.Insys was the only pharmaceutical company known to be giving money to oppose legalization last year, according to a Washington Post analysis of campaign finance records.”

That flood of cash from the pharmaceutical company with a vested interest in killing legalization probably did just that.

 DEA Approves Synthetic Cannabis for Pharma Co. That Paid $500K to Keep REAL Weed Illegal

Now, the equally profit-motivated U.S. government has bestowed on Insys Therapeutics what is tantamount to skirting federal cannabis prohibition — despite that synthetic Syndros contains the equivalent ingredient, THC, which nature provided in the first place.

This coordinated effort between a profiteering, private entity and the U.S. government to not only crush, but scoff at our personal liberties sounds a quiet but resounding alarm for America’s legal cannabis industry.

The fact the cannabis plant, itself still languishes as a supposedly dangerous Schedule I substance, while Big Pharma can profit from its imitation, did not occur by happenstance — in fact, Insys’ history should have flatly nullified this government-granted windfall.

Syndros garnered approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last summer for the treatment of the nausea, vomiting, and weight loss suffered by AIDS and cancer patients.

Now, Insys has received the green light from the Drug Enforcement Agency, which categorized the synthetic substance and its generic formulations as Schedule II — a classification placing it alongside substances from cocaine and methamphetamines, to Adderall, OxyContin, and even methadone.

Cannabis remains on the DEA’s hitlist of Schedule I dangerous substances the State vilipends as devoid of redeeming medical value, on par with heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and peyote — largely due to pressure from, if not surreptitious coordination with, Big Pharma. See: Report Shows DEA Deliberately Blocked Beneficial Science to Perpetuate War on Cannabis

Insys’ brash endeavor to crush cannabis legalization while attempting approval of a fabricated concoction that mimics the vilified plant must be the most astonishingly callous example of corporate profiteering we’ve seen in years — and indeed, this hypocrisy has not escaped the cannabis advocacy microscope.

“It appears they are trying to kill a non-pharmaceutical market for marijuana in order to line their own pockets,” J.P. Holyoak, chairman of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Arizona, asserted last year.

Even a cursory examination of Insys Therapeutics’ anti-pot propaganda — imbued with all the patronizing semantics characteristic of an industry too experienced in cozying up to the U.S. government — belies the inanity in Big Pharma’s naked profiteering.

In short, it doesn’t matter to Insys and the federal government that scores of patients suffering a startlingly wide spectrum of ailments find relief from a plant, cannabis, in its natural state — together with loosening laws nationwide — cannot profit Insys.

But a fabricated version of the plant — and its oh-so-helpful categorization as less dangerous than what nature managed to produce — can.

During its shameless anti-pot campaign, Insys bloviated of legalization, “it fails to protect the safety of Arizona’s citizens, and particularly its children.” 

Perhaps targeting the heartstrings of family members whose loved ones use cannabis to treat childhood epilepsy and seizures, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Crohn’s disease, addiction, depression, ADHD, or one of myriad other conditions, Insys deigned itself a shield between customers and the villain plant, adding:

“[Insys] firmly believes in the potential clinical benefits of cannabinoids… [and] we hope that patients will have the opportunity to benefit from these potential products once clinical trials demonstrate their safe and effective use.”

That socially-awkward attempt to seem compassionate fools no one — and hasn’t yet — considering Insys Therapeutics began seeking the boundless profits of synthesized cannabis more than a decade ago.

Insys predicted current staggering support for the medical and recreational use of cannabis years ago, as the company postured on the need to maintain the non-synthetic plant’s Schedule I status in a 2011 letter to the DEA, noting:

“[The] longstanding policy of the United States to disfavor domestic cultivation of narcotic raw materials because of concerns about the abuse potential from farming of this material.”

But evidence that the pharmaceutical company’s hostility toward the cannabis plant pertained to the profits deprived it, in actuality, came years earlier — Insys’ own words from nearly a decade ago substantiate fully the financial motivation. A disclosure filed by Insys on August 17, 2007, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proves beyond a doubt that the profit-robbing factor motivated the killing of cannabis legalization. Forgoing pretense, Insys asserted:

“If marijuana or non-synthetic cannabinoids were legalized in the United States, the market for dronabinol [Syndros] product sales would likely be significantly reduced and our ability to generate revenue and our business prospects would be materially adversely affected.”

Of course, given Insys Therapeutics’ penchant for flying fast and loose with the law when profits are at stake aligns perfectly with the company’s insultingly-hypocritical, patently-fictitious moralizing on public health concerns.

Insys is now under investigation for off-brand marketing of fentanyl — an opioid painkiller 50 times stronger than Schedule I-listed heroin, and one of the most addictive substances available — a route pharmaceutical companies take when a drug is either found efficacious in treating an additional condition, or when sales for the approved purpose slump.

Worse, and lending further credence to the company’s profit-no-matter-the-cost modus operandi, several Insys executives were just arrested in December for conspiring to pay off healthcare workers to recklessly prescribe the medication — even when the dangerous opioid wasn’t needed. According to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts in an announcement on December 8, 2016:

“Several pharmaceutical executives and managers, formerly employed by Insys Therapeutics, Inc., were arrested today on charges that they led a nationwide conspiracy to bribe medical practitioners to unnecessarily prescribe a fentanyl-based pain medication and defraud healthcare insurers.”

Stated Harold H. Shaw, Special Agent in Charge of the Boston Field Division of the FBI, after the arrests:

“As alleged, top executives of Insys Therapeutics, Inc. paid kickbacks and committed fraud to sell a highly potent and addictive opioid that can lead to abuse and life threatening respiratory depression. In doing so, they contributed to the growing opioid epidemic and placed profit before patient safety. These indictments reflect the steadfast commitment of the FBI and our law enforcement partners to confront the opioid epidemic impacting our communities, while bringing to justice those who seek to profit from fraud or other criminal acts.”

Yet, the duplicitous nature of the U.S. government’s prohibition on cannabis now has the DEA, putatively Drug Warrior Number One, transparently forking over legal protections for synthetic THC, allowing the company to profit handily, while the plant’s scheduling makes criminals out of patients legitimately using cannabis for medical reasons.

It is this skirting of legality, deceptive marketing, duplicitous propaganda, offensively direct assistance from the government, and flagrant criminality that make Insys Therapeutics the exact corporate thug paragon of a monied-interest, authoritarian Police State.

If you need a case to abolish the State, look no further than its dealings with the cannabis plant — whether or not you are a user, the miraculously beneficial weed has flourished for centuries unmolested by self-important empires, until fiat currency made it a threat to unscrupulous profiteers.

The State’s farcical war on cannabis has effectively ended for most Americans — and it’s well overdue the government catch up with the rest of us.


Synthetic Cannabis Extremely Dangerous Vs. Marijuana, Driving Study Reveals

Synthetic Cannabis Extremely Dangerous Vs. Marijuana, Driving Study Reveals

The criminalization of cannabis has lead to the creation of a synthetic cannabinoid analogue black market that is far more dangerous than the cannabis plant, a new study reveals. 

A revealing new study published in the journal Clinical Toxicology shows that people under the influence of synthetic cannabinoids (also known as “spice”) undergo far greater impairments than those using marijuana. In the study, entitled  “Differential physiological and behavioural cues observed in individuals smoking botanical marijuana versus synthetic cannabinoid drugs,” researchers sought to measure performance and behaviour by reviewing arrest reports generated by law enforcement drug recognition experts (DRE) to evaluate motorists arrested for impaired driving.

Researchers used the following study methods:

Data were from a retrospective, convenience sample of de-identified arrest reports from impaired drivers suspected of using synthetic cannabinoids (n = 100) or marijuana (n = 33). Inclusion criteria were arrested drivers who admitted to using either synthetic cannabinoids or marijuana, or who possessed either synthetic cannabinoids or marijuana; who also had a DRE evaluation at the scene; and whose blood screens were negative for alcohol and other drugs. Exclusion criteria were impaired drivers arrested with other intoxicants found in their drug or alcohol blood screens. Blood samples were analyzed for 20 popular synthetic cannabinoids by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and THC-COOH were quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Statistical significance was determined by using Fisher’s exact test or Student’s t-test, where appropriate, to compare the frequency of characteristics of those in the synthetic cannabinoid group versus those in the marijuana group.”

The results were reported as follows

16 synthetic cannabinoid and 25 marijuana records met selection criteria; the drivers of these records were arrested for moving violations. Median age for the synthetic cannabinoid group (n = 16, 15 males) was 20 years (IQR 19-23 years). Median age for the marijuana group (n = 25, 21 males) was 20 years (IQR 19-24 years) (p = 0.46). In the synthetic cannabinoid group, 94% (15/16) admitted to using synthetic cannabinoids. In the marijuana group, 96% (24/25) admitted to using marijuana. Blood was available for testing in 96% (24/25) of the marijuana group; 21 of these 24 had quantitative levels of THC (mean + SD = 10.7 + 5 ng/mL) and THC-COOH (mean + SD = 57.8 + 3 ng/mL). Blood was available for testing in 63% (10/16) of the synthetic cannabinoid group, with 80% (8/10) of these positive for synthetic cannabinoids. Those in the synthetic cannabinoid group were more frequently confused (7/16 [44%] vs. 0/25 [0%], p ≤ 0.003) and disoriented (5/16 [31%] vs. 0/25 [0%], p ≤ 0.003), and more frequently had incoherent, slurred speech (10/16 [63%] vs. 3/25 [12%], p = 0.0014) and horizontal gaze nystagmus (8/16 [50%] vs. 3/25 [12%], p = 0.01) than those in the marijuana group.”

The researchers concluded:

Drivers under the influence of synthetic cannabinoids were more frequently impaired with confusion, disorientation, and incoherent, slurred speech than drivers under the influence of marijuana in this population evaluated by drug recognition experts.”

This study drives to the heart of the problem that results from criminalizing of marijuana, namely, the subsequent creation of a burgeoning black market of synthetic cannabis analogues. The synthetic “spice” market is a direct result of the effort to evade laws that make possessing and using marijuana plants illegal. The novel new synthetic cannabinoids exist in a legal loophole:

There are many different structures of synthetic cannabinoids because the Controlled Substance Act has outlawed certain structures. A chemist can alter an already known structure by changing a minor detail creating a new legal drug.” [Source]

These synthetic analogues, like all novel chemical compounds, have no history of being used by the human body and therefore can cause a wide range of physical and psychological adverse effects which, in the case of driving under their influence, can lead to serious injuries and death.

In the study, motor vehicle crashes occurred in 31% (5/16) of the cases involving synthetic cannabis users and in only 4% (1/25) of the cases involving marijuana users. While the sample size of the study was small, it may be an indication relative degree of impairment between the two substances is significant. This is also reflected in the fact that disorientation and confusion occurred, respectively, in 31% and 44% of drivers under the influence of synthetic cannabinoids, but did not occur in any of the drivers under the influence of marijuana. Also, incoherent speech and horizontal gaze nystagmus [an involuntary jerking of the eye] were 4 to5 times more common in those under the influence of synthetic cannabinoids.

Comparisons between synthetic cannabis and marijuana users.

The inherent therapeutic value of cannabis and its many natural cannabinoids is becoming more commonly recognized (use our cannabis database to view the first-hand research) and on a state-by-state basis, the fundamentally irrational criminalization of cannabis for both medical and recreational use is being overturned.  One positive result of this shift may be a deceleration of the concerning increase in the use of synthetic cannabinoids.

What synthetic cannabis does to your brain

Image: What synthetic cannabis does to your brain

Synthetic cannabis is the term used for artificial, chemical compounds that mimic THC, the psychoactive compound of cannabis. Synthetic forms of cannabis are very potent and dangerous and are linked to deaths and illnesses.

A synthetic chemical is sprayed onto a base material (often plant-based). The resultant product attempts to mimic the effect of natural cannabinoids. Synthetic pot also goes by many different names: Spice, K-2, fake weed, Yucatan Fire, Bliss, Blaze, Skunk, Moon Rocks, and JWH-018, -073. Synthetic cannabis is not even close to being the same substance as pot.

 Synthetic cannabinoids act on the same brain cell receptors as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.

So far, there have been few official scientific studies on the effects of synthetic cannabinoids on the human brain, but researchers do know that some of them bind more strongly than marijuana to the cell receptors affected by THC, and may produce much stronger effects. The resulting health effects can be unpredictable because the chemical composition of these fake cannabinoid products is unregulated and may change from batch to batch, depending on where and how they are produced.

The adverse effects of fake cannabis are often severe and can include hypertension, tachycardia, myocardial infarction, agitation, nausea, hallucinations, seizures, convulsions, panic attacks and death. Other symptoms include accelerated heartbeat, high blood pressure, blurred vision and heart attacks.

Why do people just use synthetic cannabis instead of just using the natural plant? Marijuana is designated as a Schedule 1 drug, that is a dangerous drug with no medicinal benefits. It is illegal in many states in the US and illegal in many countries around the world. In order to side-step these laws that make cannabis illegal, synthetic cannabis has proliferated and is sold under various brand names, usually marketed as herbal incense or herbal medicine.

Easy access and the belief that synthetic cannabinoid products are natural and harmless have likely contributed to their use and standard drug tests cannot easily detect many of the chemicals used in these products.