Doctors today prefer short, summarised clinical takeaways

Majority of clinicians are neither interested nor trained to read and comprehend these exhaustive data, and use it clinically.

A more informed doctor is better positioned to make clinical decision and it subsequently results in overall improved healthcare. In conversation with ETHealthworld, Phanish Chandra talks about his attempt to enrich and empower the doctors by way of precise clinical content offered by Docplexus.

Today, there is no dearth of knowledge or information that a doctor may be seeking. Are there any gaps that you see and try to address them through Docplexus?

Our motto is to “Empower Doctors” in India and to do so, we have to consider several geographical and socio-economic factors that are different across the country. From our learning, we have worked and optimized on the following 4 concern areas, which if addressed can truly empower Indian doctors.

Content Format
There are currently 1 million+ scientific journals. Only 10 people are reading an average journal article. Moreover, a medical journal article is on an average 7-8 page long and full of statistical data. Majority of clinicians are neither interested nor trained to read and comprehend these data, and use clinically. In addition, in internet and digital age, the attention span is only 2-3 minute. You cannot read eight page long journal articles on your mobile phone in that period. What is more useful for a doctor is a short summary and clinical takeaway with which he can improve the patient outcome from very next day. We focus on exactly that format of information that doctors need.

Peer to Peer discussion based learning
There is a lot to learn by exchanging knowledge from peer group. What we have created with Docplexus is an online community for doctors of India, which is based on trust and where every doctor has a voice. The knowledge-based community discusses clinical cases and share their expertise. So the learning is both social and is fun for the participants.

Aggregation of information
The medical information available online is vast but is unorganized. For a doctor, it is extremely difficult to keep track of all source of reliable information and keep himself updated. The Docplexus editorial team takes that pain away by aggregating and presenting the relevant information for doctors in a timely fashion. At Docplexus, we have created a database of 4500 medical guidelines from different scientific bodies, which is a great resource.

Flexibility of Time and Space
Current offline CMEs and workshop have time and location constraints. With online format of CME and webinars on Docplexus, doctors can now access this content from the comfort of their location and at the time when they want to. In the age of consumer empowerment, a doctor must decide what information he wants to consume, and when he wants to consume at an affordable cost.

Tell us more about Docplexus? How did the idea originate?

I am from the family of doctors and many of my family members are doctors. My grandfather was a doctor and my sister is a Gynaecologist. Both younger brother and me chose engineering over medicine and went do earn our degrees from IIT. After a few years in his job, my younger brother Manish fell sick and we desperately tried to diagnose his illness. It took almost 8 months to find out that he was suffering from Neurocysticercosis. However, by the time he was diagnosed, it was too late. We lost him on an unfortunate day. It was a big shock for a family where many members were doctors themselves.

I wanted to do something in healthcare and I thought of harnessing technology to empower doctors for better diagnosis and treatment of patients. I could not save my brother but maybe I will improve the patient outcome for 100 million patients every year if I can help the Indian doctors treat their patients well. However, there were different sources of learning already, but I found there is a huge scope of improvement. I thought of creating an online community where we could make learning both social and fun for Indian doctors.

How is this platform different from other similar venues?

Facebook is for casual networking. LinkedIn is for professional networking but it does not focus on one domain. Quora is for discussion but it does not focus on a domain. What we have created is LinkedIn and Quora for Indian doctors.

Unlike other platforms, at Docplexus we exclusively focus on discussions related to medicine and health policy decisions. Our members too have been inclined to avoid casual discussions, discussions that are never going to help others to empower other doctors.

Secondly, with our strict registration process, we ensure doctors from Allopathy or Modern Medicine join the Docplexus. Cross-pathy is a big problem for both doctors and patients, and at any cost we want to avoid that. In this aspect, we are far ahead from other similar venues.

We are the only Doctors’ Network in the world where doctors have an option to either login from Android, iOS or desktop. In this age of consumer empowerment, we have ensured that doctors can make the choice of the way through which they would want to connect with their peers.

What are the challenges that you encountered in building this platform and how did you resolve them?

First problem was to convey our idea to our prospective users about the value of our platform and how different it was from other solutions and players in the market.

To solve this issue, instead of telling our users what Docplexus is, we invited them with limited membership initially to the platform and let them use it. They experimented on their own and once they had the experience, they found it useful. These early users became the biggest advocates our platform and invited others to join and then we started growing.

Another problem while building a platform and online community is like solving chicken and egg problem. Unless there are many people, no new person joins and for having many people already, you need people to join. To overcome this issue, we were very aggressive on acquisition side and we created an in-house editorial team to create and push engaging content from our side. Once we reached 25,000 doctors on the platform, it went into auto mode and doctors started engaging and producing content on their own.

How do you see the future of this networking in medical domain?

As mentioned before, the peer-to-peer based networking has many advantages and there is a lot to learn by exchanging knowledge from other practitioners. Building trust within and about the healthcare sector is the major challenge. That is why we have created Docplexus aimed to boost trust with knowledge sharing.

When every doctor’s voice is heard, solutions for many issues in both clinical domain and policy are easier to achieve. The knowledge-based community extensively discusses clinical cases and share their expertise. Learning has become both social and is fun for the participants.

Recently we have tied up with Academy of Family Physicians of India(AFPI). Our collaboration will give access to family doctors who are based in rural and remote areas and help them connect even with the experts and specialists in the big cities. Doctors in tier II and III cities and smaller towns and villages are biggest are the beneficiaries of our initiatives.

The medical domain is set to get the much-needed change where the gap between urban and rural healthcare will be narrowed much faster with our initiative.

How does this impact or empower a patient?

Almost every day 10 to 12 thousand doctors log on our website to learn medicine and manage their clinical practice well. Each doctor on an average comes in contact of 25 patients per day. Therefore Docplexus helps create better patient outcomes for 2,50,000 patients on daily basis.

Our ultimate vision is to empower each and every doctor of India so that they learn something new every day and treat their patient well that will ultimately lead to 100 million improved patient outcomes every year.

What are your future plans and how would you like to carry this forward at a time when technology is changing so often?

Though from future and strategic perspective it is important to plan for future, we believe in being future ready but making the best use of present. As Master Oogway in movie Kung-Fu Panda explains – “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it the present”.

As a tech enabled company, we always focus on how best we can provide solutions, and what it takes to do that. We were mobile first from day one and we have always used the state of the art technology for implementing our solutions. It is very easy to be carried away with technology, as there is new buzzword every day.

For us it is the “healthcare problem” where we keep our focus without being emotionally attached to the technology used for providing solution. This certainly helps us keep ahead of the curve.