CrossFit is intense, effective, and hugely popular. But is it also too dangerous?

Ryan Palmer had a tough week. On Monday, the 26-year-old job battled squat presses and ring dips. Tuesday, a clean and jerk set where he squeezed out 30 reps with 135 pounds. The following day, even though his muscles were still aching, he performed a total of 150 pull-ups and 150 burpees.

Palmer took a break from exercise on Thursday, but the next morning he went for a long bike ride. The following day his arms were uncharacteristically sore and swollen, his urine the color of black tea that had been seeping for hours. Instead of suiting up in workout gear on Sunday, he found himself in a hospital gown hooked up to an IV drip that flushed his kidneys with more than nine liters of saline. As his creatine kinase levels—the amount of muscle protein broken down poisoning his blood stream— declined at the pace of a snail, he pulled out his phone to send a tweet to his fellow athletes. With one flash of the camera, Palmer revealed the frightening results of a kidney test, and offered a simple caption: “Uncle Rhabdo, is that you?”

“Normal people don’t get it. It’s like being in the mafia. You can’t understand what it’s like unless you’re on the inside.”

33-year-old Jennifer Wielgus, who’s been doing CrossFit in Philadelphia for about a year.

The Evolution of Exercise

A little more than a year ago, I pulled up to a garage one evening ready to get my ass kicked. I wanted to try a CrossFit workout. I’d heard the rumors. I knew what was coming was probably more than I could handle—and that not even my athletic background as a gymnast, weightlifter, running back or point guard would prepare me. So, I ate a light dinner that wouldn’t taste horrible if I ended up hurling it onto my sneakers after overworking myself. And I sucked up my fear.

When I arrived, nothing seemed too intimidating except for the big clock with red numbers. It was those numbers that would define my ability to survive. The workout started well, but right around my fifth set of squats, when the weight became a little too heavy and my form began to falter, I put the bar down. But the clock did not approve.


While the athletes around me kept moving, bewildered by my inaction, I knew my time was up. I could feel a twinge in my spine reminiscent of an old stress fracture. Everything—aside from the environment—told me to stop.

“Pick it up! Finish it out! Two minutes! As many rounds, let’s go!” The coach’s hands clapped together, lips pursed tightly in frustration for the mental and physical break I gave myself. So, I picked up the bar. And, moving as slowly as possible with as best form one can do when they’re tired and hurting, I finished it out. That night I needed a double dose of ibuprofen and an ice bath.

That was my first experience with CrossFit, a workout methodology created by former gymnast Greg Glassman in 2001. CrossFit consists of a stew of exercise variety: Olympic-like lifts, cardio training and other seemingly basic, but multi-joint movements (like box jumps, pullups and jumping rope) are combined in each class. CrossFit aims to “forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness,” according to the brand’s guidebook. The workout phenomenon has been steadily growing for a decade, and according to CrossFit headquarters, there are more than 3,000 CrossFit affiliated gyms worldwide, with 332 in California alone.

Every day, thousands of CrossFit athletes faithfully arrive at their respective gyms: warehouses filled with boxes, ropes, Olympic rings, kettlebells and a never-never-quit atmosphere. The defining characteristic of CrossFit is the intensity. The programs are hard as hell. Its “prescription,” as the guide states, is for “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements that will optimize physical competence in ten physical domains: cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.”

The key to the high-voltage workouts is a digital clock that holds prime real estate in most CrossFit facilities. Most of the workouts are time-based, meaning you don’t stop until the clock hits zero. Even as your muscles fail and your mind weakens, coaches and fellow gym goers push each member to completion.

Peter Villahoz, a 30-year-old New York Police Department Officer from East Meadow, NY, says a lot of his close friends are from CrossFit, and that they are there to push each other.

“If I finish first, I wait till these guys are done and I motivate them,” he says.
The camaraderie in the gym is nothing short of contagious. As such, the program has earned its skeptics and, of course, true believers.

“As an adult competitive athlete, there’s nothing else like this. You get that adrenaline rush that you got from being in sports in high school,” says 33-year-old Jennifer Wielgus, who’s been doing CrossFit in Philadelphia for about a year.

That rush and love of the gym is far from a bad thing, but the no-quit atmosphere has generated questions. And the mob mentality has taken the healthiest of behaviors and turned it into a growing danger.

The Dark Side

Uncle Rhabdo represents a character in the CrossFit community and is short for rhabdomyolysis, a kidney condition most commonly induced by excessive exercise, according to Heather Gillespie, a sports medicine physician from UCLA. The potentially life-threatening state, which can also be caused by underlying genetics, occurs when muscle breaks down and myoglobin, the biproduct of muscle fibers, is released into the blood stream, essentially clogging up the kidneys and poisoning them.

“If you’re dehydrated, which sort of goes along with rhabdo, you can’t clear these toxins, the kidney can’t filter the byproduct,” Gillespie says. It can lead to kidney failure and electrolyte imbalances that can ultimately affect your heart.

Uncle Rhabdo was originally invented to shed light on “the inappropriate use of intensity,” according to CrossFit’s Training Guide. The haunting image of Uncle Rhabdo is a cartoon of a blue-haired-red-nosed clown with face paint, panting from exhaustion with organs and blood spilling from its body, a set of weights in the background.

Some in CrossFit use these clowns as a humorous way to prove that they’ve worked hard. But problems arise when CrossFit athletes and their trainers simply don’t know when—or choose not—to pull the plug.

“I do give them a little sticker [if they puke],” says Hollis Molloy, a trainer at CrossFit Santa Cruz, one of the first CrossFit gyms in the country. “Back in the day, we used to give them shirts and the availability of the shirt ran out.”

If most gyms struggle to have their patrons work hard enough, CrossFit gyms struggle on the opposite end of the spectrum. Searching for the words “pain” and “CrossFit” on Twitter yields hundreds of results, nearly every one praising the sting the workout provides. “There’s pushing an athlete to the point of discomfort that is challenging,” says Joe Dowdell, founder and CEO of Peak Performance in New York City. “But then we pull the reigns back. Vomiting is a sign that you’ve hit a point when it’s just too much.”

“CrossFitters put up with burning muscles and overall strain so they’re used to ‘bring it on, gimme more gimme more.’ It gets hard to say oh, that’s pain, I need to stop” says David Geier, Jr., an orthopedic surgeon and the director of sports medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina. “I think the benefits of CrossFit outweigh the risks—but the risks are real.”

While all exercise can create injury, Geier sees more injuries with CrossFit because of the high-speed, high-impact approach. Certain exercises implemented by CrossFit (Olympic lifts, specifically) are meant to be done in moderation. But CrossFit preaches pushing to the edge of every set, every rep, until there’s nothing left in the tank. And while training to muscular failure is notoriously debatable, one thing is certain: Regularly pushing your body to failure can lead to serious health risks, like rhabdomyolysis.

“I have always taken the stance that training to failure causes useless fatigue,” says Mark Peterson, an exercise physiologist from the University of Michigan’s department of physical medicine. “Whereas fatigue is a normal side effect of certain types of metabolic training, I do not believe it has a time or place in training for strength and power.”

The real danger is to new athletes, like those who flock to the thousands of CrossFit facilities looking for a great workout. Word of mouth is powerful in the CrossFit community, and maybe the most dangerous element. While the workouts can be performed by beginners, their immature muscles can’t tell the difference between training to failure and simply getting a good workout. In fact, most beginners don’t know when “too much is too much” and don’t understand the unique demand of an exercise session, says Eric Cressey, C.S.C.S., a shoulder and injury prevention expert and owner of Cressey Performance in Hudson, Mass.

Since many explosive movements require technical skill, he says, it is not advisable for Olympic lifts be completed in a fatigued state. CrossFit, and other popular workout schemes like bootcamps, rely on training to excessive exhaustion and failure, and thereby create an artificial perception of effectiveness. “These people might be doing a crazy workout and feel great because their endorphins are flowing, but then they wake up with their shoulder pounding with pain,” Cressey says.

His biggest concern is the technique that goes along with the workout. “When you see a 20-minute circuit of really ugly cleans and ring dips, those are exercises that don’t jive well,” he says.

The Fitness Solution?

This much is certain: When done correctly, CrossFit is not inherently bad or ineffective. Like other training methodologies before it, CrossFit is a form of high intensity exercise, an efficient model of exercise that has helped many people lose weight while improving strength and endurance. But due to its extensive popularity, many CrossFit gyms have diluted the system. Just as some first-time CrossFit athletes rush into overdoing exercises in a fatigued state and, thus, falter in form, CrossFit coaches and affiliates are rushing into setting up CrossFit gyms and are, thus, faltering in form.

The problems stem from inexperienced trainers. CrossFit level-1 trainers are certified after completing a two-day seminar and 50-multiple-choice-question exam. That’s all you need to open up a CrossFit gym and start training as many athletes as you want.

Zach Even-Esh, a CrossFit trainer at New Jersey’s Underground Strength Coach, says the trainers at level-1 are just scratching the tip of the iceberg. “They tell you at level-1 that this is an introduction to understanding the basis of what CrossFit is about and that you need to take it to the next level,” he says. But the reality is, someone with two days of education could be leading your next CrossFit class.

That’s not to say there aren’t well-experienced trainers coaching CrossFit across the country, but with a certification and affiliation so simple to attain, the program’s becoming diluted with inexperienced trainers who are hurting people. Cressey suggests those who want to be trainers should wait one year before getting a certification. “If you have it without any experience, it makes you a liability, not a professional,” he says.

The real question is: Can the growing CrossFit industry slow down to make sure its trainers are adequately prepared to train their clients? According to CrossFit headquarters, 150 applications arrive every month, which amounts to about five CrossFit affiliated gyms per day, assuming all applications are accepted. To put in perspective, in 2006, Starbucks set up an average of six stores per day.

CrossFit trainers and affiliates simply sign up to affiliate after receiving their level-1 certification and pay a monthly fee from then on out. There are never calls from headquarters pushing for further education or refresher courses.

“It does hurt the community because some people don’t go out and educate themselves,” Even-Esh says. And there is no lack of furthering education in the CrossFit community. The program offers level-2 training and specialty seminars in areas like kettelbell, mobility, power lifting, running and more. The classes are offered all over the country; CrossFit comes to the coaches, making it overly accessible. Even-Esh says he thinks CrossFit headquarters should even go as far as requiring coaches to get a specialty certification every once in a while to keep their affiliation.

The presiding hope among the CrossFit community is that this exercise movement can help reverse the growing obesity trend by creating a more active society. “I remember in the early days, Greg [Glassman] saying that CrossFit athletes aren’t found, they’re made,” says CrossFit Santa Cruz’s Molloy. And while CrossFit motivates its followers to exercise, the growing fear is that the current model and lack of monitoring is more likely to build broken bodies than create a healthier nation.


Vigorous Sports OK for Some Patients with ICDs.



Many patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) can safely participate in vigorous sports, despite recommendations against such activity, a Circulation study finds.

Researchers followed nearly 400 athletes (aged 10 to 60) with ICDs for about 2.5 years; participants were involved in either organized or high-risk sports (most commonly, running, basketball, soccer, and skiing). Overall, no one experienced the primary endpoint, defined as tachyarrhythmic death, resuscitated tachyarrhythmia, or severe injury resulting from arrhythmia-related syncope or shock. Participants were not significantly more likely to receive shocks during sporting activities (10%) than during other recreational activities (8%). The ICD terminated all arrhythmia episodes.

The researchers conclude: “Many athletes with ICDs can engage in vigorous and competitive sports without physical injury or failure to terminate the arrhythmia. … These data provide a basis for more informed physician and patient decision making in terms of sports participation for athletes with ICDs.”

Soure: Circulation


How NOT To Run.


“Shouldn’t you be gone by now?”

I sprung from bed like a medicine ball off a trampoline. My wife gave me a look that was half-concerned, half-amused, in a “you’re clearly an idiot” sort of way. It was the morning of my big race -a half-marathon, the longest event I was to run this year–and there was a problem. Actually, several problems.
In fact, my race this past weekend was a case study in how NOT to run. I’d planned to run the Tour de Ashland half-marathon with a friend as part of the “40 Days of Fitness” Challenge from Thanksgiving to New Year‘s Eve. But I hadn’t planned on waking up at 7:20 a.m. for a race that started at 9 a.m. -and still sat 90 minutes away from my house.

But that’s only the first example of many flagrant running fouls I committed on Saturday. Here are the others – along with tips to help you do better (i.e. to not be like me) the next time you lace up for a race.

MISTAKE #1: Not Training – I used to take running pretty seriously. To be honest, I scheduled my life around it. For most of the past six years, my calendar was plotted out according to the races I’d take on. This year? Not so much. What used to be a 30+ mile-a-week regimen devolved first into a laissez-faire “run as much as you can, when you can” schedule, then finally into a “ok, well maybe I’ll pick up the pace while walking the dogs today” free-for-all.

When I’d originally signed up to run the half-marathon in Ashland, I’d thought I’d break out of that rut by getting back to disciplined, higher mileage weeks. But “life got in the way” (I’ll spare you the excuses). By the time race morning arrived, I’d covered only a handful of miles in the previous week.

THE FIX: Develop a Training Plan that Fits Your Life – In fitness, like at the dinner table, our eyes are often bigger than our stomachs, only our “eyes” are our goals and our “stomachs” are the time and resources available to chase them. In my case, I should have realized that the long hours spent logging miles “like I used to” wasn’t going to happen and opted for something more efficient.

For example: The FIRST plan by researchers Bill Pierce and Scott Murr, which has been shown to get people to run half-marathons on just 3 days of running per week. Whatever we aim to take on, we need to be realistic about the amount of exercise we can take on in our daily lives.

MISTAKE #2: Pizza – Don’t get me wrong, with ingredients that deliver carbs, protein and calcium, pizza can be a runner’s friend –during training. But you want to know when you should NOT dig in to a pie? When the starting gun is 75 minutes away and you’re frantically driving a car down rural Ohio backroads.

In my mad dash out the door after waking up and realizing just how late I was, I did not have a chance to make my usual pre-run breakfast of peanut butter and bananas on toast. Instead, I grabbed the first thing I could find on the way out the door -a Tupperware full of cold pizza from the night before. The result? Well, I didn’t hurl, but my stomach felt like a passenger on the S.S. Minnow for the first five miles of the race.

THE FIX: Develop a Routine and Stick to It

Runners who know what they’re talking about will tell you: Never try anything new on race weekend, especially if it’s something you chew. You should use the weeks leading up to try different food combinations before, during and after running to see how your body reacts. When something works, you’ll feel good. When it doesn’t…well, you’ll know it. Once you find what’s right for you, go with that. And when race morning comes, plan ahead and make sure that the foods you want are available to you.

MISTAKE #3: Freezing

I’d only grabbed what I’d need to run as I fled the house that morning, so I hadn’t been thinking about what might happen after the run. Which was stupid. Because after all, what happens when you exercise? You sweat. What happens when you sweat? Duh, you get wet. What happens when you’re wet with sweat in Ohio in December, and stop moving? You get cold. Real cold.

So not long after crossing the finish line, a shiver started to set in. That shiver became a shake. And that shake became an irresistible HOLY CRAP LET’S GET OUT OF HERE NOW impulse to flee immediately. So instead of a proper warm-down or post-run stretches, I hopped back into my car, cranked the heat all the way up and drove off.

THE FIX: Plan Ahead

Whether your goal is to run a race, or just to get in an early workout, you can seriously increase your chances of success by preparing the night before. Lay out the clothes you’ll need, along with anything else that might come in handy – food, equipment, or in my case, something warm to wear afterwards. Being prepared allows you to rest better, knowing that everything is in place for you the next day.

It also pre-commits you in a way. After all, what’s a more embarrassing reminder of how you snooze-alarmed your way out of something than a neatly stacked pile of gym clothes waiting by your door?

Anyway, this isn’t to say that the whole day was a wash. I did run, and I did finish the race -albeit slowly. If I did anything right during the event, it was this: I listened to my body. I didn’t get hung up on faster times I used to run. I ran as best as I could within the way I felt that day. When I felt good, I pushed a bit. When it felt like too much, I backed off. But I let my body, rather than my ego, be the driver.
And along the way, I ran into an interesting character -somebody who inspired me. Around mile 4 of the race, a bigger guy in loud clothing -including a bright neon shirt and tall red socks–passed me on the right side.

“Hey!” He introduced himself. “I’m Doad Edwards. Nice to meet you.”

The outgoing Mr. Edwards had wavy hair that made him look like a larger Bill Rogers. I kept stride with him for a few miles, and heard lots of stories -about how he’d grown up in the area where we were running, about how he was a golf pro, about how he’d just started running a few years ago. That last part seemed unbelievable, because he was running so well. But that wasn’t nearly as incredible as what I learned next.

“I’m 62 years old,” Edwards said.

So waitaminute, I thought to myself. I’m in my early 30s, and I’m sucking wind to keep pace with a guy who’s 62?

That sucks.

No, wait.

That’s freakin’ awesome!

It’s not awesome because I was ill=prepared, out of shape and running on coagulating pizza. It’s awesome because this guy looks like he’s in his early 40s in his early 60s, and is crushing guys half his age while he’s at it. After a few miles he pulled away, and I realized that I’d just seen something inspiring. I’d seen what I want to be like three decades from now.

Time to work a little harder.

Anyway, so we’re approaching the halfway point of the “40 Days Of Fitness” campaign. Are you still with me? I know a lot of my tweeps out there have been kicking serious butt. You can see for yourself at the #40DaysOfFitness Twitter hashtag. Give yourself a shout out for your own workout while you’re there. And if you have a question about your own training, send it my way @BrianDSabin. I’ll see if I can get it answered by one of our experts.

Keep it up out there, folks. Let’s see this race through to the finish.

Source: Livestrong