Smoke 1 Cigarette a Day? It Can Still Kill You

If you think having just one cigarette a day won’t do any harm, you’re wrong.

British researchers say lighting up just once a day was linked to a much higher risk of heart disease and stroke than might be expected.

The bottom line: “No safe level of smoking exists for cardiovascular disease,” wrote the team led by Allan Hacksaw, of UCL Cancer Institute at University College, London.

“Smokers should quit instead of cutting down, using appropriate cessation aids if needed, to significantly reduce their risk,” the study authors said.

And it’s a warning to the young that even so-called “light” smoking carries a heavy price, one expert said.

Young adults “often smoke lesser amounts than older adults,” noted Patricia Folan, who directs the Center for Tobacco Control at Northwell Health, in Great Neck, N.Y.

“These lighter-smoking young adults frequently do not even consider themselves smokers,” she said, but they are still at “risk of developing coronary heart disease from smoking even a small amount of cigarettes.”

For the new study, Hackshaw’s team looked at data from 141 studies. Since the average cigarette pack contains 20 cigarettes, the researchers expected that the risk of heart disease or stroke for a 1-cigarette-per-day smoker would be just 5 percent of that of a pack-a-day user.

But that just wasn’t the case. Instead, men who smoked just one cigarette a day still shared a full 46 percent of the increased odds for heart disease that a heavy smoker had, and 41 percent of the risk for stroke.

And women who smoked one cigarette a day had 31 percent of the pack-a-day smokers’ increased risk of heart disease, and 34 percent of their increased risk of stroke, Hackshaw’s group said.

When the researchers focused on studies that controlled for several other risk factors, they found that smoking just one cigarette a day still more than doubled women’s risk of heart disease.

The study was published Jan. 24 in The BMJ.

“We have shown that a large proportion of the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke comes from smoking only a couple of cigarettes each day,” Hackshaw said in a journal news release. “This probably comes as a surprise to many people. But there are also biological mechanisms that help explain the unexpectedly high risk associated with a low level of smoking.”

Dr. Rachel Bond directs Women’s Heart Health at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She agreed that “no amount of smoking is safe.”

She said that quit-smoking efforts can work, but “true success is to avoid [initiating] tobacco exposure altogether.”

Men Who Smoke Are Passing On Cancer To Their Unborn Children.

The ads on TV that say ‘Smoking causes cancer’ should now be revised to ‘Smoking also gives your unborn children cancer’.

Smoking Childhood Cancer

via TOI

If you smoke, you’ve probably heard a million times that smoking causes cancer. However, new research from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has found that men who smoke are also more likely to father children with cancer.

This happens because smoking damages your sperm.

The toxins in cigarette smoke cause oxidative stress, which is countered by the antioxidants in the fruits and veggies you eat. However, in the case of sperm, the antioxidant effect is not as strong, and your DNA is not able to repair itself as easily, making your sperm more likely to get damaged. Sperm damage has been linked to many childhood cancers.

Smoking Childhood Cancer

via WrappedUpInBooks.DeviantArt

If that’s not scary enough, smoking also increases the risk of miscarriages and perinatal deaths.

A factsheet published by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), a UK-based public health organisation, states that smoking is associated with:

• 5 – 7% of preterm-related deaths

• 5 – 8% of premature births

• 13 – 19% of cases of low birth weight in babies carried to full term

• 23 – 34% of deaths caused by sudden infant death syndrome (cot death).

Infertility specialist Dr. Ranjana Dhanu, Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, points out that apart from this, smoking also causes implantation defects, genetic defects and growth retardation in the baby.

In fact, smoking hurts your ability to conceive a child in the first place.

If you ever want children, it’s way past time to stop smoking! The ASH factsheet says that men who smoke are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction, lower sperm count, poor sperm mobility and damaged sperm. Women who smoke take longer to conceive and tend to reach menopause faster than non-smokers.