Chances of pregnancy might be reduced in women engaged in shift work

Four weeks of shift work could disrupt women’s biological clocks, says study.

Representational image

Previous studies have shown that younger women who work late night shifts and are exposed to that environment for long durations might possibly need fertility treatment, as this may impair fertility and gestational success. But does that also hold true for women who are doing shift work?

Possibly, but the underlying mechanisms of these changes have not yet been fully understood.

A new study presented at the 25th European Congress of Endocrinology has attempted to decode how a shift in the sleep-wake cycle affects fertility in female mice. 

The team carried out their experiments in an animal-based model by constantly shifting the Circadian rhythm, the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that tells us to sleep when it’s dark, wake when it’s light, and regulates the cycle of alertness

These clocks regulate various biological functions and processes, including the sleep-wake cycle, hormone secretion, digestion, and reproduction, but can easily be disrupted by inappropriate light exposure, such as light at night, said the press release.

“The circadian rhythm not only requires proper functioning of the master biological clock, but also a synchronised activity of numerous secondary clocks found in other brain areas and peripheral organs, including reproductive organs,” said lead researcher Marine Simonneaux. 

The team changed the patterns of light exposure that the female mice were receiving by 10 hours across four weeks. They found that the hormone which triggers ovulation, luteinizing hormone, was abolished in the mice over the weeks, thus reducing their fertility.

Simonneaux added, “The decreased fertility is due to an alteration of the master circadian clock signalling towards the hypothalamic reproductive circuit. Specifically, our research shows that four weeks of chronic shift exposure impairs the transmission of light information from the master biological clock to the kisspeptin neurons, known to drive the timing of the pre-ovulatory luteinising hormone surge.”

Researchers from the Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences (INCI) and the University of Strasbourg presented their findings at the 25th European Congress of Endocrinology in Istanbul, Turkey.

Hinting at more research to come, which will focus on whether other additional internal clocks are altered after shift work-like patterns, Simonneaux added, “Understanding the precise mechanisms by which circadian disruption alters the reproductive function is important, as it may pave the way for potential preventive and therapeutic interventions to reduce some of the negative effects of shift work on women’s fertility.”

Study abstract:

In female mammals, the timing of the preovulatory LH surge depends on the combination of the positive estrogen feedback and a circadian signal which synchronizes the LH surge with the transition between the resting and active period at the end of the follicular phase, when arousal is maximal. Previous results have demonstrated that a functional biological clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is required for optimal female fertility. In this context, we have investigated the consequences a chronodisruptive environment could have on the female mammals’ gonadotropic axis using a female mouse model of shiftwork. This is a relevant issue since an increasing number of women are working in non-standard work schedules in our modern 24 h/7 d society, and shift work is associated with reproductive deficits. Adult female mice were either kept in regular light/dark schedules or exposed to a model of shift work conditions (3 weeks rotation a 10-hour phase advance for three days and a 10-hour phase delay for four days). Daily rhythms in SCN vasopressin-containing neurons, kisspeptin neurons, LH secretion on the day of proestrus, as well as fertility parameters, were compared between both groups of mice. The chronodisruptive protocol reduces the number of the vasopressin neurons known to transmit the daily information to the kisspeptin neurons, abolished activation of kisspeptin neurons typically observed at the light/dark transition, and reduced the amplitude and altered the timing of the preovulatory LH surge. Furthermore, when female mice exposed to chronic shift are mated with a male, the number of gestation is reduced as compared to those observed in control female mice. Our results indicate that chronic shift desynchronizes the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Notably, chronic exposure to disrupted light/dark cycles impairs the vasopressin-induced daily activation of kisspeptin neurons which can explain the altered LH secretion and the reduced fertility in female mice. In future experiments, we will investigate whether peripheral clocks within the gonadotropic axis are also altered by chronic shift. Altogether, these experiments will provide a better understanding of circadian disruption’s potential on the daily reproductive rhythms of female mammals.

Shift Work and Diabetes: How to Manage Blood Glucose With Irregular Work Hours

Diabetes management plans often assume a standard daytime schedule, but this isn’t the case for those doing shift work. If you work night shifts, here are some ways you can better manage your glucose.

Do you work variable shifts? Are you headed to work when most people are going to bed? First of all, thank you from the rest of us; without those willing to work at night, there’d be no one to run crucial 24-hour operations, such as hospitals, police forces, or transportation systems.

Those late shifts, however, can leave you short on sleep. In addition, shift work can throw a wrench in your blood glucose management. But it doesn’t mean you can’t adequately manage glucose levels. There are strategies to help you achieve your A1C, time in range, and other health goals.

How night shifts and rotating schedules affect diabetes management

In diabetes care, timing is everything. Given that everything from medication to meal timing has an impact on blood glucose levels, variable shift work – specifically rotating, night, and waterfall shift schedules – largely affects blood glucose management.

Shift Work and Diabetes

Increased risk for low blood sugars

With shift work often comes an increased risk for hypoglycemia, said Aleida M. Saenz, a certified diabetes educator at the Diabetes Research Institute in Miami. “Frequently, you spend the majority of your shift on your feet. This physical demand is not only tiring but there’s a potential risk of hypoglycemia,” she said.

Increased risk for high blood sugars

Surprisingly, you may also experience high blood sugar. Why? For starters, research shows that nurses eat a larger amount when working the night shift, and that people working nights tend to consume more irregular meals and more snacks. They also eat less core nutrient-dense foods and more calories from sugar-sweetened foods.

Inconsistent insulin timing

Next, your medication timing may be out of whack. If you’re supposed to take insulin at every meal, but you’re snacking all night to keep your eyes open, you may be underdosing yourself. And these may not be the only reasons for elevated blood sugars.

How variable shifts impact the body’s circadian rhythm

Circadian rhythm is the internal clock that is involved in multiple processes in your body. The clock runs on a 24-hour schedule and is regulated by daylight. For this reason, working at night and sleeping during daylight hours disrupts your circadian rhythm.

Night shift work is linked to circadian disruption, poor sleep quality

Circadian disruption is linked with several health problems. For instance, shift work increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for developing diabetes.

Hormones such as melatonin and cortisol are closely regulated by the presence (and absence) of daylight. Normally, melatonin levels would be high at night and low in the morning, and cortisol follows the opposite trend. This is so that you fall asleep and wake up after an adequate night’s rest.

As a result, when you are sleeping as cortisol levels are at their peak, you don’t sleep as well.

Nighttime lows can cause even more sleep interruptions

And if you have diabetes, often cortisol isn’t the only variable disrupting sleep – there’s low blood glucose, too. “When these dedicated professionals return home to rest, they run the risk of hypoglycemia while asleep,” said Saenz. As a result, many shift workers are deprived of much-needed rest.

Is being a night owl bad for your health?

What if you just like staying up late? Is there harm in being a night owl? The short answer: possibly.

Recent research has highlighted the increased risk of type 2 diabetes in those who prefer late nights. It seems as though early-to-bed and early-to-rise are better for overall health. When the research team compared night versus morning people, night owls were more likely to have health behaviors such as smoking, drinking, inferior diet quality, and less physical activity.

That said, it’s important to remember that other behaviors, like creating lasting healthy lifestyle habits, make the biggest difference.

Diabetes technology for better diabetes management during shifts

Shift Work and Blood Glucose Management

The age of technology has ushered in numerous options for managing blood glucose. Continuous glucose monitors, insulin pumps, and smart insulin pens are some of the many advancements that aim to make living with diabetes easier.

For most, quitting the job isn’t an option. Besides prioritizing healthy habits, such as adequate sleep, regular physical activity, and optimizing diet quality, using diabetes technology is to your advantage. Here are some ways technology can help those burning the midnight oil.

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs)

A continuous glucose monitor or CGM is a device that tracks glucose levels in real-time. CGMs have a number of benefits, one being tighter blood glucose control. When possible, Saenz recommends CGMs for shift workers with diabetes.

“You can set up an alarm system designed to trigger when your blood sugar levels approach the critical low threshold, typically set around 80 mg/dL. This ensures you receive warnings well before the onset of hypoglycemia,” she said.

The same goes for high blood sugar alerts. And because you are getting real-time data, you can make informed decisions about food, activity, and insulin dosing. You’ll know exactly how that stressful shift impacted your blood sugar – and be able to do something about it.

Insulin pumps with automated insulin delivery systems

For shift workers who are on rapid-acting insulin, Saenz highly recommends insulin pump therapy with automated insulin delivery: “The Tandem t:slim, Omnipod 5, and the Medtronic 780G are some of the pumps available that sync with a CGM to fine-tune insulin delivery and temporarily pause if necessary.”

Insulin pumps deliver small amounts of insulin as your body needs it. Adjustments are easy and can be done to suit your schedule – for your night shifts and days off – and automated insulin delivery software has been shown to increase time in range.

Smart insulin pens

Bigfoot Insulin Smart Pen for Diabetes

A smart insulin pen is an insulin delivery device that records when you administer insulin, and how much you’ve taken. It will also remind you when it’s time to take your insulin dose.

Smart pen sensors, such as InPen and Bigfoot (at left), work by connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth. From there, you use the device’s compatible app to review your data.

If you’re groggy from yet another crazy shift, using smart insulin pens means that you don’t have to worry about double-dosing yourself. Likewise, you’ll see if you forgot to take your dose. One more benefit: You’ll be able to skip dosing math, as the smart pen will do it for you.

Shift Work and Diabetes: How to Manage Blood Glucose With Irregular Work Hours

ular Work Hours

Diabetes management plans often assume a standard daytime schedule, but this isn’t the case for those doing shift work. If you work night shifts, here are some ways you can better manage your glucose.

Do you work variable shifts? Are you headed to work when most people are going to bed? First of all, thank you from the rest of us; without those willing to work at night, there’d be no one to run crucial 24-hour operations, such as hospitals, police forces, or transportation systems.

Those late shifts, however, can leave you short on sleep. In addition, shift work can throw a wrench in your blood glucose management. But it doesn’t mean you can’t adequately manage glucose levels. There are strategies to help you achieve your A1C, time in range, and other health goals.

How night shifts and rotating schedules affect diabetes management

In diabetes care, timing is everything. Given that everything from medication to meal timing has an impact on blood glucose levels, variable shift work – specifically rotating, night, and waterfall shift schedules – largely affects blood glucose management.

Increased risk for low blood sugars

With shift work often comes an increased risk for hypoglycemia, said Aleida M. Saenz, a certified diabetes educator at the Diabetes Research Institute in Miami. “Frequently, you spend the majority of your shift on your feet. This physical demand is not only tiring but there’s a potential risk of hypoglycemia,” she said.

Increased risk for high blood sugars

Surprisingly, you may also experience high blood sugar. Why? For starters, research shows that nurses eat a larger amount when working the night shift, and that people working nights tend to consume more irregular meals and more snacks. They also eat less core nutrient-dense foods and more calories from sugar-sweetened foods.

Inconsistent insulin timing

Next, your medication timing may be out of whack. If you’re supposed to take insulin at every meal, but you’re snacking all night to keep your eyes open, you may be underdosing yourself. And these may not be the only reasons for elevated blood sugars.

How variable shifts impact the body’s circadian rhythm

Circadian rhythm is the internal clock that is involved in multiple processes in your body. The clock runs on a 24-hour schedule and is regulated by daylight. For this reason, working at night and sleeping during daylight hours disrupts your circadian rhythm.

Night shift work is linked to circadian disruption, poor sleep quality

Circadian disruption is linked with several health problems. For instance, shift work increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for developing diabetes.

Hormones such as melatonin and cortisol are closely regulated by the presence (and absence) of daylight. Normally, melatonin levels would be high at night and low in the morning, and cortisol follows the opposite trend. This is so that you fall asleep and wake up after an adequate night’s rest.

As a result, when you are sleeping as cortisol levels are at their peak, you don’t sleep as well.

Nighttime lows can cause even more sleep interruptions

And if you have diabetes, often cortisol isn’t the only variable disrupting sleep – there’s low blood glucose, too. “When these dedicated professionals return home to rest, they run the risk of hypoglycemia while asleep,” said Saenz. As a result, many shift workers are deprived of much-needed rest.

Is being a night owl bad for your health?

What if you just like staying up late? Is there harm in being a night owl? The short answer: possibly.

Recent research has highlighted the increased risk of type 2 diabetes in those who prefer late nights. It seems as though early-to-bed and early-to-rise are better for overall health. When the research team compared night versus morning people, night owls were more likely to have health behaviors such as smoking, drinking, inferior diet quality, and less physical activity.

That said, it’s important to remember that other behaviors, like creating lasting healthy lifestyle habits, make the biggest difference.

Diabetes technology for better diabetes management during shifts

The age of technology has ushered in numerous options for managing blood glucose. Continuous glucose monitors, insulin pumps, and smart insulin pens are some of the many advancements that aim to make living with diabetes easier.

For most, quitting the job isn’t an option. Besides prioritizing healthy habits, such as adequate sleep, regular physical activity, and optimizing diet quality, using diabetes technology is to your advantage. Here are some ways technology can help those burning the midnight oil.

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs)

A continuous glucose monitor or CGM is a device that tracks glucose levels in real-time. CGMs have a number of benefits, one being tighter blood glucose control. When possible, Saenz recommends CGMs for shift workers with diabetes.

“You can set up an alarm system designed to trigger when your blood sugar levels approach the critical low threshold, typically set around 80 mg/dL. This ensures you receive warnings well before the onset of hypoglycemia,” she said.

The same goes for high blood sugar alerts. And because you are getting real-time data, you can make informed decisions about food, activity, and insulin dosing. You’ll know exactly how that stressful shift impacted your blood sugar – and be able to do something about it.

Insulin pumps with automated insulin delivery systems

For shift workers who are on rapid-acting insulin, Saenz highly recommends insulin pump therapy with automated insulin delivery: “The Tandem t:slim, Omnipod 5, and the Medtronic 780G are some of the pumps available that sync with a CGM to fine-tune insulin delivery and temporarily pause if necessary.”

Insulin pumps deliver small amounts of insulin as your body needs it. Adjustments are easy and can be done to suit your schedule – for your night shifts and days off – and automated insulin delivery software has been shown to increase time in range.

Smart insulin pens

A smart insulin pen is an insulin delivery device that records when you administer insulin, and how much you’ve taken. It will also remind you when it’s time to take your insulin dose.

Smart pen sensors, such as InPen and Bigfoot (at left), work by connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth. From there, you use the device’s compatible app to review your data.

If you’re groggy from yet another crazy shift, using smart insulin pens means that you don’t have to worry about double-dosing yourself. Likewise, you’ll see if you forgot to take your dose. One more benefit: You’ll be able to skip dosing math, as the smart pen will do it for you.

Shift work dulls your brain .

Woman working

Working antisocial hours can prematurely age the brain and dull intellectual ability, scientists warn.

Their study, in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, suggested a decade of shifts aged the brain by more than six years.

There was some recovery after people stopped working antisocial shifts, but it took five years to return to normal.

Experts say the findings could be important in dementia, as many patients have disrupted sleep.

The body’s internal clock is designed for us to be active in the day and asleep at night.

The damaging effects on the body of working against the body clock, from breast cancer to obesity, are well known.

Graphic on sleeping

Now a team at the University of Swansea and the University of Toulouse has shown an impact on the mind as well.

Three thousand people in France performed tests of memory, speed of thought and wider cognitive ability.

The brain naturally declines as we age, but the researchers said working antisocial shifts accelerated the process.

Those with more than 10 years of shift work under their belts had the same results as someone six and a half years older.

The good news is that when people in the study quit shift work, their brains did recover. Even if it took five years.

‘Substantial decline’

Dr Philip Tucker explains how shift work impairs cognitive performance

Dr Philip Tucker, part of the research team in Swansea, told the BBC: “It was quite a substantial decline in brain function, it is likely that when people trying to undertake complex cognitive tasks then they might make more mistakes and slip-ups, maybe one in 100 makes a mistake with a very large consequence, but it’s hard to say how big a difference it would make in day-to-day life.”

He said he would not do night shifts “if I could possibly help it” but they were a “necessary evil” that society could not do without.

“There are ways to mitigate the effects in the way you design work schedules and regular medical check-ups… should include cognitive performance tests to look for danger signs,” he added.

Eating on a night shift

Dr Michael Hastings, from the UK Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology, told the BBC: “The reversibility is a really exciting finding because no-one else has shown it and no matter how compromised a person may be there’s always hope of recovery.”

He said the findings may have important consequences in dementia, which is known to damage sleeping patterns in a similar way to shift work.

“If you can keep the sleep-wake cycle as solid as possible you’re unlikely to reverse neurodegeneration, but you can ameliorate one of the consequences.

“In nursing homes one thing you can do to help is to set a very clear daily routine to encourage a sensible 24-hour pattern of activity; it needs bright lights in the day, resting at night and appropriate medication such as melatonin before bed.”

Prof Derk-Jan Dijk, from the Surrey Sleep Centre, cautioned that retired shift workers still had lower sleep quality than people who had never done nights.

“So some of these effects may not be so readily or rapidly reversed.”

He added: “We now accept that shift work may not be good for your physical health, but this shows your brain function is affected, and I think that finding will surprise many people.”

Interlinks between sleep and metabolism.


Lack of sleep is increasingly associated with weight gain and metabolic problems. Interfaces between the pathways that regulate circadian timing and metabolism might underlie these adverse health effects. Jill Jouret reports.

Getting a good night’s sleep is a basic, but often eluded, prescription for good health. Modern lifestyles provide opportunities for 24 h activity, and minimising sleep is often thought to be a harmless, efficient, or merely necessary means to accommodate schedules. However, feeling tired at night is more than an instruction to rest. Behaviour and physiology are intricately linked to light and dark cycles, and an internal timing mechanism has evolved to ensure that physiological processes occur at optimum times in a 24 h cycle. Maintaining the synchrony of this endogenous circadian clock seems to have wide-ranging health implications.

Although the mechanisms are not fully clear, evidence is mounting that insufficient sleep and disruption in circadian rhythms contribute to pathogenesis of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Worldwide, metabolic syndrome is on the rise, as is the introduction of artificial light and activity into night-time hours. Epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that short-duration and poor-quality sleep predict development of type 2 diabetes and obesity, suggesting that sleep, circadian rhythms, and metabolic systems are interconnected.

In mammals, circadian rhythms are generated centrally by the suprachiasmatic nuclei in the anterior hypothalamus. Light perception by the retina synchronises these single-celled oscillators, generating rhythmic outputs that regulate sleep and wakefulness, feeding and energy expenditure, and glucose homoeostasis. This central clock also sends signals via direct innervation and humoral factors to clock components in peripheral tissues, thus maintaining the circadian timing of an array of physiological processes. Transcription—translation feedback loops implicating specific clock genes lead to a roughly 24 h cycle.

Molecular links between circadian and metabolic pathways have been identified and many hormones implicated in metabolism and energy balance exhibit circadian oscillation—eg, expression and secretion of leptin, a hormone that signals satiety, peaks at night. The complex signalling systems that govern glucose homoeostasis and metabolism of fatty acids, cholesterol, bile acids, and toxins receive inputs from the local and central circadian clocks, allowing cells to anticipate metabolic reactions in a 24 h period. In-vitro studies show that metabolic cues can be transmitted to core components of the circadian clock. Such crosstalk suggests a mechanism by which eating (and possibly sleeping) patterns could shift innate circadian timing.

study published in March, 2013, by a group at the University of Surrey (Guildford, UK) highlighted the interconnection between sleep, circadian rhythmicity, and metabolism. Whole-blood RNA samples were taken from participants after a week of restricted nightly sleep (5·7 h) and also after a week of adequate sleep (8·5 h). Transcriptome analysis showed that 711 genes were upregulated or downregulated by insufficient sleep, including genes associated with circadian rhythms and metabolism.

Sleep restriction also reduced the total number of genes with circadian expression profiles, implying that even a week of poor sleep can disrupt the body’s intricate physiological timing.

Melatonin, a key regulator of sleep, could be an important link connecting circadian timing and insulin signalling. Melatonin production is suppressed by light, and peaks around 3—5 h after sleep onset; it regulates the sleep—wake cycle by lowering body temperature and causing drowsiness, and also inhibits insulin secretion by pancreatic β cells. A 2013 case-control studywithin the Nurses’ Health Study cohort showed that, compared with women in the highest category of melatonin secretion, women in the lowest category had about a twice the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (after controlling for demographic, lifestyle, and other risk factors). Previous studies have shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor are also associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

More clinical research is needed to characterise this association between sleep, melatonin concentrations, and type 2 diabetes, and to elucidate, for example, whether melatonin supplementation has a role in treatment. Irregular and extended working hours are a reality for many industries, and epidemiological studies have shown lower melatonin concentrations in night-shift workers than in day-shift workers and an increasing risk of type 2 diabetes with number of years of shift work. For this substantial proportion of the workforce, more solutions are needed to prevent people from falling into economically driven health traps.

Insufficient sleep is a risk factor for weight gain and obesity, in addition to type 2 diabetes, and understanding the underlying mechanisms could help to guide novel weight-loss strategies. A study published on April 2, 2013, showed that eating behaviours, particularly night-time eating, contributed to weight gain during sleep loss. Whole-room calorimetry measured daily energy expenditure in adults undergoing 5-day cycles of inadequate (5 h) or adequate (9 h) nightly sleep. Energy expenditure was about 5% higher with insufficient sleep, but increased food intake more than compensated for this energetic cost. In the sleep-loss condition, participants ate a smaller breakfast but consumed 42% more calories as after-dinner snacks, leading to weight gain. The study investigators suggested that participants’ eating patterns during sleep loss resulted from a delayed circadian phase—ie, a later onset of melatonin secretion at night, assessed by hourly blood samples from an intravenous catheter—which might have led to a circadian drive for more food intake. Furthermore, the time between waking and melatonin offset was longer in the 5 h sleep condition; thus, participants awoke during an earlier circadian phase (while still in biological night) and might have been less hungry for breakfast. Previous studies have suggested that disrupted signalling of satiety and hunger hormones leads to the overeating associated with insufficient sleep; however, in both the 5 h and 9 h conditions, excessive food intake was accompanied by appropriate increases in the satiety hormones leptin and peptide YY and decreases in ghrelin, which stimulates hunger.

Future studies should examine how sleep deprivation leads to delays in circadian phase and how circadian timing of meals affects energy metabolism. For the millions of people whose working week necessitates a disrupted sleep schedule, a physiological drive for more food intake, the availability of high-calorie foods, and exhaustion leading to less physical activity overall could be a potent formula for weight gain.

Whether for work, play, or travel, voluntary sleep curtailment has become endemic; however, restricted sleep seems to interfere with the crosstalk between complex physiological and circadian networks that have evolved to couple our bodily functions with the Earth’s 24 h rotation. Many more issues deserve investigation, such as the differential effects on health of acute versus chronic sleep deprivation, and how light exposure mediates the effects of sleep loss. As more evidence emerges of the circadian orchestration of metabolism, perhaps the time has come for sleep to figure more prominently in treatment and public health guidelines.

Source: Lancet