New graphene semiconductor could revolutionize electronics

The supermaterial outperformed silicon and could lead to incredibly fast computers.

A person is holding a box with a graphene semiconductor chip in it.

The world’s first functional graphene semiconductor outperformed one made of silicon — suggesting that the supermaterial could be the future of computing.

The background: A material can be classified by how well it conducts electricity. If electrons flow easily through it, it’s a “conductor”; if they don’t, it’s an “insulator.” Between the two are “semiconductors,” materials that can conduct electricity well, but only under specific conditions.

That property has made semiconductors the backbone of computing — by making microchips from the semiconducting material silicon, we can easily control when electricity does or does not flow through them, giving us a way to “speak” to computers in their language of 1s and 0s.

A graphene semiconductor: We’re starting to reach the limits of what silicon can do in computer chips, though, and in the hunt for alternatives, a team led by Georgia Tech physics professor is looking closely at graphene, a super-strong two-dimensional form of carbon.

“We were motivated by the hope of introducing three special properties of graphene into electronics,” said de Heer. “It’s an extremely robust material, one that can handle very large currents, and [it] can do so without heating up and falling apart.”

The problem is that graphene isn’t a semiconductor — not naturally, anyway. 

“It’s like driving on a gravel road versus driving on a freeway.”WALTER DE HEER

What’s new? Through past research, de Heer’s team discovered how to grow graphene on wafers of silicon carbide, and through years of refinement, they figured out how to get that graphene to demonstrate semiconducting properties.

For their latest study, published in Nature, they demonstrated how they could “dope” their graphene semiconductor with atoms to create a transistor, one of the switches or gates that controls the flow of electricity in a chip.

“Our motivation for doing graphene electronics has been there for a long time, and the rest was just making it happen,” said de Heer. “We had to learn how to treat the material, how to make it better and better, and finally how to measure the properties. That took a very, very long time.” 

According to their testing, electrons flowed through the graphene semiconductor more easily than one made of silicon, which suggests the approach could lead to faster computers.

“It’s like driving on a gravel road versus driving on a freeway,” said de Heer. “It’s more efficient, it doesn’t heat up as much, and it allows for higher speeds so that the electrons can move faster.”

Looking ahead: The electronics industry isn’t going to drop silicon for graphene (or any other material) overnight, and performance isn’t the only consideration when they do make a change — cost, durability, ease of manufacturing, and more will all play a role.

Still, de Heer is confident that, when the next major shift in electronics does happen, graphene will be at the center of it.

“Graphene is the next step,” he said. “Who knows what the step’s going to be after that, but there’s a good chance that graphene can take over and be the paradigm for the next 50 years.”

Exploring new physics arising from electron interactions in semiconductor moiré superlattices

Exploring new physics arising from electron interactions in semiconductor moiré superlattices
Moiré atoms and Wigner molecule (a) Schematic of moiré superlattice and (b) corresponding moiré potential at ϕ = 10°. Its minima, moiré atoms, form a triangular lattice. (c) Evolution of each of the high- and low-spin ground states of harmonic helium and lithium (with two and three electrons respectively) with the Coulomb coupling constant λ. The overall ground state of harmonic lithium transitions from low to high spin at λc = 4.34. (d) Charge density distribution of the high spin ground state of moiré lithium including a crystal field corresponding to the continuum model parameters (V = 15meV, aM = 14nm, ϕ = 10°, m = 0.5me) without (left) and with (right) Coulomb interaction.

Semiconductor moiré superlattices are fascinating material structures that have been found to be promising for studying correlated electron states and quantum physics phenomena. These structures, made up of artificial atom arrays arranged in a so-called moiré configuration, are highly tunable and characterized by strong electron interactions.

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently carried out a study further exploring these materials and their underlying physics. Their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, introduces a new theoretical framework that could inform the study of large-period moiré superlattices, which are characterized by weakly interacting electrons residing in different potential wells.

“Our group has been working on two-dimensional semiconductor moiré materials for five years,” Liang Fu, co-author of the paper, told “In these systems, electrons move in a periodic potential landscape (the moiré superlattice) and interact with each other through Coulomb repulsion.”

The primary advantage of semiconducting moiré superlattices is that they can easily be manipulated in experimental settings. Specifically, physicists can control the density of electrons within them to alter the property of their many-electron ground state.

“Most previous studies have focused on the case of containing one or less than one electron per moiré unit cell,” Fu said. “We decided to explore the multi-electron regime and see if there is anything new.”

Predicting the behavior of multi-electron materials can be very challenging. The main reason for this is that these systems often contain various energy scales which compete with one another.

“Kinetic energy favors an electron liquid, while interaction and potential energy favors electron solid,” Aidan Reddy, first author of the paper, explained. “The nice thing about moiré materials is that the relative strength of different energy scales can be tuned by varying the moiré period. Taking advantage of this tunability, we developed a theoretical framework to study large-period moiré systems, where electrons residing on different potential wells are weakly coupled.”

The theoretical framework introduced by this team of researchers focuses on the behavior of individual atoms in the moiré superlattice. Reddy, Fu and their colleague Trithep Devakul found that this relatively simple approach could still help to shed light on various interesting quantum physics phenomena.

Using their framework, the researchers unveiled new physics that could be observed in multi-electron semiconductor-based moiré superlattices. For instance, at a filling factor n=3 (i.e., when each moiré’ atom in a superlattice contains three electrons) they found that Coulomb interactions led to the formation of a so-called “Wigner molecule.” In addition, under specific circumstances (i.e., if their size is comparable to the moiré period), they showed that these Wigner molecules could form a unique structure known as an emergent Kagome lattice.

The interesting self-organized electron configurations outlined in this research team’s paper could soon be further explored in follow-up studies. In addition, these newly uncovered configurations could serve as an inspiration for other physicists, allowing them to study charge order and quantum magnetism in a regime quite unfamiliar to conventional materials.

“The most notable insight of our work is that, at special filling factors, electrons self-organize into striking configurations (Wigner molecules) due to a balance between the energy scales at play. Our prediction of Wigner solid has been confirmed experimentally,” Trithep added.

In the near term, the researchers plan to study the quantum phase transition between Wigner electron solids and electron liquids.

Researchers create first functional semiconductor made from graphene

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have created the world’s first functional semiconductor made from graphene, a single sheet of carbon atoms held together by the strongest bonds known. Semiconductors, which are materials that conduct electricity under specific conditions, are foundational components of electronic devices. The team’s breakthrough throws open the door to a new way of doing electronics.

Their discovery comes at a time when silicon, the material from which nearly all modern electronics are made, is reaching its limit in the face of increasingly faster computing and smaller electronic devices.

Walter de Heer, Regents’ Professor of physics at Georgia Tech, led a team of researchers based in Atlanta, Georgia, and Tianjin, China, to produce a graphene semiconductor that is compatible with conventional microelectronics processing methods—a necessity for any viable alternative to silicon.

In this latest research, published in Nature, de Heer and his team overcame the paramount hurdle that has been plaguing graphene research for decades, and the reason why many thought graphene electronics would never work. Known as the “band gap,” it is a crucial electronic property that allows semiconductors to switch on and off. Graphene didn’t have a band gap—until now.

“We now have an extremely robust graphene semiconductor with 10 times the mobility of silicon, and which also has unique properties not available in silicon,” de Heer said. “But the story of our work for the past 10 years has been, ‘Can we get this material to be good enough to work?'”

A new type of semiconductor

De Heer started to explore carbon-based materials as potential semiconductors early in his career, and then made the switch to exploring two-dimensional graphene in 2001. He knew then that graphene had potential for electronics. Credit: Georgia Institute of Technology

“We were motivated by the hope of introducing three special properties of graphene into electronics,” he said. “It’s an extremely robust material, one that can handle very large currents, and can do so without heating up and falling apart.”

De Heer achieved a breakthrough when he and his team figured out how to grow graphene on silicon carbide wafers using special furnaces. They produced epitaxial graphene, which is a single layer that grows on a crystal face of the silicon carbide. The team found that when it was made properly, the epitaxial graphene chemically bonded to the silicon carbide and started to show semiconducting properties.

Over the next decade, they persisted in perfecting the material at Georgia Tech and later in collaboration with colleagues at the Tianjin International Center for Nanoparticles and Nanosystems at Tianjin University in China. De Heer founded the center in 2014 with Lei Ma, the center’s director and a co-author of the paper.

How they did it

In its natural form, graphene is neither a semiconductor nor a metal, but a semimetal. A band gap is a material that can be turned on and off when an electric field is applied to it, which is how all transistors and silicon electronics work. The major question in graphene electronics research was how to switch it on and off so it can work like silicon.

But to make a functional transistor, a semiconducting material must be greatly manipulated, which can damage its properties. To prove that their platform could function as a viable semiconductor, the team needed to measure its electronic properties without damaging it.

They put atoms on the graphene that “donate” electrons to the system—a technique called doping, used to see whether the material was a good conductor. It worked without damaging the material or its properties.

The team’s measurements showed that their graphene semiconductor has 10 times greater mobility than silicon. In other words, the electrons move with very low resistance, which, in electronics, translates to faster computing. “It’s like driving on a gravel road versus driving on a freeway,” de Heer said. “It’s more efficient, it doesn’t heat up as much, and it allows for higher speeds so that the electrons can move faster.”

The team’s product is currently the only two-dimensional semiconductor that has all the necessary properties to be used in nanoelectronics, and its electrical properties are far superior to any other 2D semiconductors currently in development.

“A long-standing problem in graphene electronics is that graphene didn’t have the right band gap and couldn’t switch on and off at the correct ratio,” said Ma. “Over the years, many have tried to address this with a variety of methods. Our technology achieves the band gap, and is a crucial step in realizing graphene-based electronics.”

Moving forward

Epitaxial graphene could cause a paradigm shift in the field of electronics and allow for completely new technologies that take advantage of its unique properties. The material allows the quantum mechanical wave properties of electrons to be utilized, which is a requirement for quantum computing.

“Our motivation for doing graphene electronics has been there for a long time, and the rest was just making it happen,” de Heer said. “We had to learn how to treat the material, how to make it better and better, and finally how to measure the properties. That took a very, very long time.”

According to de Heer, it is not unusual to see yet another generation of electronics on its way. Before silicon, there were vacuum tubes, and before that, there were wires and telegraphs. Silicon is one of many steps in the history of electronics, and the next step could be graphene.

“To me, this is like a Wright brothers moment,” de Heer said. “They built a plane that could fly 300 feet through the air. But the skeptics asked why the world would need flight when it already had fast trains and boats. But they persisted, and it was the beginning of a technology that can take people across oceans.”

New semiconductor holds promise for 2-D physics and electronics.

From super-lubricants, to solar cells, to the fledgling technology of valleytronics, there is much to be excited about with the discovery of a unique new two-dimensional semiconductor, rhenium disulfide, by researchers at Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry. Rhenium disulfide, unlike molybdenum disulfide and other dichalcogenides, behaves electronically as if it were a 2D monolayer even as a 3D bulk material. This not only opens the door to 2D electronic applications with a 3D material, it also makes it possible to study 2D physics with easy-to-make 3D crystals.

“Rhenium disulfide remains a direct-bandgap semiconductor, its photoluminescence intensity increases while its Raman spectrum remains unchanged, even with the addition of increasing numbers of layers,” says Junqiao Wu, a physicist with Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division who led this discovery. “This makes bulk crystals of rhenium disulfide an ideal platform for probing 2D excitonic and lattice physics, circumventing the challenge of preparing large-area, single-crystal monolayers.”

Wu, who is also a professor with the University of California-Berkeley’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, headed a large international team of collaborators who used the facilities at the Molecular Foundry, a U.S Department of Energy (DOE) national nanoscience center, to prepare and characterize individual monolayers of rhenium disulfide. Through a variety of spectroscopy techniques, they studied these monolayers both as stacked multilayers and as bulk materials. Their study revealed that the uniqueness of rhenium disulfide stems from a disruption in its crystal lattice symmetry called a Peierls distortion.

“Semiconducting dichalcogenides consist of monolayers held together by weak forces,” says Sefaattin Tongay, lead author of a paper describing this research in Nature Communications for which Wu was the corresponding author. The paper was titled “Monolayer behaviour in bulk ReS2 due to electronic and vibrational decoupling.”

The atomic structure of a monolayer of rhenium disulphide shows the dimerization of the rhenium atoms as a result of the Peierls, forming a rhenium chain denoted by the red zigzag line. Credit: Junqiao Wu, Berkeley Lab

“Typically the monolayers in a semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides, such as , are relatively strongly coupled, but isolated monolayers show large changes in electronic structure and lattice vibration energies,” Tongay says. “The result is that in bulk these materials are indirect gap semiconductors and in the monolayer they are direct gap.”

What Tongay, Wu and their collaborators found in their characterization studies was that rhenium disulfide contains seven valence electrons as opposed to the six valence electrons of molybdenum disulfide and other transition metal dichalcogenides. This extra valence electron prevents strong interlayer coupling between multiple of rhenium disulfide.

“The extra electron is eventually shared between two rhenium atoms, which causes the atoms to move closer to one another other, forming quasi-one-dimensional chains within each layer and creating the Peierls distortion in the lattice,” Tongay says. “Once the Peierls distortion takes place, interlayer registry is largely lost, resulting in weak interlayer coupling and monolayer behavior in the bulk.”

Rhenium disulfide’s weak interlayer coupling should make this material highly useful in tribology and other low-friction applications. Since rhenium disulfide also exhibits strong interactions between light and matter that are typical of monolayer semiconductors, and since the bulk rhenium disulfide behaves as if it were a monolayer, the new material should also be valuable for solar cell applications. It might also be a less expensive alternative to diamond for valleytronics.

In valleytronics, the wave quantum number of the electron in a crystalline material is used to encode information. This number is derived from the spin and momentum of an electron moving through a crystal lattice as a wave with energy peaks and valleys. Encoding information when the electrons reside in these minimum energy valleys offers a highly promising potential new route to quantum computing and ultrafast data-processing.

“Rhenium atoms have a relatively large atomic weight, which means electron spin-orbit interactions are significant,” Tongay says. “This could make rhenium disulfide an ideal material for valleytronics applications.”

The collaboration is now looking at ways to tune the properties of rhenium disulfide in both monolayer and bulk crystals through engineered defects in the lattice and selective doping. They are also looking to alloy disulfide with other members of the dichalcogenide family.

A first: Stanford engineers build computer using carbon nanotube technology.

A team of Stanford engineers has built a basic computer using carbon nanotubes, a semiconductor material that has the potential to launch a new generation of electronic devices that run faster, while using less energy, than those made from silicon chips.

This unprecedented feat culminates years of efforts by scientists around the world to harness this promising material.

The achievement is reported today in an article on the cover of Nature magazine written by Max Shulaker and other doctoral students in electrical engineering. The research was led by Stanford professors Subhasish Mitra and H.S. Philip Wong.

“People have been talking about a new era of carbon nanotube electronics moving beyond silicon,” said Mitra, an electrical engineer and computer scientist, and the Chambers Faculty Scholar of Engineering. “But there have been few demonstrations of complete digital systems using this exciting technology. Here is the proof.”

Experts say the Stanford achievement will galvanize efforts to find successors to silicon chips, which could soon encounter physical limits that might prevent them from delivering smaller, faster, cheaper electronic devices.

“Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have long been considered as a potential successor to the silicon transistor,” said Professor Jan Rabaey, a world expert on electronic circuits and systems at UC Berkeley.

But until now it hasn’t been clear that CNTs could fulfill those expectations.


“There is no question that this will get the attention of researchers in the semiconductor community and entice them to explore how this technology can lead to smaller, more energy-efficient processors in the next decade,” Rabaey said.

Mihail Roco, senior advisor for Nanotechnology at the National Science Foundation, called the Stanford work “an important, scientific breakthrough.”

It was roughly 15 years ago that carbon nanotubes were first fashioned into transistors, the on-off switches at the heart of digital electronic systems.

But a bedeviling array of imperfections in these carbon nanotubes has long frustrated efforts to build complex circuits using CNTs. Professor Giovanni De Micheli, director of the Institute of Electrical Engineering at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, highlighted two key contributions the Stanford team has made to this worldwide effort.

“First, they put in place a process for fabricating CNT-based circuits,” De Micheli said. “Second, they built a simple but effective circuit that shows that computation is doable using CNTs.”

As Mitra said: “It’s not just about the CNT computer. It’s about a change in directions that shows you can build something real using nanotechnologies that move beyond silicon and its cousins.”

Why worry about a successor to silicon? Such concerns arise from the demands that designers place upon semiconductors and their fundamental workhorse unit, those on-off switches known as transistors

For decades, progress in electronics has meant shrinking the size of each transistor to pack more transistors on a chip. But as transistors become tinier they waste more power and generate more heat – all in a smaller and smaller space, as evidenced by the warmth emanating from the bottom of a laptop.

Many researchers believe that this power-wasting phenomenon could spell the end of Moore’s Law, named for Intel Corp. co-founder Gordon Moore, who predicted in 1965 that the density of transistors would double roughly every two years, leading to smaller, faster and, as it turned out, cheaper electronics.

But smaller, faster and cheaper has also meant smaller, faster and hotter.

“Energy dissipation of silicon-based systems has been a major concern,” said Anantha Chandrakasan, head of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT and a world leader in chip research. He called the Stanford work “a major benchmark” in moving CNTs toward practical use. CNTs are long chains of carbon atoms that are extremely efficient at conducting and controlling electricity. They are so thin – thousands of CNTs could fit side by side in a human hair – that it takes very little energy to switch them off, according to Wong, co-author of the paper and the Williard R. and Inez Kerr Bell Professor at Stanford.

“Think of it as stepping on a garden hose,” Wong said. “The thinner the hose, the easier it is to shut off the flow.” In theory, this combination of efficient conductivity and low-power switching make carbon nanotubes excellent candidates to serve as electronic transistors.

“CNTs could take us at least an order of magnitude in performance beyond where you can project silicon could take us,” Wong said. But inherent imperfections have stood in the way of putting this promising material to practical use.

First, CNTs do not necessarily grow in neat parallel lines, as chipmakers would like.

Over time, researchers have devised tricks to grow 99.5 percent of CNTs in straight lines. But with billions of nanotubes on a chip, even a tiny degree of misaligned tubes could cause errors, so that problem remained.

A second type of imperfection has also stymied CNT technology.

Depending on how the CNTs grow, a fraction of these carbon nanotubes can end up behaving like metallic wires that always conduct electricity, instead of acting like semiconductors that can be switched off.

Since mass production is the eventual goal, researchers had to find ways to deal with misaligned and/or metallic CNTs without having to hunt for them like needles in a haystack.

“We needed a way to design circuits without having to look for imperfections or even know where they were,” Mitra said. The Stanford paper describes a two-pronged approach that the authors call an “imperfection-immune design.”

To eliminate the wire-like or metallic nanotubes, the Stanford team switched off all the good CNTs. Then they pumped the semiconductor circuit full of electricity. All of that electricity concentrated in the metallic nanotubes, which grew so hot that they burned up and literally vaporized into tiny puffs of carbon dioxide. This sophisticated technique was able to eliminate virtually all of the metallic CNTs in the circuit at once.

Bypassing the misaligned nanotubes required even greater subtlety.

So the Stanford researchers created a powerful algorithm that maps out a circuit layout that is guaranteed to work no matter whether or where CNTs might be askew.

“This ‘imperfections-immune design’ (technique) makes this discovery truly exemplary,” said Sankar Basu, a program director at the National Science Foundation.

The Stanford team used this imperfection-immune design to assemble a basic computer with 178 transistors, a limit imposed by the fact that they used the university’s chip-making facilities rather than an industrial fabrication process.

Their CNT computer performed tasks such as counting and number sorting. It runs a basic operating system that allows it to swap between these processes. In a demonstration of its potential, the researchers also showed that the CNT computer could run MIPS, a commercial instruction set developed in the early 1980s by then Stanford engineering professor and now university President John Hennessy.

Though it could take years to mature, the Stanford approach points toward the possibility of industrial-scale production of carbon nanotube semiconductors, according to Naresh Shanbhag, a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and director of SONIC, a consortium of next-generation chip design research.

“The Wong/Mitra paper demonstrates the promise of CNTs in designing complex computing systems,” Shanbhag said, adding that this “will motivate researchers elsewhere” toward greater efforts in chip design beyond silicon.

“These are initial necessary steps in taking carbon nanotubes from the chemistry lab to a real environment,” said Supratik Guha, director of physical sciences for IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center and a world leader in CNT research.

Journal reference: Nature