Woman had scissors in her body for FIVE YEARS after cancer treatment

DOCTORS were astounded when they found a pair of scissors lodged inside a woman’s body.

Hanim Ozgul, a 67-year-old mother from Turkey, was left in agony for five years after she was treated for uterine cancer in 2010 – because bungling surgeons forgot about their scissors when they were stitching her up.

DOCTORS were astounded when they found a pair of scissors lodged inside a woman’s body.

Hanim Ozgul, a 67-year-old mother from Turkey, was left in agony for five years after she was treated for uterine cancer in 2010 – because bungling surgeons forgot about their scissors when they were stitching her up.

She had been complaining of searing pains ever since, which the doctors attributed to the aftermath of her operation and subsequent cancer treatment.

The scissors were left inside her body after she underwent treatment for cancer in 2010 CEN

She had the scissors removed only last week.

Her lawyer, Duygu Var Efelerli, is now suing the hospital on her behalf with a demand for compensation for what she has suffered.

Hanim added: “I started feeling pain in my stomach and abdomen and they could never find a reason.

“Later I went to another hospital. The doctor said that my body had an inflammation. Later they told me to have an X-Ray. When the X-Ray machine started up it began beeping and a doctor said to me: ‘You have scissors in your pocket.’”

Hanim Ozgul will be suing the hospital for compensation CEN

She added: “They then found out that I had scissors in my abdomen!”

Hanim’s son, Hasan Ozgul, said: “My mum didn’t carry us as much as she carried the scissors. We will continue with our legal fight until the end. We could have lost our mother.”

She had been complaining of searing pains ever since, which the doctors attributed to the aftermath of her operation and subsequent cancer treatment.

The scissors were left inside her body after she underwent treatment for cancer in 2010 CEN

She had the scissors removed only last week.

Her lawyer, Duygu Var Efelerli, is now suing the hospital on her behalf with a demand for compensation for what she has suffered.

Hanim added: “I started feeling pain in my stomach and abdomen and they could never find a reason.

“Later I went to another hospital. The doctor said that my body had an inflammation. Later they told me to have an X-Ray. When the X-Ray machine started up it began beeping and a doctor said to me: ‘You have scissors in your pocket.’”

Hanim Ozgul will be suing the hospital for compensation CEN

She added: “They then found out that I had scissors in my abdomen!”

Hanim’s son, Hasan Ozgul, said: “My mum didn’t carry us as much as she carried the scissors. We will continue with our legal fight until the end. We could have lost our mother.”