Barriers to a cure for HIV: new ways to target and eradicate HIV-1 reservoirs.

Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection needs lifelong access and strict adherence to regimens that are both expensive and associated with toxic effects. A curative intervention will be needed to fully stop the epidemic. The failure to eradicate HIV infection during long-term antiretroviral therapy shows the intrinsic stability of the viral genome in latently infected CD4T cells and other cells, and possibly a sustained low-level viral replication. Heterogeneity in latently infected cell populations and homoeostatic proliferation of infected cells might affect the dynamics of virus production and persistence. Despite potent antiretroviral therapy, chronic immune activation, inflammation, and immune dysfunction persist, and are likely to have important effects on the size and distribution of the viral reservoir. The inability of the immune system to recognise cells harbouring latent virus and to eliminate cells actively producing virus is the biggest challenge to finding a cure. We look at new approaches to unravelling the complex virus—host interactions that lead to persistent infection and latency, and discuss the rationale for combination of novel treatment strategies with available antiretroviral treatment options to cure HIV.

Source: Lancet

Intravesical penile implant reservoir: case report, literature review, and strategies for prevention.

To present a case of intravesical erosion of an infected multiple-component inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) reservoir. We retrospectively reviewed a case of complete intravesical erosion of an infected IPP reservoir. We also reviewed the prior urologic literature concerning bladder-related reservoir complications, and formulated potential strategies to prevent these complications in the future. This patient was successfully managed with complete explantation of the cylinders and pump, along with cystotomy, intravesical reservoir removal and cystorraphy. Several months later, he was successfully reimplanted with a multiple-component IPP, and, with 7 months follow-up, has had no further complications. Management of intravesical placement or erosion of an IPP reservoir should be tailored to the clinical scenario. In cases with peri-prosthetic infection and subsequent intravesical reservoir erosion, complete explantation and delayed subsequent reimplantation has been successful. Inadvertent intravesical reservoir placement has been successfully managed via immediate cystotomy, reservoir repositioning and cystorraphy. Reservoir insertion via a counter-incision, an infrapubic approach and under direct vision can avoid this complication. Bladder laceration during reservoir reinflation has been successfully managed with cystorraphy and reservoir repositioning.

Source: International Journal of Impotence Research