Reflexology: The Natural Science of Pressure Therapy

Reflexology is as interesting as it sounds. According to online dictionaries, reflexology is “a alternative medical science of relieving pain or curing illness, by applying pressure on particular parts of a person’s hands, feet, or ears”. Basically, it’s a unique kind of massage, and like any other types of massage, it endows great benefits for your spiritual and physiological health.

Reflexology: Natural science of pressure therapy

The Reflex Areas:

A reflexologist would generally be a health practitioner who massages parts of your feet, sometimes your hands, and sometimes both, in order to get your whole body to relax in a certain way. Precisely, reflexology is based on the idea that there are many key-points that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands- referred to as zones or reflex areas. For example, one point in your left foot can trigger a response to your liver. Perhaps your pinky toe is connected to your sinus or your ears. And when a reflexologist employs pressure upon one point in your feet or hand, he may be able to feel that something is wrong with it. And if the practitioner relaxes that said point, he is able to relax the spot in your feet as well as your corresponding zone.

I believe that we have all experienced this in a way or another, but maybe not in a professional way.  For example, we may sense pleasure in one point in our feet, and feel a slight nerve inexplicably twitch with pleasure in some other random part of our bodies. Or perhaps we have felt the same pain in our feet that we have felt in our spine, and so on.

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Liberating your Energy Fields:

Reflexologists believe in the premise that breaking down blockages of energy fields, the invisible life force, or Qi, can start the healing process and regain the body’s natural homeostasis. Reflexology is another healthy practice, just like eating healthy and exercising regularly, and meditating. They are all parts of a healthy, balanced and peaceful lifestyle, and they only exist for your betterment.

In fact, reflexology, just like meditation other practices that I’ve listed earlier, work for your spiritual and physical health in the same way – they rid you of worldly impurities such as stress, tension and anger, but in different ways. We need to explore all there possibilities, because we are deeply anchored in our minds and our problems, so it is natural that stress would be deposited in every inch of our bodies.

A Natural Alternative:

Reflexology is one of the most ancient and natural alternative medical sciences that focuses on holistic healing-from the inside out. It doesn’t rely on ingesting any toxic chemicals and is not intrusive making it absolutely risk free. Under the care of an experienced reflexologist, you can regain and trigger your natural healing powers and protect ourselves from future trauma, stress, and diseases, rendering your body more capable to react to dangerous factors and vibrations.

The interconnectedness between the zones on your feet and hands, with vital energy channels and organs in our bodies, is so much aligned to the bonding that we share with nature and everything else in the world around us. It would be just another proof that we are the universe, and that the universe is us.