Beauty Benefits of Drinking Water

We all know not drinking enough water can cause the body dehydration and in the meantime obviously make us very thirsty. But, not only is purified water good for the body and the way we feel, but also the way we look. Have you ever stopped and wondered…what are the affects that dehydration is having on our appearance?

Our body is made up of roughly 70 percent water, which keeps our cells plump and healthy. When you don’t drink enough purified water, the effect of dehydration sucks all the moisture from our body and leaves our organs no choice but to steal that moisture from our skin, hair, and fingernails.  By stealing the moisture, it leaves our skin looking and feeling dry, hair looking lifeless and dull, and nails brittle and weak. Now I don’t know about you, but that is not the look I am going for.

When we’re talking appearance, these are the 3 parts of our body that suffer the most when we aren’t getting enough purified water:


Your skin is the largest organ of the body and skin cells like any other organ cells require water to function properly.  You need to drink throughout the day, whether you are thirsty or not, to help keep your skins’ moisture and elasticity. Improvements to the skin are often the most obvious benefits of drinking purified water, along with improved energy.  One of our customers, Angela from Coombabah, suffered from really bad eczema and since only using the  chemical free water her skin started to clear up!



Our hair thrives on moisture-rich environment and purified water is one of the best ways to quench its thirst. Just like our skin, hair also needs lubrication from inside out. Dehydration has a direct impact on the growth and a lack of moisture results in dry and brittle hair. It may even stop growing at the maximum genetic rate if you don’t drink enough purified water to meet your daily needs.  Why not also protect your hair even more by showering in chemical and chlorine free water.



Just like the water in your hair and skin, the water in your fingernails is important to the healthy look and feel of your nails.  Purified water will help in keeping your nail plates healthy and this will provide a strong base for your nails to grow. If you walk around dehydrated all the time your nails will be dry and brittle and they will peel and break easily.


Drinking purified water helps replenish the moisture back in our bodies and thus helping skin to be more supple and radiant, hair to be shinier and even nails will grow longer and be less brittle. To make sure you’re staying hydrated, be sure to keep a water bottle with you throughout your day and fill it up with purified water from your Pure Water Systems Water Purifier. To learn more about how Pure Water Systems products can benefit you and your family’s health and body, visit Pure Water Systems or call 1300 808 966 and you will get excellent customer service to help you choose the best water treatment product type for you.



Important Reasons to Purify Your Water

1. You & Your Family’s Health

The most important reason of our 5 part mini blog series that we’ll discuss is the benefits of what drinking purified water has on your family and loved ones. Purified water is vital for you and your family’s wellbeing and staying hydrated is one of the most important things to remember. The human brain is composed of 95% water; blood is 82% water and the lungs are nearly 90% water.

Water is also the single most critical nutrient for health, growth, and development. If you are drinking tap water, bore water, tank water, desalinated, recycled or treated dam water then your drinking water could be contaminated with bacteria, blue green algae, sediment and more.  This means that the water authorities need to add chemicals to combat these problems. Unfortunately it’s these chemicals that are added which are harmful to our bodies. Purified water is needed for every cell in your body and it also helps us to digest food, convert it to energy and get rid of waste, which are all essential for good health.

Encouraging children to drink water from a young age is also vital to set them on the path of good health. If you need help with getting the kids to drink water, read our past blog, ‘7 Of My Tried & Tested Tips to Make Kids Drink More Water’.

2. The Greener Option

Aussies spend more than half a billion dollars on bottled water and end up recycling only 36% of their plastic bottles. Our oceans are becoming more and more congested with billions of plastic bottles and packaging with 80% of our plastic waste ending up in our ocean.  More than half the damage could’ve been reduced if everyone stopped buying bottled water and drank purified orfiltered water from their tap. You can read more about the devastating effects plastic is having on our environment in our most recent blog ‘How Plastic Bottles Once Saved The World’.

There is an easy and cheap alternative to purchasing bottled water when you are out, once you have a Pure Water Systems water purifier or filter in your home, then all you need is a BPA free drinking bottle that is made from safe materials. Just by filling up your drink bottle you are not only saving yourself $2 every time, but you are also helping to save the earth from choking on plastic. There are many kinds of different drink bottles out there, and we have put them up against each other in one of our past blogs ‘What is Safe Water Bottle’ from glass to aluminium and in between, so if you would like more information on what we have classed as a safe drink bottle then check it out. Also, have a look at our Pure Water Systems BPA free Stainless Steel Sports Drink Bottles that we have available for purchase.


3. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia; it damages the brain which then leads to memory loss. At this stage, there is no cure or treatment to stop or reverse it and in fact it actually worsens as time goes by.  When we drink water straight from the tap, it is believed that the rain washes aluminium particles out of the air and into our water supply. According to evidence, aluminium has long been known to affect and cause damage to nerves or nerve tissue, with chronic exposure being a factor in many neurological diseases, including dementia, autism, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

The body naturally guards against aluminium by absorbing less than 1% of dietary aluminium and effectively getting rid of it via the kidneys,  although it’s worth knowing that aluminium accumulates with age in lung, bone and brain tissue, and this is what leads to the indication of aluminium and the association it has with Alzheimer’s.
When aluminium largely builds up in tissues such as the brain, it has the potential to cause serious harmful neurological effects.  If you drank the standard 1-2 litres of water from your tap per day, you could be exposing your body to unnecessary aluminium every day without knowing it. Studies note that there is a higher concentration of Alzheimer’s where there is also a higher concentration of aluminium in the drinking water.
Although there is debate surrounding aluminium and it causing Alzheimer’s, it definitely doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.   The best way to protect yourself is to drink water from a Pure Water Systems water purifier, and minimize your use of vaccines and other drugs that are often contaminated with aluminium.

4. Save Money

It is a known fact that most bottled water is far more expensive than petrol these days and as discussed in our last blog How Plastic Bottles Once Saved The World, it is not the most environmentally friendly option either, but recent studies have shown that a large percentage of bottled water is in some cases no better than your tap water!

Australians spend over $500 million on bottled water every year and last year alone drank 115 Olympic swimming pools worth of bottled water! Why waste money on buying water all the time when you could have a flowing stream of unlimited purified water right from your kitchen and simply fill your drink bottlebefore leaving home. If you would like more information on safe drink bottles, then check out one of our recent blogs What is a Safe Water Bottle. Also, check out our Pure Water Systems BPA free Stainless Steel Sports Drink Bottles that we have available for purchase.

When Australia was first introduced to bottled water in the late 1980s, everyone all thought it was a joke. Would we really be so silly as to buy bottled water? Well, the joke is on us! In a celebration of marketing over reason we are being conned by the advertising of big corporations and our pocket is feeling it more than ever!
Why waste time and money lugging bottles of water back and forth from the grocery stores? Purified water saves money, environmentally friendly and is a healthy alternative. As discussed in Part 1 of this mini blog series just by filling up your drink bottle you are saving yourself $2-$4 every time, which means more money stays in your wallet!

We at Pure Water Systems would love to hear your feedback. We created this blog page to share knowledge and hear from our customers, so don’t be afraid to give comments and let us know what you think.

If you need any help with your water purifier or would like more information on getting one then please call 1300 808 966.



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1. You & Your Family’s Health

The most important reason of our 5 part mini blog series that we’ll discuss is the benefits of what drinking purified water has on your family and loved ones. Purified water is vital for you and your family’s wellbeing and staying hydrated is one of the most important things to remember. The human brain is composed of 95% water; blood is 82% water and the lungs are nearly 90% water.

Water is also the single most critical nutrient for health, growth, and development. If you are drinking tap water, bore water, tank water, desalinated, recycled or treated dam water then your drinking water could be contaminated with bacteria, blue green algae, sediment and more.  This means that the water authorities need to add chemicals to combat these problems. Unfortunately it’s these chemicals that are added which are harmful to our bodies. Purified water is needed for every cell in your body and it also helps us to digest food, convert it to energy and get rid of waste, which are all essential for good health.

Encouraging children to drink water from a young age is also vital to set them on the path of good health. If you need help with getting the kids to drink water, read our past blog, ‘7 Of My Tried & Tested Tips to Make Kids Drink More Water’.

2. The Greener Option

Aussies spend more than half a billion dollars on bottled water and end up recycling only 36% of their plastic bottles. Our oceans are becoming more and more congested with billions of plastic bottles and packaging with 80% of our plastic waste ending up in our ocean.  More than half the damage could’ve been reduced if everyone stopped buying bottled water and drank purified orfiltered water from their tap. You can read more about the devastating effects plastic is having on our environment in our most recent blog ‘How Plastic Bottles Once Saved The World’.

There is an easy and cheap alternative to purchasing bottled water when you are out, once you have a Pure Water Systems water purifier or filter in your home, then all you need is a BPA free drinking bottle that is made from safe materials. Just by filling up your drink bottle you are not only saving yourself $2 every time, but you are also helping to save the earth from choking on plastic. There are many kinds of different drink bottles out there, and we have put them up against each other in one of our past blogs ‘What is Safe Water Bottle’ from glass to aluminium and in between, so if you would like more information on what we have classed as a safe drink bottle then check it out. Also, have a look at our Pure Water Systems BPA free Stainless Steel Sports Drink Bottles that we have available for purchase.


Stay tuned for our next part of the blog series where we will discuss the effects of aluminiuim in our drinking water and the money it costs us to access clean water.


10 Important Reasons to Purify Your Water

1. You & Your Family’s Health

Our bodies are made up of 80% water, hence water is one of the main things we need to function in a healthy manner. Doctors recommend that we drink 8 glasses of water per day or 1 glass per 10 kg of
body weight.


2. The Greener Option

65% of plastic bottles purchased end up in land fill every year! Not to mention the carbon emissions used to transport the bottles across Australia. By drinking purified water from your water purification system you are helping the environment.

3. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Aluminium in drinking water has been directly linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. Research has shown that once ingested, aluminium is difficult to excrete and therefore can be stored in the brain.

4. Save Money

It is a known fact that most bottled water is far more expensive than petrol. Recent studies have shown that a large percentage of bottled water is in some cases no better than tap water. Why waste time and money lugging bottles of water back and forth from the grocery stores? Purified water saves money and is a healthy alternative.

5. Reduce the risk of Cancer, Miscarriage, Birth Defects & Heart Attack

Chlorine  is added to our drinking water to combat bacteria, however it has been directly linked to many forms of cancer as well as birth defects, heart problems  and asthma.

6. Old Pipes & Plumbing

In a lot of areas in Australia, once the tap water leaves the treatment plant it can travel through many kilometres of piping that are old, slimy and corroded. It is hard to believe we drink the water that comes straight out of pipes like these.

7. Fresher, healthier tea, coffee and food

Unlike bottled water, by purifying your water you will have access to an ongoing supply of fresh, contaminant free water that can be used for all your drinking water, but also for: cooking, washing vegetables, making tea and coffee, feeding your pets, watering your plants. The options are endless. You are no longer limited to the amount of purified water you use.

8. Protect your family from bacteria

When you purify your tap water with the CC1E-HT or the CC1E you can have peace of mind knowing that it has been tested and is proven to effectively remove E.coli bacteria, Giardia and Cryptosporidium Cysts. These nasty parasites can cause diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, vomiting fever and more. For details on previous outbreaks please see news articles. The CC1E-HT or CC1E also both effectively remove a very large percentage of the heavy metals and chemicals such as Copper, Lead, Mercury, Zinc or Aluminium that may be found in our drinking water.

9. Save Time

In this day and age every spare minute is precious, save time boiling water, using slow filtration jugs and lugging bottles back and forth from the shops and spend more time enjoying a healthier life.


10. Human Error

Unfortunately as humans, we all make mistakes. We can put all the faith we have in the treatment plant workers, but at the end of the day mistakes happen and at times chemical overdoses have been a regular occurrence in the papers . Why put your family’s health in a stranger’s hands?