Prion trials and tribulations: Finding the right tools and experimental models

Prions are fascinating, enigmatic, and might teach us not only about rare prion diseases like Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, mad cow disease, or scrapie, but also about other more common neurodgenerative diseases. Two studies published this week in PLOS Pathogens report progress with novel tools and paradigms to study prion disease.

Several research groups have recently succeeded in generating infectious prions with prion protein produced by bacteria in test tubes under consistent and controlled conditions. Such synthetic prions are a critical tool to study how prions cause disease in general and to test the “protein-only” hypothesis, which states that the mutant prion protein itself can trigger the disease by co-opting other prion proteins to form aggregates that are toxic to nerve cells. Jiyan Ma, from the Van Andel Research Institute in Grand Rapids, USA, and colleagues tested whether the properties of synthetically generated prions are the same as those of natural disease-causing prions, and whether the disease caused by synthetic prions is identical to naturally occurring prion disease.

They demonstrate that similar to the classical disease-causing prions, synthetic prions are infectious in a concentration-dependent way, and are able to cause prion disease in normal mice not only by direct injection into the brain (which is the easiest but not a naturally occurring way of prion transmission) but also by other routes. The researchers also show that the synthetic prions induced pathological changes typical for classic prion disease, including the dissemination of disease-specific prion protein accumulation and the route and mechanism of invasion of nerve cells in the brain. They conclude that their results “demonstrate the similarity of synthetically generated prion to the infectious agent in TSEs [transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, another term for prion diseases] and provide strong supporting evidence for the prion hypothesis.”

About 15% of human prion disease is heritable and caused by dominant mutations in the human PRP gene. The mutations are thought to predispose the resulting PRP protein proteins to adapt the disease conformation and trigger the cascade that kills nerve cells. Much of the study of inherited human prion disease in mice has focused on mixing mutant human prions–isolated from human patients or produced by transgenic mice carrying the mutant human gene–with normal mouse prions in order to establish whether the mutant human prions are infectious, i.e. whether they can change normal proteins to the disease-associated conformation (or shape).

John Collinge, from University College London, UK, and colleagues answered a crucial question regarding such studies, namely whether superimposition of pathogenic human PrP mutation into mouse PrP (which is similar but not identical) will have the same structural consequences as occur in the human brain. They focused on a specific mutation underlying an inherited form of human prion disease called Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (GSS) disease. This mutation causes an amino-acid substitution (proline-to-leucine) in the prion protein, human PrP 102L for short. In the brain of patients with GSS disease, this mutant prion (GSS-102L) co-exists with a heterogeneous mixture of normal PrP and other PrP derivatives, which it somehow manages to co-opt into forming aggregates that are toxic to the nerve cells.

To characterize the transmission capabilities of the GSS-associated prions, the researchers tested whether the ability of GSS P102L to cause prion disease in mice depended on what other types of prion proteins and derivatives were present. They examined whether GSS P102L prions could infect transgenic mice that express human mutant 102L PrP, human normal PrP, or normal mouse PrP. Injecting a pure preparation of GSS P102L prions into the brains of the three different types of mice, they found that GSS P102L prions can only infect transgenic mice expressing human 102L PrP, i.e. those carrying the identical mutant human gene. Mice expressing normal human PrP or normal mouse PrP were completely resistant to infection with GSS-102L prions.

“Collectively”, the researchers say, their data “establish that GSS-102L prions which replicate with high efficiency in a host expressing human PrP 102L are unable to propagate using wild-type [normal] human PrP or wild-type mouse PrP as substrate.” These results differ from the reported transmission properties of prions generated in GSS-P102L challenged mice expressing mouse PrP 101L (the equivalent mutation in the closely related but not identical mouse PrP): such prions readily infect animals expressing normal human or normal mouse PrP. Commenting on the discrepancy, the researchers suggest that the superimposition of the human on the mouse mutation might have generated experimental prion strains with different transmission characteristics from those of authentic human prion strains. Overall, they conclude that “future transgenic modeling of infectious prion diseases should focus exclusively on expression of mutant human PrP, as other approaches may generate novel experimental prion strains that are unrelated to human disease.”

Better tools and better paradigms to study prion diseases should help the understanding of how these diseases spread and devastate mammalian brains, and eventually lead to efficient treatment and prevention strategies.

Spontaneous generation’ of prions observed

Metal wires ‘catalyse’ appearance of rogue proteins from healthy brain tissue.

vCJDPrions are implicated in conditions such as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, where brain tissue is damaged, as shown here.Teresa Hammett/CDC

After an epic series of experiments, a group of researchers has observed and reproduced what could be the spontaneous generation of prions — rogue misfolded proteins that have been implicated in the destruction of the central nervous system.

These misfolded proteins, the culprits in Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and scrapie, are highly infectious. Although famously transmitted by the ingestion of infected meats, prions are also thought to arise spontaneously in a tiny fraction of humans and other animals. Such de novo prion generation has previously been achieved with animal cells using a method called ‘protein misfolding cyclic amplification’ (PMCA), which involves repeated rounds of ultrasound and incubation.

Now, a London-based team reports observing prions appearing from healthy mouse brain tissue1. (Human samples have traditionally proved less amenable to PMCA, and the misfolding of prion proteins is believed to occur at a much lower rate in humans than in mice.)

“What we were doing was trying to develop a very sensitive assay for prion detection on a metal surface, so we could use that in prion decontamination,” says co-author John Collinge, who heads up the Department of Neurodegenerative Disease at University College London.

“It took a while before we could convince ourselves this was a real phenomenon.”

Sticky steel

Prions readily bind to steel wires, which can thus be used to detect the presence of prions, as well as to infect brains in laboratory studies. Collinge suggests that the metal surface in the team’s experiments somehow catalysed the formation of prions.

While working on a mouse version of scrapie in Collinge’s lab, the researchers found that some wires coated with uninfected mouse brain, intended to serve as controls, tested positive. Eventually, they concluded that this was not an error or a result of contamination.

In a typical experiment, they report, wires were placed with brain homogenate from either uninfected mouse brains or brains infected with scrapie prions. Out of 16 experiments, 9 had controls that were positive for prions. In total, 40 of 2,268 wells on test plates were positive.

The authors even went to the precaution of repeating the study in another laboratory that had never been used for prion work. They purchased new equipment and had it shipped directly to the site to avoid any risk of contamination. Despite this, healthy, uninfected brain cells still tested positive for prions at low rates.

“We can reproduce in a system in a lab what people believe is happening in animals and humans,” says co-author Charles Weissmann, who is currently studying prion biology at Scripps Florida in Jupiter.

“In the beginning it was pretty hard to believe. We spent years repeating the experiment under more and more strenuous circumstances.”

Crucially, when transferred to mice, the new prions caused disease with different characteristics from that produced by the scrapie prions normally used in the laboratory.

“Indeed, the histopathology associated with ‘spontaneous prions’ was unlike any seen previously in our laboratory,” the paper notes. “The distinctive histopathological pattern elicited by the spontaneous prions excludes contamination with RML [Rocky Mountain Laboratory] or other mouse-adapted scrapie strains used by us as a cause for these mouse transmissions.”

What’s the alternative?

There is an alternative explanation to that of spontaneous generation.

Prions are believed to be a polymer of misfolded proteins. Collinge says that nascent ‘seeds’ of prions might be forming and being destroyed in brains all the time. The metal wire could have the effect of concentrating seeds, thus increasing the rate at which prions form.

“What will be important now will be distinguishing whether this low abundance does exist, or whether the process induces the spontaneous generation of prions,” says Claudio Soto, an expert in neurodegenerative disorders at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston who was not involved in the work.

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Soto’s team pioneered the PMCA method — initially as a way of
detecting prions, but later as a potential way of generating them. “It
seems to me the possibility normal tissues have a low abundance of
prions is quite feasible,” Soto says.

Distinguishing between
these two possibilities is the crucial next step. If pre-existing
prions are being concentrated on the steel wires, the rate at which
this happens should be directly proportional to the concentration of
the brain material. More brain equals more seed prions. Conversely,
genuine spontaneous generation would be a higher-order function of
concentration, the authors note

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