Becoming Human: Intel is Bringing the Power of Sight to Machines


Intel acquires eight-year old startup Movidius to position itself as the leader in computer vision and depth-sensing technologies. While the details of the acquisition remain undisclosed, Intel and Movidius both stand to gain from this deal.


No, this is not the beginning of a Terminator-esque world.

But yes, it certainly is a start of major developments in computer vision and machine learning technology. Intel is intent to boost its RealSense platform by acquiring Dublin-based computer vision startup Movidius.

With Intel’s existing framework, coupled with Movidius’ power-efficient system on chip (SoC), the pairing is bound to lead to major developments in consumer and enterprise products.

“As part of Intel, we’ll remain focused on this mission, but with the technology and resources to innovate faster and execute at scale. We will continue to operate with the same eagerness to invent and the same customer-focus attitude that we’re known for,” Movidius CEO Remi El-Ouazzane writes in a statement posted in their site.


With the existing applications of Intel’s RealSense platform, Movidius is even better equipped to realize its dream of giving sight to machines. But Movidius is not the only one that will benefit from this deal.

Remi El-Ouazzane and Josh Walden. Credit: Intel

“We see massive potential for Movidius to accelerate our initiatives in new and emerging technologies. The ability to track, navigate, map and recognize both scenes and objects using Movidius’ low power and high performance SoCs opens up opportunities in areas where heat, battery life and form factors are key,’ explains Josh Walden, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s New Technology Group.

Movidius has existing deals with Lenovo, for its Myriad 2 processors, and with Google, to use its neural computation engine to improve machine learning capabilities of mobile devices.