OFF THE RECORD Scientists Believe They Have Discovered A Parallel Universe That Interact With Our World

Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation.

Now there’s a new theory on the block, called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the bizarre consequences inherent in quantum mechanics, reports

The theory is a spinoff of the many-worlds interpretation in quantum mechanics — an idea that posits that all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual, though parallel, world. One problem with the many-worlds interpretation, however, has been that it is fundamentally untestable, since observations can only be made in our world. Happenings in these proposed “parallel” worlds can thus only be imagined.

MIW, however, says otherwise. It suggests that parallel worlds can interact on the quantum level, and in fact that they do.

“The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been around since 1957,” explained Howard Wiseman, a physicist at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, and one of the physicists to come up with MIW. “In the well-known ‘Many-Worlds Interpretation’, each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum measurement is made. All possibilities are therefore realised – in some universes the dinosaur-killing asteroid missed Earth. In others, Australia was colonised by the Portuguese.”

“But critics question the reality of these other universes, since they do not influence our universe at all,” he added. “On this score, our “Many Interacting Worlds” approach is completely different, as its name implies.”

Wiseman and colleagues have proposed that there exists “a universal force of repulsion between ‘nearby’ (i.e. similar) worlds, which tends to make them more dissimilar.” Quantum effects can be explained by factoring in this force, they propose.

Whether or not the math holds true will be the ultimate test for this theory. Does it or does it not properly predict quantum effects mathematically? But the theory is certain to provide plenty of fodder for the imagination.

For instance, when asked about whether their theory might entail the possibility that humans could someday interact with other worlds, Wiseman said: “It’s not part of our theory. But the idea of [human] interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy.”

 Watch the video discussion. URL:

Accounts of People Who Seem to Literally Be From Parallel Universe

(Devanath/Public Domain)
In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.

Over the past couple of centuries, some people have purportedly turned up who say they are from cities and countries that don’t exist. They speak unknown languages, and give other indications some say suggest they are from parallel universes.

In 1850, a man named Jophar Vorin was found and questioned in a small town near Frankfurt, Germany.

John Timbs wrote about Vorin in his 1852 “Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art,” which was praised for its accuracy by other publications of the time. Timbs wrote: “We find it attested, in the Correspondence of Berlin, that at the end of 1850, a stranger was picked up in a small village of the district of Lebas, near Frankfort-on-the-Oder, whither he had wandered no one could tell whence.
“He spoke German imperfectly, and had all the marks of Caucasian origin. On being questioned by the burgomaster of Frankfort, the stranger said his name was Jophar Vorin, and that he came from a country called Laxaria, situated in the portion of the world called Sakria. He understands, it is affirmed, none of the European languages (except, we must suppose, the broken German), but reads and writes what he calls the Laxarian and Abramian tongues.

(Insspirito/Public Domain)
“The latter he declares to be the written language of the clerical order in Laxaria, and the other the common language of his people. He says that his religion is Christian in form and
doctrine, and that it is called Ispatian. Laxaria he represents to be many hundred miles from Europe, and separated by vast oceans from it.

“His purpose in coming to Europe, he alleges, was to seek a long-lost brother; but he suffered shipwreck on the voyage—where, he does not know—nor can he trace his route on shore on any map or globe. He claims for his unknown race a considerable share of geographical knowledge.

“The five great compartments of the Earth he calls Sakria, Aflar, Aslar, Auslar, and Euplar. The sages of Frankfort-on-the-Oder, after much examination of the tale and its bearer, believed it. However, Jophar Vorin was despatched to Berlin, and there became the subject of much scientific and curious gossip in the Prussian capital.”

The sages of Frankfort-on-the-Oder, after much examination of the tale and its bearer, believed it.
— John Timbs, author, The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, 1852
This and two other such occurrences are mentioned in the book “The Directory of Possibilities,” published in 1981 by Colin Wilson and James Grant.

Wilson and Grant wrote: “In 1905, a young man was arrested in Paris; he spoke an unknown language but managed to convey that he was a citizen of Lisbian—not, it should be stressed, Lisbon.

“And in 1954 a passport check in Japan is alleged to have produced a man with papers issued by the nation of Taured.”

The “man from Taured” snope has rolled through the Internet and grown in size like a snowball rolled through the snow. All accounts seem to point back to this mention in Wilson’s book. Epoch Times could not find any original sources for all the other details that have been added on (for example, it is said that the man indicated the location of Taured as between France and Spain and that he vanished after being detained).

Wilson was a prolific writer, whose books varied from fiction—his most famous was “The Outsiders,” published in 1956 when he was 24—to non-fiction explorations of psychic phenomena and the occult.

An obituary for Wilson, published by the Telegraph in 2013, describes him: “He was regularly criticised for making sweeping generalisations and for his habit of quoting from memory without reference to his sources, but he remained unshakeably convinced of his own talent.

“‘Most criticism is based purely on incomprehension,’ he said. ‘I have long accepted that the chief difficulty with my work is that it covers too wide a field. Even sympathetic readers can’t see the wood for the trees.’”

The Vorin case seems to have convinced authorities at the time. While the accounts fall far short of proving it possible to travel between parallel realities, they stimulate the imagination.

A cosmologist says he’s found possible signs of a parallel universe.

The idea of a multitude of parallel universes existing alongside our own is not new, but trying to find evidence of this phenomenon is proving about as tricky as you might expect. But one cosmologist thinks he might have found evidence of a parallel universe brushing against our own as far back at the beginning of time.

To appreciate what Ranga-Ram Chary from the California Institute of Technology has found, it’s important to first understand how our own Universe came into being. For hundreds of thousands of years after the Big Bang, the particles that existed were too hot and energetic to form into atoms: the point at which this started happening, some 300,000 years after the Big Bang, is known as recombination. It also marks the time when cosmic background radiation (CMB) started spreading through the Universe – a signal scientists use to look back into time and formulate their theories.

What Chary has spotted is a bump or a ‘bruise’ in this cosmic background radiation – and that could mean a collision with a parallel universe. Cosmologists believe that the ‘bubbles’ of separate universes could be colliding with each other, depositing some material along the way, just like normal soap bubbles bumping into each other would.

So can we start plotting a course to this brand new universe right away? Well, not exactly. Interpreting CMB signals is notoriously difficult, and Chary himself believes there’s a 30 percent chance that what he’s found is just background noise and not a tell-tale sign of a neighbouring universe at all. It could also be a large spot of space dust.

“I suspect that it would be worth looking into alternative possibilities,” David Spergel from Princeton University told Joshua Sokol at New Scientist. “The dust properties are more complicated than we have been assuming, and I think that this is a more plausible explanation.”

“Joseph Silk of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is even more pessimistic, calling claims of an alternate universe ‘completely implausible’,”adds Sokol. “While he thinks the paper is a good analysis of anomalies in Planck data, Silk also believes something is getting in the way. ‘My view is that they are almost certainly due to foregrounds.'”

The data used by Chary was taken from the European Space Agency’s powerful Planck telescope. By subtracting CMB models from Planck’s picture of the Universe, he discovered patches of signals some 4,500 times brighter than they should have been, based on the number of protons and electrons scientists believe existed in the very early universe.

At this stage, it’s just an hypothesis, and looking billions of years back into the past isn’t at all straightforward, but progress is being made all the time. Chary told Jennifer Ouellette at Gizmodo that he hopes to have more comprehensive results within a couple of years, though his ideas might not be proved one way or the other until the next generation of space scanning technology comes online (estimated at 15 to 20 years).

“Unusual claims like evidence for alternate universes require a very high burden of proof,” he writes in his report, published online at “Searching for these alternate universes is a challenge.”

As far as challenges go, Chary sure has a big one on his hands.

Parallel universes, milk and human evolution: your science questions answered

Why milk is a good source of calcium; whether parallel universes are ‘far out’ or should be taken seriously; wondering if modern society has stopped human evolution in its tracks; and why plastic ducks float
    • Jersey cow
The milk a Jersey cow produces for its calf contains a host of nutrients, from calcium and magnesium to zinc and potassium.­ Photograph: Alamy

Q “All cows eat grass,” I was taught in music many years ago. Grass contains chlorophyll, which is based on the only mineral grass contains, magnesium. So why do people drink milk for the calcium it is said to contain? asks Tony Hunting

A Magnesium has many roles in a plant – including in chlorophyll molecules (the biological pigment needed for photosynthesis in green plants), where a magnesium ion sits in the central cavity of the large ring-shaped part of the structure. However, it is not the only “mineral nutrient” in plants.

Besides phosphorous, potassium, sulphur and other nutrients, plants also contain calcium that is used, among other things, in the cell walls of a plant.

Cows munch on grass and other plant matter and their digestive processes break it down and allow the cow to absorb a proportion of the nutrients within. Magnesium and calcium play important roles in the body, including in muscle contraction and skeletal development. After a cow has had a calf, it produces milk to feed its offspring and help it grow and develop. Nutrients are carried in the blood to the mammary glands where milk is produced. In fact, milk does not only contain calcium; apart from fats and proteins, it has a host of other components, including vitamin B12, potassium, zinc and magnesium. In modern society we have harnessed this milk production to produce copious amounts of the white stuff for our supermarket shelves.

Q I have been reading a book that suggested the possibility of the existence of parallel universes. Is this theory still considered to be too “far out” to be generally accepted? asks George Lange

A As Dr Daniel Mortlock of Imperial College London tells me: “Probably the strictest definition of parallel universes relates to the ‘many worlds’ interpretation of quantum mechanics, which imagines that all the possible results of every decision, measurement, etc are realised in one of an infinity of parallel universes.” However, such a view is not championed by all.

“This many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is certainly not generally accepted by the world’s physicists, albeit not for the usual scientific reason (ie, that it makes predictions that aren’t supported by experiment), but for the more philosophical reason that its only predictions are those that were already made by quantum mechanics,” Mortlock says.

“There is hence lots of debate about whether this is really a theory at all or just an interpretation of quantum mechanics.”

There is, however, another meaning attached to the concept of parallel universes: the theory of multiple universes, or the multiverse. “This is much more like a standard physical theory: our universe is part of some much larger construction in which, for example, separate ‘bubble’ universe regions are formed, possibly with different physical constants, etc,” says Mortlock.

“In some versions of these theories the expanding bubbles can collide. This theory is hence potentially testable – the detection of a ‘bubble collision’ signature would represent strong evidence for the multiverse.”

While the multiverse theory has also not been generally accepted, it has not been completely ruled out. “The most compelling arguments in favour of the multiverse are theoretical: one is that, if the different universes have different physical constants, it’s not such insanely good luck that our universe happens to be just right for life to exist.

“Another is that the theory of inflation (the best model we have for the first instants after the big bang) very naturally predicts that many bubble universes form,” says Mortlock. “It is actively being worked on by many well-respected theoretical physicists and one of the main suspects for a fundamental description of reality.”

Q Why do liquid molecules exert force in all directions (asked in relation to the buoyant force exerted by water in an upward direction)? asks Amitabh Saran

A First, it’s worth noting that pressure is simply a measure of force per unit area. Now, let’s imagine a beaker of water sitting at rest on a table top. At any point in the beaker, the pressure acting on that point is the same in all directions – this is because unlike a solid, the molecules in a liquid can move past each other. What’s more, any point in the beaker, at the same depth, will experience the same pressure. However, the pressure increases with depth as a result of the increasing volume, and hence the increasing weight, of water bearing down.

Now let’s put a cube of wood into our beaker of water. The bottom of the block is deeper in the beaker than the top and so is experiencing a greater pressure than the top of the block. But the pressure acting on the different sides of the block is the same at any given depth, so there is no net pressure to move the block left or right.

But where does buoyancy come in? Well, as the pressure acting on the bottom of the block is greater than that acting on the top, it follows that the force acting on the bottom of the block is greater than that acting on the top, so the net force is in the upwards direction. This net force is equal to the weight of water displaced by the block. And the volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the block submerged in the water. It was this revelation that got Archimedes so excited he allegedly jumped out of his bathtub shouting “Eureka!”

If the weight of the block is greater than that of the water it displaced, the block will sink, whereas if it is lighter in weight, the block will bob up –like a floating plastic duck, left.

Q Has the evolution of humans slowed down or stopped? asks Anna Leoni

A As Dr Chris Tyler-Smith of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute says, humans still face selective pressures, though these have changed. “Particularly in the westernised world, in the developed world, infectious diseases with some exceptions, in general are less of a selective force,” he says.

But this has not always been the case. “For most of our evolution, and unfortunately still in some parts of the world, they are one of the major selective forces.”

But there are other factors that affect who passes on their genes. “I think things like mate choice and family-size choice will now be influencing our evolution still, even in developed countries.

“Something like choice of family size is something that has not really been much of an option for most of our evolutionary history. Mate choice in one form or another has probably been a major force throughout and continues to be.”

However, measuring how quickly we are evolving is a far from straightforward.

“It is tempting to think that evolution is slowing down as some of these pressures are changing, but I don’t know how we would really quantitate that unless we can wait for a million years to pass and then look back,” he says.

Can DMT Connect The Human Brain To A Parallel Universe?

Dr. Rick Strassman in his book DMT: the Spirit Molecule, claims that DMT, which is one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, can provide a reliable and regular access to the other planes of existence.  He claims that DMT may actually be a gateway to parallel universes.

In fact, these universes are always there and constantly transmit information. But we cannot perceive them because we are simply not designed for this: our ‘program’ keeps us tuned to the standard, mentally ‘normal’ channel.  We don’t have the sensory tools available to tune into to this information. Dr. Strassman beliefs that DMT allows us to tune into to other dimensions of existence that are already present right now.

What if DMT can lead us to parallel worlds? Theoretical physicists assume that the existence of parallel worlds is based on the phenomenon of interference, writes Strassman. One of the demonstrations of this phenomenon is what happens to the light beam when passing through a narrow hole in cardboard. Various rings and colorful edges that appear on the screen on which the light falls are not just the outlines of the cardboard. As a result of more complex experiments, the researchers concluded on the existence of “invisible” light particles that collide with those that we can see, refracting light in unexpected ways.

Parallel worlds interact with each other when the interference occurs. According to the theoretical hypothesis, there is an unimaginably huge number of parallel universes, or multiverses, each of which is similar to our own and is subject to the same laws of physics. This is the reason to the fact that it is not necessary that there is anything particularly strange or exotic about different multiverses. At the same time, they are parallel due to the particles that form them and that are located in different positions in each universe.

Strassman refers to the British scientist David Deutsch, a leading theorist in this area and author of The Fabric of Reality. He has corresponded with Deutsch discussing the likelihood that DMT can alter brain function so as to grant access or knowledge about parallel worlds and the physicist doubted this possibility because it would require quantum computingThis phenomenon, according to Deutsch, “could distribute components of a complex task among vast numbers of parallel universes, and then share the results. One of the conditions required for quantum computing is a temperature close to absolute zero.” That is why the physicist finds prolonged contact between universes in a biological system unlikely.

However, Strassman notes that since DMT is the key substance that changes the brain’s physical properties so that quantum computing may take place at body temperature, establishing contact with parallel universes could be possible.  In other words, DMT changes the physiology of the brain to such a degree that quantum computing is possible, thus giving us access to these parallel worlds.

This possibility confirms many of the stories reported by those who have used DMT.  They report that it is more than a mere hallucination or a “trip”, and often report going to other worlds and interacting with beings that inhabit these worlds.  With a theoretical hypothesis in place, we can now begin to give credence to the idea that users of DMT are in fact tapping into other parallel worlds.