Ginger tea: Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver & Obliterates Cancer Cells (Recipe)

One of the most health-beneficial plants on earth – ginger, is abundant in medicinal properties, among which it reduces inflammation, stimulates digestion and boosts immunity.

Ginger owes its flavor and aroma to several different essential oils: gingerol, shogaol and zingerone. These agents have really powerful anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial effects, which can ease pain, improve cardiovascular health, relieve asthma, strengthen immunity, and stimulate digestion among others.

Ginger Tea Benefits

Ginger tea is an amazing remedy for treatment of sore muscles, common cold, flu and headaches. This drink can actually destroy the virus causing influenza, cold sores and common colds.

In addition, only a cup of tea each day can considerably lower your risk of stroke due to the fact that ginger dissolves fat deposits which in fact block the arteries.

Moreover, due to ginger’s thermogenic properties, this vegetable has the ability to improve blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen, minerals and vitamins to the cells in the body.

Plus, the high content of antioxidants successfully eliminates infections and improves the immune system.

Ginger Tea Preparation


This tea-making process is really simple. After adding the turmeric and ginger in boiling water, lower the heat and then let it simmer for 7-10 min.

Add the coconut milk and strain the tea into a cup. Improve your tea flavor by adding some organic honey. Enjoy one of the healthiest drinks there is!

“Organic” Honey Found to Contain Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Glyphosate

A recent study  from Boston University and Abraxis LLC discovered troubling levels of glyphosate in honey – including “organic” honey. Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s toxic Roundup herbicide. The researchers tested five different types of food products for contamination: honey, corn and pancake syrup, soy milk, tofu, and soy sauce. All samples were taken from metropolitan  Philadelphia grocery stores. The most shocking results were found in honey.  Specifically, out of 69 samples, including 11 taken from organic honey, the researchers found: 62 percent of conventional honey and 45 percent of organic honey contained glyphosate at unsafe levels.  All the food items were analyzed for glyphosate residue using ELISA testing. Glyphosate residues above minimal allowable limits were not detected in the pancake or corn syrup, soy milk, or tofu.

Organic Honey



Surprise! The honey with the greatest levels of contamination were found in the U.S. A glaring truth that the ‘Just Label It’ crowd consistently ignores or minimizes is the fact that glyphosate is contaminating food products around the globe. Labels are not going to solve the contamination problem. Roundup and GMOs are a marriage made in hell. Whenever GMO crops are allowed to freely flourish, glyphosate contamination of the non-GMO food supply will soon follow.

From Sustainable Pulse Director Henry Rowlands: “This sad news shows just how widespread glyphosate is in our food. With the increase in GM crops being cultivated worldwide it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid. If you ask anyone if they feel there should be ‘allowed’ levels of toxic chemicals such as glyphosate in their bodies the answer will of course always be ‘No’. It is a fact that the scientific and regulatory process cannot evidence ‘safe’ levels for these chemicals.”

Bottom line: We are in big trouble. Roundup and other glyphosate containing products are slowly degrading and severely compromising human health.


“Roundup herbicide, and more specifically its active ingredient glyphosate, as devastating—possibly ‘”the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies.”’

5 reasons why you should choose raw, organic honey

In addition to supporting local businesses, there are many health benefits that come along with choosing raw, organic honey over its more processed counterparts.

  1. It’s antimicrobial. There’s a reason why people say you should have tea with honey and lemon when you’re sick – and it’s because honey actually kills bacteria.
  2. It soothes coughs. Honey is safer than any OTC medicine you can take, and it reduces the severity and frequency of coughs and sore throats.
  3. Raw honey helps to promote healing across the body.
  4. Raw organic honey is rich in nutrients and antioxidants.
  5. It is the perfect sugar substitute; it’s naturally cultivated and is much better for you than traditional table sugar.

Honey has many other healthy benefits, but it’s important to buy raw, organic honey. Processed honey is stripped of all its value by the pasteurization process and often has added ingredients like corn syrup.