EWAO Nothing is solid: This is the world of Quantum Physics

Nobel Prize winning physicists across the world have been able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that our physical world is just one large sea of energies that flash in and out of being within milliseconds in a continuous pattern.

What is the world of Quantum Physics?

One of things to know is that nothing is solid.  physicists have been able to prove that our thoughts are what put together and hold together our ever-changing energy field into physical ‘objects’ that we can see.

So how come we see a physical person instead of a cluster of flashing energy?

Attempt to look at it as a movie reel, which is a collection of about 24 frames a second.  With each frame being separated by a little gap.  Because of the speed of how one frame is able to replace another, our eyes are then cheated into believing that we are able t o see a continuous and ‘moving picture’.

Think about the way a television works.  A TV tube is just simply a tube that houses a heap of electrons that are hitting the screen in a particular way, creating the illusion of motion and form.  This is what all objects are in a way.

You tend to have 5 physical senses that consist of smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound.  Each of these different senses have a specific spectrum that they reside in (for an example, a dog is able to hear a different range of sound that we do, and a snake will see a completely different spectrum of light than we do, and so on.  In other words, your particular set of senses perceive the sea of continual energy from a certain, somewhat limited standpoint and creates an image from that.

Remember that this is not complete, nor is it accurate.  This is simply an interpretation.  All of our different interpretations are pretty much solely based on the ‘internal map’ of the reality that we have, and is not the real truth.

Our particular ‘map’ is the result of our personal life’s collection of experiences.  Our thoughts seem to be linked to this invisible energy that is determining what the energy is able to form.  Your thoughts are able to literally shift the universes on a type of particle-by-particle basis to create the physical life you see.

Start by looking all around you, everything you are able to see in our physical world started its existence and a simple idea.  An idea that was able to grow as it was expressed and shared, until it was able to grow enough and become a physical object because of a number of steps.

You quite literally become exactly what you think about the most, and in doing so, your life will become what you have believed and imagined the most.  This world become your literal mirror, enabling you to have the ability to experience the physical plane as what you hold as truth, until you change it however.

Quantum physics helps to show us that the world is not that unchangeable and harden thing that is appears to be.  Instead is it’s a place of continually flows fluidly and builds up by using our collective and individual thoughts.

It seems as if it is almost like a magic trick, that truth is really just an illusion.  Fortunately we have been able to start the process of uncovering the illusion of this physical space and most importantly, how to create change in it.

Have you thought about what your body consists of?  There are nine different systems that the human body is comprised of, such as endocrine, circulatory, muscular, digestive, reproductive, nervous, urinary, respiratory, and skeletal.  That brings up even more questions doesn’t it?

  1. What are those made up of?
  2. Tissues and organs.
  3. What are tissues and organs made of?
  4. Cells.
  5. What are cells made of?
  6. Molecules.
  7. What are molecules made of?
  8. Atoms.
  9. What are atoms made of?
  10. Sub-atomic particles.
  11. What are subatomic particles made of?
  12. Energy!

You and I are made up of pure light energy in its most intelligent and beautiful configuration.  This energy is ever changing beneath the surface and you are able to control it all with your immensely powerful mind.  You are one large powerful and stellar human being.

If you had the ability to see yourself under a very powerful electron microscope and were able to conduct other experiments on yourself, you would then be able to see that you were simply made up of a cluster of ever-changing and fluctuating energy in the form of photons, electrons, neutrons and so on.

Everything else around you is made of the same thing.  Quantum physics helps to tell us that in the act of being able to observe an object means that it to be right there and how and where we observe it.

An object doesn’t simply stop existing independently of its observer.  Through your observation and attention to anything, including your intention literally creates that thing.  This has been scientifically proven, and your world tends to consist of mind, body, and spirit.

Each of these three things, mind, body and spirit has a unique function that is highly unique to it and isn’t shared with the other.  What you are able to see with eyes and experience with your body is called the physical world which we will call the Body.  A body is an effect that is created by a cause, and this cause is thought.  The body cannot create, it can only be experienced and experience, and that is its unique function.

Though is not able to experience, it can only interpret and create.  It requires an entire world of relativity (Body, and the physical world) if it wants to experience itself.  And spirit is all that is, that which gives life to the body and thought.

Body doesn’t have the power to create, although is is able to give off the illusion of the power to do so.  This type of illusion is the cause of great frustration.  Body in its entirety is purely an effect that that laces the power to create or cause.

The key with all this information is how you learn and interact with the universe, and are able to gain the power to be able to manifest everything you truly desire and what to experience.

Watch the video. URL:https://youtu.be/vqM3TE5TDw8