15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make

15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make

Making New Year’s resolutions and staying committed to them can be a challenging thing for a lot of people. And even though I think it’s important to have a vision, a clear direction or goal before starting the New Year, all these New Year’s resolution lists can create a lot of stress and anxiety in people, causing them to feel disappointed when things don’t go as planned. And that’s the reason why I created this list of 15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Make.

This is a different kind of New Year’s Resolutions List, a list that’s meant to help you do the things you want to do, while at the same time learning to be calm, flexible, open and receptive when things don’t go as planned. Because you and I know that life doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s okay.

15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make

1. Be open and receptive.

Be open and receptive to whatever life sends your way.

2. Allow.

Allow life to shape you and to mold you in a majestical and graceful way.

3. Surrender.

Surrender to what is.

4. Let go.

Let go of fixed plans and concepts and allow events to follow their natural course.

5. Accept.

Accept life unconditionally and trust that it’s all happening for your highest good.

6. Embrace.

Embrace with grace all that you face.

7. Be soft.

Be soft, fluid and yielding, just like water is, and you will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.

8. Trust.

Trust the wisdom of life more than your own wisdom.

9. Treasure the moment.

Treasure the moment. Don’t let it pass by you unnoticed.

10. Be of good cheer.

Be of good cheer, there is always another way.

11. Where there is no love, put love.

Follow the advice of St. John of the Cross, and “Where there is no love, put love — and you will find love.”

12. Give thanks for all things.

Cultivate the habit of giving thanks for every experience and every interaction life sends your way, either good or bad because all of them are meant to contribute to your growth and evolution.

13. Speak from the heart.

Speak with love, speak from the heart. Speak in such a way that people love to listen to you. And when people talk, listen with your heart. Listen in such a way that they all love to speak to you.

14. Work with love.

Whatever you do in life, work at it with all your heart. Work at it with love, passion, and dedication, “as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” ~ (NIV) Colossians 3:23

15. Seek to become all that life created you to become.

Be who life created you to be, not who the world thinks you should be. “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” ~ Catherine of Siena

Happy new year in advance! May 2018 bring you all that your heart and soul desire, and may you receive all your blessings, obvious or disguised, with grace and gratitude 🙂

Sharing is caring!

The Best New Year’s Resolutions According to Science – And How to Keep Them

Hack your way to a better 2018.

The most common New Year’s resolutions tend to be vague goals intended to “get your life together” by losing weight, eating healthier food, or exercising more.

But most people don’t successfully follow through on their resolutions – largely because they’re so general and non-specific.


That’s where science can help. Using specific, science-backed resolutions, you can boost your chances of successfully transforming your life in the New Year.

These are some of our favourite resolution ideas, all backed by recent science. Some have to do with fitness, others diet or health, others productivity, and some are simply designed to help you maximise happiness.

You don’t need to attempt all at once, but pick one or two that will get you closest to your goals.

To help you lose weight, eat healthier, and feel better, resolve to fix your sleeping habits

Recent research shows that getting enough sleep makes it easier to avoid cravings for unhealthy foods, keep off excess weight, and that it’s key for psychological health.

In the long run, sleep could be even more important: in several studies published in the summer of 2017, researchers demonstrated that after disrupted sleep, individuals had higher levels of proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia in the brain.

And as sleep expert Matthew Walker, author of the new bookWhy We Sleeprecently told Business Insider, you really can’t get by on six or seven hours of sleep – the vast majority of people need an average of eight hours a night.

To improve your sleep, experts recommend going to bed and getting up at the same time every night, improving your sleep environment, and avoiding screens for at least a half hour before bed, if not longer. If you’re struggling with insomnia, there are science-backed tips for that too.

Resolve to get moving

Yes, exercise resolutions are common, but there’s a good reason for them. Along with fixing your sleep, there’s little that will have such a transformative effect on your life.

Exercise provides such a laundry list of physical and mental health benefits that it’s basically the closest thing we have to a wonder drug.

Not only will exercise do everything from improve your heart health to boost your sex drive, all while improving your sleep and mood, recent research has shown that working out may help keep the brain young, improve memory, and fight cognitive impairment.

The trick is figuring out the exercise resolution that’s going to work for you – saying you’ll “go to the gym (more)” probably won’t cut it.

If it fits your schedule, make an early morning cardio workout a new habit

Morning workouts aren’t for everyone, but experts say that if you can get some morning exercise in that will get your heart going and get you some morning sunlight, that will kickstart your circadian rhythm, which will both wake you up for the day and make it easier for you to sleep at night.

Getting a good amount of cardio exercise seems to be strongly linked to many of the biggest benefits of exercise, and if you can do this in the morning, there’s recent research suggesting that morning is best time of day to work out to lose weight.

To provide motivation to follow-through with your morning run, swim, or ride, experts suggest working towards a goal (like a race) so you have a concrete objective, training with a friend, and making it competitive.

But the best exercise resolution is one you can keep, so pick something you can stick to

But if you really hate the morning or simply don’t have time then, don’t make a resolution you know you won’t keep.

There’s a reason why approximately 60 percent of gym memberships people start in January never get used – they’re started by people with good intentions but who don’t really enjoy making gym visits a part of their life.

Experts recommend finding an activity that you like enough to make it part of your life.

For some people, that might be rock climbing, for others, running or swimming. Join a soccer league if you miss running around on the field – the team element and competition involved will make you stick with workouts week-in and week-out, which is what you need to actually keep up with your resolution.

If you’re going to try a diet for New Year’s, pick a way to eat healthy that’s backed by science

There’s an abundance of recent research supporting the idea that if you were to try to cut back on one popular ingredient, it should probably be sugar – and not fat, as many used to think.

Sugar consumption is more strongly linked than fat consumption to heart disease and overall risk of death, one major analysis published last August reported.

If you want an official “diet” that’s highly praised by researchers, you could take a look at the DASH diet, which has dieters cut sodium levels and switch from sugary foods and red meats to whole grains, lean proteins, and produce.

But an even simpler approach that many experts favour is just eating “real food”, meaning nothing processed or preserved, and usually avoiding anything pre-prepared.

For a resolution to eat healthier, try to resolve to cook a meal using no pre-prepared ingredients at least once more per week at home.

Another way to transform your diet and health is to set a resolution about what you drink

A healthy resolution might be to cut back or eliminate sodas or other sugary beverages from your diet.

Much of the average person’s sugar intake comes from what they drink, and we continue to find reasons for why sugar is bad for us.

Just recently, scientists revealed in a new study how data indicating that sugar consumption increased risks for cancer and heart disease had been hidden from the public for decades.

When it comes to booze, moderation is the safest best. There are recent studies indicating that some regular alcohol consumption is linked with lower risk for diabetes or cognitive decline.

But any amount of alcohol likely increases cancer risk, so a resolution limiting your consumption might be a good idea.

One thing you don’t have to worry about drinking less of is coffee, which in many ways is associated with better health or a longer life (but avoid those sugar-packed coffee drinks!).

If you want to be more productive, resolve to take more breaks and work less

Contrary to what the workaholics of the world might have us believe, humans have limits.

There are certain times when we might be able to grind away at a project for hour after hour, but we can’t do that all the time.

In fact, psychologist K. Anders Ericsson told Business Insider that for the most part, we can only engage in heavy mental work for four or five hours at a time – not eight or ten or twelve.

In their book Peak Performance: Elevate your Game, Avoid Burnout and Thrive with the New Science of Success, published this year, performance experts Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness wrote that most people who want to be more productive at work should learn to take breaks.

In the short term, that means when your energy is running low you should get up and go for a walk or do something else to really give your mind a rest. In the longer term, if it’s possible, research indicates you might be best off setting yourself up to work fewer hours every week.

And if you want to better yourself, resolve to start reading regularly

There’s psychological evidence that reading – perhaps especially literary fiction – can make it easier to empathise with others or to imagine other lives in the world.

Luminaries of the tech and finance worlds like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffett agree, often attributing much of their success to regular reading habits.

And reading is simply fun, a great way to pass the time and take a little break from the internet-connected world.

Pick a goal – a book a month or one per week, depending on what you normally read. Create or join a book club if the added motivation of chatting with friends (and snacks and drinks) will ensure you remember to turn the pages. Enjoy.

Finally, if your resolution in the New Year is to be happier, resolve to make choices that will give you more time to enjoy life, family, and friends

It can seem like we all have a million tasks to complete and needs to meet, leaving little time for relaxation. And while it’s important to meet our necessities, there’s a significant amount of psychological research that indicates that people who have more time and who make decisions that prioritise time over money are happier.

In one recent study published in the summer of 2017, people found that spending money on a time-saving purchase instead of an item provided a small but significant happiness boost. That corresponds with a growing body of existing research.

In a 2017 TED Talk, psychologist Adam Alter explained one of the reasons we feel like we have so little free time these days. We spend many of precious free minutes flicking through our smartphones, absorbed in the minutae of the internet but not engaged in anything longer lasting.

Give yourself your free time back – and use it to cook a meal, get in a workout, or do some reading. It will be one step towards a better 2018.

15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make


Making New Year’s resolutions and staying committed to them can be a challenging thing for a lot of people. And even though I think it’s important to have a vision, a clear direction or goal before starting the New Year, all these New Year’s resolution lists can create a lot of stress and anxiety in people, causing them to feel disappointed when things don’t go as planned. And that’s the reason why I created this list of 15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Make.

This is a different kind of New Year’s Resolutions List, a list that’s meant to help you do the things you want to do, while at the same time learning to be calm, flexible, open and receptive when things don’t go as planned. Because you and I know that life doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s okay.


1. Be open and receptive.

Be open and receptive to whatever life sends your way.

2. Allow.

Allow life to shape you and to mold you in a majestical and graceful way.

3. Surrender.

Surrender to what is.

4. Let go.

Let go of fixed plans and concepts and allow events to follow their natural course.

5. Accept.

Accept life unconditionally and trust that it’s all happening for your highest good.

6. Embrace.

Embrace with grace all that you face.

7. Be soft.

Be soft, fluid and yielding, just like water is, and you will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.

8. Trust.

Trust the wisdom of life more than your own wisdom.

9. Treasure the moment.

Treasure the moment. Don’t let it pass by you unnoticed.

10. Be of good cheer.

Be of good cheer, there is always another way.

11. Where there is no love, put love.

Follow the advice of St. John of the Cross, and “Where there is no love, put love — and you will find love.”

12. Give thanks for all things.

Cultivate the habit of giving thanks for every experience and every interaction life sends your way, either good or bad because all of them are meant to contribute to your growth and evolution.

13. Speak from the heart.

Speak with love, speak from the heart. Speak in such a way that people love to listen to you. And when people talk, listen with your heart. Listen in such a way that they all love to speak to you.

14. Work with love.

Whatever you do in life, work at it with all your heart. Work at it with love, passion, and dedication, “as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” ~ (NIV) Colossians 3:23

15. Seek to become all that life created you to become.

Be who life created you to be, not who the world thinks you should be. “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” ~ Catherine of Siena

Happy new year in advance! May 2018 bring you all that your heart and soul desire, and may you receive all your blessings, obvious or disguised, with grace and gratitude 🙂

Sharing is caring!

Fourteen metabolism boosting behaviors that will help you keep your weight loss resolution

Forty-five percent of American’s make New Years Resolutions, twenty-one percent of these resolutions are with the desire to lose weight!  Unfortunately, one in three have given up on their resolution by the end of January.


Forty-five percent of American’s make New Years Resolutions, 21 percent of these resolutions involve weight loss!

If you desire to lose weight and keep your goal, try focusing on smaller behaviors, rather than the overall goal.  Research tells us that we are more productive if we are focusing on behaviors, rather than the overall goal.  Consider some of the following manageable goals that have proven to increase metabolism and improve weight loss. (2)

Fourteen behaviors proven to increase weight loss!

  1. Drink Water Before Eating:  A study presented at the American Chemical Society’s annual conference reported that drinking two glasses of water before every meal can help a person lose approximately 15.5 pounds over three months. (3)
  2. Fidget:  There is good news if you are a fidgeter, research has shown that non-exercise activity thermogenesis can help burn an additional 350 calories per day.  This activity includes fidgeting or other small bursts of activity, such as running up the stairs, pacing while on the phone or shifting around in your seat. (3)
  3. Whey Protein Smoothie’s:  Adding whey protein powder has beens town to increase calorie burn and fat utilizations. If you are vegan, no worries, science as shown that even plant based protein can rev up your metabolism.  Protein provides a thermogenic effect, causing your body to produce more heat and burn more calories. (3)
  4. Coffee:  Caffeine has the ability to speed up the central nervous system and increase metabolism.  Drinking coffee that has not been laden with cream and sugar can help improve energy levels and fitness.  One study reported that caffeine after exercise increased muscle glycogen by 66 percent, allowing endurance athletes to quickly replenish energy stores used in exercise.(3)
  5. Green Tea:  Green tea not only boosts metabolism but is a rich source of antioxidants.  One study found that green tea combined with three hours of moderate exercise per week reduced abdominal fat in three months. (3)
  6. Probiotics:  Probiotics found in yogurt, pickles and other fermented foods have been shown to help with weight loss.  One study found that 12 weeks of probiotic intake increased weight loss in women when compared to placebo group and the women continue to lose weight during the 12 week maintenance period. (3)
  7. Laugh:  Watching funny videos or reading funny stories will help you feel better and burn more calories.  One study showed a 10-20 percent increase in energy expended and heart rate during genuine laughter.  This energy expenditure translates into 10-40 calories burned within 10-15 minutes of laughter. (3)
  8. Spice Up Your Food:  Invest in a Sriracha key chain and add some spice to your meals.  Capsaicin from chili peppers has a thermogenic effect.  One study found that capsicum activates brown fat and increases calorie burn. (3)
  9. Eat Small Meals:  If you are hungry in the afternoon, instead of waiting to dinnertime, eat a small afternoon meal.  This will help keep your metabolism high and prevent you from eating junk food.  Consider foods like Greek Yogurt and fruit, peanut butter and apples, or cottage cheese. (3)
  10. Organic Produce:  Pesticides on conventional produce have been found to slow metabolism and increase weight gain.  Buying organic can reduce pesticide exposure and help keep off unwanted weight. (3)
  11. One Bite At A Time:  Wolfing down food means that we often eat too much.  One study found that reducing stress and practicing mindfulness can prevent weight gain.  It takes about 20 minutes before hormone CCK tells the brain to stop eating.  If you are eating quickly, you don’t give your CCK the necessary time it needs to pass the message.  Eating quickly will also raise fat-storing insulin levels, so slow down and enjoy every bite! (3)
  12. Turn Off Your Phone:  A Northwestern University study found that blue light emitted from phones, computers and tablets before or after dinner has been found to increase hunger and affect glucose metabolism. (3)
  13. Seafood Salad:  Having a salad for lunch or dinner helps increase fiber and nutrients.  Adding salmon to that salad can help fire up your metabolism.  Salmon contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids.  One study found that supplementing diets with fish oil for six weeks increased lean muscle and decreased fat. (3)
  14. Stand Up When Answering the Phone:  A 150 pound person burns 72 calories an hour sitting and 129 calories standing.  If you walk around while talking on the phone, this increases calorie burned to 143 calories in one hour.  Next time your phone rings, stand up while you talk or even walk around. (3)

If you desire to lose weight this year, try focusing on incorporating as many of these metabolism boosting behaviors into your routine and see if you can find success in your overall weight loss goals!

15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make

15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually MakeMaking New Year’s resolutions and staying committed to them can be a challenging thing for a lot of people. And even though I think it’s important to have a vision, a clear direction or goal before starting the New Year, all these New Year’s resolution lists can create a lot of stress and anxiety in people, causing them to feel disappointed when things don’t go as planned. And that’s the reason why I created this list of 15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Make. 

This is a different kind of New Year’s Resolutions List, a list that’s meant to help you do the things you want to do, while at the same time learning to be calm, flexible, open and receptive when things don’t go as planned. Because you and I know that life doesn’t always goes as planned, and that’s okay. Anyway, here are 15 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Make.

Enjoy :)

1. Be open and receptive.

Be open and receptive to whatever life sends your way.

2. Allow.

Allow life to shape you and to mold you in a majestical and graceful way.

3. Surrender.

Surrender to what is.

4. Let go.

Let go of fixed plans and concepts and allow events to follow their natural course.

5. Accept.

Accept life unconditionally and trust that it’s all happening for your highest good.

6. Embrace.

Embrace with grace all that you face.

7. Be soft.

Be soft, fluid and yielding, just like water is, and you will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.

8. Trust.

Trust the wisdom of life more than your own wisdom.

9. Treasure the moment.

Treasure the moment. Don’t let it pass by you unnoticed.

10. Be of good cheer.

Be of good cheer, there is always another way.

11. Where there is no love, put love.

Follow the advice of St. John of the cross, and “Where there is no love, put love — and you will find love.”

12. Give thanks for all things.

Cultivate the habit of giving thanks for every experience and every interaction life sends your way, either good or bad, because all of them are meant to contribute to your growth and evolution.

13. Speak from the heart.

Speak with love, speak from the heart. Speak in such a way that people love to listen to you. And when people talk, listen with your heart. Listen in such a way that they all love to speak to you.

14. Work with love.

Whatever you do in life, work at it with all your heart. Work at it with love, passion and dedication, “as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” ~ (NIV) Colossians 3:23

15. Seek to become all that life created you to become.

Be who life created you to be, not who the world thinks you should be. “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” ~ Catherine of Siena

Happy new year in advance! May 2016 bring you all that your heart and soul desire, and may you receive all your blessings, obvious or disguised, with grace and gratitude

4 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make (and Keep) to Guarantee Your Success

As the year comes to a close, people are naturally going to be talking about their New Year’s resolutions. But want to know what I think you should really be focusing on in 2016? These four ways to further your career, to be successful at whatever it is that you do:

1. Become a deep practitioner in something.

Whether you do it for your business, or just for yourself as a hobby, practice something on a deep level. One of the reasons my agency VaynerMedia has grown to be such a leader in our industry is because I myself use social media every single day. I understand the trigger points that make things successful in a creative world, and I understand the context of the platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. There hasn’t been a single one of my 135,000 tweets that I haven’t sent myself.

So, whether it’s Instagram or Snapchat or something emerging like musical.ly, become a practitioner. Stop judging what people are doing or saying and do it. Engage.

2. Audit your 7 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Back in the days of my first big keynotes, and my first book Crush It, I began to get obsessed with the time period between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. I do not think that there is a more practical way to bring happiness and joy to your life, whether it’s financial or creative, than to really audit your 7 p.m. to 2 a.m.

I am quite practical about things; it might not be what people expect from me, but I am. That time between when the traditional work day ends and when you fall asleep is the white space for so many people to do great things around businesses. Whether that’s advancing your career by staying in the office late, or going home and building out your cooking blog or SoundCloud account, use that time more wisely in 2016.

3. Practice self-awareness.

I’ve been on this kick publicly for the last 18 months and, personally, my entire life. I believe self-awareness is the greatest gift a person can have. I tried to tackle this year how to find self-awareness; out of this entire article, if you make this one your 2016 priority, you will grow happier and more successful. I promise that.

4. Eliminate complaining.

Looking at the negative, seeing the glass as half empty and complaining are the absolute biggest wastes of time a human being can engage in. I highly recommend, whether it is through therapy or just kicking the habit, cut your complaining in half till you are no longer used to just doing it without thinking.

Systematically. Post-it notes. Listening to positive podcasts. Doing mediation. Whatever helps you do less complaining. It truly is one of the biggest things that can stand in the way of success, both professionally and personally. I would be remiss not to have it on this list.

– See more at: http://www.success.com/blog/4-new-years-resolutions-you-should-make-and-keep-to-guarantee-your-success#sthash.jBu4gvzG.dpuf