Daily multivitamin may improve cognition in older adults

At a Glance

  • In a clinical trial, cocoa extract did not improve cognitive function in older adults, but a daily multivitamin did.
  • The results suggest a way to protect cognitive function as people age, but further research is still needed.

Senior woman taking pills with glass of water at home

The study suggests that daily multivitamin supplements may help improve cognitive function in older adults.

Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias affect more than 46 million people worldwide. Safe and affordable treatments to prevent cognitive decline in older adults are urgently needed. In response to this need, certain dietary supplements have been touted as having protective effects on cognition.

Normal brain function requires various vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Deficiencies in these nutrients may increase the risk for cognitive decline and dementia with age. Yet clinical trials of individual nutrients’ effects on cognition have yielded mixed results. Prior research suggests that flavanols in particular—compounds found in high levels in unprocessed cocoa—might benefit cognition.

Much of the research on flavanols was based on observational studies, rather than clinical trials. And previously, the effects of a multivitamin on cognition in older adults had been studied only in a few short clinical trials (less than 12 months) and a single longer trial that included older male physicians.

An NIH-funded research team led by Drs. Laura Baker and Mark Espeland at Wake Forest University School of Medicine aimed to fill the gaps in our understanding of these supplements’ effects on cognition. They examined more than 2,200 participants, ages 65 and older, who enrolled in the study from August 2016 to August 2017. The participants’ average age was 73.

Participants were given a cocoa extract supplement and/or a multivitamin-mineral supplement daily for 3 years, or an inactive placebo for comparison. They completed a battery of cognitive tests over the phone at the beginning of the study and once a year afterward. The researchers evaluated participants on global cognition (a wide range of cognitive measures), memory, and executive function (attention, planning, and organization). Results appeared in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia on September 14, 2022.

The team found no difference in global cognition between those who took cocoa extract and those who did not. But participants taking the multivitamin had higher global cognition scores than those who didn’t. The improvement was most pronounced in those with a history of cardiovascular disease. Significant improvements with daily multivitamin use were also seen in memory and executive function. Cocoa extract had no effect on either.

The results suggest that a safe and affordable daily multivitamin-mineral supplement might improve cognition in older adults or protect cognitive health with age. Yet the researchers caution that the results, while promising, are still preliminary.

“It’s too early to recommend daily multivitamin supplementation to prevent cognitive decline,” Baker says. “While these preliminary findings are promising, additional research is needed in a larger and more diverse group of people. Also, we still have work to do to better understand why the multivitamin might benefit cognition in older adults.”

Multivitamin use and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in cancer survivors



Despite no sufficient evidence on benefits and harms of multivitamin use, cancer survivors use multivitamins as a self-care strategy to improve or maintain health. We examined if multivitamin use was associated with mortality in cancer survivors.


15,936 male and 7026 female cancer survivors in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study were included in the analysis. Types and frequency of multivitamin use at on average 4.6 years after cancer diagnosis were assessed. Multivariable-adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression models.


Multivitamin use was not associated with lower all-cause mortality risk in all female (RR = 0.94, 95% CI:0.87–1.01 daily vs. no use) or male cancer survivors (RR = 0.96, 95% CI:0.91–1.00); however, a modest inverse association for CVD mortality was observed in female survivors of reproductive cancers (RR = 0.75, 95% CI:0.61–0.92) and male survivors of non-reproductive cancers (RR = 0.81, 95% CI:0.70–0.94). Multivitamin use was also associated with a lower risk of cancer-specific mortality in survivors of skin (RR = 0.65, 95% CI:0.48–0.88) and breast (RR = 0.79, 95% CI:0.65–0.95) cancer.


Multivitamin use may provide a modest survival benefit to some cancer survivors. Cancer care providers should talk with cancer survivors about potential benefits and harms of multivitamin use.

4 reasons why you should have a multivitamin daily

Believe it or not most of us hate taking multivitamins because they usually come in a pill form and anything, which comes in a form of a pill is often considered to be a medicine (especially with the Indian mindset). And we don’t take medications unless we are seriously sick.

Some people feel including few doctors that we don’t actually need a multivitamin if our diet is healthy enough! But how many of us eat a healthy diet Chances are we do tend to cheat ending up eating high-calorie, dense food with minimal nutritional value. And this usually happens a lot to almost all of us, given our sedentary lifestyle and unscheduled eating pattern.

That is why having a multivitamin becomes almost a necessity for us to make up for all the deficiencies we may have in the food we eat. And given our nature to go on a diet every now and then, a need for a multivitamin cannot be emphasised more.

If you are religiously exercising four-five times a week, multivitamin is a must to take it with your breakfast. Here are my top four reasons why you should have a multivitamin pill:

1. Essential for daily functioning: Besides many benefits multivitamins helps us with our digestion, growth and even functioning of our central nervous system. (That is why you must not avoid them)

2. Rigour and energy: There is a reason why Salman Khan is endorsing Revital multivitamin product for years now, besides he gets paid heavily for that. Multivitamins pills are rich in B-Complex and Vitamin C, which keeps you fresh and full of energy all day long.

3. Helps in recovery: I always emphasise on how supplementing a multivitamin daily with breakfast helps me recover after a tiring training session. This can be a game changer in helping you meet your fitness goal, because better recovery leads to consistency, which will in turn, lead to great results.

4. Great (must) for women: Women lose considerable amount of iron during their monthly cycle. Supplementing a multivitamin rich in iron can be of great help to them

Is Taking a Multivitamin Worth the Risks?

Multivitamins are the most popular dietary supplement sold today. People of all demographics and age groups use multivitamins, and they’re often people’s first supplement. Since there are so many different multivitamin formulas, this supplement makes up an entire subsection of the supplement industry.

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Multivitamins are often discussed in the media and online, though their use is rarely recommended against. Many articles and experts recommend a multivitamin as a general health supplement. However, multivitamins are made up of many different compounds, and it’s never a good idea to take a variety of supplements without a good and well-researched reason to do so.

Not everyone needs to supplement with a multivitamin. People with a nutrient deficiency that cannot be alleviated through dietary changes may experience benefits from supplementing with a multivitamin, but that also depends on the kind of multivitamin formulation they buy.

The standard multivitamin
The most commonly used and researched multivitamin formula contains 100 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of nutrients the body needs. Some compounds, like magnesium and calcium, are physically too large to include in these capsules. Iron is also usually omitted.

Standard multivitamins are an effective and recommended supplement for people who do not get enough nutrients through their diet. Keep in mind, making dietary changes is both more effective and tastier than supplementing to alleviate a nutrition deficiency.

Though standard multivitamins are beneficial supplements for people living in low-income areas or food deserts without easy access to nutritional food, they are more often used as preventative supplements by people eating a varied diet. Though studies show there are no side effects from standard multivitamin supplements, they also don’t provide any benefits when taken by already-healthy people.

The experimental multivitamin

Some multivitamin formulas contain 100 percent of the RDI for essential vitamins, but also contain additional “antioxidant support” and other phytonutrients alongside questionable health claims.

These are the multivitamin formulas that tend to be associated with increased cancer risk in clinical studies, since most of the antioxidant claims are based on vitamin E content, which can be harmful at doses above 400 IU (18 times higher than the RDI).

Some additions are inert and have no effect, like increased vitamin C content, which has not been linked to any benefits. Other ingredients, such as lycopene, are included based on promising preliminary evidence, but likely have no effect when supplemented by people through a multivitamin.

These multivitamin formulas are marketed as an improvement over standard multivitamin formulas, but they are not recommended for supplementation. At worst, experimental multivitamins can be harmful to your health; at best, they’re a standard multivitamin with a higher price.

The surplus multivitamin
Even experimental multivitamin formulas tend to toe the line when it comes to the RDI of various nutrients. The third category of multivitamins, however, contains formulas that disregard serving sizes and established dosages.

Surplus multivitamins are marketed as general health supplements, whether they contain vitamin C, garlic or another herb. These multivitamins are not vitamins, they are combinations of other supplements and compounds.

Multivitamins and supplements that contain a variety of compounds but hide the doses behind proprietary blends should be avoided. There is no research done on these specific combinations. Existing research on individual supplements does not apply because supplements can act differently when taken together. When doses and ingredients are not available, it isn’t possible to determine the effects and health risks of the supplement.

Multivitamin supplements that list the amount of each ingredient can be supplemented safely, but should only be used if the included ingredients are effective supplements for your specific health goal.

Do I need a multivitamin?
Multivitamins, like all supplements, should never be used without a good reason. Before purchasing a new supplement, read the label and ask yourself:

1. What ingredients in this supplement are useful for my health goal?

2. What ingredients in this supplement are not useful for my health goal?

3. Will the ingredients hurt me or be counterproductive?

4. If I buy the ingredients individually, will it be more expensive than this supplement?

If the multivitamin isn’t harmful and isn’t more expensive than the sum of its parts, it may be worth considering for supplementation.


Vitamin pills are a waste of money, offer no health benefits and could be harmful – study

Evidence from the study suggested that ‘supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults…has no clear benefit and might even be harmful’

Vitamin pills are a waste of money, usually offer no health benefits and could even be harmful, a group of leading scientists has said.

A study of nearly 500,000 people, carried out by academics from the University of Warwick and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA, has delivered a damning verdict on the claims made by the vitamin supplement industry.

Evidence from the study suggested that “supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults…has no clear benefit and might even be harmful”, despite one in three Britons taking vitamins or mineral pills.

According to The Times, scientists involved in the study, which was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, concluded that companies selling supplements were fuelling false health anxieties to offer unnecessary cures. The industry in the UK is thought to be worth more than £650 million annually.

Researchers declared ‘case closed’ on the vitamin and mineral pills after making their conclusion based on the study of half-a-million people along with three separate research papers.

Evidence from the study suggested that

Evidence from the study suggested that “supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults…has no clear benefit and might even be harmful”, despite one in three Britons taking vitamins or mineral pills.

One of the research papers involved the retrospective study of 24 previous trials. In total 450,000 people were involved in the trials and the paper concluded that there was no beneficial effect on mortality from taking vitamins.

Another examined 6,000 elderly men and found no improvement on cognitive decline after 12 years of taking supplements, while a third saw no advantage of supplements among 1,700 men and women with heart problems over an average study of five years.

The experts said most supplements should be avoided as their use is not justified, writing: “These vitamins should not be used for chronic disease prevention. Enough is enough.”

The scientists argued that the average Western diet is sufficient to provide the necessary vitamins the body needs.

Edgar Miller, of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, said: “There are some that advocate we have many nutritional deficiencies in our diet. The truth is though we are in general overfed, our diet is completely adequate.”

He added: “These companies are marketing products to us based on perceptions of deficiencies. They make us think our diet is unhealthy, and that they can help us make up for these deficiencies and stop chronic illnesses.

“The group that needs these is very small. It’s not the general population.”

Dr Miller continued: “There’s something for everything: preventing joint pains, stopping heart disease. If you’re going to spend your money on something every month, is this really the best option?”

The NHS advised recently that other than women taking folic acid to help them conceive and the elderly and children under five benefiting from vitamin D, supplementary vitamins would be surplus to that already gained through diet, The Times said.

The Health Food Manufacturers’ Association said vitamin supplements provided people with “nutritional insurance”.

In July 2011 the Advertising Standards Agency criticised Vitabiotics Ltd for an advert headlined: ‘Advanced Nutrients For The Brain’.

They ruled that the implied claims that “recent research had shown that B vitamins could help maintain brain function and performance’ were not substantiated and were “misleading”.

Government Experts Say Supplements Don’t Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer.

Americans spend nearly $12 billion each year on vitamin supplements, hoping they will steer us away from diseases like cancer and heart attacks. But it turns out they’re just a drain on our wallets.

Should healthy people take supplements to keep them healthy? A panel of experts convened by the government, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, says that for most vitamins and minerals, there is not enough evidence to determine whether the pills can lower risk of heart disease or cancer. And when it comes to beta-carotene (found in carrots and tomatoes) and vitamin E, there is no evidence that they can protect against either heart disease or cancer; in fact, beta-carotene use contributed to an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers.

That will come as a surprise to most Americans, who pop pills of omega-3 fatty acids hoping to fend off a heart attack or down vitamins C and E, which are high in antioxidants, to counteract the free-radical damage that contributes to cancer. “In the absence of clear evidence about the impact of most vitamins and multivitamins on cardiovascular disease and cancer, health care professionals should counsel their patients to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that is rich in nutrients. They should also continue to consider the latest scientific research, their own experiences, and their patient’s health history and preferences when having conversations about nutritional supplements,” task-force member Dr. Wanda Nicholson said in a statement.

(MORE: Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements May Not Prevent Fractures)

The panel based its conclusion on a review of 26 studies, conducted from 2005 to ’13, some of which involved single supplements and others that investigated multivitamins and their relationship to heart disease, cancer and death outcomes. The review built on the panel’s previous report on supplements, in 2003, in which the task-force members said that there was not enough evidence to recommend vitamin A, C or E supplements, multivitamins or antioxidant combinations to prevent heart disease or cancer. At that time, the members also recommended against beta-carotene supplements because of their connection to a higher risk of lung cancer among smokers. In the current review, the members considered additional data on other vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins B and D, as well as zinc, iron, magnesium, niacin and calcium.

The conclusions apply to otherwise healthy people who take the supplements to prevent disease, so it’s not clear how effective, if at all, the pills can be in those at higher risk of heart problems or cancer. There have been hints, however, that the pills might not be the panacea that many people hoped they would be. In 2012, for example, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that omega-3 supplements, touted as a powerful weapon against heart disease, did not lower risks of heart attack, stroke, or death from heart disease or any cause. Another study published in 2011 even linked vitamin-and-supplement consumption to a higher risk of death, reporting that women who took multivitamins were 6% more likely to die over a 19-year period, compared with women not taking them.

(MORE: Hold the Salmon: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Higher Risk of Cancer)

Why the takedown of vitamins, especially if they are so prevalent in good-for-you foods such as fruits and vegetables? Experts believe that the benefits of nutrients like vitamins may depend on how they are presented to the body; some may need the help of other compounds found in their natural form that are inadvertently stripped from individual pills that try to concentrate the health benefits of specific vitamins or minerals. “[T]he physiologic systems affected by vitamins and other antioxidant supplements are so complex that the effects of supplementing with only 1 or 2 components is generally ineffective or actually does harm,” write the authors in their report, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

They recognize, however, that their conclusions are based on relatively few studies, since few trials have addressed the question of whether supplements can prevent disease in healthy people. So the results hold only until more data become available to understand the association more completely. In the meantime, the best way to take advantage of any health-promoting effects of nutrients like vitamins and minerals is to get them in their natural state, by eating a well-balanced diet high in low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

Multivitamin Use Does Not Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in Men.

Taking a daily multivitamin does not reduce the risk for major cardiovascular events in men, according to a JAMA study.

As part of the Physicians’ Health Study II, nearly 15,000 men aged 50 and older were randomized to a daily multivitamin or placebo. After a median follow-up of 11 years, the rate of the primary composite outcome — myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular mortality — did not differ between the two groups. There were slightly fewer MI deaths among multivitamin users, but the authors speculate that this may have been due to chance. The effect did not differ between men with and without baseline cardiovascular disease.

An editorialist writes that multiple trials “clearly confirm that CVD cannot be prevented or treated with vitamins.” She concludes: “The message needs to remain simple and focused: CVD is largely preventable, and this can be achieved by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, avoiding tobacco products, and, for those with high risk factor levels or previous CVD events, taking proven, safe, and effective medications.”

Source: JAMA

“When NOT to Take Your Multivitamin…”

If you take your multivitamin at this particular time, you could be losing impact and throwing your money away. The quality of your health could very well depend on taking the right kind of multi – at the right time…

If you’re currently taking or considering taking a multivitamin with a recommended serving size of only one pill a day, you’re pretty much wasting your time.


It’s very doubtful that any single pill can pack enough vitamins and minerals to truly make any real difference in complementing your healthy diet.

Producers of multivitamins have come up with some pretty amazing ways to compress natural nutrients, but not to this extreme… not down to where a single tablet provides you the vitamin and mineral levels you need.

And speaking of minerals, many producers of one-a-days don’t even bother including essential minerals like potassium or magnesium, or even calcium in adequate enough amounts to really make a difference.

What about other nutrients from natural sources like vegetables, fruits, and herbs? Shouldn’t they be blended into your multi as well? I certainly think so.

But it’s also vitally important to know when to take your multivitamin.You should take a few multi tablets first thing in the morning and with lunch, or with an early dinner to help optimize your nutrient absorption, the better chance you’ll have of truly fortifying your diet.

Before we jump further into all the natural nutrients I believe should go into a multi, let’s first take a closer look at why all multivitamins are not created equal.

Some may in fact, negatively impact your health in such a way they should be flushed down the toilet.


Why You Should Avoid Synthetic Isolates Like the Plague…

In my opinion, if you shop for your supplements at discount stores, you may be seriously shortchanging yourself because those products typically use cheap synthetic isolates.

Millions gorge themselves on synthetic vitamins, only to acquire and die from degenerative diseases.

You see, isolated vitamins are partial vitamins, combined with other chemicals. They’re a low-end alternative to whole, real complete food.

When you remove a part from the whole, you get ‘Synthetic,’ ‘Isolated,’ or ‘Fractionated’ pieces of the whole, but it’s simply not the same.

There are four problems with synthetic vitamins…

  1. Nature intended for you to consume food in WHOLE form because all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes are together in one package. They work synergistically to give your body the nutrition it requires for optimal health.
  2. Your body only absorbs a small percentage of an isolate form of vitamins and minerals – and it utilizes even less. You get the best bioavailability in whole food form.
  3. Synthetic vitamins often give you massive quantities of some nutrients (usually the most inexpensive ones) and insufficient quantities of others, not balance.
  4. You can experience side effects of synthetic isolates from the additives and the unnatural state of the synthetic supplement.

You’ve heard me say it before… Fast food and a sedentary lifestyle can be a disaster for your health.

Don’t let your multivitamin add to the collateral damage.

In fact, you want to be sure it makes a real and significant contribution to your health, especially if you’ve already adopted healthy lifestyle practices.

After all, I’m quite sure you’re one of the nearly 100% of the human race who wants to feel on top of the world…. All the time.

Who in the World Doesn’t Want to
Feel Great All the Time?

One thing you can always do to optimize your health and feel great is to maximize your immune system’s capabilities.

Because face it – everybody wants to feel well all the time, don’t they?

There’s no better time to get started than right now then, is there? After all, there’s no time like the present…

Now is the time to start moving toward a healthier diet and lifestyle. Start today, by adding just one raw vegetable per day to your diet… a small, do-able step toward your better health.

Why Make These Changes Today?

Because today is the first day of the rest of your life! Why wait?

Ideally, it is best to receive all your nutrition from high quality unprocessed foods. Unfortunately, if you’re like most people, you may find it impractical or impossible to eat right one hundred percent of the time.

Therefore, even when you take the steps of adding raw veggies to your diet and getting some exercise and vitamin D, you still might want to hedge your bets by supplementing with a quality multivitamin every day – just to be sure.

What Can a Multivitamin Do for You?

While I cannot endorse the practice of sloppy eating and a sedentary lifestyle while taking a supplement to cover for reckless lifestyle choices…

It is true that multivitamins do help promote your optimal health and strong immune system, providing support for defense against a growing number of health concerns*. At least, some of them do. More on that in a moment…

Taking pro-active steps, including taking a multivitamin to help maintain and boost good health and wellness is still one of the best things you can do for yourself and your health…*

Especially if you’re already adhering to a smart lifestyle with a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sunshine and good sleep.

However, there are important issues for you to remember…

Higher Potency and Even More Nutrients for You

I received quite a bit of feedback that you wanted an even more comprehensive formula than my original Whole Food Multi. So I went back to the drawing board and worked with my team to come up with an extraordinarily powerful formula — at a fantastic price.

Here’s the stringent criteria I used to find you the best high-potency multi on the market:

  • Must AVOID additives or synthetic nutrients — I only considered natural and whole food-based multivitamins.
  • Must be produced by a highly reputable company with the highest quality control manufacturing practices in place — I focused on quality as a higher priority than quantity.
  • Must go beyond RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) guidelines — In my opinion, RDA/RDI amounts define the lower limits of daily nutrient intake. I wanted the best nutrient formula to promote your optimal nutrition
  • Must include the added bonus of essential minerals — Minerals add their unique layer of nutritional support*. Many high-potency multivitamins with rich vitamin concentrations lack important minerals.

Before I jump into all the details of this exclusive multivitamin and its power-packed formula now available to you, you might be wondering…

Why Not Just Eat All-Natural Whole Foods?


Excellent question — and one you deserve an answer to…

As you already know, I’ve been a proponent of eating whole foods for proper nutrition for years… and now — eating the proper whole foods based on your Nutritional Type (NT).

So, in recommending a high-quality multivitamin, please remember that these nutritional supplements complement the food you eat. They do not take the place of a healthful diet of unprocessed organic foods, which I believe is still the best physical factor for you to achieve optimal nutrition.

However, accessing and eating high quality foods regularly may be a personal challenge for you and your family. Your busy schedule may lead you to cook healthy whole food less than you know you should — and eat “fast food” more.

Even if you do well with your diet choices, another factor involves the actual food supply itself.

Up to 50% of the Nutrient Value of Your Food May be
Lost from the Start

A number of carefully controlled studies have provided startling evidence that by the time the food reaches your table, serious nutrient content could already be lost.

Some estimates report the nutrient value lost at over 50%!

This is largely the result of conventional farming methods that rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which deplete the soil of nutrients… nutrients that must be absorbed by plants in order to be passed on to you.

And it does not necessarily end there.

In many cases, it’s likely you unknowingly further deplete the nutrients in your food — just by the way you prepare it. For most food, cooking it will seriously impair its nutritional value.

So, realizing that you cannot always obtain the whole unprocessed foods you need — and knowing how easy it is for valuable nutrients to be destroyed — you now know why I believe adding a good multivitamin to complement your diet is a sound move.

Why Settle For Inferior Quality?

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of high-potency multivitamins on the market today… but there are only a few great ones out there. If you are convinced of the importance of using a multivitamin, then I would strongly encourage you to do your homework, and make sure a GREAT company produced it.

When I first started my investigation, I was absolutely shocked at the low quality demonstrated by so many companies. That’s why I spent many long months of hard effort to research and identify what I believe is the absolute best supplement manufacturer in the U.S. today.

After much tedious and careful research, I was able to identify an outstanding supplement manufacturer — one who allowed me to help formulate the best multivitamin possible for you.

The lab I chose has won outstanding awards on numerous occasions:

  • One of the latest awards received by this lab was the 5-Star Gold Medal of Achievement for several of its supplements. The independent research firm, NutriSearch Corporation, issued this top award to the lab in its Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.
  • Of the over 1500 products evaluated, only 4 laboratories received this top award.

Why Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals is Better than the Rest

Let’s take a closer look at some key nutrients in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals that are often missing from other multivitamins (or found in such low amounts that their effectiveness is highly limited).

Remember, one of my top criteria for providing you with the best high-potency multivitamin was that it must contain essential minerals. As I searched for the right formula, I quickly realized that many so-called high-potency multivitamins are seriously lacking in mineral content.

However, with my unique Multi +Plus formula, you’ll benefit from many specially selected minerals… including these 3 essential ones:


  • Calcium — To provide a high-level of support for your skeletal system, I chose to include a high amount of calcium in the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula*. My main reason for doing this was that, as you age, your need for calcium becomes more and more important to promote healthy bones*.

A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that people should consume 741 mg per day of calcium to maintain neutral calcium balance.

Realizing the importance of eating as much unprocessed whole food as possible to get the minerals you need, my Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula provides 250 mg of calcium to complement your healthy diet.

  • Magnesium — Scientific studies have reported that magnesium is helpful in supporting your lungs and overall pulmonary system*. But some lower-potency multivitamins don’t include this ingredient.

Other research shows that magnesium intake promotes bone density health.* It also helps maintain your muscular and nervous systems.* And helps support a healthy heart, and your energy needs.*

So you can see why magnesium is such a key mineral in my Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula.

  • Potassium — This important mineral helps regulate your circulatory system and promotes your heart health.*

In addition, research has shown that potassium is another important element in your bone density health.* As you age, bone density becomes an important element in your overall health.*

Once again, please realize the importance of eating a healthy diet rich in unprocessed whole foods. Many processed foods lose valuable potassium content prior to ever reaching your table.

These minerals may be worth their weight in gold. They provide you with significant health-supporting value in complementing your diet*. They’re part of the added bonus that clearly makes Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals stand apart from the rest.

But it doesn’t stop here. Take a look at more of the remarkable benefits of my new high-potency multi. It’s the…

High-Potency Antioxidant Formula to Help You Balance
Out Free Radicals*

First of all, I made every effort working with the award-winning lab to ensure that as many nutrients as possible ended up directly linked to their natural source. To me, this became crucial in providing you a top-notch supplement.

Multivitamin +Plus’s formula has natural value built into it.

It provides you with a highly concentrated daily supplement containing more than 50 nutritional ingredients… all in a special herbal food base.

One of the challenges your body faces every day is combating free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and fragments of molecules that may impact your body at your cellular level.

Free radicals constantly attack your body proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and DNA, and can cause potentially serious health concerns unless they are kept in check. Every cell in your body suffers an estimated 10,000 free radical hits each day. Your body does its best to fight back — in what is an actual battlefield at the cellular level.

To help balance the effects of free radicals, Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals provides you with high-potency amounts of an exclusive antioxidant formula that includes:*

  • Natural beta-carotene — healthy vision and immune system support*
  • Vitamin C — promotes tissue growth and repair, and healthy gums*
  • Vitamin D3 — supports heart, bone, vascular and immune system health*
  • Vitamin E — helps support your muscular system*
  • Selenium — bolsters your healthy immune system*
  • L-cysteine — supports your immune and respiratory systems*
  • Lutein — helps promote your healthy vision*
  • Lycopene — supports your immune system*
  • Red wine proanthocyanidins — provides cardiovascular support*
  • And select extracts and powders from over 25 fruits, vegetables, and herbs

And it gets even better …

Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals Provides You an Incredible Formula Based on Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, and Green Foods

In addition to the outstanding nutrients already discussed, the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula includes a health-promoting blend of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and green foods…from natural sources as far as possible.

When this was impractical with certain nutrients, a highly bioavailable form was used to ensure you could take full advantage of these nutrients*.

Now you can see for yourself the remarkable ingredients included in the total Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula.

Over 2000 mg of nutrients based on vegetables, fruits, herbs and green foods are intentionally included in the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula… nutrients that promote your optimal health in the following ways*:

Nutrients Your Body Systems Supported and Promoted*
Red wine proanthocyanidins Cardiovascular
Blueberry Urinary tract and immune
Garlic Digestive and immune
Green tea extract Immune
Sprouted barley juice Cardiovascular/heart
Wheat grass juice Immune and anti-aging
Broccoli Prostate and immune
Cauliflower Circulation and immune
Spirulina Nervous and tissue
Chlorella Cardiovascular and immune
Green papaya extract Digestive and skin
Beet extract Immune
Apple pectin Immune and lungs
Bromelain Respiratory and digestive
Rose hips Skeletal
Lemon bioflavonoids Immune
Rutin Circulatory and immune
Hesperidin Vascular and immune


And it doesn’t stop there…

There’s an additional 700 mg of a proprietary vegetable and fruit base, further promoting your optimal health, including:

  • Kale — provides healthy prostate support*
  • Spinach — helps support your cardiovascular and immune systems*
  • Carrot — assists optimal vision and cholesterol level*
  • Radish — supports your digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems*
  • Celery — provides you with skeletal and nervous system support*
  • Apricot — promotes your respiratory and immune systems*
  • Blackberry — helps support your digestive and immune systems*
  • Cranberry — supports your urinary tract and cardiovascular system*
  • Grape — promotes healthy circulation and cholesterol level*
  • Pineapple — provides healthy respiratory and digestive support*

And now we’ve added a significant enhancement to our Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals…

We’ve Added What I Consider a Superior Form of Folic Acid
to Help Ensure You Don’t Get Cheated

Folic acid, or folate, an important member of the B-vitamin family, plays many important roles in your body. Folic acid:

  • Helps maintain normal blood homocysteine levels *
  • Helps nourish the brain and supports mood*
  • Supports protein metabolism*
  • Supports energy production*
  • Promotes normal formation and functioning of red and white blood cells*

For folic acid to perform all of these crucial duties in your body, it must first be activated into the biologically active form – L-5-MTHF. This is the form that’s most usable by your body and the form that’s able to cross the blood-brain barrier to carry out important brain functions.*

However, the form most commonly added to nutritional supplements is folic acid. And here’s the problem: Nearly half of the population has difficulty converting folic acid to the bioactive 5-MTHF form because of a genetic reduction in enzyme activity.

So if you have a reduced ability to metabolize folic acid, you may have less-than-optimal cardiovascular health. Using a 5-MTHF form of folic acid may help.*

Metafolin®, a patented form of 5-MTHF, is:

  • the naturally occurring form of folate that’s preferred by your body
  • more reliably bioavailable and biologically active than folic acid
  • the only folate that can cross the blood-brain barrier

And now you’ll find Metafolin® — instead of folic acid – in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals.

A Multivitamin Indiscriminately Overloaded with Mega-Nutrients May
Do You More Harm than Good

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that coming up with my own special high-potency formula was a major challenge — and took quite a bit of time. This was necessary because indiscriminately throwing a number of nutrients together could actually cause more harm than good.


How could that be?

Well, certain amounts and types of nutrients need to be carefully measured to avoid any potential toxic buildup once they are consumed.

The bottom line… not all nutrients in certain amounts work all that well together. In fact, a sort of competition can occur between some nutrients.

So, much attention was directed to prevent this from occurring in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals.

Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals has been carefully evaluated and selected, each ingredient has been chosen for its:*

  • Proper nutrient balance — just like too little of a nutrient does not provide you any real benefits, too much can potentially do you more harm than good
  • Absorbability — the key to promoting your health is absorbing as much of the nutrient as possible
  • Competitive relationship with other nutrients — a complex evaluation is performed by the scientists to make sure the amounts and types of nutrients work well together to benefit you
  • Allergenic potential — careful selection and measurement of the nutrient to investigate potential allergy issues
  • Long-term safety — any potential toxic buildup balanced out

Order the Best High-Potency Multi That I Designed with
Your Needs in Mind

Remember, don’t be fooled by the nutrient amounts, or an unusually low cost (could mean synthetic nutrients used), or RDA (required daily allowance) claims by the manufacturer.

This information may be totally misleading. You could be not only wasting your time and hard-earned money, but not taking proper control of your health as well.

By now, you should be as convinced as I am that Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals is the best high-potency multivitamin available today. Not only is Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals rich in balanced vitamins and essential minerals, the manufacturer that produces it adheres to the strictest quality standards.

This is a winning combination like no other I’ve seen.

If you’re currently using a high-potency multivitamin or considering another, please promise me that you will at least carefully analyze the supplement manufacturer.

Remember, I am always striving to produce the best possible products for you. There’s simply no reason to settle for second best. Life is too short, and you deserve the absolute best possible supplement out there.

Even though this is an exclusive formula ONLY offered through my site, the price of $47.97 a bottle might seem high at first. I really worked exceptionally hard to deliver all the high-potency vitamins and essential minerals you need and keep the price reasonable at the same time.

Plus, compare a single bottle of Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals to all the different supplements you’d have to purchase separately to get all the ingredients you’ll get in this one convenient high-potency product. The cost of all those separate supplements could be more than double your investment in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals!

But you really should consider Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals part of your healthy food budget, not a separate supplement.

After all, I worked closely with the lab to have this formula specifically designed to complement your healthy diet… not to be separated from it.

Perhaps there are some processed foods you’re buying that you could phase out to help better balance your healthy diet.

With Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals, I sincerely feel that you’re taking an important step in complementing and optimizing your diet, so order yours NOW and start to Take Control of Your Health.

Source: mercola.com

Role of Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation and Aspirin Use in Cancer Survivors

Multivitamins and multiminerals are widely used in the United States, but their efficacy and, perhaps more importantly, the potential for harm in individuals who have cancer have received relatively little study. Beyond their general effects on health, the use of vitamins and minerals by patients with cancer has unique implications because of their potential direct effects on existing cancers, effects on factors that may influence carcinogenesis, such as immunity, and interactions with treatment. Some evidence suggests that vitamin D at higher than standard doses may improve cancer-specific and overall survival for several cancer sites. Besides vitamin D, there is little evidence that nutritional supplements lower the risk of recurrence or improve survival from cancer, although some benefits may be possible in specific subgroups. Some data suggest that higher than standard doses of some vitamins or minerals could even enhance carcinogenesis or worsen survival in patients with cancer. For example, evidence suggests that although folate supplementation administered in preneoplastic stages may lower the risk of colorectal cancer, excessive folic acid in patients with established cancer may be harmful. For prostate cancer, some preliminary evidence indicates that excess consumption of one or a combination of components in a multivitamin/multimineral may accelerate cancer progression and increase fatality. Use of aspirin is proven to lower risk of colorectal cancer, and recent evidence suggests that aspirin use in patients with colorectal cancer improves cancer-specific and overall survival, especially in patients with tumors that express cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). The potential beneficial or adverse effects of dietary supplements and aspirin in survivors of cancer warrant further study.