Malaria vaccines: A first for parasitic diseases

In the last few years, major strides have been made in the fight to control malaria, including the first two malaria vaccines ever recommended for use.

“As a malaria researcher, I used to dream of the day when we would have a safe and effective vaccine against malaria. Now we have two,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, MSc, said during a press briefing in October after WHO recommended the second vaccine.

Although the successful development and subsequent rollout of these vaccines is seen as a major advancement in the fight against malaria, experts cautioned that there is still much left to do to achieve the goal of significantly reducing the burden of a disease that kills more than 600,000 people globally each year.

We checked in with some experts to get their feedback on the vaccines and where the world stands in its fight against malaria.

‘An incredible moment’

In October 2021, WHO recommended the widespread use of a malaria vaccine for the first time for children in sub-Saharan Africa and other areas heavily impacted by the mosquito-borne disease.

The vaccine, RTS,S/AS01, protects against Plasmodium falciparum — the most deadly of the five species of malaria parasites that infect humans, and the most common cause of the disease in Africa.

Ashley Birkett

The announcement was a long time coming since researchers first determined that a malaria vaccine was biologically possible, said Ashley Birkett, PhD, global head for malaria vaccines and biologics at PATH.

“It took about 50 years,” Birkett told Healio | Infectious Disease News.

WHO’s recommendation was based on data from a pilot program called the Malaria Vaccine Implementation Program, which has delivered the vaccine to nearly two million children in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi since 2019. As part of the program, children received four doses of the vaccine — the first three between age 5 to 9 months, and the fourth dose around age 2 years.

According to WHO, the program demonstrated that the vaccine was safe and feasible to deliver and reduced severe malaria by 30% and all-cause deaths by 13%, even in areas where insecticide-treated bed nets are widely used and people have good access to malaria care.

Additional data from a phase 3 study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseasesthis past August demonstrated that seasonal vaccination with RTS,S/AS01, in combination with seasonal chemoprevention with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine, reduced hospitalizations and deaths from malaria by around two-thirds among children in two African countries, Burkina Faso and Mali.

Rollout of the vaccine has continued to expand. In July, WHO announced that 12 African countries — Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Niger, Sierra Leone and Uganda — will receive 18 million doses of the vaccine beginning in the last quarter of this year, with the first doses to be prioritized for children who are at the highest risk for dying from malaria.

WHO, UNICEF and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance said they expect GSK to produce approximately 15 million doses of the vaccine per year from 2026 through 2028.

WHO recommended the second vaccine — R21/Matrix-M — in October after clinical trial data showed it reduced symptomatic cases of malaria by 75% during the 12 months following a three-dose series in areas with high seasonal malaria transmission. A fourth dose given a year after the third maintained that efficacy, study data published in September 2022 showed, making it the first vaccine to meet WHO’s Malaria Vaccine Technology Roadmap goal of a vaccine with at least 75% efficacy.

However, because the vaccines were studied in different populations, it is not clear if one is more effective than the other, according to Philip J. Rosenthal, MD, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. In fact, RTS,S has demonstrated a similar effectiveness to the R21 vaccine in similar settings, according to PATH.

Philip J. Rosenthal

“We’ve been hoping for a malaria vaccine for many decades. In fact, the path to these vaccines started in the 1960s with the initial basic research that led to our understanding of the value of this vaccine approach,” Rosenthal told Healio | Infectious Disease News. “It’s very exciting that we have vaccines for any parasitic disease. However, as is much discussed, the efficacy is much lower than what we see for most vaccines.”

According to Stephen Sosler, PhD, MPH, anepidemiologist and head of vaccine programs at Gavi, the next step for R21/Matrix-M is WHO prequalification, which will allow for it to be distributed on a large scale globally. (GSK’s vaccine received prequalification last year.) Once that happens, national immunization programs can decide on its use, enabling organizations such as Gavi to help them acquire and roll out the vaccine.

According to Sosler, it is estimated that malaria vaccines could prevent one death for every 200 children who are vaccinated.

“This is an incredible moment in the fight against malaria,” Sosler said. “We are close to unleashing not one, but two vaccines against a disease that kills half a million children in Africa each year. This is a game-changer for the continent, which has 96% of the global disease burden.”

The vaccines are unique because they protect against a parasite — “a complex organism with a lifecycle of its own” — rather than a virus or bacterium, Birkett said.

“The malaria parasite has more than 5,000 genes, which makes identifying the disease-causing gene or protein very difficult,” he said. “[These] are the first vaccines against a human parasite. There are many vaccines against viruses, far fewer against bacteria, but when it comes to parasites, the only success in terms of a vaccine for people has been against malaria.”

The two vaccines are similar, but not identical, according to Rosenthal, who explained that both use the same surface antigen — the circumsporozoite protein — but different adjuvants to boost immune responses.

Sir Brian Greenwood

“There is so far no evidence that one vaccine is much better than the other,” Sir Brian Greenwood, CBE, FRS, FMedSci, professor of clinical tropical medicine at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, told Healio | Infectious Disease News. “However, the advantage that R21 has over RTS,S is that it is manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, which can produce it rapidly at scale whilst GSK, the manufacturer of RTS,S, can only produce limited supplies.”

That advantage was also noted by Kate O’Brien, MD, MPH, director of WHO’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, during the press conference after WHO announced that it was recommending the second vaccine.

“We have only 18 million doses of RTS,S through the end of 2025, with work going on to increase that supply,” O’Brien said. “With R21 coming in and commitments from the manufacturer [to have] over 100 million doses per year, this is a very big step toward access.”

R21 will cost $2 to $4 per dose, keeping its cost-effectiveness in line with other recommended malaria interventions and other childhood vaccines, WHO said. According to UNICEF, the GSK vaccine is expected to cost more than $9 per dose from 2023 to 2025.

Sosler said R21 has the chance to “significantly alleviate supply constraints, enabling us to meet high demand in malaria-endemic countries.”

“The availability of the two vaccines will necessitate a strategic shift,” he said. “The addition of R21 allows for new approaches — smaller countries might exclusively scale up with RTS,S, whereas populous nations like Nigeria could opt for R21.”

The total cost of vaccination programs may be complicated by questions about dosing. Greenwood noted that the vaccines provide a relatively short period of high protection without the addition of a booster or repeat doses and that it is not yet known how frequently someone might need these.

“One might say this is like a polio vaccine, but the polio vaccine, I think, was much more important for the control of polio than the malaria vaccines are going to be in controlling malaria,” Rosenthal said. “This is one important tool, but it’s probably not a game-changer.”

‘Not a silver bullet’

It will be important to deploy vaccines in conjunction with other proven prevention methods, experts agreed.

“Vaccination is not a silver bullet. It must be used alongside existing malaria interventions such as insecticide-treated nets, indoor residual spraying, intermittent preventive treatment in pregnant women, use of antimalarials, plus effective case management and treatment,” Sosler said. “The wide range of nonvaccine interventions deployed since 2000 have helped reduce deaths by a third and their importance cannot be overstated.”

Indeed, some of the most effective tools against malaria have been the ones used to control the mosquitoes themselves, including insecticide-treated bed nets.

A 2-decade study published earlier this year found that the benefits of using treated bed nets for malaria control early in childhood persisted into adulthood, assuaging concerns that malaria control in early childhood with treated bed nets “might delay the acquisition of functional immunity and shift child deaths from younger to older ages,” researchers wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Results from the 22-year cohort study, which was conducted in Tanzania, found that participants who reported during at least half of community outreach visits early in their life that they used treated nets had a 43% lower risk for death compared with participants who reported using treated nets at less than half the visits.

This “suggests that the survival benefits of insecticide-treated nets were large and persisted to adulthood given a moderate level of community coverage,” the researchers wrote.

“Before the evidence came in, many doubted that [treated bed nets] could have such a tremendous impact on malaria, but they did,” Birkett said.

More than 2 billion bed nets have been distributed worldwide since 2005. Over the years, however, mosquitoes have become resistant to pyrethroids, the primary insecticide used to treat the nets. In response, in 2017, WHO recommended also treating them with piperonyl-butoxide, a chemical that enhances the potency of pyrethroids against resistant mosquitoes.

New recommendations published by WHO earlier this year included two new classes of dual-ingredient bed nets — pyrethroid-chlorfenapyr nets to enhance the killing effect of the net, and pyrethroid-pyriproxyfen nets,which disrupt mosquito growth and reproduction.

“These new types of nets were designed to have a greater impact against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes,” Jan Kolaczinski, PhD, head of the Vector Control and Insecticide Resistance unit of WHO’s Global Malaria Program, said at the time. “By including two active ingredients in an [insecticide-treated net], the likelihood of mosquitoes being resistant to both is greatly reduced.”

Additionally, drugs to prevent malaria have been routinely prescribed for travelers. Recommendations for which drug to choose depends on where a person is traveling, the CDC notes. The drugs include atovaquone/proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine and tafenoquine.

For decades, the only cases of malaria treated in the United States were related to travel. That changed this year when Florida and Texas — and then Maryland and Arkansas — reported the first locally acquired cases since 2003.

IV artesunate has been the first-line treatment for severe malaria in the U.S. since 2019 and is the only drug available in the U.S. to treat severe malaria. A study published in 2021 in Clinical Infectious Diseases found that it was safe and effective in treating severe malaria in U.S. adults.

‘Very exciting’ mAbs

Another approach that could help curb malaria is the use of monoclonal antibodies.

Although no mAbs are currently approved for malaria, data published in The New England Journal of Medicine and presented at a medical conference last year demonstrated that one dose of an mAb called CIS43LS safely protected healthy adults from malaria infection during the 6-month malaria season in Mali.

The trial — which was conducted in two parts — evaluated the safety and efficacy of a one-time IV infusion of CIS43LS given to 369 healthy, nonpregnant adults aged 18 to 55 years. The first part of the trial assessed the safety of three different doses — 5 mg, 10 mg and 40 mg per kg of body weight — in six participants per dose level, and the second assessed the efficacy of two different doses compared with a placebo.

In all, 300 participants were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive either the 10 mg/kg or 40 mg/kg dose or a placebo by IV infusion. The researchers followed participants for 24 weeks, testing their blood for P. falciparum weekly for the first 28 days and then every 2 weeks after that.

Over the 24-week study period, testing detected P. falciparum infections in 35.5% of participants who received a 10 mg/kg dose, 18.2% who received a 40 mg/kg dose and 78.2% who received placebo. The researchers calculated the efficacy of a 40 mg/kg dose of CIS43LS at 6 months to be 88.2% (adjusted 95% CI, 79.3%-93.3%) and the efficacy of a 10 mg/kg dose to be 75% (adjusted 95% CI, 61%-84%) compared with placebo.

The NIH said researchers are testing a second, more potent antimalarial mAb that is given subcutaneously in smaller doses and has shown promise in adults in early-stage testing. It is being assessed in two phase 2 trials in infants, children and adults in Mali and Kenya.

“It will be some time before we learn whether this approach will make sense, but monoclonal antibodies are really another vaccine,” Rosenthal said. “It’s another immunologic approach to controlling malaria and the initial results are very exciting.”

‘Beginning of another journey’

According to Sosler, all these advancements against malaria are not the end of the road.

“We see this as the beginning of another journey,” he said. “Now that we have the first generation of malaria vaccines, what’s next? How can we improve efficacy and have a simpler dose regimen? How can we further diversify manufacturing, particularly in Africa?”

Regardless of what questions are left to answer, Sosler emphasized the importance of having the two vaccines.

“This is a first in global health,” he said.

Alarming resurgence: Malaria returns to the US after 20 years

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Malaria is transmitted when a mosquito bites a person carrying the parasite. The parasite then develops inside the mosquito, which subsequently bites other individuals.


While most malaria cases in the US originate from individuals who have travelled abroad and were exposed to disease-carrying mosquitoes, the recent cases involve people who had not left the country. This raises fears that local mosquitoes could be spreading the disease to others.

In a concerning development, three new cases of malaria have emerged in the United States, with one reported in Texas and two in Florida.

What alarms officials is that these cases were locally transmitted, indicating that a mosquito within the US was carrying the malaria parasite. This is the first instance of local transmission since 2003 in Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reported the New York Post.

Potential spread of malaria by local mosquitoes raises concern

While most malaria cases in the US originate from individuals who have travelled abroad and were exposed to disease-carrying mosquitoes, the recent cases involve people who had not left the country.

This raises fears that local mosquitoes could be spreading the disease to others. Estelle Martin, an entomologist at the University of Florida, emphasised the worrisome nature of local transmission in an area.

Also read | Simple measures can prevent a million baby deaths a year: Study

Malaria transmission and symptoms

Malaria is transmitted when a mosquito bites a person carrying the parasite. The parasite then develops inside the mosquito, which subsequently bites other individuals.

Notably, people with the parasite may not exhibit symptoms, making it easier for the disease to spread when an asymptomatic person is bitten. Symptoms of malaria include fever, shivers, chills, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and fatigue.

If left untreated, the infection can lead to severe complications such as jaundice, anaemia, kidney failure, seizures, mental confusion, coma, and even death.

Climate change and vector-borne diseases

These recent cases highlight the heightened risk of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, and other vectors due to a warming climate.

Climate change is playing a definitive role in the spread of vector-borne diseases across the United States.

Malaria-infected mosquitoes were discovered in a swampy area of Sarasota County, where one of the Florida cases was identified.

Also watch | Malaria cases are surging in Pakistan and Malawi | Here’s why

Local authorities promptly applied insecticides to reduce the mosquito population in the area. It is also possible that the three recent cases resulted from a traveller who carried the disease from another country and was subsequently bitten by a mosquito, which then bit one of the local individuals, reported the New York Post.

The emergence of locally acquired malaria cases in the US underscores the importance of surveillance, mosquito control efforts, and public awareness to mitigate the spread of this potentially deadly disease.

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Stunt Malaria Parasite Growth, Prevent Transmission

Scientists led by researchers from the Transmission:Zero team at Imperial College London have engineered mosquitoes that slow the growth of malaria-causing parasites in their guts, and prevent transmission of the disease to humans. The mosquitoes carry a genetic modification that causes them to produce compounds in the gut that stunt the growth of the malaria parasites, meaning that the parasites are unlikely to reach the mosquitoes’ salivary glands and be passed on to a human in a bite before the insects die.

The research team showed that the strategy can dramatically reduce the possibility of malaria spreading, in a lab setting. If proven safe and effective in real-world settings it could offer a powerful new tool to help eliminate malaria. Collaborators from the Institute for Disease Modeling at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also developed a model that, for the first time, can assess the impact of such modifications if used in a variety of African settings. They found that the modification developed by the Transmission:Zero team could be a powerful tool for bringing down cases of malaria even where transmission is high.

The innovation is designed so it can be coupled with existing “gene drive” technology to promote the spread of the modification and drastically cut malaria transmission. The researchers aim to test whether their approach can block the transmission of parasites that have infected humans, as well as those that have been lab-reared. The safety of the new modification will be tested thoroughly before combining it with a gene drive for real-world tests.

If all goes well, field trials are anticipated within 2–3 years. George Christophides, PhD, a professor in the department of life sciences at Imperial, said, “History has taught us that there is no silver bullet when it comes to malaria control, thus we will have to use all the weapons we have at our disposal and generate even more. Gene drive is one such very powerful weapon that in combination with drugs, vaccines, and mosquito control can help stop the spread of malaria and save human lives.”

Christophides is co-lead author of the team’s published paper in Science Advances, which is titled, “Gene drive mosquitoes can aid malaria elimination by retarding Plasmodium sporogonic development.”

Malaria remains one of the world’s most devastating diseases, putting at risk about half of the world’s population. In 2021 alone, the disease infected 241 million and killed 627,000 people, mostly children aged below five years, in sub-Saharan Africa.

The authors wrote, “Despite the availability of the first World Health Organization–approved malaria vaccine the necessity to develop alternative intervention strategies remains pressing, particularly if malaria elimination is to remain the goal.” Co-first author Tibebu Habtewold, PhD, at the department of life sciences at Imperial, further explained, “Since 2015, the progress in tackling malaria has stalled. Mosquitoes and the parasites they carry are becoming resistant to available interventions such as insecticides and treatments, and funding has plateaued. We need to develop innovative new tools.”

Malaria is transmitted between people after a female mosquito bites someone infected with the malaria parasite. The parasite then develops into its next stage in the mosquito’s gut and travels to its salivary glands, ready to infect the next person the mosquito bites.

However, only around 10% of mosquitoes live long enough for the parasite to develop far enough to be infectious. The team aimed to lengthen the odds even further, by extending the time it takes for the parasite to develop in the gut.

The Transmission:Zero team genetically modified Anopheles gambiae, the primary malaria-carrying species of mosquito in sub-Saharan Africa. On taking a blood meal, mosquitoes with the modification produce two antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the gut, which impair the malaria parasite’s development. The two peptides are magainin 2, which was first found within skin secretions of the African claw frog Xenopus laevis, and melittin, a primary toxin component of the European honey bee Apis mellifera.

Inhibiting the parasite’s development causes a few days’ delay before the next parasite stage could reach the mosquito salivary glands, by which time most mosquitoes in nature are expected to die. The peptides work by interfering with the energy metabolism of the parasite, which also has some effect on the mosquito, causing them to have a shorter lifespan and further decreasing their ability to pass on the parasite. “As the modification additionally reduces female mosquito life span, the possibility of infectious sporozoites to be transmitted to a new host is reduced markedly,” the team stated in the published report.

Professor George Christophides, PhD, holds a cage of mosquitoes. [Imperial College London]

Co-first author of the study Astrid Hoermann, PhD, from the department of life sciences at Imperial, said: “For many years, we have been trying to no avail to make mosquitoes that cannot be infected by the parasite or ones that can clear all the parasites with their immune system. Delaying a parasite’s development inside the mosquito is a conceptual shift that has opened many more opportunities to block malaria transmission from mosquitoes to humans.”

If the genetic modification is to help prevent malaria spread in the real world, it will need to be spread from lab-bred mosquitoes to wild populations. Normal interbreeding would achieve this to a certain degree, but because the modification has a “fitness cost” in the form of reduced lifespan, it would likely be quickly eliminated as a result of natural selection.

Gene drive is an additional genetic trick that could be added to the mosquitoes and cause preferential inheritance of the antiparasite genetic modification, making it spread more widely among any natural populations. And as the researchers further noted, “Modeling suggests that propagation of this modification via gene drive promises to break the malaria transmission cycle across a range of epidemiological scenarios in sub-Saharan Africa even if the effector itself is eventually replaced by resistant alleles because of the fitness cost that it imposes.”

For the reported study, the researchers demonstrated that the small genetic modifications to the malaria mosquitoes successfully impeded transmission of two different malaria parasite Plasmodium species, the deadliest human parasite, P. falciparum, and the rodent parasite P. berghei. “It achieves this by hampering parasite sporogonic development that occurs in the oocyst, markedly delaying the emergence of infectious sporozoites, and we attribute this effect to the known propensity of these AMPs for interfering with mitochondrial function,” they wrote.

The authors acknowledged that their strategy would require careful planning to minimize any risks before field trials can be considered. The Transmission:Zero team is creating two separate, but compatible strains of modified mosquitoes—one with the antiparasite modification and one with the gene drive.

They can then test the antiparasite modification on its own first, only adding in the gene drive once it has been shown to be effective. Co-lead author Nikolai Windbichler, PhD, from the department of life sciences at Imperial, said, “We are now aiming to test whether this modification can block malaria transmission not just using parasites we have reared in the lab but also from parasites that have infected humans. If this proves to be true, then we will be ready to take this to field trials within the next two to three years.”

With partners in Tanzania, the team has set up a facility to generate and handle genetically modified mosquitoes and conduct some initial tests. These include collecting parasites from locally infected schoolchildren, to ensure that the modification works against the parasites circulating in relevant communities.

They are also fully risk-assessing any potential releases of modified mosquitoes, taking into account any potential hazards and making sure they have acceptance from the local community. But they are hopeful that their intervention can ultimately help to eradicate malaria.

The investigators concluded in their paper, “This modification is already designed for gene drive and requires no further adjustment before deployment, while, at the same time, it is inert on its own and thus can be safely tested in an endemic setting under standard containment protocols. It thus enables the next step for testing antimalarial effectors, i.e., to evaluate their transmission blocking modifications against parasites directly sampled from patients in malaria-endemic countries.”

Mosquitoes Are Much Better at Learning Than We Ever Suspected

They can actually be trained.


A graphic from Bill Gates’ blog clearly illustrates that the mosquito causes more deaths per year than any other animal on the planet.

This killer insect has a nasty reputation for spreading the disease around the globe, prompting what some have called The War on Mosquitoes. A recent experiment could be a turning point in this battle, as it equips us with a surprising and potentially revolutionary weapon – the ability to train mosquitoes.

According to a study published in Current Biology, when you slap at a mosquito that is about to bite you, it learns to associate your personal scent with that life-threatening experience and will avoid you in the future.

This is the first demonstration showing that mosquitoes are able to both learn and remember.

As described by Jeff Riffell, the study’s lead researcher and University of Washington neuroecologist, in an interview with National Geographic, “They’re essentially Pavlov’s mosquitoes.”

He is referring to the famous experiment in which dogs are trained to salivate on command, which is comparable to mosquitoes being trained to avoid certain humans.

Mosquitoes don’t bite at random. They are drawn to specific scents which are more alluring than others. The human scent, generally speaking, is particularly attractive to mosquitoes.

But, when a person slaps at a mosquito, they usually create small vibrations on the skin that interrupt the insect’s attempt to bite.

In this study, the researchers recreated these vibrations in 20-minute sessions and found that, when the mosquito bite was disturbed by these vibrations, the insect avoided that scent for up to 24 hours.

This level of effectiveness was even likened to publicly-available insect repellent that contains DEET.

While there is still a great leap between this research and an improved method for combating mosquito-transmitted illnesses, Walter Leal, who studies human-mosquito interactions at the University of California, Davis, but is not an author of this study, is optimistic.

He stated to National Geographic that “Now that we know that some compounds trigger this memory of avoidance, one could possibly use a formulation that not only includes an active repellent, like DEET but also includes some compound that would trigger the memory of avoidance.”

A New Study Shows Mosquitoes Can Be Trained Not to Bite Specific Humans


Mosquitoes transmit dangerous diseases, killing more people than any other animal and prompting the recent War on Mosquitoes. A new study shows that a method for training mosquitoes not to bite specific humans could be as effective as using insect repellents like DEET.


A graphic from Bill Gates’ blog clearly illustrates that the mosquito causes more deaths per year than any other animal on the planet. This killer insect has a nasty reputation for spreading the disease around the globe, prompting what some have called The War on Mosquitoes. A recent experiment could be a turning point in this battle, as it equips us with a surprising and potentially revolutionary weapon — the ability to train mosquitoes.

According to a study published in Current Biology, when you slap at a mosquito that is about to bite you, it learns to associate your personal scent with that life-threatening experience and will avoid you in the future. This is the first demonstration showing that mosquitoes are able to both learn and remember.

It turns out that mosquitoes can learn and remember. Image Credit: WikiImages / Pixabay
It turns out that mosquitoes can learn and remember. 

As described by Jeff Riffell, the study’s lead researcher and University of Washington neuroecologist, in an interview with National Geographic“They’re essentially Pavlov’s mosquitoes.” He is referring to the famous experiment in which dogs are trained to salivate on command, which is comparable to mosquitoes being trained to avoid certain humans.


Mosquitoes don’t bite at random. They are drawn to specific scents which are more alluring than others. The human scent, generally speaking, is particularly attractive to mosquitoes. But, when a person slaps at a mosquito, they usually create small vibrations on the skin that interrupt the insect’s attempt to bite.

The Worst Bug Bites in the World [INFOGRAPHIC]

In this study, the researchers recreated these vibrations in 20-minute sessions and found that, when the mosquito bite was disturbed by these vibrations, the insect avoided that scent for up to 24 hours. This level of effectiveness was even likened to publicly-available insect repellent that contains DEET.

While there is still a great leap between this research and an improved method for combating mosquito-transmitted illnesses, Walter Leal, who studies human-mosquito interactions at the University of California, Davis, but is not an author of this study, is optimistic. He stated to National Geographic that “Now that we know that some compounds trigger this memory of avoidance, one could possibly use a formulation that not only includes an active repellent, like DEET but also includes some compound that would trigger the memory of avoidance.”

Behavioral Resistance: Mosquitoes Learn to Avoid Bed Nets.

Malaria is a notoriously tricky infectious disease. Because of a unique genetic flexibility, it is able to change surface proteins, avoiding the immune response and greatly complicating vaccine development. Furthermore, the parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes, which are difficult to control. Insecticides work, but mosquitoes can develop resistance to them.


One method widely used to control malaria is for governments or charities to provide families with insecticide-treated bed nets. Overall, this strategy is very successful, and it has been credited with preventing some 451 million cases of malaria in the past 15 years. But bed nets are not successful everywhere. In some parts of the world, mosquitoes develop “behavioral resistance”; i.e., they learn to avoid bed nets by biting people earlier in the day.

A team led by Lisa Reimer of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine monitored mosquito behavior in villages in Papua New Guinea before (2008) and after (2009-2011) the distribution of bed nets. Data from one of the villages, Mauno, depicts a very noticeable shift in mosquito feeding behavior. (See graphs on the right.)

Before bed nets were distributed in 2008, the median biting time for mosquitoes was around midnight. After the distribution, the median time shifted back to 10 pm. Also, a greater proportion of mosquitoes took their dinner even earlier, from 7 to 9 pm.

Worryingly, it’s unclear whether the bed nets were effective at preventing malaria transmission. The number of bites per person per night dropped after the introduction of bed nets, but started to climb in subsequent years as mosquitoes began to adapt. Additionally, the prevalence of malaria infection in humans — arguably, the only statistic that actually matters — dropped in one village, remained the same in a second, and ticked up slightly (albeit insignificantly) in a third.

Despite the mixed results in Papua New Guinea, Dr Reimer believes that bed nets should continue to be used worldwide as part of a mosquito control strategy. However, she notes that behavioral resistance may prove just as vexing as insecticide resistance and, in some locations, may limit the efficacy of bed nets.

Thus, mosquitoes must be monitored for both behavioral and insecticide resistance, as the little creeps stubbornly refuse to die and may be cleverer than we thought.

THIS is how mosquitoes find and target us.

Researchers from University of Washington and the California Institute of Technology, have successfully observed mosquitoes long enough to decode their pattern of finding food.


They will smell you, might not exactly be groundbreaking. But what is so, is that, they smell your breath and not ‘you’. The carbon dioxide you expel with every breath is their muse. When they have got your scent, their visual cues shift into drive, quickly followed up with their heat senses.

They will smell you, might not exactly be groundbreaking. But what is so, is that, they smell your breath and not ‘you’. The carbon dioxide you expel with every breath is their muse. When they have got your scent, their visual cues shift into drive, quickly followed up with their heat senses.


How are strong is their sense of scent? They can smell you out from up to 30 feet away.

“Carbon dioxide is the best signal for a warm-blooded animal, and they can sense that from up to 30 feet away – quite a distance,” Mr. Riffell, researcher and co-author on the paper,  said. “And then they start using vision and other body odors to discriminate whether we’re a dog or a deer or a cow or a human. That may be how they discriminate among potential blood hosts.”

Anti-Malarial Mosquitoes?


Artificially induced bacterial infections in mosquitoes could reduce the spread of malaria-causing parasites.

Creating a stable, heritable infection of Wolbachiabacteria in Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes diminishes the insects’ chances of transmitting the human malaria-causing parasite, according to a report published today (May 9) in Science. The results suggest that such modified mosquitoes could contribute to malaria prevention strategies in the future.

“It’s a very nice demonstration that Anophelesgenus, the most important disease vector mosquitoes, which haven’t previously been shown to naturally support Wolbachia infections, can indeed do so in a stable inherited manner,” saidSteven Sinkins, head of the Mosquitoes & Wolbachia group in the Experimental Medicine division at the University of Oxford, UK, who was not involved in the research. “It’s all very exciting stuff in terms of developing new malaria control strategies.”

Wolbachia are parasites or endosymbionts to many insect species, even some mosquitoes, and in certain cases can protect their hosts from infection by other parasites. This protective feature led researchers to wonder whether Wolbachia might be used to prevent the spread of dangerous human parasites in their insect hosts.

Indeed, it was recently shown that establishing a Wolbachia infection in the dengue fever virus-carrying mosquito, Aedes aegypti, made the insects resistant to the virus. Such mosquitoes have now been released into the wild in field trials, and could potentially reduce the incidence of dengue virus infections in people.

Zhiyong Xi, director of the Sun Yat-sen University-Michigan State University Joint Center of Vector Control for Tropical Diseases in Guangdong, China, has now applied the same approach to establishWolbachia infections in Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, which are the major carriers of malaria-causing Plasmodium falciparum in South Asia and the Middle East.

Anopheles mosquitoes are not natural hosts to Wolbachia bacteria, but if a stable infection is established, there’s a good chance it would persist, said Xi, because “this bacteria is transmitted from mother to offspring.” Achieving such a stable, heritable infection, however, had been “for a long time the biggest challenge,” he said.

“Surprisingly enough for the scourge of humanity, [Anopheles mosquitoes] are rather difficult and temperamental and not particularly robust to work with in the lab,” explained Sinkins. “It’s also been a mater of identifying the right strain [of Wolbachia] that will be able to form inherited infections without being too harmful to the mosquito.”

But if anyone could get stable infection to work, Xi could, said Jason Rasgon, a professor of entomology at Penn State University, who was not involved in the work. “This is a major step. People have been trying to put Wolbachia into Anopheles for, I think, 25 years,” said Rasgon, “And I’m not surprised this lab was the first to do it. Zhiyong Xi and his team are probably the best people in the world at doing embryonic microinjections of mosquitoes”—the technique necessary for transferring the Wolbachia bacteria.

Despite the technical expertise, it wasn’t an easy task. From nearly 500 mosquito embryos that Xi’s team microinjected with Wolbachia, only six hatched. Four of those survived to adulthood, and only one infected female passed the bacteria to her progeny to produce a stable line of infected mosquitoes over many generations.

The infected mosquitoes were also not as reproductively fit at their uninfected counterparts—only half their eggs hatched successfully. However, they had an alternative advantage, Xi explained.Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes are unable to successfully breed with uninfected females due to a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatability. The resulting preference for infected females helps eradicate uninfected individuals from the population. Indeed Xi’s infected mosquitoes could eradicate their uninfected counterparts after eight generations, so long as infected males were sufficiently abundant, the team found.

Importantly, when the Wolbachia-infected mosquitos were fed P. falciparum, the parasites’ development to the malaria-causing sporozoite stage was suppressed 3 to 4 fold compared to P. falciparum infections in wild type mosquitoes. Such a reduction in the wild would likely amount to complete resistance, the authors said.

This claim “needs to be tested,” however, said Rasgon. For the modified mosquitoes to help eradicate malaria in the field, he said, researchers “need to ensure that [the strategy] is going to block epidemiologically relevant levels of Plasmodium.” They also need to put Wolbachia intoAnopheles gambiae, he added. Although Anopheles stephensi is an important vector in South Asia, he explained, “the main vector, if you really want to have a major effect on malaria infection, would beAnopheles gambiae, which is the African vector.”

But Anopheles gambiae is even more difficult to work with than Anopheles stephensi, explained Xi. “You probably need 5,000 [injections] to get one [stable line],” he said. He remains hopeful, though. “I think in the future we will be successful.” And in the meantime, he is working toward field trials withAnopheles stephensi in South Asia, he said.


G. Bian et al., “Wolbachia invades Anopheles stephensi populations and induces refractoriness to Plasmodium infection,” Science, 340: 748-751, 2013.
