Five planets to align in spectacular celestial show

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will all appear together in the night sky for the first time since 2005

A telescope

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will all appear together in the night sky this month Photo: AP

Five planets will be visible in the night sky this week in a rare astronomical alignment which has not happened for more than a decade.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will all appear together for the first time since 2005.

The alignment will be visible in Britain just before dawn from January 20, but astronomers say the best view is likely to be on the morning of February 5.

“There will be a dance of the planets.It will be well worth getting up for.”
Dr Robert Massey, Royal Astronomical Society

The planets will from a diagonal line from the Moon to the horizon and with clear skies and good eyesight, should be visible with the naked eye.

Dr Robert Massey of the Royal Astronomical Society said spotting Mercury would be a challenge as it will be close to the horizon, but the other planets should be easy to see in before dawn.

“There will be a dance of the planets, and now is the time to get out and have a look,” said Dr Massey. “It will be well worth getting up for.

“People will struggle to see Mercury, it will probably just look like a star but if we get good weather we should be able to see Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter well. But people should have a shot at seeing them altogether.

“Venus will be very obvious in the south east and Saturn will be a little bit higher up to the right. Further over at due south, you’ll see Mars and way beyond in the south east will be Jupiter.

“They won’t be in an exact straight line, because you virtually never get that in astronomy. They will be more scattered.”

Conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Venus seen in Newcastle upon Tyne

The five planets will be strung out in the night sky together, with Venus appearing the brightest  

Mercury will appear just three degrees above the horizon – the equivalent of three thumb widths with an outstretched arm – so will be the trickiest planet to spot.

The best time to see the alignment is around 6.45am in the morning, just before dawn. It is best to try and see Venus and then look for the rest of the planets.

Four of the five have already been visible in the early morning sky in recent weeks, but Mercury will join them for the first time on Wednesday.

Dr Massey added: “If you have binoculars you will be able to see Jupiter’s moons and the red tinge of Mars. You probably won’t be able to see Saturn’s rings but it will have a funny shape because of the rings which you should be able to pick out.

Jupiter and Venus will appear side by side over the next two nights, according to astronomers.

The planets rarely come together because of their differeing orbits

“If you are using binoculars it’s important not to look towards the sun when it rises.”

The stars Antares and Spica will also be visible in the same patch of sky. Uranus and Neptune are the only two planets that will not be on show.

And if you fail to catch the alignment this month, it will be happen again in August of this year although the late days of summer are likely to make it even more difficult to see in Britain. After that, the five planets will not be seen together again until October 2018.

People hoping to catch a glimpse of the alignment should choose an open spot, away from tall buildings and city lights to avoid light pollution.

Vaccine flu shots still contain 25 micrograms mercury – 100 times the concentration of ‘mercury-loaded’ fish

Nobody asks the nurse for the box or the insert when they get a flu shot. At least, I’ve never known anyone who said they did or do. Why not? We flip over food and beverage products all the time, to check for contaminants or stuff that we’re allergic to. Millions of Americans are getting injected every year with 100 times the mercury they’re worried about in fish, because they read about the salmon or tuna in some newspaper clip or saw a quick spot on the news.

Now remember, since most of the mercury in the food will be processed by your body with the food, you may only retain 10 percent of the toxic heavy metal. But when the nurse, who doesn’t offer you to look at the box or read the insert, jabs that needle into your upper arm and rubs it with a little cotton swab, while that nurse tries to help you avoid the flu, you’re actually getting something much MORE dangerous to your health (mainstream, “lame-stream” media cannot and will not talk about this).

Intramuscular injections contain 100 times the concentration of mercury you find in certain fish

If you’re a flu shot “frequenter” — meaning that you get one nearly every fall or winter, you are actually doing the opposite of what the flu “industry” (CDC) tells you on the insert and the box inside which the influenza vaccine comes. Yes, read it and you will know. Ask the nurse and have him/her leave the room while you review it. The flu shot warning tells you NOT to get the shot again if you’ve already had it. It doesn’t say how recently, or even whether that was when you were a child. It just flat out tells you not to get another one. So where does that put us with the whole vaccine schedule when you get 25 to 30 vaccines, including some flu shots, before the age of six? How much mercury are you getting and did you get, cumulatively, over the years? Is this why they warn you on the box and insert? (

Have you gotten a FluLaval shot EVER before? Will you ever again? Natural health news enthusiasts are concerned for you. The ultimate health pioneer is looking out for you and is researching exactly which neurotoxins the “Medical-Industrial Complex” of the USA is pushing through those needles into the muscle tissue of kids, babies and pregnant women. Health Ranger Mike Adams uncovers this awful truth in the forensic food lab, where he tests everything from flu shots to Chicken McNuggets and Wheaties metal flakes! This is top-notch research being shared for the millions who follow Natural News and spread the word. Thanks, Mike, for all you do, digging into research that protects us from the hidden nightmares that Big Pharma besieges upon us.

You thought mercury-loaded fish were bad for you, try a flu shot!

Do you take the wrong kind of fish oil supplements? Threats from mercury are greater at lower levels than thought in the past. People go out to eat at restaurants and don’t even think twice about where the fish comes from. They eat tuna out of cans and can’t figure out their health problems, or the root causes. Then, they go and do something really dumb — they get a flu shot. How can something so popular be such a “common-senseless” thing to do? Maybe because the people getting them are still mentally challenged from the last one they got?

How would you like to “consume” 25,000 times as much mercury (level) as is the maximum allowed by the EPA for water? By injecting mercury into your blood directly, it also bypasses digestion, lung filtration and other natural defenses that your body would rather use to combat this heavy metal toxic nightmare. We are talking about 51 parts per million of inorganic mercury, but it’s supposed to help you fight off the flu, which your body should already be able to do just fine, if you weren’t eating GMOs daily and getting vaccines yearly!

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World Water Day.

March 22 is World Water Day.
We all know how important water is, from where it comes, where it goes,so I’m not trying to discuss these issues.
Just think..
How much water on this planet is safe to drink? How many people are deprived of clean water?
Is the water safe what you are drinking? It hardly matter if you use any water purifier.
Fluoride content is going high. Even Ebola virus may be in the water.
Fukashima disaster and the radioactive water drained into the sea and reached the other part of the globe and noone cares.
Horn of Africa is going through the worst famine in human history.
Omega 3 n 6 fatty acids are derived from sharks where the mercury content is too high.
Think before you drink….
It’s also human greed that makes the world thirsty.

From the desk of Zedie.

Vaccine flu shots still contains 25 micrograms mercury – 100 times the concentration of ‘mercury-loaded’ fish.

Nobody asks the nurse for the box or the insert when they get a flu shot. At least, I’ve never known anyone who said they did or do. Why not? We flip over food and beverage products all the time, to check for contaminants or stuff that we’re allergic to. Millions of Americans are getting injected every year with 100 times the mercury they’re worried about in fish, because they read about the salmon or tuna in some newspaper clip or saw a quick spot on the news.


Now remember, since most of the mercury in the food will be processed by your body with the food, you may only retain 10 percent of the toxic heavy metal. But when the nurse, who doesn’t offer you to look at the box or read the insert, jabs that needle into your upper arm and rubs it with a little cotton swab, while that nurse tries to help you avoid the flu, you’re actually getting something much MORE dangerous to your health (mainstream, “lame-stream” media cannot and will not talk about this).

Intramuscular injections contain 100 times the concentration of mercury you find in certain fish

If you’re a flu shot “frequenter” — meaning that you get one nearly every fall or winter, you are actually doing the opposite of what the flu “industry” (CDC) tells you on the insert and the box inside which the influenza vaccine comes. Yes, read it and you will know. Ask the nurse and have him/her leave the room while you review it. The flu shot warning tells you NOT to get the shot again if you’ve already had it. It doesn’t say how recently, or even whether that was when you were a child. It just flat out tells you not to get another one. So where does that put us with the whole vaccine schedule when you get 25 to 30 vaccines, including some flu shots, before the age of six? How much mercury are you getting and did you get, cumulatively, over the years? Is this why they warn you on the box and insert? (

Have you gotten a FluLaval shot EVER before? Will you ever again? Natural health news enthusiasts are concerned for you. The ultimate health pioneer is looking out for you and is researching exactly which neurotoxins the “Medical-Industrial Complex” of the USA is pushing through those needles into the muscle tissue of kids, babies and pregnant women. Health Ranger Mike Adams uncovers this awful truth in the forensic food lab, where he tests everything from flu shots to Chicken McNuggets and Wheaties metal flakes! This is top-notch research being shared for the millions who follow Natural News and spread the word. Thanks, Mike, for all you do, digging into research that protects us from the hidden nightmares that Big Pharma besieges upon us.

You thought mercury-loaded fish were bad for you, try a flu shot!

Do you take the wrong kind of fish oil supplements? Threats from mercury are greater at lower levels than thought in the past. People go out to eat at restaurants and don’t even think twice about where the fish comes from. They eat tuna out of cans and can’t figure out their health problems, or the root causes. Then, they go and do something really dumb — they get a flu shot. How can something so popular be such a “common-senseless” thing to do? Maybe because the people getting them are still mentally challenged from the last one they got?

How would you like to “consume” 25,000 times as much mercury (level) as is the maximum allowed by the EPA for water? By injecting mercury into your blood directly, it also bypasses digestion, lung filtration and other natural defenses that your body would rather use to combat this heavy metal toxic nightmare. We are talking about 51 parts per million of inorganic mercury, but it’s supposed to help you fight off the flu, which your body should already be able to do just fine, if you weren’t eating GMOs daily and getting vaccines yearly!

Check out the free special report on The Hidden History of Medicine (disturbing facts) here:

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Study Reveals Shocking Amount of Mercury in Many Foods we Eat.

According to The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency: Mercury poses a health risk to everybody but especially to young children and fetuses because they’re still developing.  Prolonged low level exposure may cause learning disabilities by hurting the ability of children to think and read.  Adults who have been exposed to high levels of mercury may experience trembling hands and numbness or tingling in their lips, tongues, fingers, and toes.  Acute mercury poisoning especially through ingestion, can damage the brain, liver, kidneys, and even cause death.

Research published in Environmental Health and conducted in part by a scientist at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has revealed that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercuryHigh-fructose corn syrup is used in almost everything, it seems. A second study conducted by David Wallinga, M.D., entitled “Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup” reveals that nearly one-third of all grocery items sweetened with HFCS  were contaminated with mercury


Most people don’t know how high-fructose corn syrup is really made. One of those processes is a bizarre chemical brew involving the creation of caustic soda by exposing raw materials to pools of electrified mercury in a large vat. Through this process, the caustic soda gets contaminated with mercury, and when corn kernels are exposed to this caustic soda to break them down, that contamination is passed through to the HFCS.

Another toxic chemical, glutaraldehyde, is also used in the production of HFCS. It’s so toxic that consuming even a small amount of it can burn a hole in your stomach.

But don’t worry: The Corn Refiners Association insists that HFCS is a “natural” ingredient, and their Chicago-based PR firm Weber Shandwick is now also claiming that HFCS has been declared “natural” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It hasn’t really, of course, but that doesn’t stop the press releases from claiming it has. (If you think a liquid sugar processed with glutaraldehyde and contaminated with mercury is “natural,” then you’ve been duped. There’s nothing natural about a processed food ingredient made with toxic chemicals.)

A Weber Shandwick representative calls me every time I post an article about HFCS, by the way, usually with demands that I remove the entire article. I’ve invited the Corn Refiners Association to a phone interview to defend their position that HFCS doesn’t cause diabetes or obesity, and to answer questions about whether HFCS is really “natural.” So far, they have declined to be interviewed. It seems they don’t want to face real questions from an honest journalist who refuses to be censored by powerful corporations.

One thing I’ve got to say about the Corn Refiners Association is that they have a well-funded PR machine running around the internet trying to make everybody remove stories that say anything negative about HFCS.

I’ve noticed that the Corn Refiners Association is a master at spinning the truth. For example, the president of the CRA, Audrae Erickson, said this in a statement responding to the mercury findings: “Our industry has used mercury-free versions of the two reagents mentioned in the study, hydrochloric acid and caustic soda, for several years.”

Well sure, that’s true. But what is Erickson NOT saying? She’s not saying that ALL the HFCS is made without mercury. She just says that somewhere in the industry, somebody is using a mercury-free version of the caustic soda. That doesn’t mean all the HFCS is mercury free, yet if you don’t read her statement carefully, you might be misled into thinking that. Her statement, in fact, leaves open the possibility that 99% of all HFCS might still be manufactured using mercury.

Note carefully that Erickson does not say all HFCS sold in the U.S. is free from mercury. Instead, she makes a clever statement that results in most readers assuming that’s what she means. The CRA is well known for using this kind of language spin tactics.

Sources:  Real Farmacy &


Use of mercury in gold mining stirs controversy in Brazil.

Scientists in Brazil have expressed concern that new regulations in the country’s Amazonas state continue to permit the use of mercury in gold mining, and have put forward what they say are more environmentally-friendly alternatives.

Mercury is used mainly in small-scale ‘artisanal’ mining, using amalgamation processes that extract gold from other minerals by binding it to the mercury, and then burning off the mercury.

This activity is increasing in developing countries across Latin America and Africa due to the steady increase in gold prices in recent years.

However mercury has a highly toxic, irreversible effect on humans. Symptoms include psychomotor problems, memory loss, gingivitis, kidney problems, muscular tremors, and even death.

The Amazonas government, which first allowed the use of mercury in mining in 2005, argues that mercury is currently the only affordable option for artisanal miners.

But Daniel Nava, Amazonas’s secretary of state for mining, geodiversity and water resources, has said that new regulations released in mid-June by the Environmental Council of Amazonas are intended to tighten up its use.

“It should not be seen as freedom to use mercury, but as a regulation of mining activity,” he said.

According to Nava, the new regulations include steps to mitigate the impact of mercury use. For example, simple equipment, such as crucibles or retorts, must be used to reduce the amount of mercury released into the atmosphere. The regulations also require all miners to take a course on good environmental practices.

But Brazilian scientists say that allowing mercury to be continue to be used in mining and released into the environment is a “huge step backwards”, according to Olaf Malm, who is researching mercury pollution at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Malm told SciDev.Net that it goes against the prevalent world view on proper mercury disposal, namely, to avoid any release into the environment.

Many scientists favour alternatives such as the use of cyanide, which they say is less harmful.

“Like any industrial process, cyanidation [a metallurgical technique for extracting gold from low-grade ore] has operational risks, being highly toxic to humans and to the environment. But responsible users should manage and take steps to mitigate such risks,” said Giorgio de Tomi, a researcher in mining technologies at the University of São Paulo.

In particular, he added, “the process of neutralising cyanide after industrial use is simple, well known, widely used, and eliminates operational risks.”

De Tomi told SciDev.Net that all larger companies working in the Amazon region use this process, and that public agencies, nongovernmental organisations, universities and other bodies should support miners in changing to mercury-free methods.

“In my opinion, this is not the result of miners’ careless attitudes. The mercury process is the only one they know that works. It’s up to us to support them in moving to mercury-free technology,” de Tomi said.

Source: ScivX