Brain Scans of Dying Man Suggest Life Flashes Before Our Eyes Upon Death

An elderly epilepsy patient unexpectedly died during a brain scan, revealing bursts of activity associated with memory recall, meditation, and dreamin

A man's head with many wires and electrodes attached to his scalp
Doctors were performing an electroencephalogram (EEG) on a patient with epilepsy when he unexpectedly passed away.

New research is revealing what happens in the brain during our final moments of life. When scientists recorded the brainwaves of a dying man, he appeared to go through a sudden flash of memories seconds before and after his heart stopped beating. This first-of-its-kind study suggests we may experience a flood of memories when we die.

In the research published last week in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, doctors took brain scans of an 87-year-old Canadian patient with epilepsy. The team was performing a test that detects electrical activity in the brain, called an electroencephalogram (EEG), to learn more about what was happening during his seizures.

The elderly man had an unexpected heart attack and died during the procedure and, in accordance with the patient’s Do-Not-Resuscitate status, the doctors did not attempt any further treatment and the man soon passed away, reports Ed Cara for Gizmodo

Because the EEG machine kept running, doctors got a glimpse into the man’s brain activity at the end of his life. Such scans had never before been captured on a dying individual.

“This is why it’s so rare, because you can’t plan this. No healthy human is going to go and have an EEG before they die, and in no sick patient are we going to know when they’re going to die to record these signals,” study author Ajmal Zemmar, a neurosurgeon at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, says to Insider’s Anna Medaris Miller. 

For roughly 30 seconds before and after the man’s heart stopped beating, the scans showed increased acitivy in parts of the brain associated with memory recall, meditation, and dreaming. Different types of neural oscillations, also called brain waves, are involved in different brain functions. Researchers recorded both high-frequency gamma oscillations as well as slower-frequency theta, delta, alpha, and beta oscillations. Scientists say they were particularly intrigued by the presence of gamma waves, which suggest the man’s brain may have been replaying memories from throughout his life.

“Through generating oscillations involved in memory retrieval, the brain may be playing a last recall of important life events just before we die, similar to the ones reported in near-death experiences,” Zemmar says in a news release. And the patient’s brain activity didn’t immediately stop when he was declared dead. “Surprisingly, after the heart stops pumping blood into the brain, these oscillations keep going,” he tells Insider. “So that was extremely surprising for us to see.”

Because this phenomenon has only been observed in a single case so far, Zemmar and his colleagues caution against assuming brain activity is the same for all people upon death. The patient who died had epilepsy, which can alter gamma wave activity, per Live Science’s Harry Baker.

Despite the limitations of studying a single case, the results built on a 2013 study in rats that reported similar brain activity patterns before and after death, leading some to speculate that memory recall could be a universal experience of dying mammals.

“As a neurosurgeon, I deal with loss at times. It is indescribably difficult to deliver the news of death to distraught family members,” says Zemmar in a press release. “Something we may learn from this research is: although our loved ones have their eyes closed and are ready to leave us to rest, their brains may be replaying some of the nicest moments they experienced in their lives.”

An elderly epilepsy patient unexpectedly died during a brain scan, revealing bursts of activity associated with memory recall, meditation, and dreamin

A man's head with many wires and electrodes attached to his scalp
Doctors were performing an electroencephalogram (EEG) on a patient with epilepsy when he unexpectedly passed away.

New research is revealing what happens in the brain during our final moments of life. When scientists recorded the brainwaves of a dying man, he appeared to go through a sudden flash of memories seconds before and after his heart stopped beating. This first-of-its-kind study suggests we may experience a flood of memories when we die.

In the research published last week in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, doctors took brain scans of an 87-year-old Canadian patient with epilepsy. The team was performing a test that detects electrical activity in the brain, called an electroencephalogram (EEG), to learn more about what was happening during his seizures.

The elderly man had an unexpected heart attack and died during the procedure and, in accordance with the patient’s Do-Not-Resuscitate status, the doctors did not attempt any further treatment and the man soon passed away, reports Ed Cara for Gizmodo

Because the EEG machine kept running, doctors got a glimpse into the man’s brain activity at the end of his life. Such scans had never before been captured on a dying individual.

“This is why it’s so rare, because you can’t plan this. No healthy human is going to go and have an EEG before they die, and in no sick patient are we going to know when they’re going to die to record these signals,” study author Ajmal Zemmar, a neurosurgeon at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, says to Insider’s Anna Medaris Miller. 

For roughly 30 seconds before and after the man’s heart stopped beating, the scans showed increased acitivy in parts of the brain associated with memory recall, meditation, and dreaming. Different types of neural oscillations, also called brain waves, are involved in different brain functions. Researchers recorded both high-frequency gamma oscillations as well as slower-frequency theta, delta, alpha, and beta oscillations. Scientists say they were particularly intrigued by the presence of gamma waves, which suggest the man’s brain may have been replaying memories from throughout his life.

“Through generating oscillations involved in memory retrieval, the brain may be playing a last recall of important life events just before we die, similar to the ones reported in near-death experiences,” Zemmar says in a news release. And the patient’s brain activity didn’t immediately stop when he was declared dead. “Surprisingly, after the heart stops pumping blood into the brain, these oscillations keep going,” he tells Insider. “So that was extremely surprising for us to see.”

Because this phenomenon has only been observed in a single case so far, Zemmar and his colleagues caution against assuming brain activity is the same for all people upon death. The patient who died had epilepsy, which can alter gamma wave activity, per Live Science’s Harry Baker.

Despite the limitations of studying a single case, the results built on a 2013 study in rats that reported similar brain activity patterns before and after death, leading some to speculate that memory recall could be a universal experience of dying mammals.

“As a neurosurgeon, I deal with loss at times. It is indescribably difficult to deliver the news of death to distraught family members,” says Zemmar in a press release. “Something we may learn from this research is: although our loved ones have their eyes closed and are ready to leave us to rest, their brains may be replaying some of the nicest moments they experienced in their lives.”

Smartphone App Can Significantly Improve Memory Recall

Summary: A new smartphone app, dubbed HippoCamera helps to significantly improve memory recall and could have applications for improving memory for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The app mimics the function of the hippocampus, constructing and maintaining memories. The app enhances biological memory encoding by boosting attention to daily events and consolidating them more distinctly.

Source: University of Toronto

Researchers at the University of Toronto have demonstrated that a new smartphone application helps to significantly improve memory recall, which could prove beneficial for individuals in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of memory impairment.

Dubbed HippoCamera for its ability to mimic the function of the brain’s hippocampus in memory construction and retention, the app enhances the encoding of memories stored in the brain by boosting attention to daily events and consolidating them more distinctly—thus later enabling richer, more comprehensive recall.

In a two-step process, HippoCamera users record a short video of up to 24 seconds of a moment they want to remember with a brief eight-second audio description of the event.

The app combines the two elements just as the brain’s hippocampus would, with the video component sped up to mimic aspects of hippocampal function and to facilitate efficient review.

Users then replay cues produced by HippoCamera at later times on a curated and regular basis to reinforce the memory and enable detailed recall.

“We found that memories with an associated HippoCamera cue were long-lasting, and that it worked for everyone in the study—healthy older adults, those starting to show cognitive decline and even one case with severe amnesia due to an acquired brain injury,” said study co-author Morgan Barense, a professor in the department of psychology in U of T’s Faculty of Arts & Science and Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience.

“Many months after the initial part of the study ended, and participants had not watched their HippoCamera cues, they were able to recall these memories in rich detail.”

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that regular users of the app were able to recall more than 50% more details about everyday experiences that took place as many as six months earlier than if they had only recorded events and never replayed them.

The new research suggests that systematic reactivation of memories for recent real-world experiences can help to maintain a bridge between the present and past in older adults and holds promise for people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of memory impairment.

The study also found that reviewing memory cues with HippoCamera resulted in more positive sentiment during later retrieval.

“There’s something about being better able to remember these events that made people feel closer to them and more positive,” said Barense, who is leading the development of the app and is adjunct scientist at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest.

“This is a really important finding given what we know about dementia and the fact that positive reminiscence or focusing on positive life events and positive emotions can improve both memory and well-being in dementia.”

For the study, participants recorded unique HippoCamera clips for everyday events that they wanted to remember and subsequently replayed these memory cues approximately eight times over a two-week period in one experiment, and over a 10-week period in a second experiment.

The researchers then initiated a cued recall task where they showed the participants their memory cues and asked them to describe everything they could remember about each event.

This was followed by fMRI brain scanning sessions where researchers measured patterns of brain activity while participants saw their cues and completed a memory test. Three months later, after not practicing their HippoCamera memories and not having access to the cues, the participants were asked to recall these events a second time.

“On average, we saw on later recall an increase of more than 50% in the amount of rich, detailed information that someone was able to remember about events that happened as many as 200 days ago, which is significant,” said Chris Martin, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Florida State University and lead author of the study.

“Memory is truly self-sustaining —a strong memory cue can bring along another memory, which can feed into another. You just have to focus on the cue in the first place.”

The brain scans showed that replaying HippoCamera memory cues changed the way in which these everyday experiences were coded in the hippocampus, which has a well-established role in storing detailed memories for recent experiences.

Recall-related activity in the hippocampus was more distinctive, meaning that HippoCamera replay helps to ensure that memories for different events remain separate from one another in the brain. University of Toronto

“The more detailed recollection seen earlier in the study was associated with more differentiated memory signals in the hippocampus,” said Martin.

“That HippoCamera is aiding the hippocampus in distinctly encoding memories, so they do not become confused with one another, explains why users are able to recall past events in such great detail.

“It’s evidence that rich and detailed memory reactivation promotes memory differentiation at the neural level, and that this allows us to mentally re-experience the past with vivid detail.”

One key factor in HippoCamera’s effectiveness, the researchers say, is the sense of purpose and intention inherent in its use. By its very design, the intervention prompts users to think about what it is that they want to remember and why a particular moment is important to them—and then regularly re-engage with the memories in a meaningful way.

This shows the app on a cell phone
With an easy-to-use interface, HippoCamera is a personalized way to boost recall of daily experiences and enhance activity in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays a key role in memory.

“Someone who is committed to using HippoCamera is going to go through their lives paying attention to what is happening to them, asking themselves if this is an event they want to capture,” said Barense.

“If it is, they’re going to take the time to stop and describe that event. And that act of approaching events in our lives with more attention is going to be good for memory.

“Then later, there’s an intention with how we study those memories, taking the time to review them using optimal learning techniques.”