What psychiatry can do to end LGBT conversion therapy

We agree that the psychiatry community should do more to help end harmful practices of so-called conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ people.

 Preliminary research suggests conversion practices are a problem with global reach. Further research is needed to clarify its scope. Updating professional consensus on appropriate treatment for LGBTQ+ people is especially important now when medical care for these populations is miscast as scientific pseudocontroversy for political reasons.

International human rights law and bioethics provide several strategies for ending harmful conversion therapy within a health justice framework.

 Examples include criminalisation of such practices by legislatures; strengthening of professional guidelines for licensing, ethics, and other regulatory bodies; and application of anti-discrimination, anti-torture, or consumer-protection law to conversion practice. Of these strategies, we believe that strengthening professional guidelines has many advantages and is an important tool.

Many leading mental health organisations around the world have position statements about the harms of conversion therapy dating back 10 years or more (eg, the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy among UK bodies, and the Pan American Health Organization’s and the World Psychiatric Association’s statements). These position statements help to define the appropriate scope of mental health practice for LGBTQ+ people. Doing so helps to guide professional ethics regulators, licensing bodies, and other professionally qualified overseers to appropriately limit conversion therapies and prevent the abuses associated with them. Periodically updating professional guidelines on appropriate care is a useful alternative to increasingly widespread legislative bans. Such bans risk normalising excessive legislative and judicial regulation of medical practice. In the USA, this overreach has paved the way for recent outlawing of medical practice to treat gender dysphoria based upon long-established evidence-based treatment guidelines,

 and has mischaracterised it as child abuse. Strengthening guidelines would also avoid excessive criminalisation or concern about potential encroachments on other human rights.

For these reasons, it would be helpful for professional psychiatric organisations to update their position statements on conversion therapy to reflect recent research findings on what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate care for historically under-represented groups across sex, gender identities, and expression, and racial, ethnic, and cultural groups (eg, the ILGA World and American Psychological Association’s resolutions). A great deal of research has also been done in the past decade on the relationship of stigma to mental and physical health disparities among LGBTQ+ people, which underscores the potential harm of conversion practices and would be important to include in updated guidelines.

Source: Lancet

Lesbians ‘told they did not need cervical screening’

Women who have sex with women are often wrongly told they do not need a cervical screening test, say LGBT groups.

This results in half of all eligible lesbian and bisexual women never having had a smear test, they said.

The human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes most cervical cancers, can be transmitted through lesbian sex.

Cervical cancer charities say all women, no matter their orientation, should have regular cervical screening.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups say women regularly face barriers to accessing healthcare and can have poor experiences when they do.

For example, in a survey of lesbian, bisexual and other women who have sex with women, 36% said a doctor or nurse had assumed they were heterosexual.

The National LGBT Partnership says women also suffer in other ways – they are more likely to report a long-term mental health problem and more likely to binge drink than heterosexual women.

Preparing for a cervical screening test

‘Blanket statements’

Joanna, 30, was told that she did not require a cervical screen test because she was a lesbian.

Although she was eventually tested, Joanna says: “I just felt she [the doctor] needed to be more knowledgeable on the subject.”

Diane, also 30, said she received inaccurate information about whether or not she could benefit from cervical screenings.

She said: “My GP didn’t advise me of my risk level, she just made a number of blanket statements.”

But HPV is passed on through body fluids, like other sexually transmitted infections.

This means that oral sex, transferring vaginal fluids on hands and fingers, or sharing sex toys can all be ways of being exposed to HPV.

The charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust says all women, regardless of their sexual orientation, should have regular cervical screening.

“As HPV can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact in the genital area, gay women are equally at risk of contracting HPV and experiencing abnormal cervical changes and, thus, should always attend when invited for cervical screening.”

In a study of attitudes to cervical screening among gay and bisexual women in the north-west of England, carried out by the University of Salford in 2011, 37% of women questioned said they had been told they did not require a cervical screening test because of their sexual orientation.

line breakWhat is cervical screening?

It is a test to check the health of the cells of the cervix, not a test for cancer.

Around one in 20 women’s tests show some abnormal changes. Most of these changes will not lead to cervical cancer and the cells may go back to normal on their own.

However, in some cases, the abnormal cells need to be removed so they cannot become cancerous.

All women who are registered with a GP in the UK are invited for cervical screening:

  • Aged 25 to 49 – every three years
  • Aged 50 to 64 – every five years
  • Over 65 – only women who haven’t been screened since age 50 or those who have recently had abnormal tests

Who gets cervical cancer?

It is possible for women of all ages to develop cervical cancer, although the condition mainly affects sexually active women aged 30 to 45.

The condition is much rarer in women under 25.

There are about 3,000 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed each year in the UK.

Do lesbian and bisexual women need cervical screening?

Yes – women should always be offered screening whether they are gay, straight or bisexual.

Sometimes, lesbian women have been advised by health workers that they do not need screening because they do not have sex with men.

But only women who have never had sex at all (with either men or women) may be advised that screening is not necessary.

Study finds rise in gay characters on network TV.

The number of gay and bisexual characters on scripted broadcast network TV is at its highest-ever level in the season ahead, according to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. The total on cable television is also going up.

The 17th-annual “Where We Are on TV” report released Friday by GLAAD found that 4.4 percent of actors appearing regularly on prime-time network drama and comedy series during the 2012-13 season will portray lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender characters. This is up from 2.9 percent in 2011, which saw a dip in what had been a growing annual trend.

The study reviewed 97 scripted TV programs scheduled to air in the upcoming season on the broadcast networks, counting a total of 701 series regular characters. The study found that 31 of them are LGBT characters.

ABC has the highest amount with 10 out of 194, or 5.2 percent, of their regular characters identified as LGBT.

After leading last year, Fox ranks second with six LGBT characters out of 118 total series regulars, or 5.1 percent.

CBS was saluted as the most-improved network, with four out of 142 LGBT series regulars, or 2.8 percent, up from 0.7 percent last year. Among CBS’s new fall series is “Partners,” a comedy about two childhood friends and business partners, one of whom is gay and in a relationship. The network’s lineup represents “an authentic and conscious effort by CBS to improve its diversity,” the study said.

Regular gay and lesbian characters on what the study termed “mainstream” cable television has also risen this season to 35, up from 29 last season.

Among those networks, Showtime leads with 12 LGBT characters. The study also cited HBO, FX, Adult Swim, ABC Family, MTV, Syfy and TeenNick.

The HBO drama “True Blood” remains cable’s most inclusive series, featuring six LGBT characters.

On broadcast TV, male LGBT characters continue to outweigh female characters, 55.5 percent to 44.5 percent, the study found.

Compared to last year, African-American representation has grown from 9.9 percent to 12 percent, while Hispanic representation has decreased from 5.6 percent to 4.1 percent.

“It is vital for networks to weave complex and diverse story lines of LGBT people in the different programs they air,” said GLAAD President Herndon Graddick. “More and more Americans have come to accept their LGBT family members, friends, co-workers and peers, and as audiences tune into their favorite programs, they expect to see the same diversity of people they encounter in their daily lives.”

Source: ABC news.