As dengue is a deadly disease with more than 90% mortality in untreated cases, no established treatment so far till date.

It’s just symptomatic, iv fluids, anti pyretic and platelet transfusion.

As an ardent fan of Ayurveda and also a medical doctor i had seen more than 500 cases of dengue.

This Ayurveda so called cure is just a supplement therapy, not a 100% cure.

Readers are advised to use in with the standard treatment modality.

Pawpaw  (Papaya) Leaf Juice Is A Natural Cure For Dengue Fever

Two (2) pieces of raw Pawpaw (Papaya) leaves. Clean the leaves and pound and squeeze with a filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon of juice per leaf. So, take two (2) tablespoons of Pawpaw (Papaya) leaf juice once a day. Do not boil, or cook, or rinse the leaves with hot water, as it will lose its strength. Use only the leafy part of the Pawpaw (Papaya) plant, and not the stem or sap. The juice is very bitter, and you have to swallow it. But it works.
Simple and Effective – blend the leaves, squeeze the juice, drink immediately.
Case Studies:
1. Male student was in a critical condition in the intensive care unit, when his blood platelet count dropped to 15, after a blood transfusion of 15-litres. The boy’s father was so worried that he sought a friend’s recommendation, and his son was saved. He gave his son the raw juice of the Pawpaw (Papaya) leaves. From a platelet count of 45 (after a blood transfusion of 20-litres), and after drinking the raw Pawpaw (Papaya) leaf juice, his platelet count jumped instantly to 135. Even the doctors and nurses were surprised. After two days in hospital, the boy was discharged.
2. Adult female had a very serious case of Dengue Fever, her platelet count had dropped to 28,000 after 3 days in hospital, and water had started to fill up her lungs, causing difficulty with breathing. She was only 32 years old. Her doctor said there was no cure for Dengue Fever, and she’d just have to wait for her body’s immune system to build up resistance against the Dengue Fever, and fight its own battle. She’d already had two blood transfusions, and her platelet count continued to drop since the first day she was admitted to hospital. Fortunately, her mother-in-law heard that Pawpaw (Papaya) Juice would help to reduce the fever. She got some leaves, pounded them, and squeezed the juice out for her. The next day, her platelet count started to increase, and her fever subsided. The Pawpaw (Papaya) Juice was fed to her, and she recovered after three days. Amazing, but true.
3. It’s believed that the body is overheated when suffering from Dengue Fever, and that Pawpaw (Papaya) Juice has a cooling effect. Thus, it helps to reduce the level of heat in the patient’s body, and the fever then goes away.
4. Pawpaw (Papaya) Juice has also been proven to have beneficial effects on sore throats, or when suffering from heat exhaustion (or overheating).

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