7 Trivia Facts About Polio

It’s called the “Gold Standard of Medicine.”

I’m referring to the current vaccine schedule. But is there an apparent hidden catch? Can justification for the aggressive vaccine schedule arguably be traced back to the polio vaccine that is trotted out as proof vaccines work?

If you don’t believe me, question any parent on vaccines. The knee-jerk question in almost every case is, “What about polio?”

Well, what about it? Here I discuss 7 trivia facts for VacTruth.com readers to investigate further about polio and question the motives of those who would profit from vaccines and disease.


Trivia Fact #1 – Chemicals Used in Pesticides Increased Your Chance for Viral Infections

During World War II and into the 1950s, massive amounts of pesticides, such as DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, TEPP, malathion, were sprayed on crops eaten by humans and livestock.

Any connection to the chemicals used in spraying the pesticide formulations and polio epidemic are regularly denied. However, the chemicals used in spraying pesticides were found to increase viral infections in hosts.[1,2]

Researcher Janis Gabliks noted in the study titled, Studies of Biologically Active Agents in Cells and Tissue Cultures, that,

“As it is recognized that residues of some agricultural insecticides persist in the body and that cells are continuously exposed to their metabolites, we investigated the possibility that these chemicals may alter certain physiological activities of cells and subsequently influence the susceptibility of hosts to virus infections.”  [1]

Parents should also know some of the same chemicals used to spray pesticides (Tween 20, Tween 80, Triton X-100, Nonoxyenol-9) are still present in childhood vaccines. [3,4]


*Note the close correlation to the spraying of pesticides and the worst polio epidemic in US History. “…Before 1940, relatively small amounts of such chemicals as nicotine, rotenone, pyrethrum, and the aresenicals (sic) were used for insect control. During and following World War II a rapid changeover to DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, TEPP, malathion, and related compounds occurred.” [5]

Source: Jim West – http://www.harvoa.org/


Trivia Fact #2 – Milk Was Heavily Contaminated with Pesticides; Quietly Taken Off Shelves While Farmers Paid

By 1959, the total wholesale value in pesticide products had reached $290 million. The massive pesticide campaign was not without cost. [5]

According to congressional reports, many dairy farmers were devastated from pesticides contaminating milk.

Senate Report 1363 shockingly states,

“The problem which our dairy farmers are facing has been brought about by the use of chemicals approved by the Federal Government to dust crops. Some of these chemicals have been found to contaminate feeds. The contamination passes on into the milk and when the residues of pesticides is found to be of too high a level, the farmers are forced to dump their milk, taking it out of commercial channels. The result has been disastrous to the dairy farmers involved, some of which have had to go into bankruptcy.”

“There had been at that time, reasonable prospect that the problem would have diminished to a point that further extension of the authority would not have been necessary. However, as the Department testified then, several large producers had their milk removed from the market because of DDT residue. The problem had in fact not been solved. The local dairymen, the State governments involved, dairy and cotton associations, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have been cooperating in an effort to rid us of this problem. The problem, however, still continues and it it appears that it will continue for the forseeable (sic) years to come.” [6]

When it was obvious pesticide residue levels weren’t dropping as hoped, the Dairy Indemnity Payment Program, or DIPP, officially was created through public law in 1968 to reimburse farmers whose milk was contaminated with pesticides. [6, 7]


Trivia Fact #3 – Polio Is/Was Transmitted Through Contaminated Milk

One of the major ways polio is transmitted is through contaminated milk. [8-14] Even one of the inventors of the polio vaccine, Albert Sabin, investigated the connection, [15] he was not naïve to this information.

Expert on microbiological safety of food and water, Dean O. Cliver, commented on the polio/milk connection in the book Foodborne Diseases,

“Poliomyelitis was the first reported foodborne viral disease, having been transmitted via raw milk as early as 1914. Raw milk predominated as the vehicle among the 10 outbreaks recorded through 1949, the last year in which foodborne poliomyelitis is known to occurred in the United States or other reporting, developed countries. Poliovirus transmission by this route ceased before the advent of the poliomyelitis vaccines, perhaps partly because of improved sanitation and the increased use of pasteurization of milk.” [8]

Sagar M. Goyal noted on page 1 of the book, Viruses in Foods,

“Food was first recognized as a vehicle for the transmission of viruses in 1914 when a raw milk-associated outbreak of poliomyelitis was reported (Jubb, 1915). Additional milk-borne outbreaks were recognized after this time, but with the development of a vaccine for poliovirus, no outbreaks were reported in the developed world after the early 1950s.” [9] (Emphasis is this author’s)

Other common diseases known to be spread through improper handling of contaminated milk at the time were Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Scarlet Fever, Septic Sore Throat, Diphtheria, and Infantile Diarrhea. [16]

Can this be the genesis for all the raw milk controversy that is going on to this very day? Instead of promoting the proper safe handling of certified raw milk containing many healthful microorganisms, the U.S. FDA demands pasteurization that promotes other health problems.


Trivia Fact #4–Removing Your Tonsils Exposed You to the Worst Kind of Paralysis

Tonsillectomy surgery was cautioned in the presence of a polio epidemic. [17]

It was discovered if a child had his/her tonsils removed (or even a tooth extracted), they had a greater chance of getting the worst kind of polio called Bulbar Poliomyelitis. [18-20]

Given the information in Trivia Fact #3, this seems to make sense since it was common to give ice cream after a tonsillectomy.


Trivia Fact #5 – Pharmaceutical Companies Funded the writing of the “History of Poliomyelitis”

John R. Paul, M.D., an often-celebrated virologist in the fight against polio, wrote a book entitled, A History of Poliomyelitis. [21]

John Paul wielded significant influence and was, at the time, considered an authority on the subject of polio.

The pharmaceutical companies Lederle Laboratories, Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Parke, Davis & Co., Pfizer Inc.,and Smith Kline & French gave grants to help write a pharmaceutical-friendly-version of the history of polio.


Source: Personal Photo of Book


*Note: VacTruth readers should also investigate the history of the pharmaceutical companies. Geigy, now known as Novartis Pharmaceuticals, held the patent on the pesticide DDT. Novartis now manufacture vaccines.

The following quote was taken from the military handbook “DDT and Other Insecticides and Repellents” regarding spraying DDT, “The Geigy company holds the patents on the use of the compound [DDT] as an insecticide. The United States patent is No. 2,329,074, issued September 7, 1943, to Paul Müller.” [22]


Trivia Fact #6 – A Dangerous Vaccine: Americans Not Told Vaccine Caused Paralysis

During the polio epidemic, the Poliomyelitis Surveillance Unit (PSU) investigated a possible association between the paralysis and the vaccine manufactured by Wyeth Laboratories. This incident became known as the “Wyeth Problem.”  [23,24]

The investigation was led by Neal Nathanson and was summarized in two reports. Marked across the top of the reports are the words, “For Official Use Only – Not for Publication.


One plausible explanation is if Americans knew the vaccine was causing paralysis, they would demand the vaccines be taken off the shelf – just like any other tainted drug. Such a public outcry would have spoiled the popularity of the polio vaccine.

The following passage from one of the reports is revealing,

“The problem was discussed fully with officials of the Pennsylvania Health Department. It was learned that a number of additional cases of suspected poliomyelitis were then under investigation. These had been reported principally from Harrisburg and surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania, an area where lot 236 had been principally used in NFIP (National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis) supported clinics. Some of these cases were known to be “vaccine associated.”” [23] (Emphasis is this author’s)

*Source: Snapshot taken of the “Wyeth Problem” report


Trivia Fact #7 – Researchers Discover How to Paralyze Monkeys with Vaccines

During the International Poliomyelitis Conference held in 1954, Dr. David Bodian from the Poliomyelitis Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University discussed how his research was able to produce paralysis in cynomolgus monkeys by vaccination. [25]

Here is how they did it:

  1. First they gave an injection with, “gelatin, corticosteroids, penicillin, DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis vaccine), saline or merely hypodermic needle punctures…” [25]
  2. Second, they deliberately infected the monkeys with the poliovirus (this concept is called viremia).
  3. Lastly, their observations showed, “…the paralytic rate is considerably increased as compared with the control animals…” [25]

Bodian’s stunning admission shortly followed,

It must be emphasized that the 2 experimental conditions of viremia and of intramuscular injections, as well as the critical time period of an interval of less than 1 month, also characterize the human situation in epidemic areas when intramuscular injections of penicillin or other substances [like DTP vaccine] are given.[25] (Emphasis and inserted words are this author’s)

In other words, Bodian is telling the attendees at the conference injections and other vaccines, such as the DTP vaccine, “may be causing polio.” *

Consider how many injections and live virus vaccines a child now receives in his/her first two years of life. The above information deserves serious consideration by researchers, immunologists, and vaccinologists.

Note: The meeting minutes list Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk as speakers during this session. Thomas Francis and Hilary Koprowski were also present as discussants. Why is this information important? They were all inventors of a (polio) vaccine.

More parents believe vaccines are ‘unnecessary,’ while a mumps outbreak grows

The contrast between parents’ attitudes about vaccines today and a decade ago is striking. A survey published Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that more and more moms and dads are refusing the shots for their children.

Much of the blame for this phenomenon can be attributed to continuing claims from everyone from actor Jim Carrey to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump about the link between vaccines and autism — an idea that originated with a paper later shown to be fraudulent and that numerous scientific teams have tested exhaustively and found to be untrue. But while many parents’ scrutiny of vaccines may have been triggered by the autism theories, they have grown beyond those initial concerns.

That’s a big change, but the more interesting part of the survey is why.

In 2006, the No. 1 reason parents were refusing vaccines was because of concerns about the ingredient thimerosal causing autism. In 2006, 74 said it was about autism. In 2013, that number had declined to 64 percent.

Now, more parents are refusing the vaccine on the grounds that they are “unnecessary” — 73.1 percent in 2013 vs. 63.4 percent in 2006. Moreover, even parents who believe in vaccines appear to be delaying the shots that are supposed to be given on a strict schedule to maximize their effectiveness. Seventy-five percent of pediatricians said that parents asked for delays because of worries about their child’s “discomfort” and 72.5 percent because of a concern “for immune system burden.”


That’s stunning because of the scary history of infectious disease in this country. Polio once killed and paralyzed by the hundreds. An outbreak in New York City in 1916 left an estimated 27,000 people infected and 6,000 dead. The disease is now making a comeback in parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan because of poor immunization rates. In a 1964-65 rubella outbreak that is being compared to what’s going on today with Zika, 1,000 babies miscarried or were aborted, and 20,000 others were born with defects because of rubella. A rubella vaccine is now one of the standard vaccines given in childhood.

The rapid speed at which a modern outbreak can spread was underscored in 2014-2015 when a single unvaccinated child with measles at Disneyland in California started an outbreak that spread to 146 people, many of whom were also unvaccinated. There were no deaths, but many became so seriously ill that they had to be hospitalized.

A lot of the recent controversy over vaccines has focused on a new vaccine for HPV, or human papillomavirus, for preteens or teenagers. The adoption of this vaccine has been low, in part because parents and pediatricians may be reluctant to discuss the fact that it protects against a sexually transmitted virus. Health officials have been focusing on the vaccine’s effectiveness for preventing cancer instead.

Health officials said that some of those infected had been vaccinated, leading them to wonder whether there is a new strain going around, but that they still believe immunization provides the best precaution and urged everyone in the area who has not gotten the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to get it right away. “We’re trying to prevent this from getting larger,” Lawrence Eisenstein, Nassau County’s health commissioner, told ABC News.

The AAP expressed alarm about the findings of the study, stating that “parental noncompliance” with the recommended schedule of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “is an increasing public health concern.”

If the AAP’s urging and the description of some of these outbreaks isn’t enough to persuade you to get yourself or your kids vaccinated, there’s also this.

The pediatrician survey also showed that more doctors are pushing back at parents who refuse vaccines for their children. In 2006, only 6.1 percent said they “always” dismiss patients for this. In 2014, 11.7 percent said they always dismiss patients. So if you continue to refuse vaccines, it’s your right — but it may be harder to find a pediatrician willing to support that choice than before.

This Scientist Let a Flea Live Inside Her In Order to Study It | Smart News

The history of science is filled with stories of curious folks, who, for one reason or another, thought it would be a great idea to experiment on themselves: Benjamin Franklin with his lightning rod kite, Isaac Newton, stabbing himself in the eye with a needle to see what would happenJonas Salk, giving himself (and his family) his experimental polio vaccine. But these are tales of a bygone era, when curiosity took charge and basic lab safety standards hadn’t taken hold.

Or not.

From Science magazine, we learn the much more modern story of Marlene Thielecke, a budding medical researcher who decided to let a sand flea live in her foot. Why? She wanted to answer a question:

Where, exactly, does the sand flea have sex? On the dusty ground, where it spends the first half of its life? Or already nestled snugly in its host—such as in a human foot—where it can suck the blood it needs to nourish its eggs?

Thielcke was already researching a disease, known as tungiasis, which often results from a sand flea infection, says Geekosystem. But, scientists don’t really know how the critters reproduce. So, “upon discovering a flea living in her foot, Thielecke – instead of reacting with the appropriate terror response –  decided to study the creature, in the hopes it might help science.”


At first, the flea didn’t bother Thielecke and she noted that it seemed to grow normally. But she soon realized it wasn’t laying any eggs—unusual for an embedded and otherwise apparently mature flea. It also lived much longer than usual; after 2 months, it was still regularly expelling liquid from its abdomen, a sign it was still alive—but still no eggs. At that point, Thielecke says, the spot was itchy, painful, and prevented her from walking normally. “I started to get uneasy” about leaving it in for so long, she says, so she extracted it.

So what’s the verdict? Sand fleas probably have sex inside you. (Which luckily didn’t happen to Thielecke.)

And, by the way, Thielecke’s tale of self-experimentation isn’t actually as rare as you’d think. At the end of his life Ralph Steinman, the Nobel prize winner in 2011, tested his own pancreatic cancer treatments on himself. James Logan swallowed a hookworm, and a tiny camera, to see what happened. And, in the 1980s, Barry Marshall drank a soup of Helicobacter pylori bacteria to give himself an awful case of stomach ulcers, just to prove that the bacteria were to blame. Or, perhaps our personal favorite, Donald Unger, who cracked the fingers on his left hand, but not his right, to show that cracking your knuckles won’t cause arthritis.

Benjamin Fulford – Extra Update – Obiturary : Dr. Michael Van De Meer, AKA Dr. Michael Meiring, AKA??? The Real James Bond

The fictional character James Bond does not hold a candle to the real McCoy, the man I knew as Dr. Michael Van de Meer. In one of his rare moments of immodesty, Dr. Van de Meer once told me that “what James Bond does is rather tame compared to what I have done.” This man was unique and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

When I first met him in person, he showed me an attaché case containing an Uzi and 7 passports, all real and all with his photo on them. The attaché case had a bullet proof lining. While I was visiting him in the Philippines somebody tried to kill him by dumping large amounts of insecticide into the ventilating system of his hotel room. This was apparently not an unusual sort of occurrence for him. In any case, I was privileged to get, through him, a glimpse at the reality of top of world espionage and intrigue. To him CIA stood for Christ In Action.

Dr. Van de Meer used to go by the name Dr. Michael Meiring until he had both his legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by people working for his arch-enemy George Bush Senior, the head of the Nazi Odessa group.

Although Dr. Van de Meer was very reluctant to discuss his past, every once in a while he would release little nuggets of information about his extraordinary life. He said he grew up in a castle near the ancestral home of Sir Francis Drake. He also once let slip that he was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth and Evelyn de Rothschild, who he described as “not very nice people.”

His father, he claims, was a senior official in the British Raj, who worked with Mohandas Gandhi. My own research has led me to believe he at one point held the hereditary title of Lord Mountbatten, something he always denied.

What I learned through him is that when the British overlords left India, they took with them all the historical gold and treasure they could get their hands on. This gold was then allocated to a fund meant to be used for the benefit of the planet earth and its people. Many other nations and groups also allocated their historical treasures to this fund.

When a group of Nazis and fascists murdered President John F. Kennedy and started illegally using this money to finance their project for a fascist “New World Order,” Dr. Van de Meer set out to stop them.

The early James Bond movies are based in part of Van de Meer’s battle against them. The cat-petting villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, who featured in the original James Bond films written by Ian Fleming, was based on Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, according to MI5 sources. Canaris was not executed during World War 2 for trying to assassinate Hitler and in fact became head of the Nazi Odessa underground after World War 2. It was Van de Meer and his team’s battles against Canaris and his group that formed the basis of the original James Bond novels. Van de Meer himself appears briefly as a young British businessman in the movie Thunderball. Canaris was eventually defeated by Van de Meer only to be replaced by George Bush Senior as the head of Odessa.

Of course Dr. Van de Meer admits he was no angel and he had one huge regret in his life. When he was a young medical doctor in the 1950’s he was sent to Africa to work with Dr. Jonas Salk, a man known to us as the developer of the Polio vaccine. According to Dr. Van de Meer, who then went by the name of Dr. Michael Meiring, Salk and his team killed over 200,000 African green monkeys and sent their blood to the US (Nazi) biological weapons facility at Ft. Detrick.

He found out the blood was being used to develop a disease aimed at depopulating Africa. It is now known as HIV or AIDS.

From that point on his career is something of a mystery. He once told me though of a narrow escape in the Congo where he was forced to confront mass murdering gun-men after crossing a Congo river filled with “hundreds of thousands of bloated dead bodies.”

After his time in Africa, Van de Meer spent 20 years in Asia, mostly the Philippines, researching the mystery of the missing “Yamashita gold” that imperial Japan stashed there during World War 2. He was one of the primary sources for the book “Gold Warriors,” written by Sterling Seagrave.

What Van de Meer learned was that much of the world’s historical gold was being plundered by Nazis. He set out to stop them and that was when Canaris disciple Bush bombed him.

Here is testimony of that event by a good friend of Dr. Michael’s:

The Dr. Michael I met was a neatly-dressed, well-groomed, gentleman, who moved with the power of a body-builder, the grace of a dancer, and the confidence of a man accustomed to command.  Strikingly handsome, with sky-blue eyes that held one’s attention, he spoke with a high British accent.

Dr. Michael was a man on mission.  Once, he opened the Bible that was always near his bed, turning to a passage where God said he would reveal all the hidden wealth in the world, and restore it to the people.  Dr. Michael told me that God had commissioned him to fulfill that promise, to relieve poverty, to renew the land, and to restore Creation to its intended state. In nearly every conversation with me, Dr. Michael found an opportunity to affirm his commitment to returning to the poor and oppressed that which had been taken from them.  He was passionate about building a world network of teaching hospitals and vocational education centers, and engaged in an unrelenting search for the necessary resources. At age sixty-four he would bound up four stories of stairway to his room, with no accelerated breathing.

After breakfast one fateful day, we parted ways.  Dr. Michael, formally attired in a 3-piece suit, went to a meeting, while I took care of business related to the rural youth center I was building.  We agreed to meet again an hour later, to discuss a rural development proposal that had been handed to Dr. Michael.

Less than an hour later, I was stepping out of my room when I heard the explosion. I ran down the hall, turning two corners, and arriving at Dr. Michael’s room within seconds.  Heavy black smoke and extreme heat were pouring out of his door.  Two streams of blood led me away from his door and down the stairway.  Several flights down I saw two men dragging the corners of a bed sheet in which the body was wrapped. On the street a red pickup truck was waiting, into which the body was dumped.  As the body fell out of the sheet, the Dr. Michael I saw looked absolutely like a well-burned road kill, with limbs twisted at impossible angles.  The pickup truck sped off through the heavy traffic, and out of sight.

A few hours later, after initial surgery, the attending plastic surgeon met me in the hall at Doctor’s Hospital, Davao’s finest.  The surgeon informed me that the patient had sustained third-degree burns, much of it full-thickness, over forty-eight percent of his body, had severe burns of his mouth and throat, had inhaled and ingested flame-retarding chemicals,  had lost the lower portion of both legs,  and would probably lose his left arm.  The damage was far beyond the threshold for human survival.  That the patient still lived was miraculous, he said, but the attending physicians had no expectation that he would survive much longer.

When Dr. Michael was returned to his room, he was wrapped in gauze from top to bottom, with only a space for pulmonary and stomach tubes, and just his right ear, arm and hand free (Think “The Invisible Man”!).  He immediately signaled with his free hand that he wished to write.  I put a pen in his hand and held a legal pad on which he scribbled, “Better to be a live dog than a dead lion!”  Over those difficult days, by writing humor and showing a personal interest in each person attending him, he kept everyone in his environment in a positive attitude. Dr. Michael wrote instructions to his attending physicians, many quite unconventional, but all exhibiting a deep knowledge of trauma medicine. He did not lose consciousness, always refused anesthesia, and never appeared to sleep.  He insisted upon inserting his own breathing and feeding tubes, and dictated his own healing diet.  On the third day, one doctor told me, “We don’t know who he is, but we are learning much from this man.” Although he credited me with saving his life, ultimately it was Dr. Michael himself who was responsible for his survival.

My own connection to Dr. Michael began a few years ago after I survived my own murder attempts by the same group of Nazis. He contacted me through Kerry Cassidy after I appeared on an interview on Project Camelot. He saved my life by telling me that Madame Wu was bad mouthing me to the Triads because she was being blackmailed by George Bush Senior about a slush fund she had illegally accumulated overseas. I later heard that Madame Wu was tortured to death after the Chinese found out about her treason.

In any case, Dr. Van de Meer provided me with an education in the secret world at the very top of the financial system. He also pointed me and Neil Keenan towards the Green Hilton Memorial accord as being the reason for the Kennedy assassination and the historical root of the financial crisis we now face.

The members of Asian secret societies who knew him said that despite his tendency to look down on them, they knew he was, in his heart of hearts, a good man who they wanted to work with.

That is why they approached me and asked me to send $750 billion dollars’ worth of gold backed Kennedy bonds to him. I asked for his snail mail address in order to send him the bonds. It was shortly after he sent me his address that he suddenly died “in his sleep” despite being in robust health and full of plans for the future.

His family refuses to talk about his death and no official autopsy has been made public. We are certain he was murdered and know who was responsible. Rest assured Dr. Michael will not have died in vain. He will be avenged and his dreams of “ending poverty and turning the deserts green” will be realized.

Source: Galactic Free Press.