“Don’t Miss Out on One of Japan’s Best Kept Secrets…”




How Could 127 Million People be Wrong?

You’ve likely read about the amazing benefits of green tea on my site for many years. However, I just recently realized that there is an amazing difference in the quality of green tea. If you carefully look at most green teas, they are not green — they are brown.

After some research, I found that the best green tea is really bright green tea. If it isn’t bright green, you are receiving inferior oxidized green tea which will not provide the full range of benefits you’ve heard about.

So when you are searching for high quality green tea, make sure it is bright green and that it does not taste bitter. Otherwise, you are probably getting inferior oxidized tea leaves. Move on and keep searching for a better brand.

But there are many other factors to consider…

Why I Consider Green Tea Nutritionally Superior

Next to pure water, drinking green tea from 100% quality tea leaves becomes one of the most nutritious beverages you can consume. To understand what makes green tea so special, you’ll need a general understanding about the origin and processing of tea.

Tea originates from the leaves of Camellia sinensis — a white-flowered evergreen. About 500 species of tea exist, divided into about 50 different countries, with China leading all nations in abundance… but the highest quality teas come from Japan.

The different ways teas go through processing sets them apart from one another.

After the plucking of tea leaves occurs, they begin to oxidize and ferment which imparts a distinctive color and taste. Green, black and oolong tea refer to the method used to process those plucked leaves.

For green tea, leaves are steamed, roasted, or pan-fried almost immediately, leaving little chance for them to ferment. As a result, most green teas tend to be lighter in color.

The most nutrient-rich green tea, Matcha green tea, comes in a stone-ground powder form —completely unfermented.

The best Matcha green tea comes from Japan and is steamed, not roasted or pan-fried. As a result, Matcha green tea retains all the nutrient-rich value possible from the tea leaf and does not have a bitter taste.

Additionally, this form of green tea from Japan provides you and your family many more nutrient-rich benefits when compared to other traditionally brewed green teas.

Not All Green Teas Are Created Equal

An ancient Chinese proverb states, “Better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one.” And when you consider that many American diets are dangerously loaded with sugar and processed food, this proverb offers some wise advice.

According to Chinese legend, ancient emperor Shen Nong frequently tasted herbs to find those with medicinal value — and often poisoned himself. But he finally found a plant that could help drain the toxins from his body, and that plant turned out to be tea. Tea has been a part of Chinese medicine in their folk prescriptions ever since.

Despite all of the ancient and rich history behind Chinese tea making, I had to look to another country to find what I consider to be the highest quality health-promoting tea available for you and your family. Surprisingly, this tea–Matcha green tea–comes by way of Japan.

Of all the green teas available to you, Matcha stands head and shoulders above the rest in delivering the highest quality and health-promoting benefits. Made from the finest, youngest leaves of the first harvesting days in Japan, this tea secures a special place in the sacred Japanese Tea Ceremony called Chado.

This unique form of green tea happened to be introduced to Japan in the 12th century by a monk returning from China.

Matcha, a powdered green tea, comes from the same plant as black teas, but remains unfermented. It is then ground into a fine green powder so that you receive benefits from the entire tea leaf.

By the 13th century, samurai warriors had begun preparing and drinking Matcha in an effort to adopt Zen Buddhism, and the foundations of the unique Japanese Tea Ceremony began to emerge.

Why Other Matcha Green Teas Don’t Stack Up

There are many Matcha tea options out in the marketplace today for you to choose from. However, you need to realize that, just like all green teas are not created equal — the same holds true for Matcha.

Fortunately, if you are a fan of tea, a solution des exist. Whether you occasionally drink tea or avidly consume it, I have exciting news for you. I’ve discovered an exclusive Matcha green tea I can recommend 100% — it’s called Royal Matcha Green Tea!

This special tea comes straight from the pristine tea plantations of Nishio, Japan. Nishio teas have been laboratory tested to make sure they don’t contain radiation or the toxic levels of metals found in teas grown near industrial development.

So, how do you know that the Matcha I discovered is the best possible in providing you the highest levels of nutrients and a great taste?

Take a look at the analysis below, where USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea shows its true brilliant jade green colors… while other brands fall well short.

If you run across other brands of Matcha in the marketplace, I seriously doubt they’ll stack up against my recommendation for the best premium Matcha.

Matcha quality parameter

Royal Matcha

Other Brands

Shade grown to maximize chlorophyll energy boost? Yes — with 3 layers of shading Not all Matcha is shade-grown with 3 layers of shading to maximize chlorophyll
Hand harvested to capture the youngest leaves of the tea plant Yes — this costly process ensures only the top 2 leaves and buds are harvested for consistent quality Many brands are machine harvested, losing the quality advantages of selective harvesting
Harvested using skilled farmers, and without unethical labor abuse? Yes — skilled workers paid “1st world” wages to ensure quality and consistency of harvest Many teas are harvested in areas like China and India with unskilled, poorly-paid workers — the end result is poor harvesting selection
100% Japanese harvested? Yes — harvested in Nishio, Japan, the premiere Matcha region in the world Some Matchas are made from blends of teas outside Japan, where poor soil conditions impact the quality
Entire tea leaf used with stems and veins removed? Yes — since stems and veins do not add any nutritional value, they are meticulously removed Not all Matcha brands remove stems and veins, leaving the tea less nutritious and more bitter in taste
Granite grinding used to produce powder? Yes — ground in controlled environment without nutrient loss Many Matcha brands use air pulverization methods to achieve powder, but friction causes loss of nutrients
Laboratory tested to verify consistent product quality and nutrient content? Yes — product is put through extensive lab testing to verify consistency factors — from color to particle size to analysis of amino acid and catechin content Without performing lab testing on their products, many Matcha brands simply won’t be able to provide a high-quality product
Professional packaging in a quality facility? Yes — produced in ISO 9001 certified “clean room” facilities and received a “superior” rating from AIB Not all Matcha brands follow international manufacturing and packaging standards for quality and consistency
Uses refrigerated warehouses to ensure optimal freshness and quality? Yes — facilities from Japan to our international distribution facilities are all refrigerated Many Matcha manufacturers do not use refrigeration throughout their supply chains, leading to freshness and quality compromises
Organic certification? Yes — 1st Matcha in the world to receive international organic certifications — IMO Switzerland (EU organic, USDA organic) and JONA (Japanese organic) Many Matcha products claim to be organic but have not been certified as such
Kosher certification? Yes — circle K certified Without this, other brands have left out a large population

Why should you settle for anything less but the best premium Matcha green tea available? That’s why I’m only recommending and offering you the “best of the best” Matcha green teas: Royal Matcha Green Tea.

Ever Wonder Why the Japanese Enjoy Such a Long Life Expectancy?

You receive all the nutrient value from the entire tea leaf with USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea!

Interestingly enough, after water, green tea happens to be the most widely consumed beverage on earth. For centuries, Matchagreen tea has been kept a guarded secret. Why? The Japanese desired to keep their tea ceremony very exclusive and closed to the outside world.

Plus, the people of Japan wanted to keep this scarce form of green tea with its numerous health-promoting benefits strictly to themselves.

As of 2006, Japan enjoys the fourth highest life expectancy rate in the world at 81.2 years. The U.S., China, and most European countries (other than Switzerland and Italy) are not even in the top 10.

With Matcha being part of the ritualistic Japanese monk ceremonies, it’s no wonder why these monks are able to concentrate intensely for their 12-hour meditation sessions!

Japanese people typically do not drink coffee. They do, however, consume green tea throughout the day. With the powerful health-supporting benefits of green tea, and even more so with Matcha, I believe that 127 million Japanese have the right idea. Wouldn’t you agree?

How You Can Avoid Potential Toxic Metal Risks Associated with Tea

Although green tea happens to be the most nutritious beverage on the planet, you also must be very careful about your source, as much of the inferior green teas (especially those grown in China, Pakistan, and India) contain potentially high levels of metals such as fluoride, lead, and aluminum.

Once in your body, the aluminum may eventually combine with oxygen to form aluminum oxide or alumina — the compound of aluminum that has been found in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

As you’re well aware by now, all teas are not created equal, and some are processed in a way that may do your body more harm than good. When you drink Matcha green tea, you’re not just consuming green tea leaf-infused water (which contains only a small fraction of the phytonutrients) — you’re actually consuming the entire nutrient-rich green tea leaf.

With USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea, you can rest assured that it provides you with:

  • A completely natural green tea using the entire nutrient-rich leaf…
  • Up to 17 times the antioxidants of wild blueberries, and even 7 times higher than dark chocolate…
  • Up to 9 times the beta carotene found in spinach…
  • Nutrient-rich bright green chlorophyll to provide you with vibrant energy from the sun…
  • An incredibly delicious and satisfying flavor you’ll thoroughly enjoy…

Whether you are drinking green tea for its exquisite taste, health-supporting benefits, or both, with this healthful and safe tea you can feel free to drink up!

Polyphenols: Your Key to Better Health

You receive all the nutrient value from the entire tea leaf with USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea!

Fresh tea leaf comes unusually rich in powerful antioxidants called polyphenols which may constitute up to 30% of the dry leaf weight. So, when you drink a cup of tea, you’re basically drinking a solution of tea polyphenols. In fresh, unfermented tea leaves, polyphenols exist as a series of chemicals called catechins.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) happens to be the most powerful catechin found in tea. In fact, one study indicates that EGCG is 25-100 times more potent than antioxidant vitamins C and E. This study also reported that just one cup of green tea has antioxidant effects greater than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots, or strawberries.

With USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea, you could receive over 100 times the EGCG provided from regular brewed green tea!

With such extremely high antioxidant activity, it’s logical to conclude that Matcha green tea may be highly beneficial in protecting your body from health concerns posed by free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and fragments of molecules that may impact your body at the cellular level.

That’s why antioxidants provide support for your hardworking immune and cardiovascular systems. Widely acclaimed for overall health-promotion, catechins (EGCG) have been studied for the last few decades for their potential ability to:

  • Support your immune system
  • Fight the signs of normal aging
  • Support your healthy digestion
  • Promote healthy function of your brain and liver
  • Help promote your healthy gums

USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea… My #1 Choice for You

For quite some time, I’ve been searching for the right form of green tea similar to what the Japanese use in their magical ceremonies. I’m very excited to be able to bring this rare variety of green tea to you in the form of Royal Matcha Green Tea.

Unlike ingredient-grade teas made from lower quality tea leaves, yielding a powder less green in color and more astringent to your taste, Royal Matcha Green Tea uses only the highest-quality tea leaves in its production.

Despite numerous compelling reasons why I chose this unique form of green tea for you over countless others — to provide you with the best possible Matcha available — certain reasons clearly stand out as to why this Matcha receives my #1 vote.

5 Powerful Reasons You Should Choose
Royal Matcha Green Tea for Yourself and Your Family

Quality: It is well-known among tea experts that the green tea from Japan is unparalleled for its quality. The abundant teas from China, Pakistan, and India often provide lower quality, with possible contamination by metals and other toxins in their poor soils.
Health-promotion: You receive all the benefits of the antioxidants and phytonutrients from the entire tea leaf, not just simply a few that get extracted from the water.
Convenience: You can quickly add 1/8-1/4 tsp. to a bottle of icy cold water, shake and have a delicious green tea beverage to help you keep focused and energetic at work or at whatever you’re doing.
Beauty and Uniqueness: Unlike other green teas which result in a pale yellow-green, bitter liquid, the high energy-promoting chlorophyll content of USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Teaprovides the most beautiful bright green color you’ve ever seen.
Superior Taste: China-type Matcha green teas have more of a bitter taste as a result of their pan-firing process. With its unique steam-firing process, Royal Matcha Green Tea from Japan has a very appealing taste — without damaging the nutrients and antioxidants.

Please Act Now As Our Supply is Limited

Recipes You’ll Love…

A great energy boost to start your day…

  • Place about 1/8-1/4 tsp. of Organic Royal Matcha Green Teapowder  in a 16 oz water bottle filled with cold water.
  • Shake well until dissolved.

Cold Matcha Frappe…Blend the following:

  • 3 ice cubes
  • ¼ cup coconut milk
  • ¾ cup water
  • 1 Tb. raw honey or stevia
  • 1/8- 1/2 tsp. Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea powder

Matcha Chocolate…Try this with your favorite chocolate recipe:

  • Add 2 teaspoons of Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea powder to every 100 grams of white chocolate
  • The green flavor of the tea helps taper the sweetness of the white chocolate

Due to the fact that Matcha green tea continues to be in such high demand in Japan, it’s even more difficult to obtain this highest-quality green tea outside the country. Keep in mind, this exclusive high-grade, shade-grown tea happens to be harvested only once a year, in the spring.

Now, I’ll be the first to acknowledge that Royal Matcha Green Tea costs a bit more than your run-of-the-mill teas. But, with all its health-promoting advantages over regular green teas and other Matchas, I feel it’s worth every penny to you.

Think of all you spend today on other beverages (many probably unhealthy)… Instead, you could be enjoying delicious Royal Matcha Green Tea with all its health-promoting benefits.

If you mix ¼ teaspoon of this exclusive Matcha in a bottle of ice cold water, your cost per serving is about $1.30. Not a big price to pay to enjoy this remarkable beverage loaded with antioxidants. When was the last time you went to a restaurant or coffee bar and paid $1.30 for a cup of iced coffee or iced tea?

I’ve managed to obtain a limited supply of Royal Matcha Green Tea that I’m offering exclusively to you. But please don’t wait or hesitate on obtaining this unique tea — my supply will probably sell out very quickly.

So, please act now so you and your family can immediately take full advantage of the “best of the best” nutrient-rich Matcha green teas from Japan, USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea.

Source: mercola.com