Microstent Keeps Intraocular Pressure Low

In glaucoma patients, the implantation of an intracanalicular microstent (Hydrus, Ivantis) maintains low intraocular pressure for 2 years and reduces the need for medication, a new study has shown.

This is the first randomized controlled trial of a microinvasive glaucoma surgery device using a washout period to separate the effects of drugs from surgery, said Thomas Samuelson, MD, an ophthalmologist in Minneapolis.

Dr Samuelson presented the findings here at the American Glaucoma Society 2015 Annual Meeting.

Microstents are an alternative to trabeculectomy because the implantation is less invasive, and they are an alternative to medication because they eliminate issues related to allergies and convenience.

The stent used in the study — which is composed of nitinol, a nickel–titanium alloy — bypasses the trabecular meshwork and scaffolds and dilates Schlemm’s canal. Its open windows are intended to prevent the obstruction of collector channels and improve the flow of aqueous humor into the canal.

To study the effect of the stent on intraocular pressure, the researchers recruited patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, or pigment dispersion glaucoma from seven sites in Europe.

Fifty eyes were randomly assigned to stent implantation during cataract surgery, and 50 eyes, which served as the control group, were randomly assigned to cataract surgery alone.

All patients discontinued their hypotensive medications during washout periods before surgery, 12 months after surgery, and 24 months after surgery so that intraocular pressure could be assessed without the influence of topical hypotensive medications.

Intraocular pressure and the need for medication decreased after surgery in both groups. In the stent group, the reductions were maintained at 24 months. In the control group, however, pressure and medication use increased after 12 months.

At 24 months, intraocular pressure was significantly better in the stent group than the control group (P = .0093).

A reduction in intraocular pressure of at least 20% was achieved by more patients in the stent group than in the control group at 12 months (88% vs 74%) and at 24 months (80% vs 46%; P = .0008).

At 24 months, more patients in the stent group than in the control group were receiving no hypotensive medications (73% vs 38%).

Table. Intraocular Pressure During the Study Period

Intraocular Pressure Stent Group (mm Hg) Control Group (mm Hg)
Before washout 18.6 18.9
At baseline washout 26.6 26.3
At 12-month washout 17.4 16.6
At 24-month washout 19.2 16.9


There were few surgical complications. The most common adverse events were focal peri-stent peripheral anterior synechiae or adhesion, which occurred in 15 eyes in the stent group and two in the control group.

After the presentation, session moderator Janet Serle, from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, asked Dr Samuelson about the learning curve for this particular stent, compared with other stents.

“One thing that’s a little bit different is that you have to maintain your very good view and the patient can’t have any saccades throughout the deployment process,” Dr Samuelson explained.

And the Hydrus tracks well within Schlemm’s canal, “so there’s really no doubt whether you’re in the canal or not; there’s no guessing. If it doesn’t track, you know something has gone awry,” he said.

In general, however, the learning curve is “fairly similar” to the other canal-based devices and to the Glaukos iStent, Dr Samuelson reported.

Dr Serle also wanted to know whether stent patients could achieve intraocular pressure from 10 to 12 mm Hg without the use of medication.

The prospect of such low pressure is doubtful without medication, Dr Samuelson said. “But I think with the mixed procedures and the good pharma we have, we could start to achieve levels in the low teens.”

A panelist at the session, Paul Palmberg, MD, from the University of Miami, asked if there really were no cases of hypotony or other serious adverse events. Dr Samuelson confirmed that there were not.

New Eye Sensor Could Be Boon for Glaucoma Patients

A microfluidic sensor embedded within an implantable lens could help monitor eye pressure in glaucoma patients. High pressure can cause blindness. The sensor is a microfluidic channel connected on one side to the eye fluid and to a tiny gas reservoir on the other. The lens’ arms stabilize the lens in place within the eye.

A new lens-mounted microfluidic sensor can measure fluid pressure inside the eye and provide a readout with a smartphone camera. The simple, low-cost device could make it much easier for doctors to diagnose blindness-causing glaucoma. It could also give glaucoma patients a 24-hour home-based monitoring test similar to the glucose monitors available for diabetics.

Glaucoma affects 65 million people and is the second-most common cause of blindness in the world. One of its main risk factors is an increase in the eyeball fluid pressure, which can build up enough to damage the optic nerve. Eye doctors today measure this intraocular pressure using a tonometer, but the test is not always accurate.

The new sensor consists of an airtight 50 µm-channel that runs around most of the periphery of a lens that is used for cataract surgery. On one side it ends in a tiny gas reservoir, while on the other it connects to the aqueous eyeball fluid. A doctor would surgically implant the lens into a patient’s eye.

When the microchannel is connected into the eye chamber, pressure drives the intraocular fluid into the microchannel, compressing the reservoir gas until the gas pressure and liquid pressure reach equilibrium. An increase or decrease in the intraocular pressure forces the fluid to move toward or away from the gas reservoir. A smartphone camera equipped with an optical adapter and image analysis software can be used to accurately detect the position of the liquid. The optical adapter positions the camera in front of the pupil and shades the eye, causing the pupil to dilate and reveal the sensor.

Yossi Mandel of Bar Ilan University in RamatGan, Israel and Stephen Quakeof Stanford University and their colleagues reported the new sensor in the journal Nature Medicine.

The researchers first tested and calibrated the sensor in a pressure chamber by simulating changes in intraocular pressure. They found that the movement of the liquid inside the microchannel was linear to pressure changes and sensitive to pressure fluctuations as small as 1 mm Hg. Normal intraocular pressure ranges between 10-21 mm Hg, but can increase by 8 mm Hg when a person is lying down. The researchers also tested the implant in surgically removed pig eyes, where it also showed a detection limit of 1 mm Hg.

Other eye pressure sensors exist. University of Michigan researchers have developed, for instance, microelectromechanical system-based capacitive sensors. And Swiss medical device-maker Sensimed already has a commercial contact lens-based eye pressure sensor in which a piezoelectric platinum ring changes resistance when the eyeball inflates. But these approaches rely on wireless data telemetry, which requires bulky antenna and power sources.

The optical readout on the new microfluidic sensor could be easier to use, though it does have its own limitations. Reading the fluid position through a hazy cornea, which can happen in glaucoma patients, could be difficult, for instance. And gas could leak out of the sensor walls, making readings inaccurate. Nevertheless, the researchers say that their experimental results suggest a 10-year device life.

Ketamine Does Not Increase Intraocular Pressure in Children.

No clinically relevant increase in intraocular pressure was noted in children receiving ketamine for procedural sedation for nonocular conditions.

To address the common belief that ketamine increases intraocular pressure, researchers prospectively evaluated the effect of intravenous ketamine on intraocular pressure in previously healthy children ages 1 to15 years who underwent procedural sedation for nonocular complaints at a tertiary care pediatric emergency department. Intraocular pressure was measured with a Tono-Pen XL tonometer immediately after and 2.5, 5, and 10 minutes after ketamine administration. A pressure difference of at least 15% was considered clinically relevant.

Over 16 months, 80 children were enrolled and received a mean ketamine does of 1.6 mg/kg. No clinically relevant difference was found between mean intraocular pressure immediately after and 2.5 minutes after ketamine administration (17.5 mm Hg and 18.9 mm Hg). Analysis of variance between age groups (1–5, 6–10, and 11–15 years) revealed a nonclinically relevant but statistically significant increase in intraocular pressure over the entire 10-minute study period (changes <2.5 mm Hg).

Comment: These authors provide convincing evidence that ketamine does not increase intraocular pressure at doses used for procedural sedation. It is unlikely that the result would differ substantially in children with ocular complaints. When ketamine is the best choice for pediatric sedation, providers can use it without fear of iatrogenic ocular damage.

Source: Journal Watch Emergency Medicine