Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months – and says we should prepare for it like we do for war

bill gates
  • The next deadly disease that will cause a global pandemic is coming, Bill Gates said at a discussion of epidemics on Friday.
  • We’re not ready.
  • A flu like the 1918 influenza pandemic could kill 30 million within six months, Gates said, and the next disease might not even be a flu, it might be something we’ve never seen.
  • The world should prepare like it does for war, according to Gates.

If there’s one thing that we know from history, a deadly new disease will arise that will spread around the globe.

That could happen easily within the next decade. And as Bill Gates reminded listeners while speaking at a discussion about epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the New England Journal of Medicine on Friday, we’re not ready.

As Gates said, he’s usually the optimist in the room, reminding people that we’re lifting children out of poverty around the globe and getting better at eliminating diseases like polio and malaria.

But “there’s one area though where the world isn’t making much progress,” said Gates. “And that’s pandemic preparedness.”

The likelihood that such a disease appears continues to rise. New pathogens emerge all the time as the world gets more populous and humanity encroaches on wild environments. It’s becoming easier and easier for individuals or small groups to create weaponized diseases that could spread like wildfire around the globe. According to Gates, a small non-state actor could rebuild an even deadlier form of smallpox in a lab. And in our interconnected world, people constantly hop on planes, crossing from megacities on one continent to megacities on another in a matter of hours.

According to one simulation by the Institute for Disease Modeling presented by Gates, a new flu like the one that killed 50 million in the 1918 pandemic would most likely kill 30 million within just six months now. And the disease that next takes us by surprise will most likely be one that we see for the first time when the outbreak starts, like happened recently with SARS and MERS viruses.

If you were to tell the world’s governments that weapons were under construction right now that could kill 30 million people, there’d be a sense of urgency about preparing for the threat, said Gates.

“In the case of biological threats, that sense of urgency is lacking,” he said. “The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”

pandemic disease ebola

Stopping the next pandemic

The one time the military tried a sort of simulated wargame against a smallpox pandemic, the final score was “smallpox one, humanity zero,” according to Gates.

But as he said, he’s an optimist, and he thinks we could better prepare for the next viral or bacterial threat.

In some ways, we’re clearly better prepared now than we were for previous pandemics. We have antiviral drugs that can at least do something to improve survival rates in many cases. We have antibiotics that can treat secondary infections, like pneumonia associated with the flu.

We’re getting closer to a universal flu vaccine. During his talk, Gates announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would be offering $12 million in grants to encourage the development of such a vaccine.

And we’re getting better at rapid diagnosis, too, something essential since the first step against a new disease is quarantine. Just yesterday, a new research paper in the journal Science announced the development of a way to use the gene-editing technology CRISPR to rapidly detect diseases and to identify them using the same sort of paper strip used in a home pregnancy test.

Yet we’re not good enough yet at rapidly identifying the threat from a disease and coordinating a response, as the recent global reaction to the last Ebola epidemic showed.

There needs to be better coordination and communication between military and government to help coordinate responses. And Gates thinks that government needs ways to quickly enlist the help of the private sector when it comes to developing technology and tools to fight against emerging deadly disease.

As Melinda Gates said recently, the threat from a global pandemic – whether one that emerges naturally or one that’s engineered – is perhaps the biggest risk humanity faces right now.

“Think of the number of people who leave New York City every day and go all over the world – we’re an interconnected world,” she said. Those connections make us all vulnerable.

Super-vaccine could eliminate need for annual flu jabs within five years after successful trials.

  • New universal vaccine being developed by British and European scientists
  • Job would provide lifetime immunity against all flu viruses
  • First ever successful human trials have taken place
  • Larger trails involving thousands of people now planned
  • Researchers believe the new vaccine could be available in 2018
A new ‘Holy Grail‘ flu vaccine which gives lifelong protection against all strains of the virus could be available within five years.
A new universal vaccine which could provide lifetime protection against every type of flu has shown successful results for the first time in small trials

Scientists from Britain and Europe are getting ready to start large-scale trials of a universal vaccine after early tests on humans proved successful.

If all goes to plan the new injection would stop the need for annual flu jabs and could save thousands of lives every year.

It could also be effective against highly dangerous forms of the disease, such as Spanish flu, even if they mutate, preventing global pandemics like the one which killed 100million people in 1918.

Despite carrying out human trials on almost 100 patients over many years, this is the first positive news.

Professor John Oxford, British flu expert and a key researcher of the study, said that his team are ‘wildly enthusiastic’ about the vaccine’s prospects.

The programme has recently received a multi-million pound EU grant to fund its research.

At the moment vaccines work by identifying viruses by their ‘coats’, however as viruses mutate these change, making old vaccines ineffective.

The universal vaccine works by attacking proteins hidden within the virus which are common throughout harmful strains.

If it works, the 'Holy Grail' vaccine would eliminate the need for annual flu jabs and could save thousands of lives every year and prevent global flu pandemics If it works, the ‘Holy Grail’ vaccine would eliminate the need for annual flu jabs and could save thousands of lives every year and prevent global flu pandemics

The news comes at the end of a week which has seen a new strain of bird flu re-emerge in China and after it was reported to have passed between humans in August.

A 32-year-old woman was said to have died after caring for her father who was infected by the H7N9 strain of bird flu.

A new strain of bird flu, H7N9, has begun spreading in China after killing 45 people earlier in the yearA new strain of bird flu, H7N9, has begun spreading in China after killing 45 people earlier in the year

Reports of human infection began in March this year but have trailed off in the last few months having killed at least 45 people out of 136 cases.

However as poultry stocks swell ahead of Chinese new year a 35-year-old man in the eastern province of Zhejiang has been hospitalised and the World Health Organisation confirms two more people are in hospital with another 88 being sent home.

A nasal flu spray has also been made available for all children aged between two and three years old, and will eventually be extended into a national programme for all under-16s.

While children are less likely to die from flu compared with the elderly, they are key spreaders of flu, and can become very ill if they have asthma, heart or lung conditions.

While specialists agree that the vaccine could help protect elderly relatives of younger children, Dr Richard Halvorsen disagrees.

Speaking to the Sunday Express, he said: ‘It is rare for children to die from flu and giving extra vaccines a year is a lot of extra vaccinations.’

If trials of the new flu super-jab are successful it could be available for use by 2018.


Bird Flu Virus. January 2004

Traditional vaccines work by training an immune system to identify a disease and increasing the body’s defences, usually by injecting weak or dead parts of a disease into the patient.

Flu vaccines work by attacking the ‘coat’ of a virus, the H and N protein shell which surrounds the disease.

However this is problematic as this coat changes every time the virus mutates, meaning flu vaccines are only truly effective for a year as the virus will change rapidly, meaning vulnerable patients, such as elderly people, have to have injections every year.

But, hidden within every dangerous strain of influenza, are two proteins known as M and NP proteins which do not change with mutations.

Researches have tried for years to develop a vaccine which could target and attack these parts of the virus, and now think they may have found the solution.

In small human trials they have shown the first successful results ever for a universal vaccine and are now rolling out wider trials of the new medicine.

If these are successful then the new jab could be on the market by 2018, saving thousands of lives each year.

Pandemic Influenza Viruses — Hoping for the Road Not Taken.


In the Robert Frost poem “The Road Not Taken,” a traveler recalls a time when his forest path forked and wonders where he would have ended up had he chosen the other path. Some viruses encounter analogous evolutionary divergence points, and they may not all take linear paths to inevitable outcomes.

For instance, a novel avian influenza A (H7N9) virus has emerged in China.1 Because all known pandemic and other human, mammalian, and poultry influenza A viruses have descended from wild-bird viruses, it seems logical that any avian influenza A virus that becomes pandemic must have serially acquired signature mutations known to be associated with circulation in humans. It would follow that mutations distinguishing “avian-like” from “human-like” viruses must be milestones on a fixed evolutionary pathway to potential pandemicity, including mutations affecting the hemagglutinin (HA) receptor–binding domain associated with efficient binding to human epithelial cells, polymerase mutations associated with efficient replication in human cells, and others. The fact that H7N9 isolates have some of these mutations1 has led to predictions of its evolution toward pandemicity.

However, firm scientific evidence for such well-defined linear pathways is lacking. Since 1918, the emergence of four pandemic viruses has been documented, but scientists have found no evidence of a direct mutational mechanism2; conversely, many avian viruses have infected humans and rapidly developed such mutations without becoming pandemic. Rather than being indicators of inevitable pandemic progression, these mutations may simply be markers that any avian influenza virus is likely to develop when it replicates in human cells. In keeping with this interpretation, novel human H7N9 isolates have several “human-like” mutations affecting HA, viral polymerase, and other proteins, whereas temporally and geographically related avian H7N9 isolates do not.1

The critical but currently unanswerable question is whether every avian influenza virus capable of infecting humans can acquire serial pandemic-generating mutations without being limited by structural or functional evolutionary constraints — or whether pandemic viruses are rare entities whose complex gene constellations cannot easily be configured except by rare and still-obscure mechanisms. We do know that humans, who can be easily infected with avian influenza A viruses by experimental challenge, are naturally and repeatedly exposed to and often infected by many such avian viruses without generating pandemics — as evidenced by multiple epidemics and case clusters as well as by serosurveys.3,4

Given the potential daily exposures of millions of humans to various avian influenza viruses, the extreme rarity of new viral adaptation to humans suggests that despite a low species barrier for infection, barriers against productive infection and onward transmission must be exceedingly high. The reason may be that to adapt fully to humans, avian influenza viruses require precisely attuned and mutually cooperating gene constellations, which result from finely balanced polygenic mutations4 that are extremely unlikely to accumulate and survive in preadapted viruses.

Moreover, among the 17 influenza HAs and 10 neuraminidases (NAs) known to exist in nature, only a few subtype combinations — H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2 — have ever, in 95 years of virologic observation, been incorporated into any human-adapted or pandemic influenza A virus. Epidemiologic and archaeserologic evidence arguably extends this HA subtype restriction back to the 1830 and 1889 pandemics,5 supporting the belief that influenza pandemics occur in cycles of H1, H2, and H3 and that this cyclicity is driven by older birth cohorts that retain and newer cohorts that lack high HA-specific population immunity. The apparent HA restriction seems unlikely to be coincidental, since the influenza virus HA genes that have been associated with human pandemic viruses, such as H1 and H2, are not particularly common in avian viruses, and since more common avian influenza subtypes, such as H4 and H6, have never been seen in human-adapted viruses.

If few or none of the millions of avian influenza viruses that continually infect humans ever become pandemic, how do pandemics arise? We know that all pandemic viruses since 1918 descended from the 1918 pandemic founder virus,2,5 having been generated through periodic antigenic shifts, intrasubtypic reassortments, and continual antigenic drift.2 Unfortunately, we do not yet know the origin of the 1918 virus, and phylogenetic and sequence analyses aiming to determine its origin are controversial.

All eight 1918 viral gene segments encode proteins close to the avian influenza A viral consensus sequence, which suggests that they either had a direct avian origin or an evolutionarily brief preliminary period in another host. The relative protection in 1918 of people older than 65, however, suggests that a related virus was circulating after the 1830 pandemic.5 That possibility is important because if the 1918 virus emerged directly from a bird, then any avian influenza A virus, such as H5N1 or H7N9, might be able to do the same. If, in contrast, it emerged through antigenic recycling, as all subsequent pandemic viruses have done, then it is important to recognize that this pattern has not thus far included viruses with other HAs and NAs, such as H5, H7, and N9. But given influenza viruses’ unpredictability, the implications of this historical behavior for H7N9’s likelihood of evolving into a human pandemic virus remains unclear.

Although wholly avian in origin, H7N9 seems to have been generated by a reassortment of wild-duck H7 HA and wild-bird N9 NA genes, with six internal genes from two different H9N2 chicken influenza viruses (Origin of the Novel Avian Influenza A H7N9 Virus.). That H9N2 viruses have been spreading panzootically in poultry and have also infected pigs and humans suggests an inherent capacity to adapt broadly to multiple species. This adaptability is worrisome, because H7N9 viruses might theoretically spread with similar ease to encounter other circulating mammalian-adapted influenza genes that are suitable for reassortment. However, host switching of wild-bird influenza A viruses into poultry typically sets off a mutational pathway divergent from mammalian adaptation, arguably driving any such viruses further away from potential pandemicity.4

Finally, there is remarkable clinical–epidemiologic similarity between H7N9 and H5N1, with the important distinction that since H5N1 is a highly pathogenic avian virus that kills domestic poultry, its movement is more visible than that of H7N9, whose low pathogenicity keeps it hidden until a rare human is infected. In most other respects, H5N1 and H7N9 are alike: many humans have been exposed to both without clinically apparent or immunologically detectable evidence of infection; disease in sporadic human cases has been far more severe than in cases caused by any human-adapted influenza A virus ever encountered (59% and 28% case fatality reported for H5N1 and H7N9, respectively, as of the end of May); the clinical presentation includes bilateral pneumonia progressing to acute respiratory distress syndrome and multiorgan failure; there has been little or no evidence of person-to-person transmission; and rare case clusters (tenuously identified so far in the case of H7N9) suggest common source exposures in genetically related persons.

As with H5N1,3,4 in H7N9 these epidemiologic features may be signatures of a fundamentally poorly adaptable avian virus that nevertheless productively infects those rare humans with unidentified genetic susceptibilities, who are “found” by widespread poultry epizootics that expose large human populations. Conceivably, questions raised by H5N1 and H7N9 will be faced repeatedly as large-scale domestic poultry raising and transport, coupled with exploding human populations, create opportunities for any avian virus that encounters domestic poultry to expose large numbers of humans.

Like every human influenza pandemic and major outbreak in more than a century, H7N9 has left us surprised and puzzled. It is only slightly reassuring that since 1918, we have never seen an influenza pandemic emerge through direct viral mutations alone. But every pandemic emergence seems to be a law unto itself, and we cannot know whether or under what circumstances the highly unusual H7N9 virus might be able to become pandemic. Influenza viruses’ unpredictability renders H7N9 pandemic preparedness essential. Indeed, preparation has already begun, with the goals of developing sensitive and specific diagnostics; determining drug sensitivity; establishing seed viruses, pilot lots, and potency assays for vaccine development; and setting up clinical trials to test appropriate vaccine doses for various demographic groups (children, adults, the elderly).

H7N9’s journey has just begun. We can only hope that the road to a pandemic is the road not taken.


Source: NEJM