When Your Doctor Suggests Regular Mammograms, This Is What You Need To Say Back

Dr. Ben Johnson: I wrote a book for women, The Secret of Health Breast Wisdom because we, as a medical society, are giving women breast cancer with our demanding that they get mammograms. Mammograms cause breast cancer. Period. So mammograms are not healthy for women. Women should not be getting routine mammograms. That’s crystal clear, published in the peer review literature.


And yet today, if a woman went to her gynecologist or family doc, she would have this shoved down her throat, extreme coercion to get this mammogram that is causing breast cancer. It’s not saving lives. You have a 4% increased risk of dying if you get mammograms, period.

Ty Bollinger: So the detection technique that we’re using, the primary technique that we use to detect breast cancer, is causing breast cancer.

Dr. Ben Johnson: Absolutely, it’s a terrible test; you know smashing women’s breasts and then irradiating with cancer-causing radiation. And then it’s so insensitive. For women under 50, it’s only like 52% effective, sensitive. That means 52 is pretty close to 50, right?

Ty Bollinger: Yeah.

 Dr. Ben Johnson: So about half. That means that half the women that have breast cancer, it would not detect their cancer. That’s a terrible test. And so there are much better tests. And yet this is what’s still being crammed down women’s throats today. Terrible test causes breast cancer.

Ty Bollinger: And it doesn’t detect, it detects 50% and causes cancer. You said there were better options. What are better options there for detecting breast cancer?

Dr. Ben Johnson: Well there’s two better options. If you’ve got a lump, if you think you’ve got something, ultrasound is great. It’s a test of anatomy. Mammograms are tests of anatomy. Ultrasounds are tests of anatomy. MRIs are tests of anatomy. So if you’ve already got a lump, you want a test of anatomy.

So, that would be like an ultrasound because they can see the lump, they can see its consistency. They can see where there’s calcium in it. And they can look at blood flow because tumors are going to have increased blood flow. So, for instance, a sensitivity of ultrasound is up around 80%. It’s much higher than mammograms. And the sensitivity is higher too.

But if you’re looking for prevention, if you’re talking about screening, there’s really only one device out there, and that is thermography. An infrared thermal camera. Nothing touches the lady. Nothing smashes her breasts. There’s no cancer causing radiation.

 As we sit here, we are omitting heat in the spectrum called infrared. There’s infrared, visual, and ultraviolet. So this is the infrared spectrum of light, which our eyes don’t see, but which is very detectable by the camera. The military developed this so that they could see people sneaking at them at nighttime and so that they could shoot down missiles and things because they’re producing heat.

Ty Bollinger: Sure, like night vision goggles.

Dr. Ben Johnson: There you go. Night vision goggles are infrared goggles. So we use it as a medical application to detect hotspots in the breast.

Well long before there was a tumor there, there were cancer cells. Probably 8 to 10 years before there was a tumor, there were cancer cells starting to grow. Two cells, four cells, 16 cells, 144 cells, etc. It takes about eight years until you get to about a centimeter in size for a mammogram or an ultrasound to detect it. Well, that’s too late. Because of that one-centimeter tumor, about five-sixteenths of an inch, less than half an inch, is about one billion cells.

When you get to one billion cells, cancer has already eroded into the lymphatic system and the venous system, and it’s shedding cancer cells all through the body. So that’s why mammograms—one of the many reasons mammograms don’t save lives,
it is NOT early detection. That’s one of the little lies they’ve propagated along. “Early detection saves lives. Get your mammogram today.”

Ty Bollinger: Right.

Dr. Ben Johnson: Well, that statement’s true. Early detection does save lives. It’s just that mammography is not early detection; it’s too late. And then the cancer-causing radiation. So the long and the short is you’re causing much more breast cancer with mammograms than you are detecting.

The Truth About Cancer

The Truth About Cancer

The Truth About Cancer is committed to ending the cancer pandemic once and for all. Every single day, tens of thousands of people, just like you, are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies.

They are dedicated to helping others take matters into their own hands by educating them on real prevention and treatments.


Drop Toxic Sanitizers! They Cause the Skin to Absorb 10 times MORE of the Hormone Disrupting BPA Here is How to Make The Most Effective Hand Sanitizer

You use hand sanitizer to keep dangerous germs out, but you’re really inviting toxic chemicals in. Research proves that the active ingredient in hand sanitizer is an endocrine disruptor(1), easily absorbed through your skin, and might be linked to cancer. Its name? Triclosan.


Hand sanitizer companies use triclosan as an antibacterial agent; it is, after all, effective in killing many types of bacteria. Triclosan is also used in other hygienic products such as toothpaste and soaps. On the label, it may also be called (2):

  • Aquasept
  • Irgasan DP 300
  • Microshield T
  • Sapoderm
  • Tersaseptic
  • Trisan
  • Manusept

Health Dangers of Triclosan

While triclosan has yet to be classified as a confirmed human carcinogen, scientists have suggested potential links to hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer (4). As an endocrine disruptor, triclosan interferes with the body’s normal hormone systems- sometimes with deadly effects.

HM Lee, head researcher of a 2016 scientific paper writes, “the majority of previous studies revealed that BPA, phthalates, TCDD, and triclosan have the potential to induce cancer metastasis…the exposure to these EDCs [endocrine disrupting chemicals] can increase the risk aggravating the disease for the patients suffering cancer and that more regulations about the use of these EDCs are needed,” (4).

But can these risks really come from using hand sanitizer? The answer, unfortunately is yes. Research shows that triclosan can be easily stored up by your body over time. A 2016 study uncovered that triclosan was found in both water supplies and in humans- in blood, urine, breast milk, and even nails. Head researcher LWB Olaniyan states that this bioaccumulation of triclosan in the body is a cause for concern, especially since triclosan ” is a pro-oxidant and may be cytotoxic via a number of mechanisms,” (1).

The dangers aren’t just for adults who make a habit of using hand sanitizers over the years. There is a “window” of time that makes young, developing children more susceptible to the effects of endocrine disrupting products. A 2016 study done on rats raised concerns about children’s and adolescents’ use of personal products containing triclosan (as well as other dangerous additives like phthalates). Head researcher  Sander Houten writes about the potential dangers for humans: “the prepubertal stage is the most sensitive window of opportunity for these personal care product ingredients,” (3).

The Most Effective Homemade Hand Sanitizer

The truth is you don’t need an antibacterial soap or product to protect yourself from harmful germs! In a 2007 study, scientists proved that soaps containing triclosan were actually no more effective at reducing bacteria and preventing infections than regular soap. Not to mention, many strains of bacteria had evolved to be immune to triclosan’s antibacterial effects anyway (5).

The bottom line is you don’t need to waste money on toxic hand sanitizers to stay health- all you need is a bar of soap to keep your hands clean. However, if you’re looking for a natural antibacterial to carry around with you, you can easily make your own “sanitizer” out of essential oils and natural ingredients.

Eucalyptus and tea tree essential oils are proven antimicrobials (without being toxic or endocrine disrupting) (6). They can easily be mixed with natural aloe vera gel, another antibacterial agent (7). Aloe also has the added benefit of being naturally soothing, able to reduce skin redness, and even increase skin elasticity (8,9).


  • 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Gel
  • 10 Drops of Tea Tree Oil
  • 10 Drops Eucalyptus Oil


1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Pour into a spray bottle or a pump type bottle.
3. Shake before applying

Always do a “spot test” using a small amount of the essential oil mixture to test for skin irritation. Cinnamon essential oil is an especially common irritant.



2. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/triclosan#section=Wikipedia

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4965097/

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28042023

5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17683018

6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27790572

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28050502

8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4078333/

 9. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2883372/

Thyme Plant extract revealed to be more effective than ibuprofen


Significant research has found thyme essential oil and its constituent thymol to be antiseptic. In fact, many mouth washes and antiseptic wipes often contain thymol.

 New research is also finding that thyme oil also reduces pain. Who would have thought?

Well, traditional medicines have been using thyme oil and other essential oils to help relieve pain for centuries.


Study finds Thyme Oil beats out Ibuprofen for pain relief

Researchers from Iran’s Babol University of Medical Sciences has confirmed that thyme is not only an excellent pain-relieving herb. It also reduces pain of difficult menstruation better than ibruprofen.

 The researchers tested 84 women university students who had reported difficult menstruation. The young women were aged between 18 and 24 years old. All were suffering from primary dysmenorrhea.

Primary dysmenorrhea is usually defined as painful cramping that may or may not come with other symptoms such as back ache, nausea, headaches and dizziness. Secondary dysmenorrhea usually indicates menses pain that is related to another underlying condition.

Here the researchers added to the definition of primary dysmenorrhea that it appears within two years of the beginning of menses (menarche) and no pelvic pain during the other parts of the monthly cycle. This is logical because painful menses is more frequently seen among younger women within the first few years of the beginning of menses


Antiseptic: Thyme essential oil is a good antiseptic and safeguards wounds and sores against infections. This is mainly due to the presence of components like Caryophyllene and Camphene in thyme.

 Tonic: Thyme essential oil also tones up the circulatory system, heart, digestive system, nervous system, muscles, and skin while fortifying them and boosting immunity.

Hypertensive: You might raise your eyebrows about this medicinal property and may not see it as a benefit. However, this property is very beneficial for those who are suffering from low blood pressure. Those type of people run the risk of falling unconscious at any time, and feeling sluggish. This oil can normalize their blood pressure by raising it, which is just as important sometimes as lowering it.

Antirheumatic: There are two main reasons behind rheumatism, arthritis and gout. The first is improper or obstructed circulation, and the second one is an increasing concentration of toxins like uric acid in the blood stream. Thyme essential oil can sort out both of these problems. Since it is a diuretic, it increases urination and helps in the removal of toxins from the body. Being a stimulant, it stimulates or activates circulation and thereby sorts out this problem in a separate way. Both ways helps cure rheumatism, and related conditions like arthritis.

Additional uses include:

• Thyme is useful on infections of the urinary tract and bladder, and also acts as a diuretic, increasing its effectiveness

 • Also use for candida and vaginitis

• Use to kill nail fungus

• Thyme is an ingredient in natural hand sanitizers

• Add thyme to a hot compress to relieve rheumatic pain, muscular aches and pains, sprains, sports injuries, sciatica, arthritis, gout

• Crush the fresh herb or use diluted oil as first aid on insect bites and stings

 • Use on athlete’s foot. For this use, you can apply the oil neat, or undiluted, but protect the skin with some fatty cream. Other neat applications include animal bites and boils.

• Use a one percent solution as an antibacterial wash for fresh produce

• Use in hair and skin care regimes, as a hair tonic or in a face wash and for treatment of things like acne or warts

• Use thyme in a sitz bath or massage to stimulate menstruation for weak or missing periods

• Use to kill parasites
