Here’s why heavy metal is good for you.

In contrast to the popularly held view that extreme music like heavy metal is responsible for causing feelings of anger, depression or isolation, it may in fact be capable of combating these very sorts of negative emotions, according to a new study published this week.

Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia have found that when volunteers were exposed to extreme music genres including heavy metal, emo, hardcore, punk, and screamo, they actually experienced a range of positive feelings, such as calmness, happiness or being inspired. (It’s worth noting that the participants in the testing were fans of these genres already – if not, your individual results may vary!)

The study, conducted by honours student Leah Sharman and psychologist Genevieve Dingle, took 39 regular listeners of extreme music aged between 18 and 34 years and subjected them to an anger induction, where for a period of 16 minutes they were prompted to recall unhappy personal experiences that made them feel angry or stressed, involving their partners, employment or finances.

After the anger induction, participants were then monitored during a 10-minute window in which they either listened to 10 minutes’ worth of extreme music or were required to sit in silence for the same amount of time.

The researchers found that, rather than amplifying the negative emotions of anger or stress, those who listened to 10 minutes of head-banging tunes actually felt the better for it.

According to the research, published this month in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, “The findings indicate that extreme music did not make angry participants angrier; rather, it appeared to match their physiological arousal and result in an increase in positive emotions. Listening to extreme music may represent a healthy way of processing anger for these listeners.”

The researchers contend that we’ve had it the wrong way around when it comes to assumptions about heavy music and the emotional state of the listener. Their findings suggest that people don’t listen to hardcore, thrash and punk and become angry as a result; rather, listeners may choose music forms that match their current level of stress or agitation and use the energy and rhythm of the recordings to help process how they feel.

“We found the music regulated sadness and enhanced positive emotions,” Sharman said in a press release. “When experiencing anger, extreme music fans liked to listen to music that could match their anger. The music helped them explore the full gamut of emotion they felt, but also left them feeling more active and inspired. Results showed levels of hostility, irritability and stress decreased after music was introduced, and the most significant change reported was the level of inspiration they felt.”

What’s remarkable about the results is how extreme music, which has a reputation for dwelling in some pretty dark subject matter, can be so uplifting for those who like to listen to it – findings which may have even shocked the researchers.

“It was interesting that half of the chosen songs contained themes of anger or aggression, with the remainder containing themes like – though not limited to – isolation and sadness,” Sharman said.

“Yet participants reported they used music to enhance their happiness, immerse themselves in feelings of love and enhance their well-being.”

Are these familiar foods poisoning you with cadmium?

We normally try our best on a day-to-day basis to make sound food choices and live a clean lifestyle. But sometimes an edible that we think encourages health can actually cause harm. Due to an affinity with heavy metals in the environment, some plants and animals absorb toxins like cadmium more readily than others. In light of this, steering clear of these common foods can help prevent serious problems down the road.


Hidden dangers

Over the last decade, flax has been embraced as an exceptionally healthy food, since it supplies ample amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, along with notable levels of lignins and fiber. Women wishing to avoid breast cancer have eagerly included the seed in their diet after learning about the protective phytoestrogens that flax supplies. However, researchers have discovered that flax also introduces cadmium into the body — which is notorious for encouraging breast cancer, kidney disorders, heart disease and osteoporosis. The soluble fiber of flax increases cadmium absorption, while the crop itself is known to take up cadmium from the soil, thereby infusing the plant with the metal.

Flax grown in heavily contaminated soil poses the greatest threat. Parts of Canada, where a majority of the world’s flaxseed is grown, tend to have high cadmium in the soil. North and South Dakota, two other large flax producers, also have soil with elevated levels. And flaxseed from China and India — two countries infamous for heavy metal pollution — are more likely than not to be contaminated. Since organic (as well as conventional) food isn’t tested for heavy metals by the USDA, the certified organic label is worthless in regard to cadmium found in flax. You can learn more about this state of affairs here.

Regrettably, flax isn’t the only edible at risk. Shellfish frequently contains cadmium as the result of environmental pollution. Inexpensive shrimp from Asia is one of the worst examples. Oysters from the east and west coasts of Canada are problematic too. Sunflower plants are also prone to accumulating cadmium. Beware of oil and seed butters made from sunflower, especially those grown in North and South Dakota. Polluted Louisiana is one of the main growing regions for rice in the United States, which is yet another crop that easily absorbs the metal. Additionally, if you are a fan of dried apricots, try to source varieties other than those grown in Turkey, which are often loaded with cadmium. Moreover, free-range escargot snails test high due to contaminated soil. Indian black mustard can also be troublesome.

Food-based solutions

Just as some foods can increase your cadmium load, others can help you detoxify. Fleur Hupston offers valuable tips on how to reduce your toxicity in “Top foods that chelate the body of heavy metals.” And make sure to visit The Consumer Wellness Center Forensic Food Lab website to see how your favorite natural food products rank on the heavy metal scale.

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