Overactive Gene Linked to Heart Defects in Down Syndrome

About half of all babies born with Down syndrome have heart defects that may require high-risk surgery or ongoing monitoring depending on the severity of the condition. Now, scientists from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London have linked Dyrk1a, a gene on human chromosome 21, to heart defects in these individuals that could open a door to new therapeutic possibilities. Their findings are reported in Science Translational Medicine in a paper titled, “Increased dosage of DYRK1A leads to congenital heart defects in a mouse model of Down syndrome.” 

This isn’t the first time that Dyrk1a has been linked to Down syndrome. Other studies have tied it to cognitive impairment and craniofacial dysmorphology observed in people with Down syndrome, but its link to heart defects is a novel finding. By looking at heart data from embryonic mouse models, the researchers found that Dyrk1a caused heart defects when present in three copies in mice. 

Dyrk1a codes for an enzyme called DYRK1A. The study showed that an extra copy of Dyrk1a turned down the activity of genes required for cell division in the developing heart and the function of the mitochondria. These changes were correlated with a failure to correctly separate the chambers of the heart.

Furthermore, when the researchers tested a DYRK1A inhibitor on pregnant mice with pups that model Down syndrome hearts defects as their hearts were forming, they observed that the genetic changes were partially reversed and the heart defects in the pups were less severe.  

The findings do suggest a potential therapeutic approach targeting this gene could work in humans. “However, in humans the heart forms in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, likely before a baby could be screened for Down syndrome, so this would be too early for treatment,” noted Victor Tybulewicz, PhD, group leader of the Immune Cell Biology Laboratory & Down Syndrome Laboratory at the Crick and senior author on the paper. “The hope is that a DYRK1A inhibitor could have an effect on the heart later in pregnancy, or even better after birth. These are possibilities we are currently investigating.”

They are also investigating the possible involvement of other genes in heart defect development. While Dyrk1a is an important part of the equation, the researchers suspect it isn’t the only player. This was also reflected in the study data. The evidence shows that Dyrk1a is required in three copies to cause heart defects in mice, it was not sufficient alone. Furthermore, the inhibitor they used only partially reversed the changes in the mouse pups’ hearts. This suggests that another unknown gene must also be involved in the origin of heart defects in Down syndrome. And the team is currently searching for it.

Alongside those studies, the researchers are working with Perha Pharmaceuticals to test the DYRK1A inhibitor for treating cognitive disorders associated with both Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. But they are also exploring other potential therapeutic avenues beyond Dyrk1a.

Rifdat Aoidi, PhD, a postdoctoral project research scientist at the Crick and co-first author, added, “We don’t yet know why the changes in cell division and mitochondria mean the heart can’t correctly form chambers. Dysfunction in the mitochondria has also been linked to cognitive impairment in Down syndrome, so boosting mitochondrial function could be another promising avenue for therapy.”

New stem cell patches could repair babies’ heart defects permanently

Instead of undergoing repeated surgeries, they might need just one.

congenital heart defects

British researchers are developing patches made of stem cells to repair congenital heart defects — and if they work as hoped, the patches could eliminate the need for thousands of children to undergo repeated heart surgeries throughout their lives. 

The challenge: Congenital heart defects — problems with the structure of the heart, such as holes or improperly sized valves — are the most common type of birth defect, affecting about 1% of newborns.

Every year in the US, about 10,000 babies are born with congenital heart defects so severe that they won’t survive without heart surgery or some other intervention in their first year of life — a surgeon might need to repair a hole with a patch, for example, or replace a faulty heart valve.

“We are trying to create living tissue … that will grow with the child.”Massimo Caputo

Sometimes a child’s immune system will reject these foreign materials, and they’ll need to undergo surgery again, in as little as a few months. Even if that doesn’t happen, surgeons will need to replace the materials with larger versions as the child grows.

Each of these surgeries can mean weeks in the hospital, an increased risk of infection, and immeasurable stress on the child and their loved ones. 

The patient: Massimo Caputo, a professor of congenital heart surgery at the University of Bristol, is now developing a better kind of patch for heart defects, inspired by his treatment of an infant named Finley.

About two years ago, when Finley was just four days old, he underwent surgery at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children to repair a congenital heart defect. There were complications following the surgery, though, and the baby was left reliant on machines to keep his heart pumping.

“I believe, if it wasn’t for the stem cell treatment, then Finley wouldn’t be here with us today.”Melissa Hudd

When Finley was two months old, doctors told his parents there was nothing else they could do to help him. That’s when Caputo reached out to propose injecting donated stem cells right into Finley’s heart — something that had never been done before. 

“[Caputo] warned us that he couldn’t predict what the outcome would be,” said Melissa Hudd, Finley’s mother. “But we had absolutely nothing to lose. We had to try and give Finley every possible chance to live.”

Caputo was given permission to perform the surgery under compassionate grounds, and Hudd said she started to see a change in her son within two weeks. At six months, he went home from the hospital for the first time, reliant only on a machine that helps him breathe at night.

“We can’t thank Massimo enough,” said Hudd. “I believe, if it wasn’t for the stem cell treatment, then Finley wouldn’t be here with us today.”

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Massimo Caputo and Finley the day the baby went home from the hospital. Credit: British Heart Foundation

Looking ahead: Caputo is now using funding from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to develop patches to repair congenital heart defects using stem cells sourced from donated placentas. 

These cells can be 3D bioprinted into whatever shape and size is needed to repair a valve abnormality or mend a hole. After the patch is sewn into place via surgery, the cells should help repair the child’s heart tissue — without putting them at risk of rejection.

“We are trying to create living tissue, whether it’s a valve or a blood vessel or a patch, that will grow with the child, and that does not deteriorate,” said Caputo. 

“It could offer a solution that means their heart is mended once and forever in a single operation, preventing people from facing a future of repeated surgeries and giving them the gift of a happier and healthier life,” added Sonya Babu-Narayan, associate medical director at the BHF.

congenital heart defects
The stem cell patches (left) compared to the material traditionally used to patch heart defects (right). Credit: British Heart Foundation

The stem cell patches have already worked effectively and safely in animals, and Caputo hopes to launch clinical trials within the next two years.

“The stem cell plasters Massimo is now developing sound incredible,” said Hudd. “If they could give the gift of life and save other families from the emotional turmoil of their children having repeated open-heart surgeries, then that would be life-changing.”