Sleep Easily: Guided Meditation for Sleep Problems and Insomnia

Sleep Easily: Guided Meditation for Sleep Problems and Insomnia

Whether we have sleep problems or not, it’s so important to empty our minds before we go to sleep. To release all our thoughts, plans, worries and concerns so that we can have a deep and restful sleep. And today’s guided meditation is meant to help you achieve just that.

Whether you have any insomnia or sleep problems or not, this magical guided meditation will help you experience the beauty and wonder of the sea, as you drift off to sleep, so that you can have a restful, relaxing and refreshing sleep.

“Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Before you begin, remember to first, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Second, lay down and when you’re ready, press play. And in the morning when you wake up, you can share your experience with all of us by commenting below.

Enjoy 🙂

Guided Meditation for Sleep Problems

Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation

Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation

When you let go of negative emotions, you communicate to yourself and the whole world that you are serious about creating a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life and that you no longer want to settle for less than you are worth. And that’s when all kind of wonderful and miraculous things start to happen To you, because of you!

Let Go of Negative Emotions

If you are willing and ready to go of negative emotions and take the first step in creating a life that is filled with joy, purpose, clarity, love, and fulfillment, this powerful guided meditation will be a great place to start.

Use this guided meditation to let go of any negative emotions you might be holding onto and transform them into feelings of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, health, and well-being,

Before you begin, remember to first, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the next 12 minutes. Second, find a comfortable position to sit – it can be in a chair, crossed legged or on your knees, or lay down and when you’re ready, press play. Once the meditation session is over, you can share your experience with all of us by commenting below.

Enjoy 🙂

Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation


P.S. “If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness, and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.”

Guided Meditation for Forgiveness: Forgive Yourself and Others

Guided Meditation for Forgiveness: Forgive Yourself and Others


Forgivness is not a sign of weakness. Forgivness is a sign of strength.

When you forgive, you free ourselves from the toxic energies that have been poisoning your mind, body, and spirit for all this time – by letting go of the pain of the past, you allow the healing process to take its natural course…

If there is something or someone you feel you need to forgive, this guided meditation for forgiveness will help you break the chains that have been keeping you prisoner to the past for all these years so that you can heal your heart and be free again. 

Before you begin, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the next 25 minutes. Second, find a comfortable position to sit – it can be in a chair, crossed legged or on your knees, or lay down and when you’re ready to press play. Once the meditation session is over, you can share your experience with all of us by commenting below.

Enjoy 🙂

Guided Meditation for Forgiveness