Dyson registers patent of plans for soundless model.

  • Dyson puts in patent for ‘hand-held blower with an insulating chamber’
  • New designs usually closely guarded
  • Dyson spends nearly £1.5 million a week on research and development

Hairdryers will be the next household gadget to be given the silent treatment by Sir James Dyson as he puts in a patent for a soundless model.

The inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner has registered plans for the gadget which shows diagrams of the ‘hand-held blower with an insulating chamber’.

Sir James is widely known for his vacuum cleaners but he has more recently branched out into bladeless fans and the ‘airblade’ fast-drying hand dryer, The Guardian has reported.

Design: The 'hairblade' hairdryerDesign: The ‘hairblade’ hairdryer


Ballbarrow A wheelbarrow with a ball replacing the wheel

Trolleyball A trolley that launched boats

Bagless vacuum cleaner The Dyson cleaner was the first bagless vacuum

Dyson Ball Vacuum cleaner using the ball from the Ballbarrow

Dyson Airblade Fast-working hand dryer

Air Multiplier Bladeless fan

The blueprint for the new hairdryer goes into detail about how it will work. The patent application shows air will flow through two chambers and out the front of the handheld device.

The bladeless fan was another ‘noiseless’ device and hairdressers will surely be first in line as standard hairdryers can be as loud as 75 decibels.

Sir James usually keeps his new designs under wraps and his patents closely guarded. He recently begun a legal battle with Samsung, claiming that the electronics giant ‘ripped off’ one of its inventions.

Inventor: Sir James Dyson closely guards his patents and his company now holds 3,000 for 500 inventions Inventor: Sir James Dyson closely guards his patents and his company now holds 3,000 for 500 inventions

The 66-year-old engineer said the South Korean company’s new MotionSync range ‘directly copied’ the steering mechanics of Dyson’s DC37 and DC39 models.

Dyson said it patented the central ball system – which allows a vacuum to move more easily around corners, table legs and over carpets – in 2009, and spent three years developing the design.

In 2009 a British judge ordered Samsung to pay Dyson about £600,000 after it tried to patent the UK firm’s ‘triple-cyclone’ suction technology.

A champion of British industry, Dyson spends nearly £1.5 million every week on research and development. The company now holds more than 3,000 patents for over 500 inventions.

He also supports up and coming inventors with The James Dyson Award that celebrates and encourages the next generation of design engineers.

It is run by the James Dyson Foundation, Sir James Dyson’s charitable trust, as part of its mission to inspire young people about design engineering.

The science behind positive thinking your way to success.

Psychology expert RIchard Boyatzis says there is strong evidence to suggest that regular physical or leisure activities throughout the day stokes compassion and creativity at work.

  • Activating our parasympathetic systems stokes compassion and creativity, say scientists
  • Positivity increases when workers are given more flexibility in their roles
  • Research shows chronic stress levels hinder professionals and those in leadership positions.


Editor’s note: “Thinking Business” focuses on the psychology of getting ahead in the workplace by exploring techniques to boost employee performance, increase creativity and productivity.

 Whether it’s infuriating colleagues, inept management or a lack of appreciation, the modern day workplace can be a positivity free zone.

Sometimes counting to ten or daydreaming of a desert island just won’t purge the everyday monotony of office life and it’s common to become trapped in a spiral of negativity.

But regular coffee breaks, yoga and even praying to a loving god could change all that.

Are we wired to be optimistic?

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According to psychology expert Richard Boyatzis, these simple exercises can engage the parasympathetic nervous system — the function responsible for relaxation and slowing the heart rate — resulting in renewed optimism and improvements in working relationships.

Boyatzis, psychology and cognitive science professor at Case Western Reserve University, said there is strong neurological evidence supporting the theory that engaging our parasympathetic systems — through regular physical or leisure activities — stokes compassion and creativity.

Read more: Don’t get stuck in your own success

“Strain causes a person to be cognitively, perceptually and emotionally impaired,” he said, “if you’re under pressure and stress at work, then you can’t think outside the box because you can’t see the box.”

Boyatzis maintains that chronic stress levels hinder professionals and those in leadership positions from performing to their best. He argues that while we need stress to function and adapt, too much can cause the body to defend itself by closing down.

“You have to engage your parasympathetic nervous system so that you change your hormonal flow,” Boyatzis told CNN, adding that mood and positivity can be “infectious” in the workplace, particularly in positions of leadership.

He added: “If you’re having a horrible marriage, or your teenage kids are dissing you right and left, you get to work and it’s very likely that you are just a bummer.”

Read more: Training the brain to stress less

Evidence shows that positivity increases when workers are given increased flexibility in their roles and more work-life balance, according to a report on well-being and success produced by the World Economic Forum [WEF].

[When] people enter a more positive space they become more willing to take risks and make comments.”
Sarah Lewis, chartered organizational psychologist.

Meanwhile, the report showed bad management and bullying in the workplace can have a damaging effect on employees’ physical and mental health.

Can positivity and happiness lead to success?

A recent study by the University of California entitled ‘Does Happiness Promote Career Success,’ professors concluded that ‘happy people’ are more satisfied with their jobs and report having greater autonomy in their duties.

Additionally, they perform better than their less happy peers and receive more support from coworkers.

Finally, positive individuals are less likely to be unemployed and more likely to be physically healthier and live longer.

And the debate over happiness and work goes way back in history. Ancient Greek philosopher Galen said employment is “nature’s physician, essential to human happiness.”

Read more: ‘Power naps’ may boost right-brain activity

Sarah Lewis, chartered organizational psychologist, told CNN that when people are positive at work it can lead to opportunities because they are more engaged and resilient:

“[When] people enter a more positive space they become more willing to take risks and make comments,” she said “they go into the more difficult conversations and they’re more productive.”

But in a study entitled ‘Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?’ the results concluded that positive attitudes can sometimes lead to poor problem solving.

If you want to instigate behavioral change you need to engage the implicit system which operates in the subconscious realm.”
Reut Schwartz-Hebron, founder of the Key Change Institute

The study also stated that the evidence to suggest happy people are more popular and have superior coping abilities is “almost non-existent.”

Reut Schwartz-Hebron, founder of the Key Change Institute — an organization that focuses on workplace behavior — believes that a constant state of positivity in the workplace can be “dangerous.”

“There’s certain things that have to be challenged,” she said, “certain things that have to be improved you can’t just constantly think that everything is going to be fine and positive.”

Schwartz-Hebron — a former Israeli military lieutenant — said to improve working life, it is first necessary “to rewire your brain” by creating new experiences and engaging two different cerebral systems; the explicit and the implicit memory.

The explicit is responsible for storing information and facts while the implicit memory relies on previous experiences to perform a task and is associated with the subconscious.

“If you want to instigate behavioral change you need to engage the implicit system which operates in the subconscious realm,” said Schwartz-Hebron, who runs workshops for Fortune 500 companies.

She added: “We typically work in very, very negative environments because our expertise is actually in difficult change.”

“[The people we work with] don’t see the need for the change; they don’t feel the problem is being defined correctly or they don’t believe that the solution is correct.”

The study by the University of California concludes that while positive emotions are particularly important to encourage optimal success at work, it is important for employees and those in positions of leadership to experience both positive and negative feelings in day to day routine.