The Ultimate Guide to GMO Foods eBook –

Discover the Truth About GMO Foods – Get The Ultimate Guide to GMOs eBook for Free!

Due to the prevalence of GMO foods in the food industry, Dr. Mercola shares everything you need to know about these deceptive foods in his free eBook, The Ultimate Guide to GMOs.

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 Spare Yourself from Being Fooled by GMO Foods – Learn the Truth Behind GM Crops

With the advent of technology, scientists are continuously discovering methods to advance our food system. They’ve come up with outrageous ways of altering our food supply, and one of those is through the invention of GMO foods.

As the curiosity and concern of many people grow, they are now starting to ask: what is a GMO food?

GMO foods or genetically modified organisms are produced from the unusual combination and alteration of any organism’s genetic components. Once the seeds of any crop have been genetically engineered or modified, it promises to make every farmer’s dream to come true.

The big biotech companies that produce GMOs guarantee that GM crops or seeds will result in abundant harvest and less use of pesticides and herbicides. They also said that foods produced from GMO crops are generally safe and can sustain global food supply.

But do GMOs live up to their promise? Are GMO foods really the answer to solving hunger around the world?

Find out the truth and repercussions brought by GMOs in our food industry with my free eBook, The Ultimate Guide to GMOs. In it, I will share to you my discoveries about the dangers lurking behind the use of GM crops.

Are You Serving Genetically Modified Foods to Your Family?

If you’re a complacent shopper, you might be picking whatever food is on the grocery shelf. You might be perfectly satisfied that the food industry is giving you the food, thinking that it’s got your best interests in mind.

But you’re certainly wrong – all they have in mind is how much profit genetically modified foods will bring into their pockets.

Some of the most cultivated GM crops today include:

  • GM corn. Monsanto’s Bt corn produces its own pesticide that kills insects. About 85 percent of corns planted in the country are genetically modified.
  • GM soybean. It is estimated that 91 percent of soybeans currently available are genetically engineered.
  • GM cotton. About 88 percent of the cotton industry has been genetically engineered to produce its own pesticide.

Aside from these, there are many other crops and seeds that are genetically engineered. And you might be purchasing them unknowingly. Learn more about them in my latest eBook, The Ultimate Guide to GMOs, where I reveal various genetically modified foods that you must veer away from.

Support GMO Labeling and Know What You Are Eating

More than 80 percent of processed foods today contain genetically engineered ingredients. Despite the fact that genetically modified foods are now widely prevalent in the food industry, consumers like you can still do something to change its course by carefully choosing and buying organic foods.

That’s what GMO labeling is all about. GMO labeling aims to give you the freedom to choose the food you’re buying. It is very important that consumers are given the right to know if the food they’re purchasing contains genetically engineered ingredients.

However, there are many forces who greatly oppose GMO labeling — giant food and biotech businesses that are willing to shell out huge amounts of cash just to continue and ensure that they still reign over the grocery shelves. Read my FREE eBook,The Ultimate Guide to GMOs, and you will be surprised to know who are the companies who are willing to put you at risk in exchange for profits.

Educate yourself and your loved ones on the nitty-gritty about GMOs. Discover which foods are truly healthy for you and get rid of the ones that are slowly destroying your body. Read this eBook today!

The Ultimate Guide to GMOs

Discover the Truth About GMO Foods – Get The Ultimate Guide to GMOs eBook for Free!

Due to the prevalence of GMO foods in the food industry, Dr. Mercola shares everything you need to know about these deceptive foods in his free eBook, The Ultimate Guide to GMOs.


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Addressing the issue of horizontal gene transfer from a diet containing genetically modified components into rat tissues


Genetically modified (GM) food crops are considered to have the potential of providing food security especially in developing countries. Scientists have raised concern over the hazards associated with the consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). One of these hazards, which have great controversy reports, is the possible horizontal gene transfer from GM-food or feed to human or animal tissues. Many researches were conducted to investigate the presence of some transgenic sequences in animal tissues fed on GM- crops. Many of the inserted genes in the GM-crops are under the control of the promoter of the Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMVP35S) and produce insecticidal proteins. Health hazards are suggested to accompany the ingestion of this promoter. CaMVP35S can function in a wide range of organisms (plants and animals). It has also been demonstrated that the CaMV-P35S promoter sequence can convert an adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoter into a globally active promoter. The present work was conducted to evaluate the possibility of horizontal gene transfer from a diet containing DNA segments from Cauliflower mosaic virus -35S promoter (CaMVP-35S) to the cells of different organs of rats fed for three months on diets containing genetically modified components. Analysis of the results revealed that: 1) ingested fragments from the CaMV-35S promoter incorporated into blood, liver, and brain tissues of experimental rats, 2) The total mean of transfer of GM target sequences increased significantly by increasing the feeding durations, and 3) The affinity of different transgenic fragments from the ingested GM-diet, to be incorporated into the different tissues of rats varied from one target sequence to the other.


Our results support the suggestion that monitoring for transgenic flow is a way to measure the possible environmental impacts of GMO and to serve as a warning system for deleterious effects

5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion.

Go home Monsanto, you're drunk

Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes, 5 million farmers are now suing Monsanto for as much as 6.2 billion euros (around 7.7 billion US dollars). 
The reason? As with many other cases, such as the ones that led certain farming regions to be known as the ‘suicide belt’, Monsanto has been reportedly taxing the farmers to financial shambles with ridiculous royalty charges.

The farmers state that Monsanto has been unfairly gathering exorbitant profits each year on a global scale from “renewal” seed harvests, which are crops planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest.

The practice of using renewal seeds dates back to ancient times, but Monsanto seeks to collect massive royalties and put an end to the practice. Why? Because Monsanto owns the very patent to the genetically modified seed, and is charging the farmers not only for the original crops, but the later harvests as well. Eventually, the royalties compound and many farmers begin to struggle with even keeping their farm afloat. It is for this reason that India slammed Monsanto with groundbreaking‘biopiracy’ charges in an effort to stop Monsanto from ‘patenting life’.

Jane Berwanger, a lawyer for the farmers who went on record regarding the case, told the Associted Press:

“Monsanto gets paid when it sell the seeds. The law gives producers the right to multiply the seeds they buy and nowhere in the world is there a requirement to pay (again). Producers are in effect paying a private tax on production.”
The findings echo what thousands of farmers have experienced in particularly poor nations, where many of the farmers are unable to stand up to Monsanto. Back in 2008, the Daily Mail covered what is known as the ‘GM Genocide’, which is responsible for taking the lives of over 17,683 Indian farmers in 2009 alone. After finding that their harvests were failing and they started to enter economic turmoil, the farmers began ending their own lives — oftentimes drinking the very same insecticide that Monsanto provided them with.

As the information continues to surface on Monsanto’s crimes, further lawsuits will begin to take effect. After it was ousted in January that Monsanto was running illegal ‘slave-like’ working rings, more individuals became aware of just how seriously Monsanto seems to disregard their workers — so why would they care for the health of their consumers? In April 2012, another group of farmers sued Monsanto for ‘knowingly poisoning’ workers and causing ‘devastating birth defects’.

Will endless lawsuits from millions of seriously affected individuals be the end of Monsanto?

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