Lurking HIV Detected by Scientists in a Major Biomarker Discovery

Scientists have discovered a unique protein that gives away the presence of inactive HIV in the body.

Sniffing out these hidden caches of the virus is something researchers have been trying to do for decades. Now that we have a lead, the finding could speed up research on a cure.


Thanks to modern antiretroviral therapies, for many people, HIV is not the death sentence it once was. But we still don’t have a reliable way of permanently flushing it out of someone’s system.

Drugs can keep the virus in check, but unfortunately HIV has a major weapon – it stows away in secret reservoirs in the immune system. There it lies dormant until conditions are more suitable to re-emerge.

That’s why people infected with HIV have to spend a lifetime on expensive drugs, because the virus can take only weeks to come back from its latent state if drug treatment is stopped.

Those nasty secret reservoirs HIV creates are located in long-lived immune cells known as resting T cells. Because the virus hijacks these cells and integrates its genetic material into the DNA of the patient, it makes reservoir T cells extremely hard to track down.

Now a team of French scientists has managed to achieve this important milestone in HIV research by discovering a biomarker that exists only on the surface of T cells that harbour the latent virus.

“Since 1996, the dream has been to kill these nasty cells in hiding, but we had no way to do it because we had no way to recognise them,” says virologist Monsef Benkirane from University of Montpellier in France.

 Benkirane’s team discovered that a specific protein, called CD32a, hangs out on the surface of T cells with a latent HIV infection, but is not found on uninfected T cells, or even T cells with active HIV.

This is huge. Having CD32a as a biomarker for HIV reservoirs means scientists have a better chance to track them down in a patient’s blood. This paves the way for more research into the mechanisms that allow HIV to create such reservoirs in the first place.

Armed with such knowledge, scientists could then find ways to actually get rid of these HIV nests for good.

The team first detected the protein in a lab-made model of HIV infection, before moving on to test it as a biomarker in actual blood samples from 12 people who live with HIV and are receiving treatment.

They separated T cells with CD32a from other T cells in the blood samples, and found that the cells with this particular protein indeed had latent HIV harboured inside them.

Unfortunately, it’s not a smoking gun in every case, since the protein was found only on about half of all latently infected T cells.

Douglas Richman from University of California San Diego, who wasn’t involved in the research, writes that “the eradication of latent HIV would require a much greater reduction in the number of latently infected cells in the body.”

But it’s an extremely encouraging first step in the long search for a marker that could help us track down the nasty virus once it goes into hiding.

Tony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, told Nature that a good next step would be to replicate the findings in more blood samples from a larger variety of patients who have the virus.

It’s still way too soon to say that we’re on the path to an actual HIV cure, but the news is super-exciting to researchers who have been hammering away at this problem for decades.

“I really hope this is correct,” says Fauci. “The fact that this work has been done by such competent investigators, and the data looks good, makes me optimistic.”

In a world where HIV continues to be a major health issue, this discovery indeed gives cause for optimism.

About 36.7 million people around the world live with HIV, but only 17 million have access to antiretroviral therapy, according to data from the US CDC.

The scientists have already filed a patent for the diagnostic and therapeutic use of the new biomarker.


Computers Made of Genetic Material Will Revolutionize Our World

  • Researchers have been able to create tiny structures for conducting electricity by using DNA and gold plating.
  • This new nanostructure could be the foundation of future electronics as soon as improvements are made on this breakthrough development.


Nanostructures made using DNA origami are fascinating. The ability to use DNA as a construction material, capable of holding scaffolds of molecules and atoms was one huge step in developing modern nanostrutures. Most recent of these developments are gold-plated nanowires constructed by scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and from Paderborn University, which independently assembled themselves from single DNA strands, as published in the journal Langmuir.

These nanowires, due to their gold-plating, were able to conduct electricity. “Our measurements have shown that an electrical current is conducted through these tiny wires,” explains Artur Erbe of the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research. The nano-sized structures were connected by two electrical contacts.

Even more fascinating is how these were made using modified DNA strands — stable double strands combined through their base pairs, from long single strands of genetic material and DNA segments. These allowed for the structures to independently take on their desired forms, complex structures developed by molecules through a self-assembling processes.


“With the help of this approach, which resembles the Japanese paper folding technique origami and is therefore referred to as DNA-origami, we can create tiny patterns. Extremely small circuits made of molecules and atoms are also conceivable here,” says Erbe.

Usually, developing nano circuits use what is known as the “top-down” method, where the base material is chiseled until the desired structure is formed. This will become increasingly difficult as electronics continue miniaturization. The new “bottom-up” method changes how these electronic components are usually made.

Credits: B. Teschome, A. Erbe, et al.
Credits: B. Teschome, A. Erbe, et al.

There is one problem, though. “Genetic matter doesn’t conduct a current particularly well,” Erbe points out, which explains why the nanowires were gold-plated. But even with this, there was still difficulty with conducting current at room temperatures. Better melding of conductive materials need to be further developed, plus the option of using cheaper, more standard wire coating than gold.

Still, the research is promising. This nanowire that’s made partially out of genetic material could be the future of electronics. Smaller wires allow for more compact designs, which together with smaller transistors, can be used to make more powerful computers.