Snapshot from a simulation of the first stars in the Universe, showing how the gas cloud might have become enriched with heavy elements. The image shows one of the first stars exploding, producing an expanding shell of gas (top) which enriches a nearby cloud, embedded inside a larger gas filament (centre). The image scale is 3,000 light years across, and the colour map represents gas density, with red indicating higher density.
Credit: Britton Smith, John Wise, Brian O’Shea, Michael Norman, and Sadegh Khochfar

Researchers from Australia and the USA have discovered a distant, ancient cloud of gas that may contain the signature of the very first stars that formed in the Universe, in research to be published next week in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The research was undertaken by Dr Neil Crighton and Professor Michael Murphy from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, and Associate Professor John O’Meara from Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont, USA. Professor O’Meara presented the results at the American Astronomical Society meeting yesterday, 7 January 2016.

Snapshot from a simulation of the first stars in the Universe, showing how the gas cloud might have become enriched with heavy elements. The image shows one of the first stars exploding, producing an expanding shell of gas (top) which enriches a nearby cloud, embedded inside a larger gas filament (centre). The image scale is 3,000 light years across, and the colourmap represents gas density, with red indicating higher density. Credit: Britton Smith, John Wise, Brian O'Shea, Michael Norman, and Sadegh Khochfar

The gas cloud has an minuscule percentage of heavy elements, such as carbon, oxygen and iron — less than one thousandth the fraction observed in the Sun. It is many billions of light-years away from Earth and is observed as it was just 1.8 billion years after the Big Bang. The observations were made by the Very Large Telescope in Chile.

“Heavy elements weren’t manufactured during the Big Bang, they were made later by stars,” says lead researcher, Dr Neil Crighton, from Swinburne University of Technology’s Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing. “The first stars were made from completely pristine gas, and astronomers think they formed quite differently from stars today.”

The researchers say that soon after forming, these first stars — also known as Population III stars — exploded in powerful supernovae, spreading their heavy elements into surrounding pristine clouds of gas. Those clouds then carry a chemical record of the first stars and their deaths, and this record can be read like a fingerprint.

“Previous gas clouds found by astronomers show a higher enrichment level of heavy elements, so they were probably polluted by more recent generations of stars, obscuring any signature from the first stars,” Dr Crighton says. “This is the first cloud to show the tiny heavy element fraction expected for a cloud enriched only by the first stars,” said one of the co-authors, Swinburne’s Professor Michael Murphy.

The researchers hope to find more of these systems, where they can measure the ratios of several different kinds of elements. “We can measure the ratio of two elements in this cloud — carbon and silicon. But the value of that ratio doesn’t conclusively show that it was enriched by the first stars; later enrichment by older generations of stars is also possible,” another co-author, Professor John O’Meara from Saint Michael’s College in Vermont, USA, says.

“By finding new clouds where we can detect more elements, we will be able to test for the unique pattern of abundances we expect for enrichment by the first stars.”


Newfound Gas Cloud Points to Possible Planets Near the Milky Way’s Black Hole

Times are tough on planet Earth right now, but at least we don’t have a supermassive black hole lurking just over the horizon.

A new study suggests that stars near the Milky Way’s central black hole may well form planets. The researchers based their analysis on a very recent discovery of a gas cloud making its way toward the galactic center.

On December 14 an international team of astronomers led by Stefan Gillessen of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany, announced that they had spotted something heading toward a close encounter with the central black hole, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), which has as much mass as four million suns. Gillessen and his colleagues interpreted the object to be a dusty gas cloud about three times as massive as Earth, possibly belched out as stellar winds (plasma streaming outward from stars) from the young stars that orbit the black hole.

A few days later, Ruth Murray-Clay and Abraham Loeb of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suggested that the newfound object may be much more closely connected to those stars. In a preprint posted to the Web site on December 20, Murray-Clay and Loeb say that the cloud Gillessen and his colleagues discovered could be the disrupted remnants of a planet-forming disk surrounding a star that used to orbit Sagittarius A* at a safe distance but is now plunging toward the black hole. A protoplanetary disk is the swirling pancake of gas and dust surrounding a young star, which can coalesce into planets, asteroids and comets. “This cloud of gas naturally originates from a proto-planetary disk surrounding a low-mass star, which was scattered a century ago from the observed ring of young stars orbiting Sgr A*,” they write.

The star itself would be too faint to see. But as Sagittarius A* has distorted and fried the disk with the black hole’s gravitational pull and the radiation of its environs, it has generated a debris stream around the star that telescopes can detect.

If the young stars orbiting Sagittarius A* host protoplanetary disks, that “implies that planets form in the Galactic centre,” the researchers write. But you wouldn’t want to live on one of those worlds. The galactic center is awash in intense radiation emitted by material swirling around the outside of the black hole, which gets compressed and heated as it falls inward. (It is that radiation from outside the event horizon that allows astronomers to “see” a black hole, which itself holds tight to all matter and photons and hence emits no light.)

Plus there’s always the chance that your host star will get knocked onto an orbit heading right for the black hole, as Murray-Clay and Loeb suspect has happened here. In some cases, the researchers suggest, planets might be torn apart by the black hole’s gravitational pull and produce bright flares as the pieces fall in.

We should soon find out whose explanation for the gas cloud is correct. The cloud, whatever its origin, is on track to swing past Sagittarius A* in mid-2013. If it’s a simple gas cloud, it will get torn apart and partly consumed by the black hole, temporarily brightening the radiation from around Sagittarius A*. If the cloud instead comprises debris from a protoplanetary disk, the star itself should cruise past Sagittarius A* largely unscathed. But the cloud will grow denser as more and more mass from the disk is dragged away from the star. Either way, it ought to be quite a show.


source:Scientific American.