Have this concoction for 7 days and see what happens to you.

Garlic and honey may seem like odd ingredients to put together, but combining them results in an impressive immune-boosting substance that will keep your body healthy and strong.

Not only is garlic the perfect choice for adding flavour to a savory recipe, it provides a long list of health benefits thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. Garlic contains a compound known as allicin, which has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, prevent blood clotting, and has been shown to have anti-cancer properties and anti-microbial affects.Garlic is low in calories, but high in nutrients, containing Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, selenium and fiber. It’s a natural immune system booster that helps the body fight infection. One study found that a daily dose of garlic reduced the number of colds by 63%, while reducing the average length of cold symptoms by 70%. On the other hand, raw honey is full of antioxidants, along with enzymes and minerals including iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. It also contains Vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin.

But raw honey is rich in taste and has a high number of nutritional benefits. It has a healthy glycemic index that aids in better digestion.  The natural vitamins and minerals in raw honey help lower cholesterol levels. Raw honey helps to fuel the body and the mind while making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. Its antibacterial and antioxidant properties make it a great remedy for the immune system!

Watch the video. URL:https://youtu.be/cuGQVRLYNqg

Warning: Stop Using Garlic If You Are in These 6 Types of People

Garlic is an herb best known as a flavoring for food. Over the years, people have used garlic as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions.

Nevertheless, there are six types of people who should not eat garlic.


1. People who have liver problems

Some people believe that garlic is an antibacterial and antiviral food and it can kill bacteria and viruses, so they are eating garlic in order to prevent hepatitis. Also, people who already have hepatitis eat garlic every day to cure it. Garlic cannot be used to treat or kill hepatitis virus.

Some elements in garlic may cause stimulation on the stomach and intestines, which may inhibit the secretion of digestive juice in intestinal tract, and affect the digestion of food, thereby aggravating many symptoms for the hepatitis patients, such as nausea.

Moreover, the exaggerated use of garlic can cause anemia because some its components decrease red blood cells and hemoglobin.

2. People suffering from non-bacterial diarrhea

If patients with diarrhea consume raw garlic, the spicy flavor of the garlic may stimulate the intestines which may cause intestinal mucosal hyperemia and edema aggravation, and make the condition even worse.

If the diarrhea has occurred, consumption of garlic should be careful.

3. People with eye diseases

Patients with eye disease should try to not eat garlic, especially those with poor health. Doctors of traditional Chinese medicines believe that the regular consumption of garlic in large quantities for longer period of time would damage the eyes and the liver, but also it may trigger hypopsia, tinnitus, front heaviness, memory loss and so on.

4. Patients before surgery

Patients who will undergo a surgery should stop taking garlic at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery because it might prolong bleeding.

5. Pregnant women and Women breastfeeding

When taken in the amounts normally found in food, garlic is likely safe to use during pregnancy. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of using garlic on the skin if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Hence garlic is possibly unsafe when used in medicinal amounts during pregnancy and when breast-feeding.

6. People with low blood pressure

It can lower blood pressure. In theory, taking garlic might make blood pressure become too low in people with low blood pressure.

Is Garlic Good For You? 7 Surprising Benefits Of Garlic For Optimal Health

Garlic does more than just invigorate your palate and ward off vampires; it’s also a smelly superfood health aid. The spice is a highly nutritious vegetable with very few calories, containing trace amounts of other nutrients that contribute to its universal status of a powerful, beneficial healer. The natural medicinal ingredient, both as a fresh plant and supplement, can strengthen immune function and boost overall well-being.

Close-up of garlic bunched together

Garlic’s delicious flavor and health benefits have led to a steady increase in demand. The average garlic consumption per capita per year is 2 pounds. A healthy adult can safely consume up to four cloves of garlic each day, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, with each one weighing about a gram.

The body-strengthening effects of this herb are thought to be due to its active ingredient allicin. This is what gives garlic its distinctive taste and smell. Whether you take your garlic powdered, salted, or minced or in supplement form, you can reap the surprising benefits of this multipurpose herb for optimal health.

1. Treats Acne

This herb may not be found in acne products’ list of ingredients, but it can serve as a natural topical treatment to get rid of blemishes. Allicin, the organic compound in garlic, has the ability to stop the damaging effects of radicals and kill bacteria, according to a 2009 studypublished in the journal Angewandte Chemie. In its decomposed form — sulfenic acid — allicin produces a fast reaction with radicals, which makes it a valuable herb for treating acne scars, skin diseases, and allergies.

2. Treats Hair Loss

A head full of hair that smells like garlic could help in the treatment of hair loss. The herb’s extremely high sulfur content contains keratin, the protein hair is made of. This stimulates fortification and growth. A 2007 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprology found the use of a garlic gel added to the therapeutic efficacy of topical betamethasone valerate for alopecia areata treatment can be effective to induce hair re-growth.

3. Fights Common Cold

Garlic’s allicin can serve as a health aid during times of illness. Rene Ficek, a registered dietician and a lead nutrition expert at Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating in Illinois told Medical Daily in an email: “Garlic cloves contain a healthy dose of allicin, but you may still need a few cloves per day to feel the effects.” However, garlic supplementation can also be used to ward off viruses.

A 2001 study published in the journal Advances In Therapy found a daily garlic supplement can reduce the number of colds by 63 percent compared to not taking supplements. Moreover, the average length of cold symptoms was also reduced to 70 percent, from five days in the control group to 1.5 days in garlic supplement group. These findings suggest the allicin-containing supplement has a protective effect against the common cold.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

A garlic supplement a day may help keep your blood pressure at bay. Its active compounds can significantly reduce blood pressure comparable to the effects of prescribed drugs. Aged garlic extract between 600 to 1,500 milligrams (mg) was found to be just as effective as the drug Atenolol prescribed for hypertension in a 24-week period, according to a 2013 study published in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Garlic is believed to activate the production of the endothelium-derived relaxation factor, according to Ficek, due to the herb’s high amount of polysulfides — sulfur — containing molecules. This leads to smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation (widening of blood vessels), following the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the vessel wall. Garlic supplements can achieve these effects efficiently without the bad breath compared to raw garlic.

5. Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Garlic can help lower the risk of heart disease by lowering total LDL cholesterol. A 2000 studypublished in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found the effect of garlic on total cholesterol level in people with elevated levels moderately reduced cholesterol levels.Vandana Sheth, registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics told Medical Daily in an email that this is achieved by “diminishing the activity of main cholesterol-producing enzyme in the liver.” Garlic supplements can enhance the body’s ability to dissolve blood clots that would otherwise increase the risk of heart attacks by closing the arteries.

6. Enhances Physical Performance

Garlic can help increase exercise capacity and reduce exercise-induced fatigue. “[G]arlic has a long history of being used in ancient cultures to reduce fatigue and enhance the work capacity of laborers,” Ficek said. Garlic oil has been shown to improve the exercise capacity of people with heart disease. A 2005 study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacologyfound participants with heart disease who took garlic oil for six weeks saw a reduction in peak heart rate by 12 percent. This was accompanied by an improvement in their physical endurance during a treadmill exercise.

7. Improves Bone Health

The alkalizing vegetable is filled with bone-healthy nutrients such as zinc, manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Risa Groux, a holistic nutritionist and ChazzLIVE expert toldMedical Daily in an email: “Garlic is really high in manganese, which contains enzymes and antioxidants that facilitates the formation of bones and connective tissues, bone metabolism, and calcium absorption.”

Garlic may help reduce bone loss through the increase of estrogen in females. A 2007 studypublished in the journal Phytotherapy Research found garlic oil was able to preserve the skeletal health of rodents when under a hypogonadal situation. In other words, garlic contains nutrients that act as building blocks for healthy, strong bones.

Garlic can be a flavorful addition to your dish and also double as a valuable aid to your health.

Women find the smell of sweat more attractive after eating garlic.


  • Men were asked to eat raw garlic, garlic capsules, or no garlic
  • Their sweat was then collected on armpit pads over the course of 12 hours 
  • Women sniffed the pads and rated them for attractiveness and masculinity
  • The more garlic the men ate, the more attractive they were perceived   

Scientists have found that the sweat of men who have eaten garlic is more attractive to women

It might sound like the most unlikely of dating tips.

But guys, if you want to get the girl, forget the aftershave and try eating garlic instead.

Scientists found the sweat of men who had eaten the bulb smelt more attractive to women.

The researchers suggested that women may have evolved to prefer the type of smell that eating garlic – which is a highly nutritious food – produces in armpit sweat, because it suggests the person is healthy.

Garlic has antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties and studies have suggested it can help reduce the incidence of colds, and even high blood pressure and some cancers.

Or, it could simply be that the antibacterial action of the garlic makes the armpits smell sweeter by reducing the density of the microbes which cause the nasty odours, the researchers from the University of Stirling in Scotland and Charles University in the Czech Republic said.

‘Certainly, breath odour plays a crucial role in most social interactions, but human axillary (armpit) odour is also an important factor in intimate relationships,’ the researchers wrote in the journal Appetite.

‘Our results indicate that garlic consumption may have positive effects on perceived body odour hedonicity (the pleasure derived from it), perhaps due to its health effects, for example antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity.

‘From an evolutionary perspective, formation of preferences for diet-associated body odours was possibly shaped by means of sexual selection.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3313356/Forget-aftershave-want-charm-ladies-eat-GARLIC-Women-smell-sweat-attractive-eating-bulbs.html#ixzz3rOUE8JWi
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Garlic For High Blood Pressure

Garlic For High Blood Pressure

So what’s the deal with garlic and high blood pressure? Garlic has been recommended as a natural remedy to treat high blood pressure for a long time now, and research still claims that garlic does indeed lower blood pressure.

How can garlic help patients with high blood pressure?

What is in the garlic that lowers blood pressure? The same thing that makes the garlic have that strong smell. The allicin in the garlic is what is responsible for both the smell and the hypotensive effect of garlic. The hypotensive effects are due to a few known reasons including that it has to do with an increase in red blood cell velocity, and nitric oxide metabolism. (Bauman, 121) Since it is the allicin that makes the garlic smell as well as lower blood pressure, it is important to steer away from the odorless garlic supplements since they may be less affective.

Garlic also contains small amounts of selenium and selenium is believed to prevent abnormal blood clotting, to normalize blood pressure, and to prevent infections. (motherearthnew.com). Aside from lowering blood pressure, garlic can also help in lowering cholesterol, and can help fight off germs,

So how much garlic do you have to have to get the therapeutic value? Garlic has been shown to be effective in lowering systolic blood pressure with 600-900 mg of powdered garlic. (Silagy & Neil, 1994) This is equal to about 1 fresh clove.

Creative ways to eat garlic

– Sautéed in olive oil.
– Make your own homemade garlic bread with whole wheat bread, crushed garlic and olive oil.
– In homemade salsa.
– In homemade hummus
– Guacamole
– As a seasoning for vegetables.
– Stirred into homemade marinara.

Benefits Of Garlic Extract May Protect Brain From Inflammation, Diseases Like Alzheimer’s

Garlic A compound in aged garlic extract may protect the brain against damage caused by environmental stress.

While we might throw around the “superfood” label a bit too casually these days, garlic is one food that fully deserves the title. Each clove contains a wealth of sulfuric compounds, which not only give them their scent but also antioxidant effects that confer benefits, from getting rid of acne to fighting infections. Now, a new study finds that one of these compounds, called FruArg, may protect the brain from age-related disease like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

As a carbohydrate derivative of garlic, there’s a relatively high concentration of FruArg in aged garlic extract (AGE), the authors wrote — AGE is typically sold as supplements. Looking at isolated FruArg’s impact on brain cells, researchers from the University of Missouri found it could protect brain cells from an overexcited immune response caused by environmental factors like pollution and smoking, as well as normal aging, brain injuries, and drinking lots of alcohol.

“Microglia are immune cells in the brain and spinal cord that are the first and main line of defense in the central nervous system,” said lead author Zezong Gu, an associate professor of pathology and anatomical sciences at the university’s School of Medicine. “Unlike other mature brain cells that seldom regenerate themselves, microglial cells respond to inflammation and environmental stresses by multiplying. By massing themselves and migrating toward an injury site, they are able to respond to inflammation and protect other brain cells from destruction.”

But microglia also tread a line between benefiting the body and harming it, protecting only to an extent. A byproduct of their function is nitric oxide, a free radical. And when a lot of microglia are produced, so are nitric oxide molecules, which can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation within the brain and nervous system. As we’ve all heard before, however,antioxidants fight oxidative stress, and in this case, that antioxidant compound is FruArg.

For their study, Gu and his colleagues applied stress to a cell model of microglial cells and then added FruArg to them once nitric oxide concentrations rose. They found the microglial cells “adapted to the stress by reducing the amount of nitric oxide they produced.” What’s more, FruArg also promoted the production of antioxidants, which then went on to protect and heal other brain cells. “This helps us understand how garlic benefits the brain by making it more resilient to the stress and inflammation associated with neurological diseases and aging,” Gu said.

Roughly five million Americans aged 65 and older live with Alzheimer’s disease, the most serious and common form of dementia, according to the National Institutes of Health. While the way it develops is still under investigation, current research suggests inflammation and free radicals are major factors, along with brain atrophy (shrinkage) and mitochondrial dysfunction, which causes energy within cells to die out. Scientists are constantly looking for ways to prevent the incurable disease; further studies might just find AGE is one of them.

Source: Zhou H, Qu Z, Mossine V, et al. Proteomic Analysis of the Effects of Aged Garlic Extract and Its FruArg Component on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neuroinflammatory Response in Microglial Cells. PLOS One. 2015.

Why is it Good to Eat Garlic on an Empty Stomach?

In many alternative and traditional forms of medicine, garlic is considered to be a great detox food that can cure many ailments. Many claim that garlic can cleanse the body from parasites and worms, prevent and cure diabetes, depression and even some cancer types.

Eating raw garlic is the best way to maximize its health benefits, far superior to any pills or supplements. Garlic produces allicin, an organosulfur compound that is created when garlic is crushed, chopped, or minced. Allicin is extremely unstable and quickly breaks down into other sulfur-containing compounds such as diallyl disulfide. These compounds react with the human body in various complex ways, appearing to lower blood pressure and reduce arterial fatty plaque build-up.

Although garlic is best eaten crushed whether raw or cooked, crushing damages the cells and allicin is released. Garlic destroys free radicals due to its antioxidant property. But, it should be consumed within an hour or two of activating the allicin (by crushing or mincing the garlic) to get the full potential health benefits. However, stomach acids can lower the effect of allicin, so try not to eat raw garlic on an empty stomach; even a glass of water first will help by lowering stomach pH slightly.

Heat can also destroy allicin and its resulting sulfur-containing compounds, so recipes that call for cooking garlic at high heat for long periods of time cancel out most of its healthy boosts. Baking or roasting whole cloves or heads of garlic also won’t produce allicin as the cloves must be crushed, chopped, or minced to mix the parts together that produce allicin.

Some research suggests that consuming garlic before you eat or drink anything can increase its power. But if you’re not used to eating garlic every day, it’s advisable to start slowing and build it up every day.Raw garlic mean that you have to peel it and chomp it down. It just shouldn’t be over-cooked. You can also eat it straight down the hatch and eat it at night, if you’re concerned about garlic breath.

If you are allergic to garlic, never eat it raw and if you get any skin outbreaks, high body temperature, or a headache, stop consuming it and consult a doctor.

Here’s What Happens When You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach

We all know garlic’s signature odor and taste. There are garlic lovers and garlic haters. But did you know that garlic is one of the most widely used ingredients all over the world, for more than 7,000 years? Native to central Asia, its use quickly spread across the continent, adapted to the Mediterranean diet and quickly became popular in Africa as well. Almost 5,000 years ago, it was cultivated by the Assyrians, Egyptians, Ancient Greeks and Jews, later by the Romans and so on, and served both culinary and medicinal purposes. Pythagoras called garlic “the king of spices”, not only for its taste but also for its healing benefits. An Egyptian manuscript which includes almost 800 drugs proves that 22 of them were made with garlic. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine and it’s known to treat many diseases and ailments. Eating Garlic On A Daily Basis Can Work Wonders On Your Body As simple as it is to find and consume it, it stimulates the immune system and normalizes your gut flora and can work as an effective natural antibiotic. Garlic can be really powerful, therefore it should be treated like medicine, when used as a cure, and not be over-consumed. It has the ability to kill several kinds of bacteria. Eating garlic on an empty stomach can help in the prevention and healing of a number of common diseases. Consuming it this way, enhances its effects as a powerful natural antibiotic. Could Garlic Really Substitute Antibiotics? Garlic is composed of nitrogenous substances, sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sulfuric, phosphoric acid, vitamin C, D, B, phytosterols, extractives, and essential oils. Furthermore, garlic is rich in phytoncides, like allicin, which is formed by the mechanical destruction of plants, that is – crushing or grinding cloves of garlic. Allicin has a strong bacteriostatic effect which accelerates the cure of infections. Garlic can also fight fungal infections, which makes garlic a much more valuable medicine than that of many of today’s antibiotics. Garlic contains more than 400 different mineral components including a lot of antioxidants that number quite a few therapeutic properties. If you want to substitute antibiotics with garlic, it is important to consult your doctor first. Each case is different and surely requires special treatment.

The Top 10 Health Benefits Of Garlic 1. Garlic prevents aging and clogging of arteries. 2. It helps significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. 3. Garlic strengthens the immune system, by supporting your body’s mechanism cope with harmful external influences. 4. It kills a large number of bacteria. 5. Garlic is extremely effective when taken to protect against heart disease. It reduces the synthesis of triglycerides in the liver which help prevent the development of atherosclerosis. 6. Garlic lowers blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory properties. 7. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is an effective remedy for common colds. 8. It is recommended to use garlic for disorders of the nervous system. 9. Garlic helps kill the cells of multiform glioblastoma’s, a malignant brain tumor. 10. Garlic also acts as an anticoagulant, which thins the blood and prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots, thus, reducing the risk of a stroke or heart attack.

Garlic Proven 100 Times More Effective Than Antibiotics

A significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness. Their work was published recently in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy a follow-up to the author’s previous research in Applied and Environmental Microbiology which conclusively demonstrated that garlic concentrate was effective in inhibiting the growth of C. jejuni bacteria. Garlic is probably nature’s most potent food. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives. Garlic is also a powerful performer in the research lab. “This work is very exciting to me because it shows that this compound has the potential to reduce disease-causing bacteria in the environment and in our food supply,” said Xiaonan Lu, a postdoctoral researcher and lead author of the paper. One of the most interesting of the recent findings is that garlic increases the overall antioxidant levels of the body. Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. Louis Pasteur noted in 1858 that bacteria died when they were doused with garlic. From the Middle Ages on, garlic has been used to treat wounds, being ground or sliced and applied directly to wounds to inhibit the spread of infection. The Russians refer to garlic as Russian penicillin.

Garlic Proven 100 Times More Effective Than Antibiotics

How to use garlic as natural antibiotic?

Garlic is nature’s potent, natural antibiotic herb, that isn’t just effective against bacterial infections but against fungal and viral infections as well. Unlike commercial antibiotic medications it does not kill “good” bacteria in our body neither does it have any harmful side effects. Clinical trials have proved its effectiveness against multiple ailments like chronic diarrhea, candida overgrowth, genital herpes, chronic sinus infection, diabetes, high blood pressure, allergies, infections, toothaches, cancer, impotence, colds, heart disease, MRSA, and high cholesterol.

Garlic’s potency lies in a single active component called “allicin” which is not found in fresh garlic but is released when it is crushed, chopped, chewed or bruised. This is effectively Garlic’s natural defenseagainst bacterial and fungal attacks from the soil. That explains how these benefits are passed on to us when we eat them. Garlic loses its antibiotic properties when you cook or dry it, and commercial garlic capsules do not preserve the full activity of the fresh bulb.

So the only way is to eat it RAW. Crush the bulbs and expose it to air for ten minutes before consuming to fully activate this key germ-killing compound. Try adding tomatoes and lemon to make it more palatable.

Cheap, easily available, safe for the body, no side effects, potent pathogen killer, cure for multiple ailments….what else do you need to consume the humble yet magical Garlic?