The theory of evolution has its origins in the Galápagos.

Now climate change is rapidly heating the ocean here.
Darwin’s creatures are threatened.

ALCEDO VOLCANO, Galápagos — When the clouds break, the equatorial sun bears down on the crater of this steaming volcano, revealing a watery landscape where the theory of evolution began to be conceived.

Across a shallow strip of sea lies the island of Santiago, where Charles Darwin once sighted marine iguanas, the only lizard that scours the ocean for food. Finches, the product of slow generational flux, dart by. Now, in the era of climate change, they might be no match for the whims of natural selection.

In the struggle against extinction on these islands, Darwin saw a blueprint for the origin of every species, including humans.

Yet not even Darwin could have imagined what awaited the Galápagos, where the stage is set for perhaps the greatest evolutionary test yet.

Marine iguanas on Fernandina Island.

As climate change warms the world’s oceans, these islands are a crucible. And scientists are worried. Not only do the Galápagos sit at the intersection of three ocean currents, they are in the cross hairs of one of the world’s most destructive weather patterns, El Niño, which causes rapid, extreme ocean heating across the Eastern Pacific tropics.

Research published in 2014 by more than a dozen climate scientists warned that rising ocean temperatures were making El Niño both more frequent and more intense. Unesco, the United Nations educational and cultural agency, now warns the Galápagos Islands are one of the places most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

“You can see them laying one or two eggs and being attacked by the ants,” said Christian Sevilla, a conservationist at the national park here. “They’re just throwing off the rest of the eggs as they walk off trying to escape, with the ants still biting at their legs.”

(Not without irony, Darwin was a predator of the tortoises well before the ants were. “The young tortoises make excellent soup,” he wrote in 1839.)

Mr. Sevilla and other workers at the park are now considering mitigation efforts to try to protect threatened species from the more frequent El Niño events that have come with climate change. The park already has a program to breed giant tortoises in captivity.

Weird Clutch of Eggs Found in One of the Most Inhospitable Places on Earth

Strange conditions in the murkiest depths of the ocean have led to the evolution of weird-looking animals that sometimes look like dicks but are, impressively, able to thrive in uniquely severe environments. One of the oddest and most inhospitable of these habitats is the area surrounding underwater volcanoes known as black smokers, which spew forth hot jets of chemicals from the Earth’s mantle that can reach temperatures of 650º-750º Fahrenheit. Scientists know that some hardy organisms rely on these chemical feasts to thrive, but they only recently realized that the searing heat from those vents might be crucial to their survival as well.

In a paper published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports, an international team of scientists led by Pelayo Salinas-de-León, Ph.D. report an especially unusual discovery: that Pacific white skates (Bathyraja spinosissima), relatives of sharks that grow to have a wingspan of up to five feet, lay their eggs around hydrothermal vents in the Iguanas-Pinguinos vent field, about one mile below the sea just north of the Galápagos Islands.

pacific white skate deep sea hydrothermal vents
Pacific white skates can live up to 10,000 feet below the surface of the sea.

While the fossil record has shown that dinosaurs laid eggs in volcanic soil, just like the still-living megapode, a ground-dwelling bird that lays its eggs in mounds of heat-generating, decomposing matter in Asia and Australia, this report marks the first time anyone has observed this behavior in a marine animal.

Scientists found egg cases between 30 feet and 450 feet from hydrothermal vents.
Scientists found egg cases between three feet and 450 feet from hydrothermal vents.

Pacific white skates are wide, flat fish that can live up to 10,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. What makes this species especially unique is that their eggs take a really long time to hatch: Researchers estimate that these eggs incubate for 1,500 days — more than four years. Laying the eggs around these deep-sea vents, the researchers hypothesize, could help shorten the time it takes for the eggs to hatch.

This image, taken from the ROV's POV, shows skate eggs around a hydrothermal chimney.
This image, taken from the ROV’s POV, shows skate eggs around a hydrothermal chimney.

Since the hydrothermal vents of the Galápagos Marine Reserve are so deep underwater, the researchers had to use a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) to explore what life could thrived there. Using the camera on the ROV, as well as a robotic arm that can gently manipulate objects, they observed the scene and collected four samples to confirm the species. In total, they found 157 egg cases, each about four inches long. Many of the cases were fresh, suggesting that the site was an active incubation area.

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents, known as black smokers, host a wide range of life, including skate eggs.
Deep-sea hydrothermal vents, known as black smokers, host a wide range of life, including skate eggs.

With the ROV’s camera, they also observed a bunch of older egg cases, indicating that skates had been laying their eggs around these vents for quite some time.

Even with the help of the hydrothermal vents, the water is still quite cold way down there — only a few degrees above freezing. So it makes sense that the skates are taking advantage of this environmental freebie.

Researchers collected four egg cases to confirm the species.
Researchers collected four egg cases to confirm the species.

Aside from being a startlingly strange find, documenting this phenomenon could assist conservation efforts in the future, as these deep-sea hydrothermal vents could soon be under threat. While it seems like something a mile under the ocean should be safe from human hinderance, they’ve recently become a target for mining companies hoping to extract methane or harvest the geothermal energy.

“We hardly know anything about the deep sea, and we are fishing, and mining, before we even get a chance to even document what species live down there and what unique behaviors [they] could reveal [to] us,” Salinas-de-León told National Geographic in an interview this month. Perhaps learning that these vents not only host the crabs and worms that we already knew about but also serve as nurseries for these strange and beautiful skates will teach us to be a little more hesitant to decimate these habitats for our own gain.

Abstract: The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 challenged our views of ecosystem functioning and yet, the research conducted at these extreme and logistically challenging environments still continues to reveal unique biological processes. Here, we report for the first time, a unique behavior where the deep-sea skate, Bathyraja spinosissima, appears to be actively using the elevated temperature of a hydrothermal vent environment to naturally “incubate” developing egg-cases. We hypothesize that this behavior is directly targeted to accelerate embryo development time given that deep-sea skates have some of the longest egg incubation times reported for the animal kingdom. Similar egg incubating behavior, where eggs are incubated in volcanically heated nesting grounds, have been recorded in Cretaceous sauropod dinosaurs and the rare avian megapode. To our knowledge, this is the first time incubating behavior using a volcanic source is recorded for the marine environment.

Malaria threat to Galapagos birds

Blue-footed booby
The blue-footed booby was first extensively studied by Charles Darwin on his visit to the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands may have inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, but scientists fear some of the species he observed may not be capable of adapting to new environmental challenges.

Experts say the introduction of foreign parasites to the islands and the increase in frequency of El Nino events, which scientists recently attributed to global warming, could push bird species in the Galapagos towards extinction.

“The situation is precarious,” says Dr Patricia Parker, Endowed Professor of Zoological Studies at the University of Missouri St Louis (UMSL), “particularly for species such as the Galapagos penguin, which live in very small populations.”

The Galapagos Islands

  • The Galapagos Islands comprise a volcanic archipelago west of Ecuador
  • Together the islands have an area of just over 8,000 sq km (3,000 sq mi)
  • They are well known for a huge number of species that are unique to the islands (endemic)
  • Charles Darwin studied the islands’ wildlife during the voyage of the Beagle
  • His observations made a significant contribution to his theory of evolution by natural selection

Foreign parasites have contributed to mass extinctions in Hawaii, which has lost up to 30% of its endemic birds.

Hitherto, the Galapagos Islands have avoided a similar fate. But Dr Parker, who contributed towards a new report about avian malaria on the archipelago, believes it could be just a matter of time before the virus claims its first species.

The disease is already prevalent in the yellow warbler and Galapagos penguin, which has an estimated population of just 3,000 individuals.

The parasite that causes avian malaria (Plasmodium) requires passage through the digestive and circulatory systems of a biting insect in order to reproduce.

“The insect is considered the primary host of the parasite,” explains Dr Parker.

Suitable hosts

However, for the Plasmodium parasite to complete its life-cycle it must then be transmitted to a suitable bird host through the saliva of the biting insect.

“The parasite then goes through a massive multiplication phase in the liver of the animal before entering the bloodstream,” says Dr Parker. “From there, the next biting insect that takes a blood meal picks them up.”

But not all birds are competent hosts.

“We are trying to identify which species of mosquito is responsible for vectoring it and which bird species is the reservoir for this parasite,” says Dr Parker.

After studying 3,726 samples from 22 endemic birds, Dr Parker and her team – scientists from UMSL, Galapagos National Park, Charles Darwin Foundation and Saint Louis Zoo – believe the parasite is not completing its life-cycle in endemic birds.

Yellow warbler The disease is already prevalent in the yellow warbler

“We don’t think Galapagos natives are part of the transmission cycle,” says Dr Parker. “They become infected but they don’t actually allow the parasite to complete its life-cycle.”

Attention has now shifted to three introduced birds; the domesticated fowl, the cattle egret and the smooth-billed ani, a species thought to have been brought here by farmers because it removes ticks from cattle.

“If we discover that one of these introduced species is responsible for the transmission of this potentially dangerous parasite then the Galapagos National Park would consider whether they want to mount an eradication effort,” says Dr Parker.

“There is a sense of urgency about this because it’s only a matter of time until one of the endemic birds will become a successful host – all host and parasite relationships evolve.”

Scientists suspect an introduced mosquito is acting as the primary host and, if this is confirmed, authorities will also consider eradicating the insect.

The Galapagos National Park has experience exterminating foreign species, having successfully eliminated disease-spreading rock pigeons.

El Nino year

However, preserving native species could prove trickier; scientists say global warming is likely to increase the frequency of El Nino events, which can have a devastating effect on Galapagos wildlife.

“In the El Nino events of 1982 and 1996 the population of penguins declined to approximately 300 and 400 individuals respectively,” says Gustavo Jimenez, wildlife veterinarian at the Charles Darwin Foundation.

“The increased frequency of El Nino could mean there is not enough time for the recovery of the species that are affected, which would lead not only to their populations reaching critically low numbers but possibly extinction.”

Galapagos penguin An increased frequency of El Nino events and avian malaria could consign the Galapagos penguin to history

During El Nino, the Humboldt Current, which brings cold, nutrient-rich waters from Antarctica, is reversed.

“Instead what hits the islands are warm equatorial waters,” explains Dr Parker. “So the birds that rely on marine life; their numbers plummet.”

Scientists fear future El Nino events coupled with an outbreak of avian malaria could consign species such as the Galapagos penguin and flightless cormorant to the history books.

“It is possible that in a situation where there are multiple environmental stresses – less food, strange weather conditions and so on – these Plasmodium infections might be much more damaging than they appear to be under more benign circumstances,” says Dr Parker.

On the edge

Concern is also mounting for the critically endangered mangrove finch, which is being ravaged by an introduced fly called Philornis downsi.

“In 2013, 37% of mangrove finch nestlings were killed by Philornis downsi,” says conservationist Francesca Cunninghame, of the Charles Darwin Foundation.

“This is a loss which cannot be sustained in a population as reduced as that of the mangrove finch – in the same year, there were only 14 breeding pairs.”

Philornis downsi colonises nests and finds its way into the nasal cavities of fledglings, where it can cause beak deformation and blood loss leading to death.

It was first identified in the 1990s and recent tests indicate that fumigating nests with permethrin, an insecticide which is not harmful to birds, can dramatically improve the health of a brood.

Scientists are also experimenting with captive breeding programmes in an attempt to boost numbers.

“The Galapagos has had zero bird extinctions and we want to keep it that way,” says Dr Parker. “We need to find answers now while the potential exists to do something about it – before Galapagos becomes another Hawaii.”

There’s Something Special About Islands.

Islands seem to have it all: ample sunshine, white sand beaches, and species you can’t find anywhere else on Earth. Since Charles Darwin first traveled to the Galapagos Islands and British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to the Malay Archipelago in the mid-19th century, ecologists have believed there is something special about islands. A new study provides some of the first empirical evidence that island biodiversity really is different from that of the mainland. The findings have implications not just for how evolution and natural selection operate in these insular areas, but also for how conservation efforts can best protect them.

Darwin and Wallace noted many instances of the uniqueness of islands. For example, when Darwin analyzed bird specimens from the Galapagos after arriving back in England, he noticed that many neighboring islands hosted their own species of finch. Despite this recognition, the so-called theory of island biogeography didn’t take off until the 1960s. Back then, ecologists Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson began to study species diversity on islands in an attempt to predict how many kinds of organisms a recently formed island could support. They predicted that islands closest to the mainland would be the least unique and that the islands with the highest biodiversity would have been separate from the mainland for the longest period of time. The notion that islands were ecologically and evolutionarily different from the mainland due to their isolation was mostly uncontested until 2005, when a group of international ecologists published a study in Nature indicating that the number of unique species in mainland areas such as the Amazon basin and central African rainforests rivals that of many islands.

In the new study, Adam Algar, an ecologist at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, and colleagues decided to measure exactly how unique islands were by analyzing their rate of species turnover—a value that compares the number of species present in two different locations. Measuring biodiversity by species richness simply accounts for the number of species in a particular area, whereas species turnover allows scientists to compare the number and identities of species between two places, Algar says.

Algar and colleagues measured species turnover using Anolis lizards and Terrarana frogs, two groups of New World animals that underwent rapid evolutionary change and split into a variety of new species whenever they moved to a new environment. The researchers counted the species of Anolis lizards and Terrarana frogs on different Caribbean islands using published species lists. To get a representative measure of Anolis and Terrarana species turnover in the tropical Central and South American mainland, the team created island-sized, nonoverlapping samples. The researchers randomly oriented and superimposed these island shapes on maps of the Central and South American tropical mainland and identified the species living in each area using the same sources as for the islands. They computed species turnover by calculating the number of Anolis lizard and Terrarana frog species unique to pairs of different areas, and then factoring in variables such as the distance between the two areas and any environmental differences, such as elevation and rainfall.

Species turnover between a mainland sample and an island was much higher, on average, than between two mainland areas or two islands, the team reports online today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. A higher level of species turnover on islands indicates that islands had more unique species than similar-sized areas of the mainlandAnolis lizards and Terrarana frogs were more likely to form new species on islands because they were isolated by salt water and couldn’t return to the mainland to breed with other members of their species, the team concludes. This meant that that the species on two islands were more likely to be different from each other than were the species in two mainland samples.

“Islands are unique from mainland areas,” Algar says. “There really is something special about island environments that we hadn’t recognized before.”

The study has limitations, Algar says. For one, he and his colleagues used only two animal genera to measure species turnover. Furthermore, the mainland samples were randomly selected, rather than focusing on areas with high numbers of endemic species (with flora and fauna can only be found in a particular geographic area). Algar is currently planning a follow-up study to compare species turnover between islands and areas of the mainland that have many endemic species.

Besides improving our understanding of how biodiversity evolves on islands, the results could help guide conservation. It’s much easier to preserve species diversity in a representative section of a mainland ecosystem than by preserving one island of an archipelago, Algar says. Because each island has a unique array of plants and animals, conservationists need to protect the entire island chain.

“The study provides additional, comprehensive evidence that islands are important cradles of biodiversity,” Lauren Buckley, a biologist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, writes in an e-mail. “Species on islands are more unique than would be expected based on environmental differences and geographic separation.”

Source: Science Now.