Is There a Link Between Fungal Infections and Cancer Development?

Addressing fungal infections may offer a novel means to help prevent cancer in the immunocompromised.

Is There a Link Between Fungal Infections and Cancer Development?

Some researchers are looking for innovative ways to fight cancer. One novel approach may involve addressing fungal infections.

According to a 2021 study published in Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin (APB), epidemiological evidence shows a clear link between fungal infections and cancer development. Researchers frequently find this association in people who are immunocompromised, such as those with AIDS.

Why Might the Connection Between Cancer and Fungal Infections Be Relevant?

In 2018 18.1 million new cases of cancer occurred worldwide, with 9.5 million lives lost to it. Experts predict the number of new cases will soar to 29.5 million by 2040 and cancer-related deaths to 16.4 million. In an attempt to reduce the ever-rising rates of incidence, some scientists are exploring the risk factors that underlie the disease.

According to the APB study, cancer has a broad array of risk factors including microbial infection, obesity, diet, sex and nation, lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure to environmental pollutants.

A 2020 study published in Microbial Pathogenesis found that microbial infections underlie about 20 percent of all cancers. Of this 20 percent, a portion may stem from fungal infections.

The APB study states that the most common fungi species involved in cancer include:

  • Candida albicans
  • C. tropicalis
  • C. glabrata
  • Fusarium verticillioides
  • F. proliferatum
  • Aspergillus flavus
  • A. parasiticus

How Do Fungal Infections Increase Cancer Risk?

The APB study explains that fungal infections produce cancer-causing chemicals that include:

  • Acetaldehyde: This harms DNA and prevents repair of the damage. The greater the exposure to acetaldehyde, the higher the cancer risk.
  • Mycotoxins: These are fungal metabolites that cause adverse health effects, including chromosomal changes and a risk of cancer.
  • Nitrosamine: These are chemicals that can damage chromosomes or DNA and have tumor-producing effects.
  • Proinflammatory cytokines: These chemicals indicate inflammation. They influence cancer development in multiple ways.

Who May Get Fungal Infections?

Anyone can get a fungal infection. While many types of fungi do not usually cause infections in healthy individuals, they are more likely to produce them in those with weakened immunity. The below factors may make it more difficult to fight a fungal infection:

Certain Health Conditions

This includes HIV or AIDS, especially in those with a CD4 (a type of white blood cell that plays a role in immunity) count of less than 200. Stem cell or organ transplants also make fighting fungal infection more difficult due to the immunosuppressive drugs taken to prevent organ rejection.

A Stay in a Health Care Facility

The use of medical devices, such as ventilators and catheters in hospitals or skilled nursing facilities create opportunities for fungi to enter the body. Candida auris frequently spreads among people in health care settings. Candida auris can be spread through contact with infected people and contaminated equipment or surfaces in health care settings.

Older Age

A decline in immunity is a well-known effect of aging, thus, fighting off fungal infections is more challenging for older adults.

Medications That Affect Immunity

This includes oral and inhaled corticosteroids, which are used to treat asthma, allergies, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as TNF inhibitors used to treat autoimmune diseases, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy also weaken the immune response.

What Antifungal Interventions Are Available?

Doctors may recommend prophylactic treatment for fungal infections for people with weakened immunity. Prophylaxis in this context refers to taking antifungal medications to help prevent infections, instead of waiting until infections manifest to start treatment.

Fungi are a natural part of the environment, so it is hard to avoid them. They are present in soil and outdoor vegetation, as well as on the skin and many indoor surfaces. The following measures may reduce exposure to fungi:

  •  Stay away from areas with lots of dust, such as construction sites.
  • Avoid areas with bird and bat droppings, such as chicken coops and caves.
  • Wear shoes, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants when engaging in outdoor activities.
  • Wear gloves when handling manure, moss, or soil.

What Natural Agents Have Antifungal Properties?

Although antifungal medications are available, they can have side effects. In addition, drug-resistant fungal strains are emerging. Consequently, researchers are looking for alternatives to synthetic drugs that come from natural compounds. The below options show promise:


Studies have found that many fungi species are sensitive to garlic. The antifungal mechanisms of action in garlic include:

  • Suppressing the synthesis of nutrients fungi need, such as proteins and fats.
  • Reducing their growth.
  • Damaging their cell membranes.
  • Decreasing their oxygen uptake.

Other studies note that garlic contains more than 100 biologically active compounds, most of which contain sulfur. A main sulfur compound, ajoene, has “important” antifungal activity against both yeast and non-yeast forms of fungi.


Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric that contains powerful antifungal properties. Curcumin suppresses fungi growth by disrupting their synthesis of vital enzymes and proteins.

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Another study discovered that curcumin was more effective than the antifungal drug fluconazole in inhibiting the attachment of candida species to cells inside of the cheek, particularly in people with AIDS.


Propolis is a mixture of beeswax and pollen that bees collect from certain plants. Studies found that it contains 26 or more constituents with antifungal properties. Researchers propose that the main mechanism of action underlying its properties stems from the ability to induce apoptosis, or cell death, in fungi.

A Final Word

Although many individuals with cancer have fungal infections, it does not mean that the infections cause the cancer.

However, the authors of the APB study express concern, as they note that the infections “may play a significant role in the risk for precancerous lesions.” With this in mind, it seems reasonable to think that efforts to prevent fungal infections in people with compromised immunity are worthwhile.

The Brain Under Siege: Exploring the Complexities of Fungal Infections

Although most fungi are harmless to humans, some can wreak havoc on our health, causing problems that range from thrush to infections in the brain.

A previous article detailing the findings of a recent study raised some intriguing questions about our complex relationship with fungi and their potential to cause us harm.

The study, by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, found that a fungal infection in the brain produced effects similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

The fungus in the study was Candida albicans (C. albicans), and using animal models, the research team discovered how this common fungus enters the brain, activates mechanisms for its clearance, and generates amyloid beta-like peptides—toxic protein fragments thought to be central to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

The findings highlight our complex relationship with fungus and raise additional questions about how those infections affect our health and their implications in neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and Alzheimer’s.

A Bit About Fungi

So, what exactly are fungi, and how do they affect us?

Fungi are a group of spore-producing organisms that feed on dead organic matter and living organisms and include molds, yeasts, mushrooms, and mildew.

Fungi are not plants or animals and employ a unique method of survival—absorbing the nutrients they need from dead and living organisms. In the world of biology, fungi have their own category called a kingdom, separate from those of plants and animals—the kingdom of fungi. A recent assessment from Kew Royal Botanic Gardens estimates that this kingdom contains approximately 2.5 million species of fungi. Another source states that only about 60,000 of the known species have been described

C. albicans is a common fungus and has been found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s as well as in those with other chronic neurodegenerative disorders. It’s a form of yeast present in the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, skin, and reproductive tract of most humans.

Most of the time, C. albicans is a harmless member of a healthy microbiome. However, it can also be responsible for infections ranging from superficial infections of the mucosa and skin to more serious infections affecting the blood, heart, bones, and brain. C. albicans can survive outside of the body and can colonize every human organ and tissue. It’s the most common cause of systemic fungal infections.

Dr. C. Orian Truss and the Yeast Connection

The relationship we share with fungi (and yeast in particular) and its connection to our health made a leap in 1978 when renowned cardiologist Dr. C. Orian Truss published an article called “Tissue Injury Induced by Candida Albicans: Mental and Neurologic Manifestations,” which appeared in the Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry.

As described in a 2016 article, Dr. Truss’s insight was that Candida albicans went beyond a superficial infection of the skin and mucous membranes and could cause a cascade of symptoms that included allergic and immune reactions that affected multiple organ systems—including the brain. This discovery, which he had observed in his patients, came at a time when a diet of refined carbohydrates was the norm, and the overuse of antibiotics and steroids by the medical establishment turned many patients into “yeast factories.”

Dr. Truss found that the combination of a low carbohydrate diet and the antifungal medication nystatin could reverse a wide variety of symptoms that included those from irritable bowel syndrome, skin conditions, allergies, and the extreme food cravings associated with obesity and pre-diabetes. Dr. Truss also found that mood disorders like anxiety and depression often improved in his candida patients. In 1984, he put his findings into print and published “The Missing Diagnosis.”

Candida albicans is a type of fungus that lives in places like your mouth, your belly, and even on your skin. (Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock)
Candida albicans is a type of fungus that lives in places like your mouth, your belly, and even on your skin.

Another physician and contemporary of Dr. Truss was Dr. William Crook, who, although initially skeptical of Dr. Truss’ hypothesis, became a believer after one of his “stuck” patients saw Dr. Truss and experienced relief from many previously untreatable symptoms.

Dr. Crook began practicing according to Dr. Truss’s model, leading him to write “The Yeast Connection” in 1986.

Despite the work of Dr. Truss and Dr Crook, mainstream medicine largely rejected the concept of yeast and its negative impact on human health at the time. Almost fifty years later, much of their work has been vindicated, and many of their hypothesized connections have been proven correct.

Evidence Linking Fungi to Neurodegenerative Diseases

As mentioned in our previous article, several studies have found intriguing evidence that fungal infections are present in the central nervous systems of those with Alzheimer’s and not in healthy individuals who served as the controls.

In a 2022 review, researchers examined the role of fungus in central nervous system autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders. The review states that, recently, increasing evidence has pointed to the role of peripheral fungi in triggering inflammation, immune response, and worsening of a range of noninfectious disorders of the central nervous system, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.

A 2015 study states that several researchers have proposed the possibility that Alzheimer’s may have a microbial cause. The researchers found evidence that tissue from the central nervous system (which includes the brain and spinal cord) of patients with Alzheimer’s contained fungal cells. These fungal cells were found in different regions of the brain, and researchers identified several species of fungus in their samples.

These fungal materials weren’t present in the control individuals who didn’t have Alzheimer’s. Interestingly, the study authors noted that fungal infection was also found in the blood vessels, which could explain the vascular pathology often found in Alzheimer’s patients.

Fungal Infections in the Brain

Dr. David Corry, a professor of pathology, immunology, and medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, is one of the original study’s authors, and his lab has years of experience studying fungi.

Even though Dr. Corry’s research has focused on mice, when asked how humans might acquire these types of fungal infections, Dr. Corry told The Epoch Times:

“Our work focused exclusively on the mouse, as you note, and the fungus Candida albicans. However, it has long been known that C. albicans commonly infects humans and likely has infected the entire species. In a subsequent publication, we will explore the issue of C. albicans brain infections of humans.”

Additionally, there is the question of how these infections get into the brain in the first place and across the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from invasion and infection.

“We show in our publication that C. albicans uses its secreted enzymes (proteinases) to essentially dissolve the proteins that keep the blood-brain barrier tight, allowing the fungus to enter the brain proper.” Dr. Corry said. “In more detail, we show that most or all of the secreted aspartic proteinases (Saps) secreted by C. albicans (total of 10) are involved in this, but by far the most important one is Sap2.”

In the original study from Dr. Corry’s lab, there was mention that the fungal infection in the brain could be cleared in ten days in healthy mice. When asked about this, Dr. Corry explained the process a bit further, telling The Epoch Times:

“When the fungus is injected intravenously into mice, as we do with our model system, they immediately go to many organs, but the brain is certainly one of the big ones. This initial infection is indeed cleared after 10 days and occurs by the actions of infection-fighting cells of the brain called ’microglia.’

“We showed two pathways that microglia detect C. albicans in the brain, allowing the microglia to attack and kill the fungi. Pathway 1 involves the secretion by C. albicans of a protein called candidalysin. Candidalysin is detected by a specific receptor on microglia (called Mac-1 or CD11b), triggering the activation of the microglia and turning them into C. albicans killing machines. Pathway 2 involves again the Saps. Saps break down a protein found in the brain called amyloid precursor protein (APP) into small fragments called amyloid beta (Ab) peptides. These peptides are detected by another receptor protein on microglia called Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) that also activates microglia to kill the fungi.”


Although Dr. Corry says that complete avoidance of infections by C. albicans is not possible, as C. albicans has, most likely, already infected the entire human species—he did say that it may be possible to eliminate C. albicans from humans—something he hopes to work on in the future.

Dr. Corry states that there are presently no tests for the presence of a fungal infection in the brain. In the meantime, however, there are ways to test if you have a fungal infection elsewhere and to test for the presence of mold in your home.

Dr. Jack Wolfson, a board-certified, now-holistic cardiologist and best-selling author, calls mold the hidden health crisis of the 21st century and believes it is at the root of the vast majority of diseases we face in the modern world.

Dr. Wolfson asserts that much of that mold exposure is from water damage in our homes—and that most homes have it. Although the connection between mold exposure and the most common diseases may not be one we usually think about, Dr. Wolfson believes the connection is there, telling The Epoch Times:

“As far as I’m concerned, every illness, whether it’s high blood pressure, cancer, brain disorders, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, COVID, immune issues—living in a water-damaged home, contaminated with mold and/or bacteria is a contributing cause.”

If you suspect you may have mold in your body, Dr. Wolfson’s website offers a mold mycotoxin test. The test is a urine-based panel that tests for more than 30 different toxins that are released from the environment and food molds. Those with compromised immune systems are much more susceptible to fungal infections and may benefit from this type of testing to detect the presence of mold and help get to the root of their health issues.

If you want to test your home or workplace for mold contamination, Dr. Wolfson’s website also offers an Envirobiomics ERMI Mold Test, as well as a Swiffer Test for mold, actinomycetes, and endotoxins.

Final Thoughts

Fungi and humans have a complex relationship, and although most species are not harmful to us, some are. Fungi also have many beneficial uses and are used to create a variety of common medicines, like antibiotics (penicillin), which have saved countless lives. They are essential for helping grow fruits and vegetables and making many of our favorite foods like bread, wine, and cheeses. More research is needed to discover the implications of fungal species on our health and the etiology of specific diseases, as it may offer unique ways to treat the health challenges we face now and in the future. More research may also help us learn ways to navigate our ongoing relationship with this group of ancient organisms.

Fungal infections – a new ‘world threat’

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen say that one million people around the world die from fungal infections each year. According to Prof Neil Gow from the University, worldwide, fungal infections kill more people than breast cancer or malaria but are not considered a priority. The topic has also made recent headlines because public health officials in England say a new strain of fungi, called Candida auris, has caused an outbreak in one hospital and they are monitoring its progress.

How many types of fungi are there?

There are more than five million types of fungi, but only three main groups cause the majority of deaths in people: Candida, Cryptococcus and Aspergillosis.

Which infections are caused by Candida?

Candida is the fungal infection most people may have heard about. Candida albicans causes oral and vaginal thrush. These are common and often easy to treat infections however candida can also be life-threatening. When it is, there are usually factors present which make infection more likely, such as the patient having low numbers of infection-fighting white blood cells, having long courses of antibiotics, having indwelling lines used in chemotherapy, or having had abdominal surgery.

Who is commonly affected by Aspergillosis?

Aspergillosis is usually seen in patients with very advanced HIV infection. This makes them very susceptible to infection, as HIV attacks the immune system. Aspergillosis is mostly a lung disease leading to severe, difficult-to-treat pneumonia.

What is Cryptococcus and how is it transmitted?

Cryptococcus is a yeast found in soil and dried pigeon droppings. Infection is usually transmitted by inhalation (it is breathed into the body). Patients with poor immune systems develop progressive lung disease which spreads through the body. Cryptococcus can infect any organ, but it is seen mainly in the brain and central nervous system. It is often found to affect patients with meningitis.

Which other infections are more commonly caused by fungi?

Common infections include fungal scalp infection (scalp ringworm)fungal groininfection (tinea cruris)fungal nail infection (tinea unguium) and athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).