Obesity Gene Linked to Hunger Hormone.

Researchers think they’ve hit on why a common obesity gene causes weight gain: Those who carry a version of it don’t feel full after eating and take in extra calories. That’s because the variant of the FTO gene in question, which one in six individuals carry, leads to higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone involved in mediating appetite and the body’s response to food, researchers have discovered. While most studies on FTO have relied on mice, the new work analyzed blood samples and brain scans from humans.

“This is a very exciting piece of research,” says geneticist Andrew Hattersley of the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, U.K., who was not involved in the new study. “There is a lot of work that’s been done on the mechanism of FTO in animals, but you have to be careful about applying those lessons to people. So it’s nice to finally see work done in humans.”

Hattersley was part of a team that in 2007 reported that people who had one version of the FTO gene, called AA, weighed an average of 3 kilograms more than those with the TT version of the gene. Since then, studies in mice have shown that in everyone, there are high levels of the FTO protein in brain areas that control energy balance. Researchers have also found that animals with the AA version tend to eat more and prefer high-fat food compared with those with the TT version. But why FTO had this effect wasn’t known.

Rachel Batterham, an endocrine and obesity researcher at University College London, thought that gut hormones that mediate the body’s response to eating could be the missing link between FTO and food intake. One such hormone is ghrelin, known to be produced by gut cells to stimulate hunger. So Batterham and her colleagues measured levels of ghrelin in the blood of nonobese men with the AA or TT versions of FTO. In those with the TT variant, ghrelin levels rose before a meal, when the person experienced hunger, and fell after eating, as expected. But in those with the obesity-associated AA version, ghrelin levels stayed relatively high even after eating. Moreover, the AA individuals reported a faster increase in hunger after a test meal. And MRI scans revealed that, when the test subjects were shown images of food before or after eating, brain activity in areas associated with motivation and rewards remained high before and after the meal in AA individuals. This suggests that the increased ghrelin levels were impacting the brain’s response to food—which “fits very well with what we already know the effects of ghrelin,” Batterham says.

But could higher ghrelin levels be unrelated to FTO? The researchers don’t think so, in part because they found that in isolated human cells, increased levels of FTO protein led to more ghrelin production. The reason this happens, the group showed, is because that the FTO protein actually alters the ghrelin gene, causing methyl chemical groups to be removed, a so-called epigenetic modification that impacts how much protein the ghrelin gene produces. The AA gene variant, the researchers report online today in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, removed more methyl groups from the gene, leading to increased levels of the hunger hormone.

Whether that proves true, the full story is FTO remains to be uncovered, Hattersley says. “What we don’t know is whether FTO is changing many things that alter appetite, of which ghrelin is just one,” he says. “I suspect human appetite and obesity is more complex than a single hormone.”

Neurobiologist Tamas Horvath of Yale University agrees. “This is a beautiful piece of work at face value,” he says. “But I think it’s reasonable to continue pursuing many other avenues to see what else might be going on here.”

Source: sciencemag.org



Fat gene ‘linked with skin cancer’.



A gene previously shown to be linked to obesity may also increase the risk of a deadly form of skin cancer, say researchers writing in Nature Genetics.

Analysis of data from 73,000 people, led by the University of Leeds, found a specific section of the “fat gene” was associated with malignant melanoma.

It is the first time the gene has been linked with a specific disease independently of weight.

The results suggest a wider role for the gene than originally thought.

Malignant melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the UK with about 12,800 new cases and about 2,200 deaths each year.

An international team analysed genetic data from the tumours of 13,000 malignant melanoma patients and 60,000 unaffected individuals.

They found that those with particular variations in a stretch of DNA within the “fat gene” or FTO gene, called intron 8, could be at greater risk of developing melanoma.


New targets


Previous research linking the FTO gene with obesity found that variants in a section called intron 1 are linked with being overweight and overeating.


Several other diseases have been linked to the gene but also to having a high body mass index.


This is the first time that researchers have found a link between the FTO gene and a disease which is not linked to obesity and BMI.


It opens up a new direction in work looking at how the gene functions as until now the focus has been on its effects on weight gain and factors such as regulating appetite.


Study author, Dr Mark Iles, a senior research fellow at the Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, said: “This is the first time to our knowledge that this major obesity gene, already linked to multiple illnesses, has been linked to melanoma.


“This raises the question whether future research will reveal that the gene has a role in even more diseases?”


He added: “When scientists have tried to understand how the FTO gene behaves, so far they’ve only examined its role in metabolism and appetite.


“But it’s now clear we don’t know enough about what this intriguing gene does.”


Dr Julie Sharp, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information manager, said: “These are fascinating early findings that, if confirmed in further research, could potentially provide new targets for the development of drugs to treat melanoma.


“Advances in understanding more about the molecules driving skin cancer have already enabled us to develop important new skin cancer drugs that will make a real difference for patients.”


She added the best way to prevent melanoma was to avoid damage caused by too much sun exposure and sunbeds.


“Getting a painful sunburn just once every two years can triple the risk of melanoma.”


Source: BBC