Fossil Discoveries Challenge Ideas About Earth’s Start

A series of fossil finds suggests that life on Earth started earlier than anyone thought, calling into question a widely held theory of the solar system’s beginnings.

How the young Earth might have looked during the Late Heavy Bombardment.

How the young Earth might have looked during the Late Heavy Bombardment.

In the arid, sun-soaked northwest corner of Australia, along the Tropic of Capricorn, the oldest face of Earth is exposed to the sky. Drive through the northern outback for a while, south of Port Hedlund on the coast, and you will come upon hills softened by time. They are part of a region called the Pilbara Craton, which formed about 3.5 billion years ago, when Earth was in its youth.

Look closer. From a seam in one of these hills, a jumble of ancient, orange-Creamsicle rock spills forth: a deposit called the Apex Chert. Within this rock, viewable only through a microscope, there are tiny tubes. Some look like petroglyphs depicting a tornado; others resemble flattened worms. They are among the most controversial rock samples ever collected on this planet, and they might represent some of the oldest forms of life ever found.

Last month, researchers lobbed another salvo in the decades-long debate about the nature of these forms. They are indeed fossil life, and they date to 3.465 billion years ago, according to John Valley, a geochemist at the University of Wisconsin. If Valley and his team are right, the fossils imply that life diversified remarkably early in the planet’s tumultuous youth.

The fossils add to a wave of discoveries that point to a new story of ancient Earth. In the past year, separate teams of researchers have dug up, pulverized and laser-blasted pieces of rock that may contain life dating to 3.7, 3.95 and maybe even 4.28 billion years ago. All of these microfossils — or the chemical evidence associated with them — are hotly debated. But they all cast doubt on the traditional tale.

As that story goes, in the half-billion years after it formed, Earth was hellish and hot. The infant world would have been rent by volcanism and bombarded by other planetary crumbs, making for an environment so horrible, and so inhospitable to life, that the geologic era is named the Hadean, for the Greek underworld. Not until a particularly violent asteroid barrage ended some 3.8 billion years ago could life have evolved.

But this story is increasingly under fire. Many geologists now think Earth may have been tepid and watery from the outset. The oldest rocks in the record suggest parts of the planet’s crust had cooled and solidified by 4.4 billion years ago. Oxygen in those ancient rocks suggest the planet had water as far back as 4.3 billion years ago. And instead of an epochal, final bombardment, meteorite strikes might have slowly tapered off as the solar system settled into its current configuration.

“Things were actually looking a lot more like the modern world, in some respects, early on. There was water, potentially some stable crust. It’s not completely out of the question that there would have been a habitable world and life of some kind,” said Elizabeth Bell, a geochemist at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Taken together, the latest evidence from the ancient Earth and from the moon is painting a picture of a very different Hadean Earth: a stoutly solid, temperate, meteorite-clear and watery world, an Eden from the very beginning.

Ancient Clues

About 4.54 billion years ago, Earth was forming out of dust and rocks left over from the sun’s birth. Smaller solar leftovers continually pelted baby Earth, heating it up and endowing it with radioactive materials, which further warmed it from within. Oceans of magma covered Earth’s surface. Back then, Earth was not so much a rocky planet as an incandescent ball of lava.

Not long after Earth coalesced, a wayward planet whacked into it with incredible force, possibly vaporizing Earth anew and forming the moon. The meteorite strikes continued, some excavating craters 1,000 kilometers across. In the standard paradigm of the Hadean eon, these strikes culminated in an assault dubbed the Late Heavy Bombardment, also known as the lunar cataclysm, in which asteroids emigrated to the inner solar system and pounded the rocky planets. Throughout this early era, ending about 3.8 billion years ago, Earth was molten and couldn’t support a crust of solid rock, let alone life.

Lucy Reading-Ikkanda/Quanta Magazine

But starting around a decade ago, this story started to change, thanks largely to tiny crystals called zircons. The gems, which are often about the size of the period at the end of this sentence, told of a cooler, wetter and maybe livable world as far back as 4.3 billion years ago. In recent years, fossils in ancient rock bolstered the zircons’ story of calmer climes. The tornadic microfossils of the Pilbara Craton are the latest example.

Today, the oldest evidence for possible life — which many scientists doubt or outright reject — is at least 3.77 billion years old and may be a stunningly ancient 4.28 billion years old.

In March 2017, Dominic Papineau, a geochemist at University College London, and his student Matthew Dodd described tubelike fossils in an outcrop in Quebec that dates to the basement of Earth’s history. The formation, called the Nuvvuagittuq (noo-voo-wog-it-tuck) Greenstone Belt, is a fragment of Earth’s primitive ocean floor. The fossils, about half the width of a human hair and just half a millimeter long, were buried within. They are made from an iron oxide called hematite and may be fossilized cities built by microbial communities up to 4.28 billion years ago, Dodd said.

The bright red rock in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt appears to contain tube-shaped microfossils dating to at least 3.77 billion years ago.

The bright red rock in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt appears to contain tube-shaped microfossils dating to at least 3.77 billion years ago.

Dominic Papineau

“They would have formed these gelatinous, rusty-red-colored mats on the rocks around the vents,” he said. Similar structures exist in today’s oceans, where communities of microbes and bloody-looking tube worms blossom around sunless, black-smoking chimneys.

Dodd found the tubes near graphite and with carbonate “rosettes,” tiny carbon rings that contain organic materials. The rosettes can form through varying nonbiological processes, but Dodd also found a mineral called apatite, which he said is diagnostic of biological activity. The researchers also analyzed the variants, or isotopes, of carbon within the graphite. Generally, living things like to use the more lightweight isotopes, so an abundance of carbon 12 over carbon 13 can be used to infer past biological activity. The graphite near the rosettes also suggested the presence of life. Taken together, the tubes and their surrounding chemistry suggest they are remnants of a microbial community that lived near a deep-ocean hydrothermal vent, Dodd said.

Geologists debate the exact age of the rock belt where they were found, but they agree it includes one of the oldest, if not the oldest, iron formations on Earth. This suggests the fossils are that old, too — much older than anything found previously and much older than many scientists had thought possible.

The microfossils resemble sea life that grows near deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

The microfossils resemble sea life that grows near deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

Matthew Dodd

Then in September 2017, researchers in Japan published an examination of graphite flakes from a 3.95-billion-year-old sedimentary rock called the Saglek Block in Labrador, Canada. Yuji Sano and Tsuyoshi Komiya of the University of Tokyo argued their graphite’s carbon-isotope ratio indicates it, too, was made by life. But the graphite flakes were not accompanied by any feature that looked like a fossil; what’s more, the history of the surrounding rock is murky, suggesting the carbon may be younger than it appears.

Farther to the east, in southwestern Greenland, another team had also found evidence of ancient life. In August 2016, Allen Nutman of the University of Wollongong in Australia and colleagues reported finding stromatolites, fossil remains of microbes, from 3.7 billion years ago.

Allen Nutman prospecting for ancient microfossils in the Isua belt in southern Greenland.

Allen Nutman prospecting for ancient microfossils in the Isua belt in southern Greenland.

Laure Gauthiez-Putallaz

Many geologists have been skeptical of each claim. Nutman’s fossils, for example, come from the Isua belt in southern Greenland, home to the oldest known sedimentary rocks on Earth. But the Isua belt is tough to interpret. Just as nonbiological processes can form Dodd’s carbon rosettes, basic chemistry can form plenty of layered structures without any help from life, suggesting they may not be stromatolites but lifeless pretenders.

In addition, both the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt and the Isua belt have been heated and squished over billions of years, a process that melts and recrystallizes the rocks, morphing them from their original sedimentary state.

“I don’t think any of those other studies are wrong, but I don’t think any of them are proof,” said Valley, the Wisconsin researcher. “All we can say is [Nutman’s rocks] look like stromatolites, and that’s very enticing.”

Regarding his work with the Pilbara Craton fossils, however, Valley is much less circumspect.

The stromatolites form small wavelike mounds in sedimentary rock. The vertical lines are cuts made by the researchers.

The stromatolites form small wavelike mounds in sedimentary rock. The vertical lines are cuts made by the researchers.

Allen Nutman/University of Wollongong

Signs of Life

The tornadic microfossils lay in the Pilbara Craton for 3.465 billion years before being separated from their natal rock, packed up in a box and shipped to California. Paleobiologist William Schopf of UCLA published his discovery of the strange squiggles in 1993 and identified 11 distinct microbial taxa in the samples. Critics said the forms could have been made in nonbiological processes, and geologists have argued back and forth in the years since. Last year, Schopf sent a sample to Valley, who is an expert with a super-sensitive instrument for measuring isotope ratios called a secondary ion mass spectrometer.

Valley’s team found that some of the apparent fossils had the same carbon-isotope ratio as modern photosynthetic bacteria. Three other types of fossils had the same ratios as methane-eating or methane-producing microbes. Moreover, the isotope ratios correlate to specific species that had already been identified by Schopf. The locations where these isotope ratios were measured corresponded to the shapes of the microfossils themselves, Valley said, adding they are the oldest samples that look like fossils both physically and chemically.

John Valley in his mass spectrometer laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

John Valley in his mass spectrometer laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Jeff Miller / UW-Madison

While they are not the oldest samples in the record — supposing you accept the provenance of the rocks described by Dodd, Komiya and Nutman — Schopf’s and Valley’s cyclonic miniatures do have an important distinction: They are diverse. The presence of so many different carbon isotope ratios suggests the rock represents a complex community of primitive organisms. The life-forms must have had time to evolve into endless iterations. This means they must have originated even earlier than 3.465 billion years ago. And that means our oldest ancestors are very, very old indeed.

Watery World

Fossils were not the first sign that early Earth might have been Edenic rather than hellish. The rocks themselves started providing that evidence as far back as 2001. That year, Valley found zircons that suggested the planet had a crust as far back as 4.4 billion years ago.

Zircons are crystalline minerals containing silicon, oxygen, zirconium and sometimes other elements. They form inside magma, and like some better-known carbon crystals, zircons are forever — they can outlast the rocks they form in and withstand eons of unspeakable pressure, erosion and deformation. As a result, they are the only rocks left over from the Hadean, making them invaluable time capsules.

Valley chipped some out of Western Australia’s Jack Hills and found oxygen isotopes that suggested the crystal formed from material that was altered by liquid water. This suggested part of Earth’s crust had cooled, solidified and harbored water at least 400 million years earlier than the earliest known sedimentary rocks. If there was liquid water, there were likely entire oceans, Valley said. Other zircons showed the same thing.

“The Hadean was not hell-like. That’s what we learned from the zircons. Sure, there were volcanoes, but they were probably surrounded by oceans. There would have been at least some dry land,” he said.

Zircons suggest there may even have been life.

In research published in 2015, Bell and her coauthors presented evidence for graphite embedded within a tiny, 4.1-billion-year-old zircon crystal from the same Jack Hills. The graphite’s blend of carbon isotopes hints at biological origins, although the finding is — once again — hotly debated.

“Are there other explanations than life? Yeah, there are,” Bell said. “But this is what I would consider the most secure evidence for some sort of fossil or biogenic structure.”

An X-ray of a 4.1-billion-year-old sample of zircon reveals dark spots made by carbon deposits.

An X-ray of a 4.1-billion-year-old sample of zircon reveals dark spots made by carbon deposits.

Imaging is by Crystal Shi (Department of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA)

If the signals in the ancient rocks are true, they are telling us that life was everywhere, always. In almost every place scientists look, they are finding evidence of life and its chemistry, whether it is in the form of fossils themselves or the remnants of life’s long-ago stirrings. Far from fussy and delicate, life may have taken hold in the worst conditions imaginable.

“Life was managing to do interesting things at the same time Earth was dealing with the worst impacts it’s ever had,” said Bill Bottke, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

Or maybe not. Maybe Earth was just fine. Maybe those impacts weren’t quite as rapid-fire as everyone thought.

Evidence for a Beating

We know Earth, and everything else, was bombarded by asteroids in the past. The moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury all bear witness to this primordial pummeling. The question is when, and for how long.

Based largely on Apollo samples toted home by moonwalking astronauts, scientists came to believe that in the Earth’s Hadean age, there were at least two distinct epochs of solar system billiards. The first was the inevitable side effect of planet making: It took some time for the planets to sweep up the biggest asteroids and for Jupiter to gather the rest into the main asteroid belt.

The second came later. It began sometime between 500 and 700 million years after the solar system was born and finally tapered off around 3.8 billion years ago. That one is called the Late Heavy Bombardment, or the lunar cataclysm.

As with most things in geochemistry, evidence for a world-rending blitz, an event on the hugest scales imaginable, is derived from the very, very small. Isotopes of potassium and argon in Apollo samples suggested bits of the moon suddenly melted some 500 million years after it formed. This was taken as evidence that it was blasted within an inch of its life.

Zircons also provide tentative physical evidence of a late-era hellscape. Some zircons do contain “shocked” minerals, evidence for extreme heat and pressure that can be indicative of something horrendous. Many are younger than 3 billion years, but Bell found one zircon suggesting rapid, extreme heating around 3.9 billion years ago — a possible signature of the Late Heavy Bombardment. “All we know is there is a group of recrystallized zircons at this time period. Given the coincidence with the Late Heavy Bombardment, it was too hard not to say that maybe this is connected,” she said. “But to really establish that, we will need to look at zircon records at other localities around the planet.”

So far, there are no other signs, said Aaron Cavosie of Curtin University in Australia.

Craters on the moon have been taken as evidence for the Late Heavy Bombardment, but reassessments of the geological evidence from Apollo moon rocks casts doubt on whether the asteroid bombardments during the Hadean era were as severe as was thought.

Craters on the moon have been taken as evidence for the Late Heavy Bombardment, but reassessments of the geological evidence from Apollo moon rocks casts doubt on whether the asteroid bombardments during the Hadean era were as severe as was thought.


Moon Rocks

In 2016 Patrick Boehnke, now at the University of Chicago, took another look at those original Apollo samples, which for decades have been the main evidence in favor of the Late Heavy Bombardment. He and UCLA’s Mark Harrison reanalyzed the argon isotopes and concluded that the Apollo rocks may have been walloped many times since they crystallized from the natal moon, which could make the rocks seem younger than they really are.

“Even if you solve the analytical problems,” said Boehnke, “then you still have the problem that the Apollo samples are all right next to each other.” There’s a chance that astronauts from the six Apollo missions sampled rocks from a single asteroid strike whose ejecta spread throughout the Earth-facing side of our satellite.

In addition, moon-orbiting probes like the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have found around 100 previously unknown craters, including a spike in impacts as early as 4.3 billion years ago.

“This interesting confluence of orbital data and sample data, and all different kinds of sample data — lunar impact glass, Luna samples, Apollo samples, lunar meteorites — they are all coming together and pointing to something that is not a cataclysmic spike at 3.9 billion years ago,” said Nicolle Zellner, a planetary scientist at Albion College in Michigan.

Join David Kaplan on a virtual-reality tour showing how the sun, the Earth and the other planets came to be.

Video: Join David Kaplan on a virtual-reality tour showing how the sun, the Earth and the other planets came to be.

Quanta Magazine and Chorus Films

Bottke, who studies asteroids and solar system dynamics, is one of several researchers coming up with modified explanations. He now favors a slow uptick in bombardment, followed by a gradual decline. Others think there was no late bombardment, and instead the craters on the moon and other rocky bodies are remnants from the first type of billiards, the natural process of planet building.

“We have a tiny sliver of data, and we’re trying to do something with it,” he said. “You try to build a story, and sometimes you are just chasing ghosts.”

Life Takes Hold

While it plays out, scientists will be debating much bigger questions than early solar-system dynamics.

If some of the new evidence truly represents impressions of primeval life, then our ancestors may be much older than we thought. Life might have arisen the moment the planet was amenable to it — the moment it cooled enough to hold liquid water.

“I was taught when I was young that it would take billions and billions of years for life to form. But I have not been able to find any basis for those sorts of statements,” said Valley. “I think it’s quite possible that life emerged within a few million years of when conditions became habitable. From the point of view of a microbe, a million years is a really long time, yet that’s a blink of an eye in geologic time.”

“There is no reason life could not have emerged at 4.3 billion years ago,” he added. “There is no reason.”

If there was no mass sterilization at 3.9 billion years ago, or if a few massive asteroid strikes confined the destruction to a single hemisphere, then Earth’s oldest ancestors may have been here from the haziest days of the planet’s own birth. And that, in turn, makes the notion of life elsewhere in the cosmos seem less implausible. Life might be able to withstand horrendous conditions much more readily than we thought. It might not need much time at all to take hold. It might arise early and often and may pepper the universe yet. Its endless forms, from tubemaking microbes to hunkering slime, may be too small or simple to communicate the way life does on Earth — but they would be no less real and no less alive.

Dinosaur blood cells extracted from 75-million-year-old fossil .

Jurassic Park saw dinosaurs brought back to life based on DNA preserved in the gut of a blood-sucking mosquito entombed in amber. Now we have found what appears to be real dinosaur blood inside a bog-standard fossil bone.

“We stumbled on these things completely by chance,” says Susannah Maidment of Imperial College London, whose team was trying to study bone fossilisation by cutting out tiny fragments of fossils.

Instead, they found blood-like cells and collagen from 75-million-year-old dinosaur fossils – 10 million years before T. rex appeared.

Although the cells are unlikely to contain DNA, those extracted from better preserved fossils using the same technique may do so, she says.

And even without DNA, soft tissue cells and molecules could help us learn much more about dinosaur physiology and behaviour, the team says. For example, the physical size of blood cells can reveal insights into metabolism, and the possible transition from a cold to warm-blooded existence.

So far, such soft flesh tissues were only ever found in serendipitous fossils preserved in exceptionally rare circumstances, for example, by being frozen in ice or in a dry environment free of microbes that would otherwise break down the flesh, says Maidment.

Blood cells came from this claw

“But the fossils we looked at were not rare at all,” she says. They were ordinary bones collected from the surface at the well-known Dinosaur Park Formation in Canada.

To study fossil bones, the team borrowed a medical research technique based on a focussed ion beam, that is giving clues to how blood vessels become calcified and cause heart attacks. Their intention was to study how natural bone minerals fossilise, and what happens when collagen decays in dinosaur bones.

“This beam works like a knife, with a microscopic robotic arm bearing a needle that enables you to cut out fragments of interest,” says Sergio Bertazzo, also of Imperial College London, who co-led the investigation.

Bird-like collagen fibres

Three-dimensional examinations of the blood-like cells under an electron microscope revealed that they had nuclei, so human red blood cells could not have contaminated the sample, because they have no nuclei.

And when Maidment analysed the chemical composition of the red blood cells with a technique called mass spectrometry, the spectrum was surprisingly similar to that of blood taken from a living bird, an emu, adding further evidence to it being from a dinosaur.

Maidment is now hoping to investigate more samples. “We want to understand how this preservation can occur, how far back in time it happens, and what type of rock it happens in,” she says.

The discovery was welcomed by John Asara of Harvard Medical School, whose team reported in 2007 finding collagen in a 68-million-year old T. rex and in an 80-million-year old brachylophosaurus fossil. Asara says this field of science has been barely tapped.

“Papers like this do much to advance the field, by showing that fossils are more than ‘just rocks’, and opening the door to the possibility that materials persist in ancient fossils that were not thought possible only a few years ago,” says Mary Schweitzer of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, who reported extracting blood from T. rex in 2009. “[It also] seems to indicate, like our own findings, that this is not necessarily an exceedingly rare occurrence.”

Alberta creationist Edgar Nernberg uncovers what experts say is the most important fossil finds in decades

Experts believe fossils found in Canada are 60m years old

Quite frankly, there is no better way of saying this than in the words used by a columnist from the Alberta Sun.

And so, as Michael Platt pointed out, if God works in mysterious ways, he or she also has a mischievous sense of irony.

This week, it emerged that what is being touted as Canada’s most important discovery of fossils was made by a man who is one of the country’s leading proponent of Creationism and who rejects evolution.

Reports said the fossils were found in a neighbourhood of Evanston, Alberta, during some building work carried out by Edgar Nernberg.

When Mr Nernberg is not operating a mechanical digger, he sits on the board of the Big Valley Creationist Museum, a organisation that promotes the view that evolution is wrong and that the world was created by God, as described in the bible.

Reports said that the five fossilised fish were found in a block of sandstone. The formation from which the sandstone come is estimated to be 60 million years old. Complete fossils from this time period are said to be extremely rare.

“It’s really uncommon, and these are complete fossil fish – and it’s not very often we come across complete fossils in the Calgary area,” said Darla Zelenitsky, a palaeontologist and professor of geoscience at the University of Calgary.

“I only know of a couple of occurrences in the past few decades.”

Baby Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed in Canada.

The tiny, intact skeleton of a baby rhinoceroslike dinosaur has been unearthed in Canada.

The toddler was just 3 years old and 5 feet (1.5 meters) long when it wandered into a river near Alberta, Canada, and drowned about 70 million years ago. The beast was so well-preserved that some of its skin left impressions in the nearby rock.

The fossil is the smallest intact skeleton ever found from a group of horned, plant-eating dinosaurs known as ceratopsids, a group that includes the iconic Triceratops.

 Rare find

Finding intact baby dinosaurs is incredibly rare.

“The big ones just preserve better: They don’t get eaten, they don’t get destroyed by animals,” said study co-author Philip Currie, a paleobiologist at the University of Alberta. “You always hope you’re going to find something small and that it will turn out to be a dinosaur.”

Paleontologists had unearthed a few individual bones from smaller ceratopsids in the past. But without intact juvenile skeletons, such bones aren’t very useful, as scientists don’t really know how each bone changes during each stage of the animals’ lives, Currie said.

The team was bone-hunting in Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta when Currie came upon what looked like a turtle shell sticking out from a hillside. Upon closer inspection, the fossil turned out to be a frill, the bony decorative headgear that surrounds the back of the head in ceratopsids.

When the team excavated, they found the fossilized skeleton of a tiny dinosaur they identified as a Chasmosaurus belli, a species commonly found in the area.

Drowning victim

Amazingly, almost the entire skeleton was intact, although sometime in the past, a sinkhole had opened up below the beast and the forelimbs had fallen away into an abyss. The fossil was so well-preserved that the tiny, rosettelike pattern on its skin was imprinted in the rock below the dinosaur.

Based on its size, the team estimates the dinosaur was about 3 years old — just out of infancy — when it perished. (Like humans, these dinosaurs typically take about 20 years to reach maturity, at which point they have 6.5-foot-long [2 meters] skulls and weigh 3 to 4 tons.)

The fossil was found in sediments associated with watery environments and didn’t have any bite marks or trace of injury, so it’s likely the dino toddler likely drowned.

“I think it may have just gotten trapped out of its league in terms of water current,” Currie told LiveScience.

Soon after, the baby dinosaur was buried by sediments and left untouched for millions of years.

Growth rates

Aside from being cute, the new fossil helps paleontologists understand how these plant-eating dinosaurs grew. Paleontologists can then better identify and age the myriad individual bones from juveniles discovered over the years.

Already, the team has learned that Chasmosaur juvenile frills look different from those on adults, and that limb proportions don’t change much as they grow. Predatory theropods such as Tyrannosaurus rex have disproportionately long limbs as juveniles, presumably to keep up with the adults in the pack.

By contrast, “in Chasmosaurians, the proportions are essentially the same, which probably means the adults were probably never moving that fast,” Currie said. “There was never priority for these animals to run to keep up with the adults.”

Mosquito fossil found so well-preserved still has blood in its stomach.

Scientists discover mosquito fossil so well-preserved that it still has blood in its stomach

  • The mosquito perished soon after feeding in the Middle Eocene and its body has been trapped in shale ever since
  • A team of international researchers used non-destructive mass spectrometry to create a chemical picture of the mosquito’s stomach contents
  • The find extends the fossil record of blood-feeding in this family of insects by 46 million years
Blood sucked by a mosquito that died 46 million years ago has been discovered by scientists.Researchers used a new technique to determine the nature of the animal’s last meal to prove that the insects have been feeding on blood all this time and could even have feasted on dinosaurs.The mosquito that was discovered perished soon after feeding in the Middle Eocene and its body has been trapped in shale ever since.

Researchers used a new technique to determine the nature of the mosquito's last meal

Researchers used a new technique to determine the nature of the mosquito’s last meal to prove that the insects have been feeding on blood all this time and could even have feasted on dinosaurs. The creature’s fossilised body (pictured) has been trapped in shale for 46 millions years

The animal died when the spectacular mountain ranges in Montana, where it was dug up, had just finished forming.

The ancient insect was so well-preserved because it had been trapped in shale – a type of mudstone in which organic remains decompose much more slowly – and the soft mud material that surrounded it compressed the creature’s body without distorting it.

The fine grain size of shale also preserves more details and the process of fossilisation is much like holding the fossil flat and pressing it like a book protects a dried flower.

Paleobiologist Dr Dale Greenwalt, a researcher at the Smithsonian’s National History Museum, who led the study, used a state-of-the-art technology called non-destructive mass spectrometry to produce a detailed chemical picture of the mosquito’s stomach contents.

The findings show the insects have been feeding on blood for millions of years and around 14,000 living insect species including fleas, ticks and modern mosquitoes feed on blood today.

Although this feeding strategy appears to have evolved independently across a variety of animals, fossil evidence of this behaviour is extremely rare.

The find extends the fossil record of blood-feeding in this family of insects by 46 million years, according to Dr Ralph Harbach, a researcher at the Natural history Museum in London who was involved with the study.

Dr Dale Greenwalt used non-destructive mass spectrometry

Dr Dale Greenwalt used non-destructive mass spectrometry to produce a detailed chemical picture of the mosquito’s stomach contents. The findings show the insects have been feeding on blood for millions of years and around 14,000 living insect species including fleas, ticks and modern mosquitoes (pictured) feed on blood today

After finding high levels of iron in the fossilised insect’s abdomen, the researchers analysed the specimen and identified the source as haem – the protein in the blood responsible for the transport of oxygen.

Although large and fragile molecules such as DNA generally do not survive fossilisation, the mosquito proves certain complex organic molecules such as haem can be preserved.

It was one of two mosquitoes discovered in the shale deposits that reveal just how remarkably little the parasites have changed in the last 46 million years.

The new fossils – one female and the other male – are so detailed scientists were able to determine they represent two previously unknown species.

The female, named Culiseta lemniscata, had eaten the blood meal. The male has been named Culiseta kishenehn.

Their fossils contain details as intricate as wing veins, sexual organs, scales and hair-like structures on the wings.

Richard Attenborough in the film is pictured

Dr Greenwalt said it’s not surprising that it is the first discovery of its kind despite the misconception of dinosaur DNA recovery from mosquitoes preserved in amber popularised by Jurassic Park twenty years ago – Richard Attenborough in the film is pictured

Dr Greenwalt and colleagues, whose findings are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said the preservation of the fossil was ‘extremely improbable’.

‘The insect had to take a blood meal, be blown to the water’s surface and sink to the bottom of a pond or similar structure to be quickly embedded in fine sediment – all without disruption of its fragile distended blood-filled abdomen.’

He said it is not surprising that it is the first discovery of its kind despite the misconception of dinosaur DNA recovery from mosquitoes preserved in amber popularised by Jurassic Park twenty years ago.

‘The existence of this rare specimen extends the existence of blood-feeding behaviour in this family of insects 46 million years into the past,’ Dr Greenwalt said.

‘This is the only known fossil of a blood-engorged mosquito ever found and represents the first clear evidence that some organic molecules can be preserved in a fossil of this age.

‘We made the assumption that genetic material like DNA was not preserved. We didn’t even attempt to look at it because DNA degrades very quickly.

‘Without question there are probably other things contained in this fossil. We just don’t know what they might be,’ he added.