Is Zika Virus the Next Tool For Forced Sterilization, Vaccination and Depopulation?


There is a new pathogen getting lots of attention from the mass media and the rest of the control system, and those awakened to the globalist plans may want to pay very close attention. It isn’t quite the Ebola-style scare, but it brings with it a much more focused and sinister agenda, and it’s already underway in 2016. It’s called the Zika virus scare.

In perfect timing with the current attempted rise of the new world order we’ve been witnessing over the past several months, the Zika virus scare agenda is focused on fulfilling the global elite’s depopulation agenda as we’ll see in a minute. But first let’s consider some of the history of the depopulation agenda itself.

The global elite have been clear about their goals of depopulation. Depopulation is deeply embedded into all the global plans of the new world order. It’s all part of the Malthusian belief or theory that the earth only has limited resources and, therefore, it is up to humanity (or its ruling elite) to limit its growth. The ruling elite have been selling this ideology for decades.

In 1958, author of Brave New World Aldous Huxley appeared on a national TV interview with Mike Wallace about his gloomy view of humanity. In his interview he admits at the time that humanity is being manipulated and destroyed by many forces. Huxley almost sounds like a prophet or a wise messenger for humanity with his unique smart-sounding, slow-speaking technique. But it doesn’t take a wizard to listen in to the first 3 minutes to see that Huxley’s TV appearance ultimately is about selling the Malthusian dogma of scarcity and the need for depopulation as a solution. Huxley cleverly ties “less freedom” with “overpopulation” due to scarcity of resources thus painting “depopulation” with the same virtuous brush you would paint things like “freedom”, “liberty” or “justice” with.

Depopulation is also clearly outlined in the Georgia Guidestones, a monument (by the way) whose history is fully protected by the establishment media and Wikipedia. In case you didn’t know, the identity of the person who actually paid for the monument to this day is concealed. Wikipedia states:

In June 1979, an unknown person or persons under the pseudonym R. C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure.

Wikipedia also states:

The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”

So let’s get this straight. It’s an American “Stonehenge” of historic proportion, it was built in modern times, yet mysteriously no one knows who paid for it?? Let that sink in for a minute.

I bring up the Georgia Guidestones because not only is it a listing of ten commandments for the new world order, but the first two commandments have clear implications of the goals of depopulation. The first two commandments state:

1- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2- Guide reproduction wisely— improving fitness and diversity.

Clearly the Luciferian elites who paid for these stones believe the Malthusian theory of population, and they feel population needs to be controlled. The second commandment demonstrates that controlling population is clearly something they feel needs to be done by controlling fertility and reproduction. Despite this outrage, there isn’t any criticism of this idea in Wikipedia or any establishment platform. Instead these ideas are seemingly accepted.

There is no greater control of humanity than taking control of someone’s body and their reproductive rights; and with the globalists going for it all in 2016, no one should be surprised that an effect that wasn’t traditionally there before is being attached to a virus that has been around potentially hundreds if not thousands of years.

Enter the coming Zika virus scare of 2016. The virus was first described in 1952 as a virus that causes mild symptoms that pose no real threat to humanity; that has been the story … until now that is. The establishment medical authorities are now saying that Zika virus is directly responsible for over 3000 cases of in utero (in the womb) cases of microcephaly in Brazil alone. Microcephaly is when a newborn is born with a small-sized head and it is often associated with other brain abnormalities.

This is where the story gets a little stranger. And this is where independent researchers are beginning to ask questions that could potentially expose the entire Zika virus scare as a nefarious staged agenda to stop or even force women to become sterilized in the name of stopping this “epidemic”.

Questions researchers are asking are questions like – why is the virus now being linked to microcephaly when it never was before? And, why is this explosion of microcephaly coinciding with regions of the earth (Brazil, Mexico) that have a high incidence of a disease known asphenylketonuria, which is a genetic disease where the patient has a missing enzyme that doesn’t allow them to break down an amino acid called phenylalanine. This is significant because phenylketonuria is well known to cause microcephaly not Zika virus. This is significant if not disturbing because we are being told that Brazilian medical authorities are claiming the link between the virus and microcephaly without any real scientific and medical evidence to rule out other much more common causes of microcephaly.

We should be asking questions like what if the microcephaly is being caused by something other than the Zika virus which has always been a mild virus? And, how can a virus change its infectious behavior suddenly without any other cause to explain the change? And, what if the vaccines the pregnant women are being given are chemically causing the microcephaly? How about, where is the direct evidence claimed by medical authorities that the virus is the cause?

The fact is that viruses generally don’t suddenly cause things they never caused before. And more than ever we should be vigilant and knowledgeable about these things because whether you are ready or not, the mainstream media hype and scare has already begun. The latest CNN psyop Zika virus commercial attempts to link microcephaly to Zika virus without any actual facts or science. Strikingly, the “solution” is presented as “delay getting pregnant”! And according to the World Health Organization (WHO) the Zika virus (like ISIS) is coming to your town soon, so you better be ready.

With the Olympics planned in Brazil this year, we should at least be paying attention to see how the establishment tries to spin this in terms of a global pandemic that must be dealt with by forced sterilization, forced vaccination or both. Either way it will likely be something out of the Aldous Huxley or Bill Gates new world order playbook to promote depopulation.

If nothing else, it’s about time we stop thinking that these global crises that all fit in perfectly with the new world order plans are by coincidence. And it’s time to take notice of how all the huge crises that are presented by the mass media, all seem to fit into the new world order plans in a very neat and increasingly perfect way. In light of the overall picture, we would be foolish to ignore these patterns.