What Are the Four Stages of a Cold?

The common cold causes symptoms such as a runny and stuffy nose and cough, and typically lasts 7 to 10 days. The stages of a cold include the incubation period, appearance of symptoms, remission, and recovery.

The common cold causes symptoms such as a runny and stuffy nose and cough, and typically lasts 7 to 10 days. The stages of a cold include the incubation period, appearance of symptoms, remission, and recovery.

The common cold is a mild upper respiratory infection caused by viruses. Common colds are the most frequent acute illness in the U.S. and the industrialized world, and occur more frequently in winter and spring, but they can occur any time of year. 

Common Cold Symptoms and Duration

cold usually lasts about 7 to 10 days, but some symptoms, especially runny and stuffy nose and cough, can last for up to 2 weeks. A cold usually progresses through certain stages. The stages of a cold include four stages, as described in the table below.

Stage 1: Incubation periodThis is the time between infection with a cold virus and the appearance of symptomsThis stage lasts anywhere from 12 hours to up to three days
Stage 2: Appearance and progression of symptomsSymptoms of a cold appear and usually peak within one to three days and may include: Sore throatRunny noseStuffy noseCoughingSneezingHeadachesBody achesPost-nasal dripWatery eyesFeeling unwell (malaise)Fever (more common in children) 
Stage 3: RemissionSymptoms start to lessen and eventually go away, within 3 to 10 days
Stage 4: RecoverySome lingering symptoms may be present for up to 2 weeks, but are mild and a person generally feels back to normal or close to it

What Causes a Cold?

More than 200 viruses are known to cause the common cold, but the most common type are rhinoviruses. Adenoviruses and enteroviruses are other common viruses that can cause the common cold.

Risk factors for catching a cold include:

  • Close contact with someone who has a cold
  • Season: certain viruses are more common during certain times of year
  • Age: infants and young children have more colds each year than adults

How Is a Cold Diagnosed?

The common cold is diagnosed based upon a history of the patient’s reported symptoms and a physical examination. 

Testing is not usually needed to diagnose a common cold. 

Tests may be used to rule out other infections that cause similar symptoms to the common cold:

  • Nasal swab testing for coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
  • Rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs) or rapid molecular assays for the flu (influenza)
  • Chest X-rays for lower respiratory tract infection 

What Is the Treatment for a Cold?

There is no cure for the common cold. Antibiotics do not help treat colds caused by viruses. 

Home remedies are usually used to help relieve symptoms of the common cold, such as: 

  • Rest
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • A humidifier or cool mist vaporizer to moisturize the air 
  • Breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water or shower
  • Saline nasal spray or drops to moisten nasal passages
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to relieve symptoms
  • Lozenges to relieve sore throat (do not give lozenges to young children as they can be a choking hazard)

Can I Exercise With a Cold or the Flu?

photo of runner tying shoelaces

Regular exercise plays a starring role in keeping you healthy and preventing illnesses. It strengthens your immune system and helps fight viral and bacterial infections.

Could it keep you from getting the flu this year? Or what if you’ve already come down with symptoms? Should you push yourself to work out anyway? We’ve got answers for you.

Can It Prevent the Flu or a Cold?

Maybe. The best way to stay well is to keep your immune system strong. When you exercise, your white blood cells — the ones that fight infections — travel through your body faster and do their jobs better.

Experts say you should get at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio like walking, swimming, biking, or running each day.

Regular exercise may be the ticket. And you don’t have to run a marathon, either. Moderate activity is all you need.

Some studies show that “moderate intensity” exercise may cut down the number of colds you get. That type of activity includes things like a 20- to 30-minute walk every day, going to the gym every other day, or biking with your kids a few times a week.

In one study in the American Journal of Medicine, women who walked for a half-hour every day for 1 year had half the number of colds as those who didn’t exercise. Researchers found that regular walking may lead to a higher number of white blood cells, which fight infections.

In another study, researchers found that in 65-year-olds who did regular exercise, the number of T-cells — a specific type of white blood cell — was as high as those of people in their 30s.

There are other benefits to being more active, like less stress and better sleep. Stress is bad for your body and mind. You can ease it with regular exercise. Get 7 to 8 hours sleep a night, too, because that also helps keep your body’s defenses in good shape.

On the other hand, too much exercise — like spending hours at the gym or running marathons — can bring your immune system down. Extreme workouts can slash the number of white blood cells you have and boost the level of stress hormones in your bloodstream.

Can I Work Out if I Have the Flu?

Try to take it easy. Rest gives your body a chance to recover. Your immune system works best when it isn’t in overdrive.

If you have a fever, skip the workout. People usually run a fever for 2 to 5 days when they have the flu. It means your body is battling the infection. A high temperature pulls moisture out of your body. So does a workout. If you get too dried out, it could delay your recovery.

Also, the flu is contagious. You can spread it to others for up to 7 days after your symptoms start. If you work out around other people, wait until your fever breaks and stays down on its own for at least 24 hours before you go back to your routine.

If you don’t have a fever yet but you do have other flu symptoms, talk to your doctor before you head to the gym.

What About When I Have a Cold?

It’s usually safe to do it as long as you listen to your body. You’ll need to watch out for certain risky situations.

Physical activity increases your heart rate, but so can some cold medicines. So a combo of exercise and decongestants can cause your heart to pump very hard. You may become short of breath and have trouble breathing.

If you have asthma and a cold, make sure you talk with your doctor before you exercise. It may cause you to cough and wheeze more and make you short of breath.

When your cold comes with a fever, exercise could stress your body even more. So wait a few days to get back to your regular exercise program.

Also be careful about working out too hard when you have a cold. It can make you feel worse and slow down your recovery.

Too Much Exercise May Increase Colds

It’s not a problem for most of us, but if you’re an exercise fiend, make sure you take time for rest and recovery after periods of intense training.

Your immune system works best when it isn’t stressed. Scientists say athletes who train intensely without building in recovery time are more likely to get colds or flu.

When workouts get too strenuous, the number of infection-fighting white blood cells in your body can go down. At the same time, your stress hormone cortisol may go up, which may interfere with the ability of certain immune cells to work right.

When Should You Call the Doctor About Exercise and Colds?

If you exercise with a cold, call your doctor if you notice:

  • Your chest is more congested.
  • You cough and wheeze.

Stop your activity and get emergency medical help if you:

  • Feel chest tightness or pressure
  • Have trouble breathing or get very short of breath
  • Get lightheaded or dizzy
  • Have problems with balance

Do You Have the Flu, RSV, COVID, or a Cold?

photo of sick woman lying on sofa

Winter is upon us, and with it may come runny noses, coughing, and congestion. But how do you know if you have just a common cold or one of the three respiratory viruses that make up the “tripledemic” – RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), COVID-19, and influenza? 

Based on symptoms alone, it’s difficult to tell which illness you might have. But there are clues that can point you in the right direction: how severe your symptoms are, how long it took for symptoms to set in, what viruses are circulating in your community, and more. 

We asked experts to break it down for us. 

How Viruses Set Themselves Apart – or Don’t 

Nowadays, COVID – especially for people who have received the most recent vaccine – can manifest much like a common cold, so it’s important to keep at-home tests on hand.

“Being vaccinated does keep [these viruses] from striking the chest,” said Panagis Galiatsatos, MD, a pulmonary and critical care doctor at Johns Hopkins. “Vaccinated patients may get a mild cough, but a lot of their symptoms stay more as an upper respiratory issue, like nasal congestion – like a bad cold.”  Slideshow

One of the unique symptoms of COVID, particularly in the earlier variations of the virus, was the loss of taste and smell. While this still happens in some cases, this symptom isn’t as common anymore, said Galiatsatos. More often than not, patients who have been vaccinated will report loss of smell or taste due to upper respiratory congestion, whereas in the past “it was more of a neurological invasion of the virus,” he said. 

That’s changed because so many of us now have the antibodies that protect us from the more severe consequences of COVID, from either having recovered from a previous infection, getting immunized, or a combination of the two. 

Unlike RSV, cold, and flu, COVID may also bring on some gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. While GI issues are a more uncommon symptom, it can be a sign that you should get tested for COVID. 

RSV in healthy people who are not children or over the age of 65 might look like a cold or a mild case of COVID. But for children and seniors, a telltale sign of a potential RSV infection is when a patient is wheezing or they are having asthma flares, said Peter Chin-Hong, MD, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco. 

What the Timing of Symptoms Can Tell Us 

Common cold symptoms tend to come on fairly quickly, explained Chin-Hong. If you get RSV, on the other hand, it may take 4 to 6 days before symptoms show. Flu viruses are a totally different story. 

“The special characteristic of flus is the abrupt onset of symptoms,” Chin-Hong said. “You might be minding your own business, feeling OK, and then all of the sudden you get in your car and you feel like you’ve been hit by a dump truck.” 

COVID also has some unique symptomatic features. You may not have symptoms at all, or you might have mild, cold-like symptoms for a week before the symptoms worsen and the infection becomes more serious. 

“COVID has this biphasic pattern, whereas colds and RSV don’t – it’s when you are kind of doing OK, and then you fall off a cliff,” said Chin-Hong. “That’s why early treatment with Paxlovid or remdesivir is so important because it can prevent that second phase from happening.” 

For Galiatsatos, getting tested for COVID should be your first instinct – and getting two negative tests within a 24-hour period should encourage you to seek out a flu test at a local health care facility if you’re able to. Staying on top of testing can get you access to the right antivirals, like Tamiflu, which can shorten symptoms by a day or more. And when you come down with the flu, those couple of days can make a world of difference. 

Just assuming you have COVID and not testing could be a mistake, especially if you end up having long-lasting respiratory symptoms of the virus. 

“One of the things that broke my heart was so many patients who have come into my clinic with symptoms of long COVID, but they never got tested. I can’t test their antibodies anymore because those antibodies could be from an older infection or vaccine,” said Galiatsatos. “It’s hard to get insurance companies to pay for long COVID tests if there wasn’t a positive COVID test to begin with.” 

COVID, flu, RSV – how this triple threat of respiratory viruses could collide this winter

As the days get shorter and the weather colder in the northern hemisphere, health officials have warned of a perfect storm of infectious respiratory diseases over the winter months.

Outbreaks of seasonal diseases like influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are already putting pressure on the overburdened NHS. If surges of these illnesses collide with another large COVID wave, we could be facing a public health disaster. Some have called this threat a “tripledemic”.

But how can we realistically expect the winter to play out? To try to answer this question, we can look at the recent and current trends of some of the most common winter infections in the UK.

1. COVID-19

Let’s start with the most obvious one, SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). The UK has so far been through multiple COVID waves, fuelled by a combination of behavioural changes, emerging variants and waning immunity.

A graph showing the number of COVID cases and PCR positivity rate in the UK up to October 30, 2022.
The trajectory of COVID cases in England over the past year.

In contrast to the large epidemic last winter, more recent waves have been relatively small. And despite initial concerns about a significant winter surge this year, the number of COVID cases is currently decreasing. But the pandemic isn’t over yet, and what will happen next is highly uncertain.

So far, there’s mixed evidence as to whether COVID is worse in cold weather. But during winter, people tend to stay indoors more and reduce ventilation, giving viruses more opportunity to spread.

In an optimistic scenario, small-scale outbreaks might continue into the winter as COVID becomes “endemic”.

Previous COVID waves have largely been driven by single dominant variants – alpha and delta in 2020-21 and omicron in 2021-22. This time, the many “descendants” of omicron are multiplying worldwide, and the current spread is instead caused by a mixture of variants peaking in different countries at different times.

But it is possible that if a highly transmissible variant emerges this winter, it might cause another large wave of infections.

2. Influenza

Seasonal influenza is a respiratory infection caused by four types of viruses, two of which (A and B) are common and can cause severe illness, hospitalisation and death, particularly in vulnerable people.

Flu is highly seasonal in climates like in the UK, partly because people spend more time indoors. The virus itself also appears to favour low temperatures and low humidity.

Not unlike COVID, factors including waning immunity and the evolution of influenza viruses also drive repeated outbreaks.

A graph showing the number of flu cases and weekly positivity rate in England over recent years.
Influenza infections in England over recent years, compared with the current season.

Flu seasons usually start in November, with cases peaking from December to March. In some years, the outbreaks are particularly severe, as in the UK in 2018.

Flu responded the same way COVID did to non-pharmaceutical interventions, including lockdown restrictions and mask-wearing. The number of cases in the 2020-21 winter was very low. It came back the following season later in the year, but was still limited.

There is concern that the long period during which our bodies were not exposed to the flu might have created an “immunity gap” making us particularly vulnerable this year.

Australia saw the worst seasonal flu outbreak in five years during its recent winter, coinciding with a large COVID surge. While it’s still early to see what the 2022-23 winter will bring in the northern hemisphere, the current outbreak in England is early and large compared with pre-pandemic years.

3. RSV

RSV is a common winter virus which usually causes mild coughs and colds but occasionally results in serious infections like bronchiolitis and pneumonia, particularly in young children.

A graph showing RSV hospitalisations in England over recent years.
Weekly hospital admissions for RSV in England over recent years, compared with the current season.

In pre-pandemic years it followed a seasonal pattern, with most cases occurring in early winter. After a hiatus in 2020-21, many cases were registered out of season in the summer of 2021. This unusual pattern is again suspected to result from a loss of immunity.

The seasonal pattern seems to be returning, but this autumn has already seen high hospitalisation numbers.

4. Common cold viruses

Common colds are caused by a variety of pathogens, including rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, and other coronaviruses.

Like flu, the onset of the more benign coronaviruses generally occurs in November, with the peak between January and March. Rhinoviruses and enteroviruses tend to peak in autumn rather than in winter.

A graph showing the number of rhinovirus cases and weekly positivity rate in England over recent years.
Rhinovirus infections in England over recent years, compared with the current season.

The 2021-22 rhinovirus season was similar to pre-pandemic trends, but we’re seeing higher numbers so far this year. The infection is usually mild, and most people quickly recover, but severe cases in vulnerable people can add to the pressure on hospitals.

Protecting ourselves

This winter, the UK will probably face high pressure from respiratory viruses. Cases of seasonal diseases are possibly higher due to the lack of exposure during the lockdowns. In addition, some research suggests COVID infections might affect people’s immunity, putting them at higher risk of infection with other viruses.

To reduce the spread of respiratory viruses, we can continue with measures like ventilation, mask-wearing and hand-washing.

We can also strengthen our immune systems, for example with proper nutrition and exercise.

And although we don’t have vaccines available for RSV or common cold viruses, COVID and flu vaccines are an important tool to prevent severe illness this winter.

Scientists Use mRNA Technology for Universal Flu Vaccine

Two years ago, when the first COVID-19 vaccines were administered marked a game-changing moment in the fight against the pandemic. But it also was a significant moment for messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which up until then had shown promise but had never quite broken through. 

Now, scientists hope to use this technology to develop more vaccines, with those at the University of Pennsylvania hoping to use that technology to pioneer yet another first: a universal flu vaccine that can protect us against all flu types, not just a select few. 

It’s the latest advance in a new age of vaccinology, where vaccines are easier and faster to produce, and more flexible and customizable. 

“It’s all about covering the different flavors of flu in a way the current vaccines cannot do,” says Ofer Levy, MD, PhD, director of the Precision Vaccines Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, who is not involved with the UPenn research. “The mRNA platform is attractive here given its scalability and modularity, where you can mix and match different mRNAs.” 

A paper published in Science reports successful animal tests of the experimental vaccine, which, like the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines, relies on mRNA. But the idea is not to replace the annual flu shot. It’s to develop a primer that could be administered in childhood, readying the body’s B cells and T cells to react quickly if faced with a flu virus. 

It’s all part of a National Institutes of Health-funded effort to develop a universal flu vaccine, with hopes of heading off future flu pandemics. Annual shots protect against flu subtypes known to spread in humans. But many subtypes circulate in animals, like birds and pigs, and occasionally jump to humans, causing pandemics. 

“The current vaccines provide very little protection against these other subtypes,” says lead study author Scott Hensley, PhD, a professor of microbiology at UPenn. “We set out to make a vaccine that would provide some level of immunity against essentially every influenza subtype we know about.” 

That’s 20 subtypes altogether. The unique properties of mRNA vaccines make immune responses against all those antigens possible, Hensley says. 

How Do COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work?

Some of the COVID-19 vaccines are known as mRNA shots. How are they different from traditional vaccines? And do they contain the real virus?

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Old-school vaccines introduce a weakened or dead bacteria or virus into the body, but mRNA vaccines use mRNA encoded with a protein from the virus. That’s the “spike” protein for COVID, and for the experimental vaccine, it’s hemagglutinin, the major protein found on the surface of all flu viruses.

Mice and ferrets that had never been exposed to the flu were given the vaccine and produced high levels of antibodies against all 20 flu subtypes. Vaccinated mice exposed to the exact strains in the vaccine stayed pretty healthy, while those exposed to strains not found in the vaccine got sick but recovered quickly and survived. Unvaccinated mice exposed to the flu strain died. 

The vaccine seems to be able to “induce broad immunity against all the different influenza subtypes,” Hensley says, preventing severe illness if not infection overall. 

Whether it could truly stave off a pandemic that hasn’t happened yet is hard to say, Levy cautions. 

“We are going to need to better learn the molecular rules by which these vaccines protect,” he says.

But the UPenn team is forging ahead, with plans to test their vaccine in human adults in 2023 to determine safety, dosing, and antibody response. 

Study finds similar trends in flu, antibiotic resistance

Periods of high influenza activity in the United States seem to correspond with high rates of antibiotic resistance in both respiratory and nonrespiratory infections, researchers found.

Kalvin Yu

“These associations do not imply causality, as the causes of [antibiotic resistance] are multifactorial,” Kalvin Yu, MD, FIDSA, vice president of medical and scientific affairs at Becton, Dickinson and Company, and colleagues wrote in Open Forum Infectious Diseases. “However, they provide important insights into [antibiotic resistance] trends that may help health systems strategically allocate resources, including vaccination drives and antimicrobial stewardship initiatives.”

Source: Adobe Stock.
Researchers found corresponding high laboratory-confirmed influenza rates and antibacterial resistance rates in both respiratory and nonrespiratory sources.

Yu said they conducted the study “because we had seen seasonal fluctuations in both resistance patterns and select antimicrobial use during what appeared to be periods of flu peaks.”

“Frontline clinicians have anecdotally reported encountering increasing bacterial resistance in patients during cold and flu season, possibly due to a surge in more complicated patient admission,” Yu told Healio. “To our knowledge, there has not been validation of this in any large-scale research.”

Yu and colleagues used a Becton, Dickinson and Company database to evaluate antibiotic susceptibility profiles from patients aged older than 17 years at 257 health care facilities between 2011 and 2019. They investigated antibiotic resistance in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and used modeling to evaluate monthly trends in antibiotic resistance and associations with community influenza rates.

Overall, they identified more than 8.2 million pathogens — 154,841 gram-negative carbapenem-nonsusceptible, 1,502,796 gram-negative fluoroquinolone-nonsusceptible, 498,012 MRSA, and 44,131 nonsusceptible S. pneumoniae. They found that all S. pneumoniae rates per 100 admissions (macrolide-, penicillin-, and extended-spectrum cephalosporins-nonsusceptible) and respiratory MRSA were associated with influenza rates. For gram-negative pathogens, influenza rates were associated with fluoroquinolone-nonsusceptible Enterobacterales, fluoroquinolone-nonsusceptible Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and carbapenem-nonsusceptible Acinetobacter baumannii species.

“It’s our hope that these findings may inform targeted antimicrobial stewardship initiatives from a clinical and operational perspective in preparation for and during cold and flu season and provide much-needed support for vaccination programs, which would decrease secondary bacterial coinfections and resulting antibiotic use,” Yu said.

“Because our data collection ended in 2019, more research is needed to better understand changes in antibiotic treatment patterns in response to COVID-19 infections, particularly for those living with underlying or chronic conditions.”

8 Evidence-Based Things You Can Do to Help Beat a Cold or The Flu

This year’s flu season is not messing around.

As the virus has swept the US in recent months, people have turned to some strange habits to keep illness at bay, like chugging orange juice, “starving” their fevers, and taking antibiotics. (Spoiler: None of these will help.)

Orange juice is high in sugar and there’s little to no evidence that the vitamin C it contains helps beat viruses.

Depriving yourself of nutrients while you’re sick may also backfire; your weakened immune system needs nutrients to fight off illness. And antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses – which characterise both the flu and the common cold.

Instead, there are several research-backed steps you can take to fight off illness.

Keep in mind, too, that the symptoms of the flu and the common cold can be very similar, but these preventive and defensive tips should help in most cases.

1. Gargle with plain water

If you’re just starting to feel a cold coming on, try gargling with plain water. A study of close to 400 healthy volunteers published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that those who gargled with plain water were significantly less likely to come down with upper-respiratory-tract infections (URTIs) – a type of infection often linked with colds and the flu – during the study period.

The researchers concluded that “simple water gargling was effective to prevent URTIs among healthy people.”

2. Have some chicken soup

Strangely enough, several recent studies have suggested that chicken soup may actually reduce the symptoms of a cold.

The jury’s still out on precisely why this old-school remedy appears to help, but the available evidence suggests that some component of the soup helps calm down the inflammation that triggers many cold symptoms.

For a study published in the journal Chest, the official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians, researchers found that chicken soup appeared to slow the movement of neutrophils, the white blood cells that are the hallmark of acute infection.

In an attempt to decipher precisely which part of the soup was beneficial, they also tested some of the components individually, and concluded that both the vegetables and the chicken appeared to have “inhibitory activity”.

3. Get plenty of rest

Getting enough sleep – somewhere between seven and nine hours a night – is key to a properly functioning immune system, which plays a critical role in both helping fight off an existing cold and defending you against a new one.

For a 2009 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers tracked the sleep habits of 153 healthy men and women for two weeks to get a sense of their sleep patterns.

Then, they gave them nasal drops containing rhinovirus, also known as the common cold, and monitored them for five more days.

Volunteers who regularly got less than seven hours of sleep were nearly three times more likely to come down with the cold than those who slept eight hours or more each night.

4. Try a zinc supplement or lozenge

Unlike vitamin C, which studies have found likely does nothing to prevent or treat the common cold, zinc may actually be worth a shot this season.

The mineral seems to interfere with the replication of rhinoviruses, the bugs that cause the common cold.

In a 2011 review of studies of people who’d recently gotten sick, researchers looked at those who’d started taking zinc and compared them with those who just took a placebo. The ones on zinc had shorter colds and less severe symptoms.

Zinc is a trace element that the cells of our immune system rely on to function. Not getting enough zinc (Harvard Medical School researchers recommend 15-25 mg of zinc per day) can affect the functioning of our T-cells and other immune cells.

But it’s also important not to get too much: an excess of the supplement may actually interfere with the immune system’s functioning and have the opposite of the intended result.

5. For aches and pains, acetaminophen (Tylenol) or (Advil) may help

Over-the-counter pain medications like Advil and Tylenol can help with the aches and pains that often accompany colds and the flu. The research on which one provides superior relief for viruses is inconclusive, however.

A 2013 study published in the British Medical Journal that looked at close to 1,000 people with upper-respiratory infections (not colds) suggested that Tylenol provided stronger relief, but it’s important to keep in mind that because Advil is an anti-inflammatory, it may be better for soothing swollen glands.

6. Use honey to soothe a cough

If you hate the taste of cough syrup, you’re in luck: The WHO actually recommends honey as a cough medication for children.

A 2012 Pediatrics study of 300 children who’d been sick for a week or less found that those who were given 10 grams of honey at bedtime had fewer cough symptoms (compared with those who were given a placebo).

Oddly enough, the kids given honey also slept more soundly.

7. If your nasal passages are blocked, try a decongestant and skip the Vicks.

According to Jay L. Hoecker, an emeritus member of the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine at the Mayo Clinic, menthol rubs like Vicks VapoRub won’t help relieve a stuffy nose.

Instead, the “strong menthol odor of VapoRub tricks your brain, so you feel like you’re breathing through an unclogged nose,” he wrote in a recent post for the Clinic.

What he recommends for congestion are over-the-counter decongestant tablets like Sudafed and nasal sprays, which studies suggest may narrow the blood vessels in the lining of your nose and help reduce swelling.

8. If your stomach is also upset, ginger can provide some relief.

Sometimes, getting a cold seems to throw our whole body out of whack. If you’re also feeling nauseated, bloated, or experiencing indigestion, ginger may help.

A study published in the British Journal of Anesthesia comparing people taking a placebo with those taking ginger found that just one gram of the root was helpful in alleviating symptoms of seasickness, morning sickness, and nausea induced by chemotherapy.

Ginger may also be helpful for relieving gas and indigestion in general, Stephen Hanauer, a professor of gastroenterology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, told Prevention.

The root speeds up stomach emptying and helps release gas, Hanauer said.

More Bad Flu News: It’s Tied to Heart Attack Risk

A bad case of the flu can trigger a short-lived, but substantial, spike in some people’s heart attack risk, new research suggests.

Among 332 heart attack patients, the complication was six times more likely to strike following a bout of the flu, researchers reported.

The findings come in the midst of a particularly brutal flu season.

Across the United States, flu-related hospitalizations are spiking, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The most recent figures put the rate at 31.5 hospitalizations per 100,000 Americans, versus only 13.7 per 100,000 two weeks earlier.

The Canadian researchers said their findings underscore some longstanding advice: Get a yearly flu shot, especially if you’re at increased risk of a heart attack.

 “If you have heart disease, you take it as gospel that you should do things like take your cholesterol medication and keep your blood pressure under control,” said lead researcher Dr. Jeffrey Kwong.

“You should look at the yearly flu shot that way, too,” said Kwong, a scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, in Toronto.

Studies have long shown that flu infection is linked to an increased risk of heart attack in people who are vulnerable.

And for years, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and other groups have recommended that people with heart disease get an annual flu shot.

But the new findings strengthen the theory that a flu infection can actually trigger a heart attack, according to Dr. Andy Miller, chair-elect of the ACC’s Board of Governors. However, the study did not prove that the flu can cause a heart attack.

Still, “there’s a growing line of evidence that inflammation, and interventions that reduce inflammation, are important in heart attack risk,” said Miller, who was not involved in the study.

He explained how a flu infection could, in theory, cause trouble: If a person already has artery-clogging plaques, a bout of the flu could cause inflammation — body-wide and within blood vessels — that then causes a plaque to rupture. When a plaque breaks apart, it can completely block an artery supplying the heart, causing a heart attack.

The new study was able to look at how people’s heart attack risk changed in relation to the timing of a flu infection.

Kwong’s team started with nearly 20,000 Ontario adults who’d come down with a case of the flu that was confirmed through lab testing. Out of that group, 332 were hospitalized for a heart attack within a year.

On average, the study found, patients were six times more likely to suffer their heart attack in the week after their flu infection was confirmed — as compared with the year before, or the year after.

The patients also faced a higher risk shortly after coming down with other respiratory infections, the findings showed.

According to Kwong, the patients likely had severe infections — bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor and lab testing. So it’s not clear, he noted, whether milder cases would carry the same risk.

Nor can the study say what the absolute risk of heart attack would be for any one person who catches the flu, Kwong said.

But, Miller added, out of 20,000 people with serious flu infections, relatively few had a heart attack over the next year.

The flu shot is imperfect: It’s no guarantee against infection, and it works better during some flu seasons than others. But, Kwong pointed out, “even some protection is better than no protection.”

Still, other measures — like regular hand washing — are important, too. And everyone can help out by staying home when they are sick and not exposing others to their infection, Kwong advised.

Miller stressed that people at risk of heart attack should focus on all of their risk factors, during flu season and otherwise.

 “Address all of the traditional risk factors you have — obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,” he said. “Getting the flu shot is one additional intervention to take.”

Big Pharma Has the Flu

Flu vaccines make pharma companies $3 billion a year and aren’t very effective. Without a Manhattan Project-style initiative to modernize immunizations, things aren’t going to get any better.

A week ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed what people have been suspecting: This flu season is one of the worst in recent memory. It’s on track to match the 2014-2015 season in which 34 million Americans got the flu, and about 56,000 people—including 148 children—died.

One reason behind the high toll is a mismatch between one of the flu viruses infecting people and one of the viral strains chosen almost a year ago for the global vaccine recipe, which gets rewritten every year. The dominant strain this winter is one called H3N2, which historically causes more severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths than other strains. When the flu swept through Australia last summer, the effectiveness of the H3N2 component of the vaccine was only about 10 percent. The CDC doesn’t yet have a hard estimate for effectiveness in the United States but thinks it might be near 30 percent.

That mismatch is a bad piece of biological luck. But we should consider it a warning.

We’ve long known that our flu vaccines aren’t built to last, or to tackle every strain. But pharma companies don’t have an incentive to research drugs that will make them less money—not while current vaccines are good enough to make them $3 billion a year. To drive those new vaccines forward, medicine needs a Manhattan Project-style investment, pulling on resources outside the drug industry to force a new generation of vaccines into existence.

It’s well-known inside medicine, and little appreciated outside it, that flu vaccines aren’t as protective as most people assume. In January, the CDC collated data on flu-vaccine effectiveness from 2004 up through last year. There was no flu season in which the vaccine protected more than 60 percent of recipients. In the worst season, 2004-2005, effectiveness sank to 10 percent. That’s very different from childhood vaccines. As Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, lamented at a meeting last summer: “The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is 97 percent effective; yellow fever vaccine is 99 percent effective.”

The flu virus itself is to blame. The measles virus that threatens a child today is no different from the one that circulated 50 years ago, so across those 50 years, the same vaccine formula has worked just fine. But flu viruses—and there are always a few around at once—change constantly, and each year vaccine formulators must race to catch up.

The dream is to develop a “universal flu vaccine,” one that could be given once or twice in toddlerhood like an MMR vaccine, or boosted a few times in your life as whooping-cough shots are. That is a substantial scientific challenge because the parts of the flu virus that don’t change from year to year—and thus could evoke long-lasting immunity—are hidden away in the virus, masked by the parts that change all the time.

A handful of academic teams are competing to build such a new shot. They’re tinkering with the proteins that protrude from the virus, trying to take off their ever-changing heads so the immune system can respond to their conserved, unchanging stalks. They’re creating chimeric viruses from several proteins fused together, and they’re emptying out viral envelopes or engineering nanoparticles to provoke immunity in unfamiliar ways. Several of those strategies look promising in animal studies but haven’t been tested in humans. There are substantial hurdles to putting any formula into a human arm—including the fundamental one of figuring out what level of immune reaction signals that a new formula is protective enough.

And then, of course, there’s the fact that creating a new vaccine is expensive. It includes not just the cost of research and development, clinical trials, and licensing—generally accepted, across the pharma industry, to take 10 to 15 years and about $1 billion—but also the price tag for building a new manufacturing facility, which can top $600 million. Contrast that to the expenses of making the current vaccines, which use equipment and processes not changed in decades. A 2013 World Health Organization analysis pegged each manufacturers’ cost of refreshing the annual vaccine at $5 million to $18 million per year.

Now consider this: Right now, millions of people, roughly 100 million just in the United States, receive the flu vaccine every year. If those shots were converted to once or twice or four times in a lifetime, manufacturers would lose an enormous amount of sales and would need to price a new vaccine much higher per dose to recoup.

“What’s the business model here? Am I going to spend more than $1 billion to make a vaccine when I can only sell $20 million worth of doses?” Michael Osterholm asks.

The founder of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, and a former adviser to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Osterholm has been pushing for years to get people to notice that the market structure for the flu vaccine works against innovation. “Think about this,” he told me. “If you get a licensed product, which can take billions of dollars to achieve, how are you going to get a return on investment unless you are able to charge an exorbitant amount?”

This isn’t a hypothetical. Take the case of FluMist: As Osterholm’s CIDRAP group revealed in a 2012 report, The Compelling Need for Game-Changing Influenza Vaccines, the vaccine manufacturer MedImmune expended more than $1 billion to develop the novel nasal-spray flu vaccine. In 2009, its first year on the market, FluMist earned just $145 million. And in 2016 and 2017, a CDC advisory body recommended against using the spray at all, saying its rate of effectiveness had sunk to 3 percent.

Examples such as FluMist, Osterholm’s group wrote in their report, make it unlikely that any manufacturer will embark on a new flu vaccine or that VCs will fund them. “We could find no evidence that any private-sector investment source, including venture capital or other equity investors or current vaccine manufacturers, will be sufficient to carry one, yet alone multiple, potential novel-antigen influenza vaccines across the multiyear expenses of production,” they wrote.

As it happens, another sector of medicine is grappling with a similar problem. Since about 2000, pharma manufacturers have largely abandoned antibiotics because of a similar mismatch between investment and reward. Like vaccines, antibiotics are priced low and used for short amounts of time—unlike the lucrative cardiovascular or cancer drugs you’ll see advertised on TV and in magazines.

One answer to the funding gap has been a public-private research accelerator, CARB-X. It was founded in 2016 to dispense $455 million from the US government and a matching amount from the Wellcome Trust in England to support risky early stage research into new antibiotic compounds. Another proposal, put forward by the British Review on Antimicrobial Resistance but not yet enacted, would give roughly $1 billion in no strings “market entry rewards” to companies that get new compounds all the way through trials to licensure, counting on the cash grant to repay R&D expenses.

Osterholm thinks flu vaccines need research support, market rewards, sales guarantees, and more—a matrix of investment in research, manufacturing, and research leadership that he likens to the Manhattan Project, the all-in federal effort to build atomic bombs to bring an end to World War II. Only governments have the power to organize that scale of project, he thinks, and only private philanthropy, on the scale of the Gates Foundation or the Wellcome Trust, has the resources and the flexibility.

And he may be right. What’s clear is that the current flu vaccine market is broken. It’s important to think about that now, because this flu season marks the 100th anniversary of the worst flu known to history: The world-spanning 1918 influenza, which killed an estimated 100 million people in little more than a year. Flu pandemics arrive irregularly, and no one has been able to predict when the worst of them will come again. It would be smart of us to fix the vaccine problem before it arrives.

7 Sleep Tips for a Cold or the Flu

How can you get the rest you need when a stuffy nose and hacking cough make sleep hard to come by?

  1. Prop yourself up. Sinus pressure gets better when your head is higher than your body, so let gravity work for you. When you lie down, postnasal drip can build up, making your throat sore and triggering a cough. Make a wedge with a few pillows to prop yourself up in bed. You may breathe and sleep a little easier.
  2. Use a vaporizer or humidifier. Flu and cold symptoms dry your airways out and make them raw. Moisturize the air with a humidifier or vaporizer. Be sure to clean it regularly — check the directions — so it doesn’t trap mold or bacteria.
  3. Drink or eat something hot. Breathing the steam from hot soup or drinks can help your dried-out nasal passages, loosen mucus, and make it easier to clear your airways. Add some honey to soothe your throat and help with cough. Take a hot bath or shower before bed.
  4. Try cold and flu medicines. There are lots of over-the-counter nighttime medicines for cold and flu symptoms, so make sure you read the labels carefully. Match your symptoms with the right meds. If you’re not sure what’s right for your symptoms, ask your pharmacist.
  5. Don’t drink alcohol. Sure, it may make you drowsy. But it actually makes people wake up more during the night. Alcohol can also dry you out, swell your sinuses, and react badly with cold or flu medicines. Wait until you’re feeling better.
  6. Sleep alone. When you’re sick, it may be better to sleep away from your partner. That way you won’t risk spreading the sickness. And you can cough, blow your nose, and get out of bed without waking someone else up.
  7. Can’t sleep? Get up. Try something else. Sit in a chair and read for a little while. Listen to music. Then get back into bed when you feel sleepier.