Surprise: Having a few drinks makes YOU more attractive

When you drink a lot of alcohol, everyone looks slightly more beautiful, (or at least less objectionable) and you’re more likely to walk up to someone you normally wouldn’t approach. But how is this possible?

A group of alcohol consumers were asked to complete an attractiveness-rating task

To find out more about this phenomenon, researchers of the University of Bristolasked a group of “alcohol consumers” (20 women and 20 men) to complete an attractiveness-rating task. The volunteers were presented images of individuals photographed while sober, after having 250ml of wine and after 500ml of wine. They were then asked to rate which image was more attractive.

The result was remarkable, moderate alcohol consumption does increase attraction

The results were surprising, according to recently published research, moderate alcohol consumption increases attractiveness. Not only do tipsy people think others are more attractive – even the sober people appear to like people who have had a drink or two more. However, whereas moderate alcohol consumption did increase the attractiveness, the effect disappears… the more you get off the rails, shall we say..

A lightly glowing face is associated to an healthy and attractive person

But why should we become more attractive after having a drink? The scientists believe it probably has something to do with that your blood vessels dilate slightly, causing a light blush on your face. A slightly glowing face is something we interpret as healthy and attractive. (Unless, you know, it’s the radioactive kind. Though I’m sure some people are into that, too.)

Another reason why someone could be rated as better-looking is the fact that we feel a little bit more relaxed after having a few drinks. This causes our face muscles to relax and smile subtly.

In short, it all comes down to the fact that moderate consumption can give you an advantage, but heavy drinking remains bad for you – and as you can see it’s not only bad for your health.