Management of dyslipidemias with fibrates, alone and in combination with statins: role of delayed-release fenofibric acid Vascular Health and Risk Management 

Moutzouri E et al. – Fibrates are well known for their beneficial effects in triglycerides, high–density lipoprotein cholesterol, and LDL–C subspecies modulation. Fenofibrate is the most commonly used fibric acid derivative, exerts beneficial effects in several lipid and nonlipid parameters, and is considered the most suitable fibrate to combine with a statin. However, in clinical practice this combination raises concerns about safety. ABT–335 is the newest formulation designed to overcome the drawbacks of older fibrates, particularly in terms of pharmacokinetic properties. It has been extensively evaluated both as monotherapy and in combination with atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, and simvastatin in a large number of patients with mixed dyslipidemia for up to 2 years and appears to be a safe and effective option in the management of dyslipidemia.