Cash + Peer Pressure Works for Weight Loss, Study Finds.

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Dieters are more likely to stick with a weight-loss challenge when they’re competing against peers, a new study finds. Here, Everyday Health readers share what keeps them motivated.


If you want to slim down before swimsuit season, joining the office wellness program can motivate you to lose weight — as long as you’re competing as part of a group, researchers from the University of Michigan Health System report in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

When weight-loss awards were based on group performance rather than individual, participants lost nearly three times the amount of weight, researchers said.

The study examined two employee wellness incentive strategies among obese participants at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In the first group, individuals were offered $100 for each month they met or exceeded weight loss goals. In the second group, individuals were sorted into groups of five in which $500 was split among the participants who met their goals, meaning some could earn more than $100 if other members of the group didn’t meet their goals.

After six months, the group approach was far more successful.

Losing Weight With a Group

Now, as corporate weight loss challenges become more popular, researchers want to identify which kind of group competition is the best at encouraging weight loss.

“Approaches such as The Biggest Loser have received popular attention as ways to harness group dynamics to encourage weight loss, but the winner-take-all nature could be discouraging for everyone but the most successful person,” said lead author Jeffrey T. Kullgren, MD, in a release. “We need more data to compare how different group-based approaches stack up against each other.”

Everyday Health reader Alana He said on Facebook that the group approach works for her. “Over the last month, my friends and I have been doing a 30 day challenge — 30 minutes [of exercise] every day for 30 days,” she said. “If we miss a day, we owe a dollar. This motivation really worked for me! Only missed two days, and feeling great!”

Other readers said they love exercising with friends to stay accountable. But most report that neither cash nor peer pressure is what really makes them hit the gym and eat right — it’s the intrinsic benefits of weight loss, including self-esteem, confidence, and mental health.

“What motivates me now after losing 50+ pounds is just how much better I feel,” said GJ Dubar. “It’s hard, but it’s worth it.”

Said Pandora Williams: “Motivation and inspiration for me comes from the positive examples I see around me, from hearing others’ success stories, from seeing the changes in my body, and from other people cheering me on.”

If a group weight-loss challenge is what you need to stick to your goals, good news: Starting in 2014, the Affordable Care Act expands employers’ ability to reward employees who meet health status goals through corporate wellness programs. Rewards may include premium discounts or rebates, lower cost-sharing requirements, or extra benefits related to employer-sponsored health coverage.